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Cloud Native Java Designing Resilient

Systems with Spring Boot Spring Cloud

and Cloud Foundry 1st Edition Long
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1. Foreword
2. Preface
1. Conventions Used in This Book
2. Using Code Examples
3. Safari® Books Online
4. How to Contact Us
5. Acknowledgments
3. 1. Bootcamp: Introducing Spring Boot
1. Getting Started with the Spring Tool Suite
1. Installing Spring Tool Suite
2. Spring Boot Starters
3. Getting Started with the Spring Initializr
1. Generating Spring Boot applications
4. The Spring Guides
5. Auto-Configuration
1. Spring Boot Configuration
4. 2. The Cloud Native Application
1. Platforms
1. Building Platforms
2. The Patterns
3. Netflix’s Story
1. Splitting the Monolith
2. Netflix OSS
4. The Twelve Factors
5. 3. 12-Factor Application Style Configuration
1. The Confusing Conflation of “Configuration”
2. Support in Spring framework
1. The PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
2. The Environment Abstraction and @Value
3. Profiles
3. Bootiful Configuration
4. Centralized, Journaled Configuration with the Spring Cloud
Configuration Server
1. Security
5. Refreshable Configuration
6. Next Steps
6. 4. Testing
1. Testing in Spring Boot
2. Integration Testing
1. Test Slices
2. Mocking in Tests
3. Testing Annotations
3. End-to-end Testing
1. Testing Distributed Systems
2. Consumer-driven Contract Testing
3. Spring Cloud Contracts
4. Continuous Integration
5. Functional Testing
4. Behavior-driven Testing
7. 5. REST APIs
1. Leonard Richardson’s Maturity Model
2. Simple REST APIs with Spring MVC
3. Content Negotiation
1. Reading and Writing Binary Data
2. Using Google Protocol Buffers
4. Error Handling
5. Hypermedia
1. Media Type and Schema
6. API Versioning
7. Documenting REST APIs
8. The Client Side
1. REST Clients for Ad-Hoc Exploration and Interaction
2. The RestTemplate
8. 6. Managing Data
1. Modeling Data
2. NoSQL
2. Spring Data
1. Structure of a Spring Data Application
2. Domain Class
3. Repositories
4. Organizing Java Packages for Domain Data
3. Auto-configuration
4. Bootstrapping Datasource Dependencies
1. Datasource Connections
5. JDBC Template
6. Spring Data Examples
7. Spring Data JPA
8. Spring Data MongoDB
9. Spring Data Neo4j
10. Spring Data Redis
1. Caching
11. Next Steps
9. 7. Data Integration
1. Distributed Transactions
2. The Saga Pattern
3. Batch workloads with Spring Batch
4. Scheduling
5. Isolating Failures and Graceful Degradation
6. Task Management
7. Process-Centric Integration with Workflow
8. Event Driven Architectures with Spring Integration
1. Messaging Endpoints
2. From Simple Components, Complex Systems
9. Message Brokers, Bridges, the Competing Consumer Pattern and
10. Spring Cloud Stream
1. A Stream Producer
2. A Stream Consumer
11. Spring Cloud Data flow
1. Streams
2. Tasks
12. Next Steps
10. 8. Using Spring Boot with Java EE
1. Compatibility and Stability
2. Dependency Injection with JSR 330 (and JSR 250)
3. Building REST APIs with JAX-RS (Jersey)
4. JTA and XA Transaction Management
1. Resource-Local Transactons with Spring’s
2. Global Transactions with the Java Transaction API (JTA)
5. Deployment in a Java EE Environment
6. Final Word
11. 9. Service Brokers
1. Cloud Foundry
2. Services Marketplace
1. Creating Services
2. Binding Applications
3. Cloud Foundry Service Brokers
3. Cloud Controller
4. Service Broker API
5. Implementing a Service Broker with Spring Boot
1. Amazon S3 Service Broker
2. The Service Catalog
3. Service Instances
4. Service Bindings
6. Deploying the Service Broker
1. Releasing with BOSH
2. Releasing with Cloud Foundry
3. Consuming Service Instances
4. Extending Spring Boot
12. 10. The Forklifted Application
1. The Contract
2. Migrating Application Environments
1. the Out-of-the-Box Buildpacks
2. Customizing Buildpacks
3. Containerized Applications
3. Soft-Touch Refactoring to get your application into the cloud
1. Talking to Backing Services
2. Achieving Service Parity with Spring
4. Next Steps
13. 11. The Observable System
1. The New Deal
2. Visibility and Transparency
14. 12. Push vs. Pull Observability and Resolution
1. Capturing an Application’s Present Status with Actuator
2. Metrics
3. Identifying Your Service with the /info Endpoint
4. Health Checks
5. Application Logging
6. Distributed Tracing
1. Finding Clues with Spring Cloud Sleuth
2. How Much Data is Enough?
3. OpenZipkin: a Picture is worth a Thousand Traces
4. The OpenTracing Initiative
7. Dashboards
1. Monitoring Potentially Risky Service Calls with the Hystrix
2. Codecentric’s Spring Boot Admin
3. Ordina Microservices Dashboard
8. Remediation
9. Next Steps
15. 13. The Application Centric Cloud
1. Portable Applications
2. Cattle
3. Containerized Workloads
1. Scheduler
2. Service Discovery
4. The Application Framework
1. Spring Boot
2. Spring Cloud
16. 14. Continuous Delivery
1. Start Here
2. Every Build is a Release Candidate
3. Version Control Everything
17. 15. Edge Services
1. Greetings
2. A Simple Edge Service
3. Netflix Feign
4. Reactive Programming
5. Proxies with Netflix Zuul
1. A Custom Zuul Filter
6. Security on the Edge
1. OAuth
2. Building an OAuth Authorization Server
3. Building an Implicit OAuth Client with Angular.js
4. Building a Social OAuth Authorization Server
18. 16. Routing
1. Locational Decoupling with Service Registration and Discovery
2. The DiscoveryClient Abstraction
3. Cloud Foundry Route Services
4. Next Steps
19. Index
Cloud Native Java
First Edition

Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud

Josh Long & Kenny Bastani

Cloud Native Java
by Josh Long, Kenny Bastani

Copyright © 2016 Josh Long, Kenny Bastani. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

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Editor: Brian Foster

Developmental Editor: Nan Barber

Month Year: First Edition

Revision History for the First
2015-11-15: First Early Release
2015-12-14: Second Early Release
2016-01-21: Third Early Release
2016-03-01: Fourth Early Release
2016-04-20: Fifth Early Release
2016-05-13: Sixth Early Release
2016-05-31: Seventh Early Release
2016-09-23: Eighth Early Release
2016-10-31: Ninth Early Release

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Chapter 1. Bootcamp: Introducing
Spring Boot
Spring Boot provides a way to create production-ready Spring applications
with minimal setup time. The primary goals behind the creation of the Spring
Boot project are central to the idea that users should be able to get up and
running quickly with Spring. Spring Boot also takes an opinionated view of
the Spring platform and third-party libraries.

An opinionated view means that Spring Boot lays out a framework of

abstractions that are common to all Spring projects. This opinionated view
provides the plumbing that all projects need but without getting in the way of
the developer. By doing this, Spring Boot makes it simple to swap
components when project requirements change.

This chapter will introduce you to building Spring Boot applications. The
topics we will go over are:

The Spring Tool Suite

Spring Initializr

Starter Projects

The Spring Guides

Getting Started with the Spring
Tool Suite
The Spring Tool Suite (STS) is an Eclipse distribution that is customized for
developing Spring applications. STS is a freely available IDE under the terms
of the Eclipse Public License. While there are many IDE options available for
developing your Spring applications, STS provides a set of features that are
tailored for Spring-based development.
Installing Spring Tool Suite
Let’s get started with downloading and installing the Spring Tool Suite,
available from

Go to

Choose Download STS

Download, extract, and run STS

After you have downloaded, extracted, and have run the STS program, you
will be prompted to choose a workspace location.

Figure 1-1. Choose your desired workspace location

Choose your desired workspace location and click OK. If you plan to use the
same workspace location each time you run STS, click on the option "Use
this as the default and do not ask again“.

After you have provided a workspace location and clicked OK, the STS IDE
will load for the first time.
Figure 1-2. The STS dashboard

Your first Spring Boot application

Let’s now use STS to create our first Spring Boot application. We’re going to
create a simple Hello World web service using the Spring Boot starter project
for web.

To create a new Spring Boot application using a Spring Boot Starter project,
choose from the menu File > New > Spring Boot Starter Project.
Figure 1-3. Create a new Spring Boot Starter Project

After choosing to create a new Spring Boot Starter Project, you will be
presented with a dialog to configure your new Spring Boot application.
Figure 1-4. Configure your new Spring Boot Starter Project

You can configure your options, but for the purposes of this simple
walkthrough, let’s use the defaults and click Next. After clicking Next, you
will be provided with a set of Spring Boot Starter projects that you can
choose for your new Spring Boot application. For our first application we’re
going to choose the Spring Boot Starter Web project.
Figure 1-5. Choose your Spring Boot Start Project

From the list of sections, choose Web to expand its list of options. Now from
the Web section, choose the option Web and click Finish. After you click
Finish, your Spring Boot application with the Spring Boot Starter Web
project dependency will be created.

Now that your project has been created and imported into the STS IDE, you
will notice that a new project is available in your package explorer area.
Figure 1-6. Expand the demo project from the package explorer

If you haven’t already, expand the demo [boot] project and view the project
contents as shown in the screenshot above. From the expanded project files,
navigate to src/main/java/com/example/

Figure 1-7. Navigate to

This is your main application class for your new Spring Boot application.
STS has configured this project as a Spring Boot starter project with the
spring-boot-starter-web dependency. If you navigate to your pom.xml file in
your Package Explorer you will find that the following dependencies have
been added.


