Food and Beverage Services Quarter 3 LAS No. 5

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Food and Beverage Services

QUARTER 3 LAS Number 5

Name of Learner: Grade/Section:

Teacher: _________________________ Date Submitted:


TOPIC: Provide Food and Beverage Services to Guest
Lesson 2: Assist the Diners

The learner:
1. Demonstrates knowledge and skills in handling guests with special
2. Demonstrates skill in responding to cultural food needs with variety
and quality.
3. Respond efficiently to customers’ query on food and drinks with

Background Information for Learners

Assisting Guest with Special Needs

It is imperative that food service establishments strive to make all guests feel
welcome and comfortable. Serving guest with the special needs such as
children and persons with disabilities is just as important

Here are the list of such special guest

 Aged or elderly guests.

 Infant and young children
 Disabled guest or handicapped guest (ex: blind, deaf or in wheelchair)
 Non-native guest, or foreign language speaking guests.
 Single or solitary guests.
 Guest who have health issues such as heart ailments, allergic to some
foods, special dietary need

How to serve the Special Guest

Here are some standard procedures to assist guest with their special
needs based on their age, physical condition or status:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 1

Serving aged or elderly guest

 Escort the guest to the guest table and help him/her to be

 Arrange calm and quite corner with suitable and comfortable
chair for the aged guest.
 Always serve the elderly guest first with great care and respect.
 Ask for any special assistance or requirements.
 Treat guests on the basis of their pace.
 Deal with guest in a clear, slow and calm voice.
 Anticipate their needs concerning their functional disabilities or
 Escort the old guests to the washroom and exit, if necessary.

Serving infant or children

 Always treat all infant or young guests as V.I.P guests.

 Deal with young guest with a playful mind and special care.
 Be friendly and familiarize with the child.
 Politely ask the parents to determine special requirements such
as: required cutlery, high chair, any special food recommended,
whether allergic to any food or not.
 Provide clean and presentable baby chair or high chair (if
required) and set it properly to avoid any accident.
 Offer bread or crackers immediately after the child is being
 Present the children menus (specially made for the children).
 Place the order (serve the children first) after the order is being
taken as per requirement.
 While serving the children remember that their meal should be
eye catching and appealing.
 Offer to cut the food after the child is seated and the meal
 Always arrange the children’s cutlery (ex-teaspoons or espresso
spoons) since they find it difficult to eat with adult’s cutlery.
 Keep sharp items and hot items out of child’s reach.
 Provide extra napkins and unstemmed glassware or Plexiglas
glassware (depending on the age).
 Offer the child guest or children guest some coloring books/
crayons while waiting for their course to keep them busy and
 Always arrange necessary baby chairs, cutlery and service to
accommodate all request whenever required.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 2

Serving disabled guest

 Offer your help before the guest is being asked for help.
 Treat them with special care and attention and deal with a soft
and clear tone.
 Adjust yourself according to their pace.
 Provide them a comfortable and suitable seating arrangement
and make the area as functional.
 Anticipating their needs (ex: wheelchair, required cutlery) and
offer help for any request.
 Ensure there is enough space in the service area for them to
move freely.
 Make the area as functional as you can.
 Offer help in taking their food, if required.
 Escort them to the entry and exit.
 Do not take extra care of them too much so that they can think
themselves aliens.
 If the guest is visually impaired then offer necessary assistants
such as: offer your hand to escort the guest to the table, read
the menu and describe buffet (if required), fill plate at buffet for
 If the guest has hearing impaired then try to deal the guest
through the lips reading or body language or gestures.

Serving Non-native or foreign language speaking guests.

 Always approach a non-native guest with a clear and quite tone.

 Try to communicate with the non-native guest by using a
common language for both of you.
 If you are unable to communicate with him then ask for
permission from the guest to find a personnel or a person who
can help to communicate.
 If necessary, use a translator to deal with the guest or ask a
colleague who knows the guest’s language.
 While dealing with the foreign language speaking guest, use
distinct signs, sign language, and gestures or draw pictures
(based on the situation).

