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Name: ………………………………… Class: ……………………….

There are several educational problems that young people face today. One of the most significant issues is the
lack of access to quality education. This is particularly true in developing countries, where many young people do not
have the opportunity to attend school due to poverty, conflict, or other societal challenges. This lack of access to
education can have serious consequences for these young people, as it can limit their ability to achieve their full potential
and contribute to their communities.
Another problem that many young people face is a lack of motivation to learn. This can be caused by a variety
of factors, such as a lack of interest in the subject matter, a lack of support from teachers or parents, or a feeling of being
overwhelmed or stressed by the demands of school. This lack of motivation can lead to poor performance and even
dropping out of school.
In addition, there are often significant disparities in educational outcomes between different groups of young
people. For example, students from disadvantaged backgrounds may struggle to keep up with their more privileged
peers, leading to a cycle of poverty and inequality.
Finally, there are also a few technological challenges that young people face when it comes to education. For
example, the rapid pace of technological change can make it difficult for students to keep up, and there is often a lack
of resources or infrastructure to support the use of technology in the classroom.
Overall, there are many challenges facing young people when it comes to education. However, with the right
support and resources, these challenges can be overcome, and young people can be given the opportunity to achieve
their full potential.
Answer these questions from the text. (4 marks)
What is one of the most significant issues facing young people in terms of education?
Why do some young people lack motivation to learn?
How do disparities in educational outcomes affect disadvantaged groups of young people?
What are some technological challenges that young people face in education?
Are these statements true or false? Justify your answers (4marks)
Lack of access to quality education is a significant issue only in developing countries.
A lack of motivation to learn can be caused by a feeling of being overwhelmed or stressed by school demands.
There are no significant disparities in educational outcomes between different groups of young people.
Technological change can make it difficult for students to keep up with the demands of education.
Find in the text words meaning the same as: (2 marks)
Hinder: (Paragraph 1) …………………………..
Staggered: (Paragraph 2) ……………………….

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