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ARMA 23-748

Coupled Pore Pressure and Geomechanical Modeling of a

Naturally Fractured Reservoir

Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Luis Felipe Fajardo on 23 October 2023
Qiuliang Yao and Andrew Madyarov
Teverra LLC, Houston, TX, USA

Copyright 2023 ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 57th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 25-28 June
2023. This paper was selected for presentation at the symposium by an ARMA Technical Program Committee based on a technical and critical
review of the paper by a minimum of two technical reviewers. The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of ARMA, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent
of ARMA is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 200 words; illustrations may not be copied.
The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was presented.

ABSTRACT: Natural fractures play a significant role in oil and gas production by serving as the primary fluid pathways in
reservoirs with low matrix permeability. However, their behavior is sensitive to stress change. The depletion of reservoir pressure
will increase the effective stress and may cause natural fractures to close. Closure of opened fractures may create pressure barriers
and impede further depletion. Numerical simulation of a naturally fractured reservoir remains challenging. A fully coupled finite
element model is developed in this study using commercial finite element method (FEM) software. The interaction between total
stress and reservoir pressure is computed using a Biot-Gassmann poroelastic model, and the depletion is modeled as pressure
diffusion using Darcy’s law. The closure of natural fractures is modeled by associating the permeability to stress using a subroutine
that reads the stress at each time iteration to compute the corresponding permeability and update the material property at each
material point. A scenario study successfully demonstrates the modification of the depletion pattern because of the closure of
natural fractures.

modification of fracture transport properties attributed to

stress variations remains challenging (Gao & Gray,
When natural fractures develop within a reservoir,
geomechanical and hydraulic properties interact with
one another (Davies & Davies, 2001). The initial spatial
distribution of opened fractures has a significant impact MECHANICAL MODELING
on fluid flow and pressure depletion (Heffer et al., Subsurface formation rock is a porous medium
1994). The in-situ stress field responds to reservoir consisting of a solid matrix and pore fluid. Following the
pressure changes according to porous media constituting concise notation in Berryman (1999) and further
material laws. On the other hand, hydraulic properties of reducing it to only consider hydrostatic stress and strain,
natural fractures are sensitive to stress conditions. the elastic behavior of a porous media filled with fluid
Closure of opened fractures creates a pressure barrier can be described as:
and can impede further depletion. Such interactive
behaviors are highly dynamic and should be modeled in  = a11 + a12 p (1)
a coupled manner (Jin et al., 2000). Most current  = a21 + a22 p (2)
modeling approaches involve two separate simulation
platforms: (1) fluid flow and reservoir pressure modeled Here, ε is bulk strain, ξ is fluid change normalized to
with reservoir simulators and (2) stress evolutions
bulk volume, σ is total external stress increment, and p
modeled using FEM simulators (Myers et al., 2017).
is the pore pressure increment. Coefficients aij are
Such approaches depend on a large amount of data
related to grain bulk modulus K0, dry bulk modulus Kd,
repeatedly transferred between the two platforms.
porosity φ, and fluid modulus Kf.
Recently lots of efforts of coupled modeling have been
reported or implemented into commercial software. It is evident that even in a single isolated volume of
Generally, the reservoir simulator is the master or host in formation rock, pore fluid and mechanical behavior are
the coupled process, therefore the focus is on fluid fully coupled to each other. When considering the fluid
simulation, but the stress is typically handled exchange to neighboring rock units, transport properties
oversimplified. Furthermore, properly modeling the of the rock will be involved to further complicate the

solution (Biot, 1956). Eqs. (1) and (2) are simplified to prohibitive. For unconventional field developments, the
the hydrostatic stress, but for most of the subsurface natural fracture plays an important role with providing a
problems, the stress should be treated as a tensor with fluid pathway within a low permeable matrix; however,
six or more components. Furthermore, if the coefficients its contribution to fluid flow is highly dependent on
aij and transport properties change with time, solving the stress conditions, which are dynamically influenced by
large number of coupled equations becomes extremely fluid flow. Therefore, a coupled modeling workflow

