Portfolio A5

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UNIT 1:......................................................................
PRESENT TIME…………………………………………………………………

UNIT 2 :......................................................................
PAST TIME…………………………………………………………

UNIT 3: …………………………………………………
FUTURE TIME …………………………………………………….

My new smartphone is everything to me. I've had for

three months, I've spending a lot of time on my phone
before I sleep , and after I wake up . Also I've been
using my phone for my studies .

There are many reasons , my smartphone is perfect for

me . For example , I have studied excel at institute and
my new telephone has been help me with my practices
since the beginning because it has been working really
fast and also has a lot of internal storage.

Another reason I love my new telephone is because I

like to write stories in my notes. It's one of my favorite
activities. I have worked this new stories in my new
telephone since February , due to all the tools my
telephone has in the notes app .

The ultimate reason for this new telephone is important

and perfect to me is because I use my telephone for
everything, for my entertainment and also for my
studies. Due to the many tools and functions this
telephone has , I really love my new telephone .
in conclusion my new telephone has been working and
help me with many activities since the beginning , it’s
fast and the function are amazing , the internal storage
it’s perfect due has 60 of internal storage , this means
the word to me because I have space for my memories
and studies , this telephone is the best gif I've never
have .

I’ve been living with my cat Paris since 2020 , I

still remember the day I met her a few days before
the famous pandemic started .She used to be
little and tiny .

After I lost my cat Romeo in 2019 , I wanted to

find a new company , a new tiny and cute cat
but my mom wasn’t want a cat for the
moment ,so my brother and I accepted her
decision. When we were in 2020 my brother
would get up early every day because he used to
clean his bedroom, however this day was
different .

While my brother has cleaned his room , Gian

fraco found a rat in his room , for obvious reasons
after that my brother Gian Franco knew we were
going to need a new cat .Fter He found the rat in
his room , Gian franco asked my mom to get a
new cat , my mom would accept his decision.
After that my brother went to an animal shelter ,
where Gian Franco met our perfect company.
about my brother, She wanted to capture his
attention. Gian Franco fell for his charms .
Finally He and the tiny cat were at home. We
didn’t realize that we would love her from the first
moment .My mom had been discovering names for
cats,so my mom decided to call herself Paris .

In conclusion My little Paris and my family have

been together for 4 years , how i said before I
didn’t realize that would change after I got her ,
she is so cute , sometimes is little renege , but
is strong and healthy cat , I knew when I see
her for first time she would take my heart. I
really love her .

Or most my life one of my goals has been tp live in

another country.I think I’am going to have a better
future and opportunities for my life, also I think I'll
do my master’s degree in another country .Other
thing I have planing , is by the time i finish my
english classes ,I’ll have studied other languages
like germany ,corean , french , and etc.

I have many plans for the future the first plan I am

going to travel to United States the next summer
for my studies because my aunt Rosie has been
live there for 10 years .I ‘ll be visiting
Connecticut , she lives there , by the time I finish
my visiting , I’ll have studied at Connecticut

Other plan I have for the future is travel whit my

around to our beautiful country , We’ll be visiting
Chiclayo for easter holiday , When we ‘re in
Chiclayo we ‘re going to visit my brother there
because he live there whit his wife .

Other plan is relation with the dance this is one of

my favorite activities I think I’am going to prove
other styles in my dance classes , also whit may
academy we’re traveling to Spain in june due to a
dance competition , My friends and I We’re going
to visiting El palacio real de Madrid , and other
amazing places , by june 9st , we’ll have traveling
for three weeks.

In conclusion there are some of my future plans,

some of them are temporary only for fun and past
time with my family and friends and others are
permanent for the future I’ ve dreamer .

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