Serving single guests

 Arrange a comfortable seating arrangement with an interesting

 Serve the guest with special attention.
 Offer newspaper or magazines.
 Be familiarize with the guest and approach with a friendly
 Talk to the guest (if time allows and the guest is receptive).

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 3

Some Basic Principles of Food and Beverage Service.

When food is pre-plated, the service to the guest is done from the right. All
beverages are served from the right. Soups are served from the right unless
poured from a soup tureen in which case it is done from the left. Ladies are
always served first.

The 3-Minute Check to Assess Customer’s Satisfaction

When a meal has been served to the customer, it is important for service staff
to revisit the table a few minute later to check that the meals are to the
customer’s satisfaction.

This is commonly known as the “Three-minute check”.

It involves approaching the table approximately 3 minutes after the last meal
was placed on the table and making an inquiry along the lines of “Is everything
to your satisfaction?” or “How are your meals?” Individual venues may have
standard statements for you to use when making this 3-minute check so
check with your supervisor and adhere to specific enterprise requirements. It
is assumed that after three minutes, a customer will know if they are satisfied
with their food.

The 3 minute check gives customers an opportunity to tell you if: there is
something wrong with the menu ex: their steak is not cooked as they ordered,
or the food or coffee is cold. They would like to order something extra e.g. a
salad or another drink.

Taking reorders

Your three-minute check also presents guests with an opportunity to order or

re-order. This may not fit in with the plans or the timing you have
predetermined for your station, but these orders must be taken, or dealt with,
politely and promptly. You may be the food waiter, but the three-minute
check may well result in a drink order being given. It is totally unacceptable
for you to say “I’m sorry, I’m the food waiter, not the drink waiter”. You should
take the order and pass it on the appropriate person. If there is some
confusion on your part about exactly what the order is, let them know this
and they can follow it up.

Compliments to the chef

It is commonplace for guest to respond positively to your inquiries about the

meal at the 3-minute check and this is great.

Where you get such feedback, you should feed it back to the kitchen.
 “Table 7 says the roast is superb”
 “Everyone loves the carbonara”
 “Host want the recipe of your roast chicken”

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 4

Changing Ashtrays

Another duty of the server is changing ashtrays in the establishments

smoking section. Do not wait for the cigarette butts to accumulate before
changing an ashtrays. To make sure that ashes do not fly into guest food or
beverages, invert a clean ashtray and hold it over the soiled one. Dispose the
contents of the dirty ashtray safely, and then place the clean ashtray on the

Customers Falling

Sometimes there are unfortunate situation such as customers getting ill while
being serve in the restaurant. If this occurs, servers and persons in authority
should take immediate action. -As soon as it is noticed that a guests is not
feeling well while in the restaurant, a person in authority either the captain
waiter or restaurant manager should immediately be informed.

All service staff must monitor patrons during service for signs of
dissatisfaction. This means keeping alert for non-verbal cues that indicate
displeasure and listening for negative comments that can be overhead. Check
customer satisfaction must apply to both food and beverages.


Direction: TRUE OR FALSE: Read the statement below. Write True if the
statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.

1. We have to wait for the cigarette butts to accumulate before changing

2. The three minute check gives customers an opportunity to tell you if
there is something wrong with the menu.
3. When food is pre-plated, the service to the guest is done from the left.
4. Soups are served from the right unless poured from a soup tureen in
which case it is done from the left.
5. All beverages are served from the right.
6. If there is no children or elderly the ladies are always served first.
7. It is best to communicate with the non-native guest by using a native
8. Treat guests on the basis of their pace
9. It is not important for service staff to revisit the table a few minute later
to check that the meals are to the customer’s satisfaction.
10. Always arrange necessary baby chairs, cutlery and service to
accommodate all request whenever required.

REFLECTION: On the space provided below, write a reflection about
the topic that you have learned today.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 5

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