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challenging. without data transfer becomes highly demanded.
There are continuous efforts to provide fully coupled A commercial finite element simulation software
simulations within academia and industry (Dean et al., Abaqus was used for this study to create such a fully
2006; Matsunaga et al., 2018; Alpak, 2014); but for now, coupled workflow.
various simplification and approximation approaches
Because the “pore fluid/stress” element with a porous
have been proposed and practiced (, 2015).
elasticity material model is used, the interaction between
Fig. 1Fig. 1 compares the different types of approaches total stress and reservoir pressure is fully coupled. The
for a typical subsurface modeling workflow. EM, RM, numerical simulation results from a separate verification
and GM represent geological earth model, reservoir model were compared to analytical results computed
modeling, and geomechanical modeling, respectively. using the Biot-Gassmann poroelastic model (Skempton,
Ideally, after the EM is constructed, reservoir and 1954) with satisfactory performance.
geomechanical simulations (in either the static or Depletion is modeled as pressure diffusion using
dynamic modeling process) should be fully coupled at Darcy’s law (Darcy, 1856).
every time step to precisely reflect the physical behavior
of the formation. However, because of the mathematical 𝑞 = − 𝜇 ∇𝑝 (3)
complexity, the reservoir and geomechanical simulations
Here, q is flow rate, k is permeability, μ is dynamic
are often solved with two separate engines. At the first
level of compromise, the simulations should be halted at viscosity of the fluid, and p is pore pressure.
the end of every time step, and the results from both This is probably an oversimplified approach compared
engines should be transferred to one another to update to most commercial reservoir simulation software
the input for the next time step. Additionally, it is quite because it doesn’t manage anything beyond a single-
common to use a further compromised workflow where phase fluid flow; therefore, this workflow should not be
data is only transferred one way. The choice of approach applied to applications where multiphase fluid flow and
is a matter of application as well as cost. For example, if phase change are important. However, for
the reservoir’s transport properties are not expected to unconventional applications where mechanical and
have large modifications, then the one-way transfer transport property interactions are the more important
workflow can be considered as a cost-effective factor to account for and where production is dominated
approach. by one fluid, such as gas, this workflow can capture the
primary physics with significantly lower computational


It is well known that reservoir rock permeability is a
function of stress. The sensitivity of this dependency
varies widely with the type of pore structures (Abass et
al., 2007). For rocks dominated with round-shape pores,
such as carbonate without fractures, their permeability
typically exhibits little dependency on stress change.
Fig. 1. Comparison between fully coupled fluid and However, presence of elongated pores, such as
mechanical simulations with uncoupled approaches, microcracks and fractures, makes the rock extremely
depending on transferring data. sensitive to stress changes for many of its properties,
including acoustic properties such as compressional and
However, for a reservoir where transport and mechanical shear velocity and transport properties such as resistivity
properties are highly interactive to each other, the one- and permeability.
way approach will not capture the primary characters of
the formation, and simulation results can be far from Early reservoir simulators typically did not have the
reality. On the contrary, the two-way transferring capability to update rock properties with time; this is
approach is extremely time consuming and cost probably acceptable to most conventional well

consolidated reservoirs. However, to properly simulate permeability as a function of that field variable in the
reservoir behavior where natural fractures are well input file; therefore, permeability keeps updating at each
developed, it is important to include such permeability iteration based on stress solutions at the last time
modifications during the life of the field. There are iteration. In the 2021 release, an optional parameter was
attempts to update permeability as a function of void introduced in Abaqus for user defined fields to directly
ratio, pore pressure, or, simply, time (Kasap and Bush, specify an available scalar field to copy into the FV.

Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Luis Felipe Fajardo on 23 October 2023
2003), but these approaches do not capture the proper This allows users to avoid using subroutines in simple
permeability variation mechanism. For example, the cases of parameter dependency, e.g., on a single stress
method based on the porosity permeability relationship component or invariant.
fails to model the closure of natural fractures where Material Model Abaqus .odb Subroutine: USDFLD
permeability reduces for multiple orders of magnitude,
but the change of porosity is insignificant. • Solutions like
S, E, Pp, …
k = f(FV) FV = f(E, S, …)
The best field parameter to characterize permeability • Field variable
change is probably effective stress. Most laboratory (FV)

measurement data are conducted using this method (Fig.

