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Module 1 Notes

1. Applications of databases
a. Supermarkets
b. Credit card transactions
c. Academic administration
2. File based vs Database systems
a. File based systems
i. Collection of separate applications that independently manage their own data
1. Initial attempt at digitizing data
ii. Problems
1. Separation of data
2. Duplicate data since different departments have their own data
a. Dreamhome case study
i. File for client data, owner data, house data, and lease
ii. Sales might have client data, owner data and property
iii. Contract department might be only interested in client
data, property data, and lease data
3. Incompatible file formats which hinders integration and processing data
across departments
4. Querying data became hard because you needed specific programs for
each query, causing proliferation of apps and maintenance became a
5. Definition of data embedded in the querying application programs, and
control over access and manipulation of data imposed by program
b. The Database approach
i. Database
1. Shared collection of logically related data, ensuring minimal duplication
and centralization

3. Defining Databases and DBMS

a. Database
i. Collection of related data
b. Database management system
i. Manage and control access to database
4. Roles in DBMS Environment
a. Database and Database admins
i. Oversee db architecture and security
b. Db designers
i. Design db based on org needs
c. App developers
i. Create apps that interact with db
d. End users
i. Use data within a system
5. History of db systems
6. Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS

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