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Why Islam Needs a Reformation - WSJ. Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali – review | Books | The Guardian.
Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

288 pages
HarperCollins Publishers Inc
New York, United States
Why Islam Needs a Reformation
It will have to put up with the fact that laws won't be based on writings of the prophets and it can not expect relativism on the part of some
westerners to turn a blind eye to some of the practices of its religion. However, again and again, she argues that Western thinkers, feminists and
liberals need to stop their political correctness, stop worrying about being called Islamophobes, and support Muslim reformers. Her critics say
she's not impartial. There is no Muslim equivalent of Christian Bible study. The Islamophobia that Ali has is justified. If one were new to the field
one could easily be forgiven for mixing the two groups up, but for someone claiming authority on the subject there is no excuse for such basic
oversight. She donned the head-to-toe traditional hajib, and joined the Muslim Brotherhood. I was disapointed to find that it had no index. To ask
other readers questions about Heretic , please sign up. They are loyal to Islam, but not violent. In America, it is okay to bash Christianity and put it
down right and left; it is called freedom of speech and freedom to think critically. At the age of 16, under the influence of a teacher named Sister
Aziza and a wandering self-appointed Imam named Boqol Sawm, Hirsi Ali embraced the Medina brand of Islam. Above all, free speech on the
subject of Islam is not tolerated. Her argument is incredibly insightful and supported by detailed evidence. I can only hope this book will help
improve discourse, and that the reform Hirsi Ali says is needed will be furthered. Timely, well though out. Since I didn't read either of t I debated
giving this book 5-stars, but I'm a pretty tough rater. She doesn't stop pointing out the mistakes made by religious leaders. When speaking about a
religion that is some fourteen hundred years old, arguably the world's single most diverse faith, how can you not subdivide? She wants to use the
Sahih Bukhari as a paintbrush for Islam? Confronted by the tribal, patriarchal and religious confines of her upbringing in east Africa, where she
suffered female genital mutilation, and the liberty of the Netherlands, where she sought asylum from an arranged marriage, she chose the cultural
values of her adopted home over those she had inherited. I am fairly agnostic myself, but interested in religion and occasionally envious of true
believers, who have this certainty in which to take comfort. In urging Muslims to reform their religion, Hirsi Ali is far from alone. Error rating book.
Nov 08, John Kaufmann rated it really liked it Shelves: philosophy-religion. Hirsi Ali's central thesis is that Islam is due for a reformation, similar to
Martin Luther's Reformation, that helped curb the abuses of the Catholic church, and shook up Christendom and allowed it to advance into the
future. This would require a reinvention of the Muslim identity. She goes into detail for each one, giving many examples to support her arguments.
Hirsi Ali condescends to the dissenting reader, appealing only to a very specific demographic a fact she herself acknowledges. Apr 25, Christine
rated it really liked it Shelves: feminist , religion , poc-on-cover , minority-and-women-writers. The five things to be reformed are: 1. At times she
implies that Islam has successfully resisted change for years and is a true reflection of the 7th century beliefs, which is absurd. While this may be a
noble aim, one doubts that a meeting of minds is about to occur anytime soon. Ayaan's best book yet. She states that Al-Ghazali was second only
to the Prophet in his importance in Islam and that it is him who has inspired jihadi groups such as Boko Haram, and ISIS when in reality, common
consensus within Islamist ideological examination points instead to roots in Ibn Taymiyyah and his writings on the justification of regime change as it
related to the Mongols. Related Articles. Simply denying that these groups are part of the faith is no longer a viable option. Linked to this, she
claims that Palestinians have been the most prolific users of suicide bombs without providing any supporting statistics which is also numerically and
historically not true See the Tamil Tigers, or now the Taliban, and the Haqqani Network to say nothing of the spreading violence in Iraq. Ayaan
Hirsi Ali suggests this is already happening — Malala, a young girl in Pakistan who was shot in the head by the Taliban because she dared to
pursue her education, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Why is it okay that we continue to live in a world where our women are compared to
candy waiting to be consumed? I found it to be straightforward and scholarly. We must aid the dissidents and reformers, like we did during the
Cold War. When I assert this, I do not mean that Islamic belief makes all Muslims violent. And I believe her humanist call for religious reformation
is sincere. Here in the West, there should not even be a hint of compromise when it comes to the universality of human rights, particularly women's
rights in this context. Talk about thought-provoking. The investment in life after death instead of life before death; 3. Using a distinctly different tone
to her earlier works and public appearances, Ali makes a point of being balanced and level, supporting her arguments with thorough research and
evidence. Am I guilty of hate speech? I did a little background research and I believe this brave woman is an important voice in world affairs. Her
fear of Islam has generalized, not to include the progressives and moderates as well. They would have these feelings and just use the language of
the land to justify their actions. Since I didn't read either of those books, I can't say what the differences are or how the books compare - i.
Anybody with followers can call themselves an Imam. Starks rated it it was amazing. By far the most numerous victims of Muslim violence—
including executions and lynchings not captured in these statistics—are Muslims themselves. Refresh and try again. The more I think about this
situation, and think of females I know who consider themselves to be radical feminists lining up to take shots do I mean that figuratively?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s ‘Heretic’

