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Department of Electrical Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences

Riphah International University Faisalabad Campus

Lab Manual
Linear Control System



Roll Number: CMS:

Semester: Group:
I. Lab Safety Policies ................................................................................................................. 3
1. General lab safety ..................................................................................................................... 3
2. Clothing: .................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Equipment Failure .................................................................................................................... 3
4. Electrical safety ........................................................................................................................ 3
5. Fire. .......................................................................................................................................... 4
6. In Case of emergency ............................................................................................................... 4
II. Safety Undertaking ................................................................................................................ 5
III. Grading Policy ........................................................................................................................ 6
IV. Rubrics .................................................................................................................................... 7
V. Lab’s Course Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................... 13
VI. List of Experiments .............................................................................................................. 14
I. Lab Safety Policies

1. General lab safety

• Never eat or drink while working in the lab.
• Read labels carefully.
• Do not use any equipment unless you are trained and approved as a user by your supervisor.

• Never do unauthorized experiments.

• Never work alone in laboratory.
• Keep your lab space clean and organized.
• Do not leave an on-going experiment unattended.
• Never use open flames in laboratory unless instructed by TA.

2. Clothing:
• Shorts and sandals should not be worn in the lab at any time. Shoes are required when
working in the machine shops.
• If you have long hair or loose clothes, make sure it is tied back or confined.
• Keep the work area clear of all materials except those needed for your work.

3. Equipment Failure
• If a piece of equipment fails while being used, report it immediately to Lab
Engineer/Assistant. Never try to fix the problem yourself because you could harm yourself
and others.
• If leaving a lab unattended, turn off all ignition sources and lock the doors.
• Clean up your work area before leaving.

4. Electrical safety
• Obtain permission by the safety coordinator before operating any high voltage equipment
• Maintain an unobstructed access to all electrical panels.
• Avoid using extension cords whenever possible.
• Never, ever modify or otherwise change any high voltage equipment.
• Before attaching the power supply to your setup make sure there are no “live” wires which
can be touched.
• When attaching a high voltage power supply ALWAYS switch off the supply

5. Fire.
• If a person’s clothing catches on fire, he/she needs help.
• Prevent him/her from running.
• Make him/her lie down and smother the flames by rolling, wrapping with lab coats,
blankets, towels, etc.
• Never turn a carbon dioxide extinguisher on a person.
• If a fire breaks out, (if time allows) turn off all burners and remove solvents, place the
chemical and equipment safely to the nearest possible table/bench, exit the building
• If you do not use the fire extinguisher, leave the room immediately to a safer place possibly
outside. There are carbon dioxide extinguishers in the building and the positions and
operation of these should be known.
• Point the extinguisher at the base of the flames.
• Very small fires can be put out with a damp towel by smothering.
• Only after the safety of all is assured should the matter of extinguishing the fire be
Because a few seconds delay can result in very serious injury, Laboratory staff will guide
you on what to do and how to exit during the case of such an emergency.

6. In Case of emergency
• Report the location of the emergency; give your name, telephone number, and building
and floor number.
• Report the nature of the emergency whether an explosion has occurred and whether there
has been a chemical or electrical fire.

Rescue: 1122
Police Emergency Control Room: 041-9200264
Army Control Room: 1135
Emergency Police Number: 15
University Administration Number: 041-8777210, 8777310
II. Safety Undertaking



Student Name:

Student ID/Roll No./ Reg.: Section:

Lab Course Title:

Lab Instructor Name:

Signature: Room:

III. Grading Policy
Lab Performance 30%
Lab Report 20%
Lab Project 20%
Final Lab Viva/ Performance 30%
IV. Rubrics
Lab Performance (Continuous Assessment) / Performance Test

Sr. Performance Exemplary (10-7) Satisfactory (6-4) Developing (3-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
No. Indicators

Ability to
1. Conduct Fully understand the lab Has very good Has some Has poor understanding
Experiment instruments including its understanding of the lab understanding of the of the lab instruments
/ purpose and quite able to instruments including lab instruments including its purpose and
Experiment conduct the entire its purpose and able to including its purpose unable to conduct
Related experiment with conduct experiment and able to conduct experiment on his own;
Knowledge negligible help from lab with some help from lab experiment with a lot lab instructor provides
instructor. instructor. of help from lab help in almost every step
instructor. of the experiment.