Fig. 3. Permeability updating using subroutine.
2Fig. 2).

Integrating these techniques to demonstrate the proposed
concept and workflows, a model was created to simulate
the 10-year depletion history of a simple reservoir. A
producing well is placed at the center of a 10 × 10-km
reservoir with 1000-m thickness; the model is relatively
large to minimize boundary effects. The original
reservoir pressure is 105 MPa. A roller boundary
condition is set at the bottom, while the top and sides of
the model are loaded with pressure boundary conditions
to represent far field in-situ stresses. For the fluid flow, a
constant pressure is applied at the sides with no flow at
the top and bottom surfaces. The production is simulated
by applying a lower bottomhole pressure of 73.5 MPa
along the wellbore and holding it for the simulated 10
years. Table 1Table 1 lists the mechanical properties of
the reservoir rock and fluid together with stresses and
pore pressure.
Fig. 2. Permeability vs. confining pressure for various types of
fractures and matrices (Abass et al., 2007). Table 1. Mechanical properties of the reservoir rock and fluid.

For a coupled pore fluid and mechanical simulation, the Young's modulus 20 GPa
stress field is calculated at the end of each time iteration; Poisson's ratio 0.2
therefore, it is suitable to use it as an independent Grain bulk modulus 37 GPa
variable to compute the corresponding permeability. Fluid bulk modulus 2.5 GPa
Fig. 3Fig. 3 shows the workflow to update permeability Overburden stress, Szz 121 MPa
with stress change. In the center of the workflow is the Minimum horizonal stress, Syy 110 MPa
finite element simulation software output database (odb) Maximum horizontal stress, Sxx 115 MPa
file. Besides common solutions such as stress, strain, Pore pressure, Pp 105 MPa
pore pressure, etc., an additional field variable (FV) is
defined and written in the odb file at the end of each
time iteration. This FV is accessible by both the As a baseline scenario, the reservoir pressure is depleted
subroutine and the software’s primary job executing around the well location with a radial symmetry (Fig.
module. For the subroutine, the FV can be computed as a 4Fig. 4, top). A minor distortion is caused by the effects
function of any available field solution, such as stress or from rectangular model boundaries.
strain, at that point in time. It is then written back to the For the case study, a 200-meter-wide strip of a naturally
odb file and passed through to the next time iteration. On fractured zone is placed 400 m away from the producing
the other side, the software allows users to define

well (Fig. 5Fig. 5). The strip may represent a damage Pa

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No Fracture Zone


y = 400 m


Stress Dependent Frac Perm


Constant Frac Permeability

Fig. 4. Comparison of depletion results with no fracture zone

(top), a fracture zone with permeability reduction with
increasing stress (middle), and a fracture zone with constant
permeability (bottom).

around a fault with conductive fractures formed aligned
with the orientation of the fault. Thus, as the initial
condition, the hydraulic property of the natural fractured
zone is characterized by an anisotropic permeability
kxx = kzz = 500 md, kyy = 10 md. Outside of the fractured
zone, the reservoir is assigned an isotropic permeability

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of 10 md.


Reservoir Rock
10 km  10 km  1 km

Fig. 5. Reservoir model with a fractured zone.

First, let the anisotropic permeability in the fracture zone

have no dependency on stresses so that the fractures stay
open during the entire simulation time. The pressure
distribution after 10 years of production for this case is
show in Fig. 4Fig. 4, bottom. Compared to the baseline
scenario, the final reservoir pressure distribution loses its
radial symmetry and exhibits a seemingly smaller
depletion zone, especially on the opposite side of the
fractured zone from the well. This effect is caused by the
enhanced permeability in the x direction in the fracture
zone that helps bringing additional fluid inflow into the
system from the left and right boundaries of the model,
where constant pore pressure is applied.
Finally, a stress dependency of the permeability in the
fractured zone is introduced in the model. It is assumed
that the natural fractures begin to close when the
effective stress yy (which is perpendicular to the
fractures) reaches 8 MPa. This is implemented by
specifying the permeability–stress relationship in a
tabular form (Table 2Table 2). The stress component
selection, normal to the assumed fracture orientation, is
for demonstration purposes only. In real applications,
other components, invariants, or their combination can
be implemented in the user subroutine to drive the
permeability changes, depending on the nature of the
fractured zone.
Table 2. Permeability dependence on normal stress.

