Duckett 1989

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0022-5347 /88/1416-1407$02.

Copyright© 1989 by Williams & VVilkins Printed in U.S.A.


From the Division of Urology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

An unusual variant of hypospadias is the focus of this report. This distal variant consists of a
megameatus and urethra in the presence of intact foreskin. Recognition is important, not only
because of the uncommon combination of findings, which run contrary to the classical presentation
of most hypospadias, but also because of the technical shortcomings that are encountered during
repair with standard techniques. The pyramid procedure is described, which allows for an end-on
dissection of the distal megameatus-urethra, enabling a reduction in caliber of both while facilitating
remodeling of the glans. The procedure has proved to be successful and reliable for this particular
hypospadias variant. No complications have been encountered. (J. Ural., 141: 1407-1409, 1989)

The combination of a megameatus and an intact prepuce glanular groove are deepened to develop the glans wings from
(MIP) represents an unusual hypospadias variant. Although the urethral plate. This enables glans rotational remodeling for
most hypospadiologists will encounter this anomaly during the subsequent re-approximation in the midhne without tension or
course of their practice, recognition of this combination of compromise of the underlying neourethra. The distal urethral
findings in hypospadias as an isolated entity has been alluded plate is left wide (12 to 15 mm.) and intact dorsally. The
to only by a few authors. 1 • 2 Consisting of a widely splayed widened distal urethra is tailored in continuity with the urethral
"blunderbuss" meatus, widened distal urethra and deeply plate by removing a small wedge of ventral tissue.
clefted glanular groove, the MIP variant represents one of the The urethra and glans strip are tubularized to form the
most technically challenging types of hypospadias to repair neourethra. A continuous 7-zero polyglycolic or polydiaxanone
(fig. 1). There is no chordee with the variant, which in combi- suture can be used. The glans wings are re-approximated in the
nation with an intact prepuce frequently remains unrecognized midline in 2 layers using 6-zero interrupted polyglycolic sutures
until after circumcision. in the subepithelial glans tissue and 7 -zero interrupted chromic
The majority of anterior forms of hypospadias are amenable mattress sutures in the skin, completing the repair. A 10 or 12F
to conventional repairs, including meatal advancement and bougie-a-boule should pass easily through the neourethra.
glanuloplasty (MAGPI) 3 or a variety of meatal-based flaps.4 Expression voiding while asleep will demonstrate any abnor-
Our experience with application of these techniques to the MIP mality of the stream.
variant has been suboptimal because of the unusual configu- Circumcision, if desired, is performed making 2 circum-
ration of the glans and distal urethra. Since the findings in the ferential incisions in the shaft skin: 1 incision 6 to 8 mm. from
MIP variant mirror those of balanitic epispadias, a procedure the coronal edge with the prepuce retracted and 1 at a similar
has evolved from our experience with repair of epispadias that level without preputial retraction. After excision of the prepuce,
has proved to be applicable to the MIP hypospadias variant in sleeve reapproximation is done using fine running chromic
the circumcised and uncircumcised setting. We have labeled sutures. A 6F silicone tube is placed through the neourethra
this repair the pyramid procedure based on the exposure that and into the bladder. This fine catheter is sutured to the glans
allows for simple and safe dissection of the wide meatus and with 5-zero polypropylene on a tapered needle, allowing for
urethra. continuous drainage of urine into a diapero The repair is dressed
with a simple gauze wrap that is removed the in 48
TECHNIQUE hours. The stent remains for approximately 5 to 7
A 5-zero polypropylene suture is placed in the dorsum of the
glans to facilitate handling during subsequent repair (figo
Three other traction sutures define the megameatus and base During the last 3 years, we have performed the pyramid
of the pyramid. The exposure afforded by these sutures helps procedure in 14 consecutive patients seen with the MIP variant.
to avoid inadvertent urethral injury during mobilization of the Of the boys 7 had been circumcised previously. One patient
megameatus and distal urethra. Subepithelial injection of li- was seen after an attempted repair at another institution re-
docaine 1 per cent with epinephrine (1:100,000) is performed sulted in a retrusive meatus and fistula. Patient age ranged
along the proposed lines of incision and even into the glans from 6 to 39 months. Followup ranged from 2 to 36 months.
itself to minimize bleeding. Intermittent use of an elastic tour- Each patient returned for initial evaluation 3 to 4 weeks post-
niquet also may be needed during the initial dissection. operatively for assessment of the quality of the repair, and
A tennis racket incision is made beside the glanular groove calibration of the meatus and distal urethra using a bougie-a-
and around the edges of the megameatus at the base of the boule. Subsequent evaluations have been performed 6 to 8
pyramid traction sutures. The dissection is carried proximally weeks later and again at 1 year. The postoperative cosmetic
below the coronal level, mobilizing the urethra (to the apex of appearance of the penis has been uniformly excellent. Similar
the pyramid) with fine iris scissors. Laterally, the edges of the functional results have been achieved, each patient voiding
with a good straight stream. There has been no evidence of
Accepted for publication November 30, 1988. meatal stenosis, fistula, chordee or urethral strictures. To date
* Requests for reprints: Division of Urology, Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, 34th SL and Civic Center Blvdo, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- no patient has required a secondary procedure for correction of
vania 19104-4399. a complication or improvement of cosmesis.