2. & Results Always analyzes and Analyzes and interprets Analyzes and Analyzes and interprets
/ interprets data correctly data correctly most of interprets data data incorrectly most of
Data Analysis & and precisely, always the time; most of the correctly the time; many
Interpretation draws correct and useful conclusion are correct occasionally, some conclusions are
/ conclusions, always and useful, compares conclusion is incorrect; most of the
Technical compares theory against theory against incorrect; time never attempts to
Description of experimental results and experimental results occasionally compare theory against
Operation calculates related error. and calculates related compares theory experimental results.
error most of the time. against experimental
results and calculates
related error.

Student fully Student communicates Student is minimally Student does not adapt
3. Individual & communicates the the intended task able to communicate to the situation or
Team Behavior intended task most of the time & the intended task & audience & Undermines
& Identifies group goals Often contributes to Usually promotes group progress.
and promotes progress group progress. group
by supporting all Progress.

Reports/ Assignment

Sr. Performance Exemplary (10-7) Satisfactory (6-4) Developing (3-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
No. Indicators

1. Organization / Information is presented Information is presented Information is Sequence of information

Structure in a logical, interesting in somewhat logical presented in quite less is difficult to follow. No
way, which is easy to manner. All sections are continuity and less logical manner or
follow. All sections are in in a correct order as logical manner. continuity. Objective,
a correct order and directed and submitted Sections are not in results and Conclusion
submitted on a time. on a time. proper order as are not stated.
directed unable to
follow the submission
deadline. Unable to submit the lab

2. Calculations Calculations are Calculations are quite Calculations are Most of the calculations
and Data completely logical and logical and systematic. somewhat logical and are inaccurate. No
Presentation systematic. systematic. Results logical and systematic
Results and conclusion and conclusion are calculations.
Results and conclusion are stated and reflect stated but reflect little
are stated and reflect acceptable knowledge knowledge of the Presents data in a very
complete knowledge of of the experiment. experiment. obscure manner.
the experiment. Presents Presents data Graphs/waveforms,
data very clearly using appropriate Data presentation is figure captions and units
appropriate graphs/waveforms. not that clear. are never included.
graphs/waveforms. Figure captions and Graphs/waveforms,
Figure captions and units units are included most figure captions and or
are always included. of the time. units are not always
included. Unable to submit the lab

Viva Voce

Sr. Performance Exemplary (15-11) Satisfactory (10-6) Developing (5-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
No. Indicators

1. Responsiveness to Responds well, quick Generally responsive Responsive but evasive Non-responsive.
and very accurate all the and accurate most of or inaccurate most of
Questions/Accuracy time. the times. the times.

2. Level of Demonstration of full At ease with content Only basic concepts are No grasp of
Understanding of knowledge of the subject and able to elaborate demonstrated and information. Clearly
the Learned Skills with explanations and and explain to some interpreted. no knowledge of
elaboration. degree. subject matter. No
questions are
answered. No
interpretation made.
Open-Ended Labs

Lab Performance

Sr. Performance
Exemplary (10-7) Satisfactory (6-4) Developing (3-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
No. Indicators

1. Methodology Student shows high Student shows good Student shows fair Student shows poor
capability of analyzing capability of analyzing capability of analyzing capability of
the given problem and the given problem and the given problem and analyzing the given
designing the designing the designing the problem and unable
appropriate solution for appropriate solution appropriate solution for to design the
it. for it. it. solution for it.

2. Implementation Task is completed Task is completed Task is completed with a Task is not
and Completion without any external with quite less lot of technical completed.
assistance and is working technical assistance assistance from
properly. from instructor or instructor or others in
others in order to order to complete the
complete the given given task.
task and is working

Student fully Student Student is minimally Student does not

3. Individual & Team communicates the communicates able to communicate adapt to the
Behavior intended task the intended task the intended task & situation or
& Identifies group goals most of the time & Usually promotes group audience &
and promotes progress Often contributes to progress. Undermines group
by supporting all group progress. progress.

Lab Report

1. Organization/ Information is presented Information is Information is presented Sequence of

Structure in a logical, interesting presented in somewhat in quite less continuity information is
way, which is easy to logical manner. All and less logical manner. difficult to follow.
follow. All sections are sections are in a Sections are not in No logical manner
in a correct order and correct order as proper order as directed or continuity.
submitted on a time. directed and submitted unable to follow the Objective, results
on a time. submission deadline. and Conclusion are
not stated.

Unable to submit
the lab report.

2. Results, Discussion Results and conclusion Results and Results and conclusion Results and
and Data are stated and reflect conclusion stated and are stated but reflect conclusion are
Presentation complete knowledge of reflect acceptable little knowledge of the inaccurate. Presents
the given task. Presents knowledge of the experiment. data in a very
data very clearly using experiment. Presents obscure manner.
appropriate data appropriate
graphs/waveforms. graphs/ waveform. Data presentation is not Graphs/
Figure captions and units that clear. Graphs/ waveforms, figure
are always included. Figure captions and waveforms, figure captions and units
units are included captions and units are are never included.
most of the time. not always included.