The starter project for Web

A starter project for unit testing

Now that we understand the makeup of our Spring Boot application, let’s
create our first RESTful service by modifying In, modify the contents so that it looks like the
following example.
package com.example;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class DemoApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

public static class Hello {
@RequestMapping(value = "/hello")
public String hello(
@RequestParam(value = "name", defaultValue = "World")

return "Hello, " + name;


Annotates a class as a Spring Boot application

This starts the Spring Boot application

Annotates a class as a REST controller

This maps a URL route to a controller method

This method has a query string parameter with a default value

Now that we have our code for a basic RESTful web service, let’s go ahead
and run the application. Run the application from the Run > Run menu.

Figure 1-8. Run the Spring Boot application

After choosing the Run option from the menu, you’ll be presented with a
Save and Launch dialog. Choose the option and click
Figure 1-9. Choose and launch the application

Your Spring Boot application will now start up. If you look at your STS
console, you should see the iconic Spring Boot ASCII art and the version of
Spring Boot as it starts up. The log output of the Spring Boot application can
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

A meeting of the Biological Club was held in Zoological Lecture-

room January 7, 1901. Professor Osborn presided; twenty-three
members present.
Mr. Griggs, secretary of the board of editors gave a financial
report and recommended that the name of the publication be
changed to The Ohio Naturalist. By the unanimous vote of the
members present, the recommendation was adopted.
Professor Hambleton read a paper on his Explorations in
southern Chile and Patagonia. He said:
The expedition was sent out by the Chilean government and had
for its object the exploration of the coast from about 40° south
latitude to 48° in search of a river that might come from beyond the
mountains. This was done and a river called by the party Baker River
was discovered emptying into Baker channel at about 47° 20′ south
latitude. This river was followed in its course to the water-shed and
was found to be the outlet of Lake Cochrane, though its principal
source was not discovered.
A study of the flora of the region traversed by the party brought
to light the following facts: That the Peninsula of Taitao marks the
division line between the rich and varied flora of the Llanquihue
region and the monotonous flora of the Magellan Strait region.
The difference between these two floras is really remarkable. In
the Llanquihue region no one species nor even genus can be said to
predominate. Character is given to the vegetation by the Chusquea
quila a sort of climbing bamboo. Fuchsia macrostemma and a large
variety of stately forest trees, all struggling together for the mastery
and making a forest as impenetrable as the Selvas of the Amazon.
The Magellanic region is characterized by the predominance of
several species of Nothofagus. Immense forests may be found
composed exclusively of a single species, for example, the N. pumila,
and in all this region, extending from the Peninsula of Taitoa to Cape
Horn, a distance 10° of latitude, no other kind of tree acquires any
considerable size.
Professor Mills gave a report of the Baltimore meeting of
Anthropologists, and Professor Osborn gave a short account of a visit
with Dr. P. R. Uhler, and called attention to some of the Zoological
papers read before the meeting of the Society of Naturalists.
J. K. Knox, Miss Mary Dresbach, Miss Mary C. Crawford, E. D.
Coberly, C. C. Poindexter, A. F. Conradi and Miss Clara Tangeman
were elected to membership.
The Society then adjourned.

Jas. S. Hine, Secretary.

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Ohio Forest Trees Identified by Leaves and Fruit.

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A neat pamphlet for every one who wishes to learn our native
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American Entomological Co.


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The Twentieth Century Text Books of Biology.

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They are already the preferred texts, and the reasons will be
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ANIMAL LIFE: A First Book of Zoology.

By DAVID S. JORDAN, M. S., M. D., Ph. D., LL. D., President of
the Leland Stanford Junior University, and VERNON L.
KELLOGG, M. S., Professor in Leland Stanford Junior
University. 12mo. Cloth, $1.20. Now ready.
Not a book for learning the classification, anatomy, and nomenclature of
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of environment, their place in Nature, their relations to one another and to the
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ANIMAL FORMS: A Second Book of Zoology.

By DAVID S. JORDAN, M. S., M. D., Ph. D., LL. D., and HAROLD
HEATH, Ph. D., Professor in Leland Stanford Junior University.
Ready in February, 1901.
D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, Publishers, New York,
Chicago, London.

Recent Scientific Works

In Astronomy, Dr. Simon Newcomb’s new book, published
October, 1900; in Physics, the Johns Hopkins text of Professors
Rowland and Ames; also in Physics for second and third year high
school work, the text of Dr. Hoadley, of Swarthmore; in Physiology,
the text by Drs. Macy and Norris, based on the Nervous System; also
the High School Physiology indorsed by the W. C. T. U., written
by Dr. Hewes, of Harvard University; in Geology, the Revised
“Compend” of Dr. Le Conte, and the two standard works of Dana,—
The Manual for University Work, and the New Text Book,
revision and rewriting of Dr. Rice, for fourth year high school work;
in Chemistry, the approved Storer and Lindsay, recommended
for secondary schools by the leading colleges; in Zoology, the
Laboratory Manual of Dr. Needham, of Cornell; and the Series
“Scientific Memoirs” edited by Dr. Ames, of Johns Hopkins. Nine
volumes ready.
The publishers cordially invite correspondence.
1. Silently corrected obvious typographical errors and
variations in spelling.
2. Retained archaic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings
as printed.
NATURALIST, VOL. 1, NO. 5, MARCH, 1901 ***

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