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WAP to read three values and print the following :-

● Sum of values
● Average of values
● Largest of three values
● Smallest of three values
2. WAP to print whether the number is odd or even. (Using conditional Operator)
3. WAP to print the sum of digits of a four digit number.
4. WAP to read a floating point number and display the rightmost digit of integer part.
5. Modify the previous program to display the two rightmost digit of the integer part.
6. Given values of x, y, z; WAP such that x contains y, y contains z and z contains x.
7. WAP to read a four digit number and then display the number as
8. WAP for a simple calculator.
9. A survey of comp. market shows that personal comp. are sold at varying cost by vendors. The following are list of cost (in 100’s)
quotes by some variable vendors.

35.00 40.50 25.00 31.25 68.15

47.00 26.65 29.00 53.45 62.50

Determine the average cost and range of values.

10. WAP that evaluates the square root of a 10 numbers entered by the user.
11. WAP to print the largest of three values entered using :-
● Simple if
● Nested if-else
● If-else ladder
12. WAP to print the following structure :-
13. WAP to print the following structure :-
14. WAP to print the following structure :-
15. WAP to print the following structure :-
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16. WAP to calculate the factorial of entered number.
17. WAP to calculate mean of 10 entered numbers.
18. WAP to reverse a number.
19. WAP to print FIBONACCI Series upto n-terms.
20. WAP to sort a number in an array and write it’s :-
Mean, Median, Standard Deviation, Min, Max, Range and Summation of all values
21. WAP to print Transpose of entered matrix.
22. WAP to print Sum and Difference of two entered matrices.
23. WAP to print product of two entered matrices.
24. WAP for fitting a straight line through a set of points (x, y) :-

x 2 4 5 6 8 11

y 18 12 10 8 7 5
25. From the given data, print the line of regression :-

Age (x) 43 21 25 42 57 59

Glucose level 99 65 79 75 87 81

26. WAP to collect daily temperature data of cities in 2-d array and print the highest & lowest temperature.

27. WAP to check whether a string is palindrome or not.

28. WAP to check whether a string is alphanumeric or not.

29. WAP to enter three strings by the user & print the concatenated string of all.

30. Use a structure to store student details(name, standard deviation, roll no., percentage) and print on screen.

31. Use a structure to store employee details(name, DOB, salary), take input from user and print the details on screen.

32. WAP to calculate percentage of 50 students on the basis of subject marks obtained by them.

33. Using function, WAP to calculate mean, standard deviation, mean deviation of the given numbers entered by the user.

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