Unable to submit
the lab report.
(Lab Project)

Project Design

Sr. Performance Exemplary (15-11) Satisfactory (10-6) Developing (5-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
No. Indicators

1. Implementation Project is completed Project is completed Project is completed The project is not
and Completion without any external with quite less but not working implemented or not
assistance and is technical assistance properly. completed with
working properly. from the instructor or implementation in initial
others in order to Or phase only.
complete the project
and is working Project is completed
properly and working
properly but with
Or unreasonable amount
of technical
Project is completed assistance from the
with no external instructor or others in
assistance at all but is order to complete the
not working properly. project.

2. Problem Student chose an Student chooses a Student chose a Student chose a simple
Analysis and innovative, challenging complex project with project with project with limited
Designing project that required an good technical acceptable scope that scope that required very
Solution effort that exceeds the challenges that solves a technical little creative
normal expectations for required innovative problem and required development or
the course project. problem solving and some technical technical expertise.
engineering. expertise in hardware
and/or software.

3 Testing and Student developed a Student demonstrated Student was able to Student demonstrated
Analysis good systematic the ability to test identify the problems little or no ability to
procedure for testing hardware and/or in hardware and/or troubleshoot hardware
hardware and/or software in order to software but required and/or software for the
software that allowed for identify technical some assistance in project.
quick identification of problems and was able fixing some of the
technical problems. to solve any problems problems.
Student was very good at with little or no
analyzing and quickly assistance.
solving all technical

Lab Project Report

Sr. Performance Exemplary (15-11) Satisfactory (10-6) Developing (5-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
No. Indicators

1. Organization/ Information is presented Information is Information is Unable to submit the lab

in a logical, interesting presented in somewhat presented in quite report.
Structure way, which is easy to logical manner. All less continuity and
follow. All sections are sections are in a correct less logical manner.
in a correct order and order as directed and Sections are not in
submitted on a time. submitted on a time. proper order as
directed unable to
follow the
submission deadline.

2. Literature Collected a great deal of Collected some basic Collected very little Did not collect any
Review information--all relates information--most information--some information that relates
to the topic. relates to the topic relates to the topic to the topic

3. Results and Clearly discusses what Generally clear Limited discussion Reader can gain very
Discussion results mean and what discussion of results of results and little information about
conclusions may be and conclusions, but conclusions. Little or why the project was done
drawn from them. Cites may miss some points. no reference to and what the results may
published standards or Some use of references published standards mean. No reference to
other related reports. and published or other reports. other studies

Lab Viva

Sr. Performance Exemplary (15-11) Satisfactory (10-6) Developing (5-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
No. Indicators

1. Responsiveness Responds well, quick and Generally Responsive Responsive but Non-responsive
to Questions/ very accurate all the time and accurate most of evasive or inaccurate
Accuracy the times most of the times
2. Depth of Demonstration of full At ease with content Only basic concepts No grasp of information.
Knowledge knowledge of the project and able to elaborate are demonstrated and Clearly no knowledge of
with explanations and and explain to some interpreted subject matter. No
elaboration. degree questions are answered.
No interpretation made

Team Work

Sr. Performance Exemplary (15-11) Satisfactory (10-6) Developing (5-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
No. Indicators

1. Share Relays a great deal of Relays some basic Relays very little Does not relay any
Information information--all relates information--most information--some information to
to the topic. relates to the topic relates to the topic teammates

2. Fulfill Team Performs all duties of Performs nearly all Performs very little Does not perform any
Role’s Duties assigned team role duties duties duties of assigned team

3 Share Equally Always does the Usually does the Rarely does the Always relies on others
assigned work without assigned work--rarely assigned work- often to do the work
having to be reminded needs reminding needs reminding
V. Lab’s Course Learning Outcomes

Course Title: (EEL-315) Linear Control System

Laboratory: Communication and Control Lab
Instructor: Engr. Nouman Liaqat
Designation: Lab Engineer
Phone (Off.): +92 315 7588039

After completion of this lab, students will be able to:

Sr. Bloom’s Emphasis
Course Learning Outcomes PLO
No. Taxonomy level

1 Build mathematical models of different systems to P3 4 2

determine and analyze the stability.
2 Construct a controller that can achieve the desired response P4 5 1
from the system by using PLC and PID trainer.
Calibrate the stability of the system by using Routh P3 2 1
3 Hurwitz, Root Locus and Nyquist Plot Techniques.

