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1. A verb must agree with its subject in number and in person.

Dr. Shu has office hours from 8 until 4.

(The third person singular form of “to have” agrees with the subject “Dr. Shu.”)

Robin and I play squash every Tuesday.

(The first person plural form of “to play” agrees with the compound subject “Robin and I.”)

2. Spotting the error easily we should trim the sentence to find the Core. Cross out all the nonessential
prepositional phrases. (about, on, in, beneath, toward, underneath, except, beside, along)

One of his paintings, in addition to several photos, is on display at the library.

The amount shown, plus the related interests, is due on Friday.

The president, together with his advisers, is at Camp David.

2. When words and phrases such as including, in addition to, along with, together with, and as well as
come between the Subject and Verb. Pay attention to the main Subject

Changes for the new and improved SAT are going to be implemented soon.

The sweet potatoes in the vegetable bin are green with mold.

The note from Beverly given yesterday with an unpleasant manner confessed that she had eaten the
leftover pizza.

My chief concern with this budget and the other proposals on the table is the cuts in school funds.

4. Some words are plural: phenomena (singular: phenomenon), Media (singular: medium), data (singular
datum), and criteria (singular: criterion).

You can replace any of the plural forms with ‘they’.

The phenomena of the year take place every day in a pond on a small scale.

This phenomenon is connected with the fact that incandescent bodies, especially in rarefied gases, throw
off or emit electrons or gaseous negative ions.

Perhaps the best data for a comparison are those afforded by the varying brightness of stars at different

The best datum is in Josephus Theory.



5. Nouns with one form: crossroads, means of transport, series of TV documetaries, species of insect)

This means of transport saves energy. / Both means of transport save energy.

This species of insect is quite rare. / All these species of insect are quite rare.

6. When singular subjects contain words that sound plural, use singular verbs. The names of books,
countries, organizations, certain diseases, course titles, and other singular nouns may sound like plurals
because they end in -s, but most of the time-although not always- they require a singular verb

Economics is given in the second year of the university.

Physics is the most important department in the University.

Netherlands is a very small country.

The news was worse than I had expected.

Measles is a dangerous disease.

Statistics is offered every year at the college.

Because of the mood in the senate, statistics were compiled quickly for the report.

The statistics show that the candidate will win.

7. Compound Subject are always followed by plural verbs.

Sam and Bob like hiking. (Sam, in addition to Bob likes hiking.)

Helen, Harry and I watch the movie.

Yellow stickers, old photographs, and glitter cover Anne’s diary.




1. Is the first sentence wrong? If yes correct it.

Delivery of today’s newspapers and magazines have been delayed.

Delivery of today’s newspapers and magazines ________________.

Deliveries of today’s newspapers and magazines _______________.

2. When the subject is singular and the predicate noun is plural, or vice-versa, the number of the verb is
determined by the subject.

Wilkinson’s work ______ (be) two novels and a collection of stories.

Two novels and a story ______ (be) the bulk of Wilkinson’s work.

3. When singular subjects contain words that sound plural, use singular verbs. The names of books,
countries, organizations, certain diseases, course titles, and other singular nouns may sound like plurals
because they end in -s, but most of the time-although not always- they require a singular verb.

The news ______ (be) good.

Measles ______ (be) going around the school.

4. In each sentence, fill in the correct form of the missing verb.

1. The leather jacket beside the books _______________( to belong) to our teacher.

2. Rags and spray cleaner _______________ (to be) needed to wash the windows.

3. Junk e-mail and chain letters _______________ (to annoy) many Internet users.

4. _______________ (to be) those parking spaces in front of the administration building reserved for the

5. The flowers in my neighbor’s garden ______________________ (to attract) many butterflies.

6. Magnolia trees and Spanish moss _______________ (to be) common in many parts of the South.

7. Tom and Caroline’s marriage _____________ (seem) like a happy one.

8. Black and white _______________ ( to be) the only colors Jermaine wears.

9. Bright yellow daisies and blue morning glories ___________ (to make) the tiny yard beautiful.

10. Several police officers _____________ (to be) running down the back alley.


5. Choose the correct answer

1. Thinking it over, the solution to many people’s problems with unwanted phone calls are stricter laws and
Caller ID.

B) I think that the solution to many people’s problems with unwanted phone calls are
C) people’s problems with unwanted phone calls is to be solved by
D) the solution to many people’s problems with unwanted phone calls is

2. In some of the big state universities the problem of giving scholarships and other rewards to good
athletes have gotten out of hand.

B) of giving scholarships and granting rewards for good athletic ability have gotten out of hand
C) of scholarships and other rewards for good athletes has gotten out of hand
D) has become out of hand when scholarships and rewards for good athletes

6. Correct the following sentences, if necessary.

1. My cousin and his wife is coming to visit.

2. One of the bridesmaids was pregnant at the wedding.

3. She are looking for a pair shoes at the mall.

4. Jiang were the best dressed at the party.

5. Diane and I are going on a date tonight!

6. The President and Vice President of the United States of America is expected to attend tomorrow’s
historic ceremony honoring Rosa Parks.

7. Many young people are surprised to find out that the music of Verdi’s operas is as vibrant and fun as
anything on the radio.



1. Each of the following passages contains two mistakes in subject-verb agreement. Find and underline
the two verbs that do not agree with their subjects. Then write the correct form of each verb in the
spaces provided.

1. Construction of the apartment buildings have been going on for months. The noise from the bulldozers,
cranes, and backhoes are deafening. Everyone in the neighborhood wants it to end.

a. _________________

b. _________________

2. It is not true that the skin of snakes are slimy. Also, warts are not caused by touching a toad. Why does
reptiles and amphibians have so many false stories told about them?

a. _________________

b. _________________

3. “Having a successful marriage is not easy,” admitted Neal. “There has been many times I’ve thought about
leaving. However, my commitment to my marriage and my love for my family stops me. Later, I’m always
glad that I stayed.”

a. _________________

b. _________________

4. High on the closet shelf is several brightly wrapped packages-the little girl’s birthday presents. The girl
knows that they are there. Every day, she and her sister tries for hours to guess what might be inside those
mysterious boxes.

a. _________________

b. _________________



Directions: Revise the underlines words to eliminate agreement errors. If the underlined word is grammatically
correct, write C above it. If a change is necessary, indicate the change and give a grammatical reason for it.
Do not make unnecessary changes.

Joseph, one of my best friends, are considering becoming a medical doctor. He and I believe that medicine,
1 2
compared to other professions, are an exciting and fulfilling field. In order to help him decide, he asked each of
his friends to give his or her opinion about why medicine would or would not be a fulfilling career choice. After

that, he also asked his parents for their opinions. It seems that his friends and his mother is in agreement, but
his father do not agree.

Joseph’s father strongly feels that the medical profession, unlike other profession, requires an excessive
amount of study and is too emotionally taxing. On the other hand, his friends and his mother agree that while
the schooling is rigorous, the practice itself would be very rewarding. Jacob is still deciding what he wants to
be, but he and I has learned that there is always many different possible answers to a question.
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