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Successful or accomplished students; are not only students

who received good grades, satisfactory credentials, or know how

to flatter professors in order to build a good image other people
can see.
Good students are intellectuals who know how to talk, listen,
participate, and most importantly, extract important lessons from
lectures or presentations they can learn and use later on in life.
But how do successful students become successful – and stay
successful throughout their education, even during their career?
Successful students find a quicker way to get the solution or
answer efficiently and productively, which can get more work
done. However, those students don’t just take shortcuts when
feeling lazy. Finding a better way to solve any problem can help
them by doing quality work faster.
Average or lower students sometimes lack discipline,
responsibility, or anything that could possibly help them in school,
and as a result, their self-esteem and knowledge wavers, thus
turning in a circle. Once their self-esteem and knowledge waver,
then that is a problem in itself, leaving the student in no condition
to correct their nonexistent discipline. On the other hand, other
students whose responsibility for their assigned tasks, along with
their disciplined actions make them accomplished as well as
gratified once their work is done.
Most of this has nothing to do with talent; but with skill and
hard work. Skill can be developed with hard work, and enhanced
with multiple things like discipline and responsibility. Successful
people understand lessons like that, and more importantly, they
use it while educating themselves in college or other types of
training school.
None of these things happen once and over with. Successful
students do what they do continuously and in a cycle, which turns
into a habit that greatly helps them when needed. On top of that,
successful students, being students, learn even more, expanding
their knowledge and much as they can before continuing on their
journey in life.

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