4 Participate effectively in the performance of individual and A2 9 2

group tasks.
Emphasis Level: 1 = High, 2 = Medium 3 = Low
Mapping of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) / Graduate Attribute
e Code / O O O
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PLOs 10 11 12
315 CLO2 1
CLO3 1
CLO4 2

PLO1: Engineering Knowledge PLO7: Environment and Sustainability

PLO2: Problem Analysis PLO8: Ethics

PLO3: Design/Development of Solutions PLO9: Individual and Team Work

PLO4: Investigation PLO10: Communication

PLO5: Modern Tool Usage PLO11: Project Management

PLO6: The Engineer and Society PLO12: Lifelong Learning

Department of Electrical Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University Faisalabad Campus, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Semester: 6th

Subject: EEL-315 Linear Control System Session: Spring 2024

VI. List of Experiments

Sr. Title of Experiments CLO
Enlighten about the trainers IT-51XX series, IT-44XX series modules, Ball & 1,4
Beam apparatus, and Temperature Chamber.
Study the Voltage/Frequency conversion, PWM based Light Intensity 1,4
Control, LDR Control, and Motor Control on IT-4412.
Study the characteristics of DC Motor, Position Control of DC Servo Motor 1,4
and working of Stepper Motor on IT-4412.
Construct the Transfer Function of Electrical & Translational Mechanical 1,4
systems, and State Space Representation of 2nd order Control system.
Calibration of the Motor, Heat, and Light on IT-4406 using a Closed-Loop 2,4
PID Controller.
Construct a program for PLC to Control the Traffic Signal, Water Level, and
6 2,4
Temperature on IT-51XX.
Construct a program for PLC to Control the Conveyer Belt and Elevator 2,4
7 System on IT-51XX. (Open Ended)
Construct a program for PLC to Control the DC Motor, Stepper Motor and 2,4
Servo Motor on IT-5105.
Stability analysis of a 2nd order system using ROUTH HURWITZ Criterion, 3,4
9 Nyquist Plot & Root Locus Technique.
Verify the stability Control properties of a 2nd order system by using IP 3,4
Motion Studio and Ball and Beam Apparatus.
Investigate the behavior of an Open Loop and Closed Loop Control systems 3,4
using a Ball and Beam apparatus. (Open Ended)
Build a temperature chamber-based resistance measurement of Vernier Sensor
12 3,4
using Analog Input and temperature measurement.
Build a temperature chamber based Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic 3,4
13 Stimulation (RTMS) control for monitoring & measurement of Temperature.
(Open Ended)
Measure the current consumption of driving load and demonstrate the 3,4
14 controlling of motor speed and velocity through PWM.
Semester Project

Project Design and Implementation

Department of Electrical Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University Faisalabad Campus, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Semester: 6th

Subject: EEL-315 Linear Control System Session: Spring 2024

Ex. Date Title of experiment Marks Sign

Lab Lab
Performance Report
(30) (20)
Enlighten about the trainers IT-51XX series, IT-44XX series
1. modules, Ball & Beam apparatus, and Temperature Chamber.
Study the Voltage/Frequency conversion, PWM based Light
2. Intensity Control, LDR Control, and Motor Control on IT-4412.
Study the characteristics of DC Motor, Position Control of DC
3. Servo Motor and working of Stepper Motor on IT-4412.
Construct the Transfer Function of Electrical & Translational
4. Mechanical systems, and State Space Representation of 2nd order
Control system.
Calibration of the Motor, Heat, and Light on IT-4406 using a
5. Closed-Loop PID Controller.
Construct a program for PLC to Control the Traffic Signal, Water
6. Level, and Temperature on IT-51XX.
Construct a program for PLC to Control the Conveyer Belt and
7. Elevator System on IT-51XX. (Open Ended)
Construct a program for PLC to Control the DC Motor, Stepper
8. Motor and Servo Motor on IT-5105.
Stability analysis of a 2nd order system using ROUTH
9. HURWITZ Criterion, Nyquist Plot & Root Locus Technique.
Verify the stability Control properties of a 2nd order system by
10. using IP Motion Studio and Ball and Beam Apparatus.
Investigate the behavior of an Open Loop and Closed Loop
11. Control systems using a Ball and Beam apparatus. (Open Ended)
Build a temperature chamber-based resistance measurement of
12. Vernier Sensor using Analog Input and temperature
Build a temperature chamber based Repetitive Transcranial
13. Magnetic Stimulation (RTMS) control for monitoring &
measurement of Temperature. (Open Ended)
Measure the current consumption of driving load and demonstrate
14. the controlling of motor speed and velocity through PWM.
Semester Project
Semester Project Design and Implementation

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