Will report back. View all 8 comments. I debated giving this book 5-stars, but I'm a pretty tough rater. If you doubt her, just turn on your news
program of choice and listen. Even if one comes away from it not in total agreement with Hirsi Ali, I don't think one can deny she makes some
valid points well worth considering. This topic is important for the entire world. This would require a reinvention of the Muslim identity. She has
over twenty pages of citations in the back of the book. She helps us to understand how radicals prey on vulnerable youth in the Western world.
The Medina Muslims are currently winning, she says, and we must take note. It is easy to reduce a religion down to its most horrific fundamentalist
examples and so get stuck in an overgeneralizing trap, and I think this happens to Hirsi Ali from time to time. Welcome back. View all 4
comments. I'm sure there are others as good, but that's the one I know. Apr 12, Debbie "DJ" rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction , political
, memoir , audio-book , cultural , religious. Muslims are taught to value the afterlife more than the one they are living and yes, the Qur'an does
advocate violence. The battle of ideas is not to be won by military means, as we have been doing. To privilege a working government, social
security, economic well-being, and person freedom as more important factors than religious doctrine is to give too much credit to "exogenous
forces. Mar 27, Natassia rated it it was amazing. She advocates nothing less than the reformation but note--peaceful reformation--not violent
overthrow of Islam in a thorough-going process of support for reformers, similar to the West's winning of the Cold War. But the minute you do the
same thing to Islam you are out, fired, you are dead meat, sir! Easy peasy. The idea she puts forward the idea that while denying that terrorists
have anything to do with Islam may be done with good intentions, it is not the truth. Issues that she brought up that intrigued me: - Male vs. This
book by the female Muslim author reaffirms the various facts associated with the mismatch and incompatibility that Islam has with the modern
world. Books by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She also suppresses the fact that the violence against minorities in Indonesia is also largely against minority
MUSLIMS, that happen to be the wrong kind of Muslims, like the Ahmadiyyas. And we need to say unambiguously to Muslims living in the West:
if you want to live in our societies, to share in their material benefits, then you need to accept that our freedoms are not optional. She talks of a
difference between Christianity and Islam as being the former's progression away from a literal interpretation of their holy book, while Islam, she
states, continues to do the opposite. The premise of this book is so obvious that it is alarming to think we need a book to present its case. I am
starting to attempt to understand Islam and this is one of the books I have bought. If I ripped up a picture of the Pope on TV today, people would
laugh and at worst say, "What an asshole. She wants to use the Sahih Bukhari as a paintbrush for Islam? It is apparent in the lacking numbers of
Muslims willing to speak out against the archaic Shariah law. Are there criticisms to be made? This book should be mandatory reading. Jun 30,
John rated it really liked it. Other editions. For instance, Muslims tend to place much more importance on the afterlife than on this life; due to the
way Islam developed, as both a religion and an empire, there is no inherent separation of mosque and state, no analogy to "render unto Caesar that
which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's". Honestl I thought this was excellent. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to
read. The other problem is that Islam explicitly says that it cannot be changed and gives explicit instructions for dire consequences to those who
do. Ayaan Hirsi Ali brings up the interesting contradiction that many in the West supported the end of the oppression of apartheid in South Africa
— so by the same measure we should support a reformation within Islam. As Islam began its conquests and expanded, it offered people a third
choice — accept status as a tax-paying, second-class dhimmi. With bracing candor, the brilliant, charismatic, and uncompromising author of the
bestselling Infidel and Nomad argues that it is foolish to insist, as our leaders habitually do, that the violent acts of Islamic extremists can be
divorced from the religious doctrine that inspires them. The book further elaborates on the claim that, and the question how this conversation needs
to be had, and that fundamentalists often try to shut dialogue down because of their notions of Islam's perfection and unchangeability, thus
preventing the reforms that Hirsi Ali deems crucial from taking place. In Judaism, God reputedly told them to drive out all nonbelievers from the
Promised Land, and isn't that what Israelis are doing? Not only did she turn her back on her native religion, she became one of its most articulate
and vehement critics. She goes on to talk about five foundational precepts of Islam that need to be reformed. Mar 24, Kristina rated it really liked
it Shelves: current-events , non-fiction , politics , contemporary-culture , my-book , religion-and-philosophy , feminism. Skip to Main Content Skip
to Search. I think that Hirsi Ali believes such sweeping generalizations justified because of her personal experiences. Furthermore, without debate
and critical thinking about the actual theological principles of Islam—not just the lack of economic and social justice in the Islamic world—no true,
lasting progress will be made. Admired by many secularists for her fearless denunciation of Islamic fundamentalism, she is loathed not just by
Islamic fundamentalists but by many western liberals, who find her rejection of Islam almost as objectionable as her embrace of western liberalism.
She definitely is willing to stoop to conservative fear-mongering sharia law is coming for America! Her main audiences are two-fold. She spends
several chapters listing aspects of Islam that need reform, such as fatalism and concentration on the afterlife; jihad; the practice of reprimanding
people who stray from the straight and narrow; and others. I couldn't escape the feeling that this book was written with the specific intention of
stirring the pot, making people angry, and creating a bestseller. And, I don't agree with either of them. The author not only recounts her personal
harrowing experiences in narrating what is wrong with Islam but also manages to segment Muslims based on the 'fundamentalism' level of their
belief. It's just not the kind of reformation that we're looking for.

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