Fm. L A, MIP variant. Prepuce is intact with no chordee and relatively innocuous appearance. B, foreskin is retracted to show megameatus.
C, less severe variant recognized after circumcision.



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Fm. 2. Pyramid technique. A, MIP variant. B, foreskin is retracted to show megaurethra. C, tennis racket incision is marked. D, periurethral
dissection to apex of pyramid. E, ventral urethral reduction by removal of wedge of tissue, neourethral closure and approximation of glans in 2
layers (deeper layer is shown).

DISCUSSION With an intact prepuce and no chordee, many patients often

are denied surgical correction for lack of functional disability.
Anterior hypospadias represents 65 to 70 per cent of all types Nevertheless, considerable appreciation and relief are ex-
of hypospadias seen. In a series reported by Juskiewenski and pressed by the parents after successful repair for functional
associates the preputial intact variant comprised 25 of 383 (6 and/or cosmetic reasons. Our experience would support its
per cent) cases of anterior hypospadias. 1 These figures would correction in most instances.
place the over-all incidence of the MIP variant at approxi- In the newborn with the MIP variant the prepuce normally
mately 3 per cent. We are suspicious that the entity is perhaps is fused to the glans around to the megameatus. Since the
even more common. The milder glanular variant will not cause prepuce is normal circumferentially, there are no clues to the
functional problems. The MIP variant may not have the usual anomaly until the fusion is separated. Thus, many of these
distal lip causing deflection of the stream seen with other forms patients undergo ~tine neonatal circumcision before detec-
of hypospadias. The more severe MIP variants may be associ- tion, underscoring the'1teed for increased awareness of the MIP
ated with urinary spraying and meatal irritation in the adult. variant on the part of tll:e urologist and primary care physician.
(Mathieu).4 Each of these urethropiasties has its particular
B application and potential limitations. The application of any
favorite repair to an unsuitable candidate invites complication
regardless of the expertise of the surgeon. This caveat proves
especially true in the MIP variant. The ideal candidates for
performance of the MAG PI technique are boys with subcoronal
hypospadias without fibrous chordee when the glans is broad;
although the meatal caliber may be stenotic the urethra is
normal. As noted by Gibbons and Gonzalez, unsuitable candi-
dates include those with a widened meatus and severe dysplastic
ventral skin, and in whom the urethra is immobile.' Meatal-
based flaps should not be used in patients with proximal ventral
skin deficiency or when the length of flap needed to form the
neourethra exceeds a 2:1 ratio. In the application of meatal-
based flaps to this particular variant the surgeon encounters
an inability to tailor the megaurethra, and difficulty in readying
the glans and urethral plate in preparation for neourethral flap
Fm. 3. Proposed embryology of MIP variant. A, normal develop- and glans remodeling.
ment. Glanular urethra forms from ectodermal pit at glans tip and
open end of urethral groove. Closure of groove is shown. Sagittal view The use of periurethral skin tubularization to form a neoure-
shows proximal urethra meeting glanular urethra when intervening thra in hypospadias repairs is not a new principle. King" and
septum (arrow) breaks down in normal cases. B, MIP variant results Duplay 7 a century earlier both described its use. The shortcom-
from overabundant or misdirected clefting. Adapted from data of
Sommer, J. T. and Stephens, F. D.: J. Urol., 124: 94, 1980. ings of their procedures, as reported, lie in an inability to
extend the neourethra onto the tip of the glans" Extrapolating
our experience with the repair of glanular epispadias, the pyr-
Nevertheless, retention of the foreskin, important to other amid procedure permits a more cosmetic glans reconstruction,
hypospadias conditions, is not a factor in repair of the MIP and can be applied to the MIP variant in the circumcised and
variant. Therefore, guilt for an inappropriate circumcision is uncircumcised states. The pyramid exposure optimizes a safe
irrelevant. and simple dissection of the megameatus-urethra, and allows
The embryological basis of this phenomenon is unclear. The for subsequent reduction and caliber of both with excellent
glanular urethra forms during month 3 of gestation. It generally functional and cosmetic results.
is believed that the glanular urethra results from proliferation
of epithelium growing into the substance of the glans. It meets REFERENCES
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