Permeability kxx, kzz, md Effective Stress yy, MPa

500 5
100 8
10 8.1 Fig. 6. Effective stress yy distributions for stress dependent
fracture permeability: at year 1 (top), year 2 (middle), and year
10 (bottom).

The results of the simulation with stress dependent comparison, by considering the stress dependency, the
permeability in the fractured zone are presented in Fig. closure of fractures stops such inflow, thus the final
4Fig. 4, middle. Initially, while the fractures are fully pressure profile recovers to what is generated in the
open, the solution follows the constant frac permeability scenario without the fractured zone. The bottom plot
solution from Fig. 4Fig. 4, bottom. Then, as the pressure shows the pressure profiles along a straight line just
depletion area propagates to the fault, the effective stress above and parallel to the fractured zone (labeled as

Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Luis Felipe Fajardo on 23 October 2023
increases and causes the fractures to close, reducing the Section y = 400 m in Fig. 4Fig. 4, middle). Similarly, in
permeability in the x and z directions. The solution the scenario with no stress dependence, the continuous
deviates towards the baseline scenario from that point. fluid supply through those never-closed fractures will
maintain a relatively higher pore pressure even in the
The changes in the normal effective stress controlling vicinity of the production well. After closure of the
the permeability change are shown in Fig. 6Fig. 6. The fractures, the pressure profile, again, recovers to the case
dark grey area signifies the region where the effective similar to no fracture zone.
stress yy has overcome the threshold value of 8 MPa.
When this area grows into the fractured zone (by the end The relative production rate histories in three scenarios
of year 2 of production), it starts triggering fracture are compared in Fig. 8Fig. 8 Without the fractured zone,
closure. the production rate gradually declines due to the
depletion effect as expected. With the fractured zone,
X = 0 m, t = 10 years and ignoring the stress dependency, the extra inflow
105 through the open fractures significantly increases the
100 initial production rate and slows down the decline rate.
Pore Pressure, MPa

By considering stress dependency, the production rate

transits from an initial high value to a normal value, due
90 to the closure of the fractures.
85 100

Stress Dependence Stress Dependence

80 95
No Stress Dependence No Stress Dependence
Relative Production Rate

75 90 No Fracture Zone
No Fracture Zone
70 85
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Y, km 80
Y = 400 m, t = 10 years
104 70

102 65
Pore Pressure, MPa

100 60
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

98 Time, years

96 Fig. 8. Relative production rate as a function of time for the

Stress Dependence three scenarios.
94 No Stress Dependence
No Fracture Zone
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
X, km A fully coupled fluid flow and geomechanical
simulation workflow is developed with the capability to
Fig. 7. Pore pressure profiles across the fractured zone (top),
update permeability with changing stress. A scenario
parallel to the fractured (bottom) after 10 years of production.
study demonstrates that this workflow can easily capture
The final pore pressure distributions in three scenarios the closure of natural fractures and simulate the
are compared in Fig. 7Fig. 7. The top plot shows the depletion of a naturally fractured reservoir more
pore pressure profiles along a straight line across the realistically. The current workflow can only manage the
well and perpendicular to the fractured zone (denoted as single-phase fluid flow; therefore, its application should
be limited to reservoirs where multiple-phase flow and
Section x = 0 m in Fig. 4Fig. 4, middle). Without
phase change is not important. Further development is
considering the stress dependency, the fractures will stay
necessary to expand the workflow to more general field
open and enable higher fluid inflow from the left and
right sides of the model. A higher pressure gradient
remains between the well and the fractured zone. In

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