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MESTFP Année scolaire : 2023-2024

République du Bénin

Baccalauréat Blanc Départemental / Session d’avril 2024

Épreuve : Anglais Durée : 3 heures Séries : C & D Coefficients : 02

• Compétences à évaluer :
CD2 : Réagir à des textes ou supports multimédia.
CD3 : Produire des textes ou supports multimédia de types et de fonctions variés.

• Épreuve :

I- Réaction à un message lu.

A- Contexte : En plus de la rupture de la cohésion et de la paix sociale, les guerres
intertribales ou inter-ethniques, ou encore les conflits armés entre pays constituent un
facteur de déstabilisation et d’anéantissement individuels et collectifs aux plans
affectifs, émotionnels, etc. Les guerres sont un handicap sérieux au développement
socio-économique des nations.
B- Support:


Abdul had a dream. He dreamed of a place where people could live in peace, where bombs
would not kill his family's goats and where he could go to school. People in his town told him
that such a place really existed, although it was a long distance away. His father said the journey
was too dangerous, since some had died of thirst and hunger on the way. But when a neighbour
whose husband had been killed set off with her two children, Abdul decided that he would make
the journey alone.

Abdul carried neither food, nor clothing and on the first day, he just ran and ran. The road
of safety was strewn with bodies. On the following day, he met a woman from his town who said
that he could accompany her and her companions. They walked for days, passing deserted
villages. On one occasion, they had to cross a minefield, where one of their groups was killed.
For food, they ate leaves. Ten days later, people started dying of hunger and exhaustion. Soon
thereafter, planes attacked them.

Finally, Abdul crossed the border and arrived at the refugee camp. He now goes to school
and the sound of air craft no longer frightens him. All the planes he now sees carry food instead
of bombs. But he misses his family, and he would like to go back home. There are millions of <
Abduls > around the world. Many of them have been traumatized by war and suffer from hunger
and thirst. Few have known a normal family life and many will never return to their homes. They
are the poorest of the world's poor'.

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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees divides these impoverished into two
groups. A refugee is defined as someone who flees his country because of a well-founded fear
of persecution or violence. An internally displaced person has likewise been forced to leave his
home because of war or similar grave dangers but he still resides in his own country.

Nobody knows for sure how many refugees and displaced persons eke out a living in
evasion camps or how many wander helplessly from place to place in search of security.
According to some sources, the total worldwide figure may be about 40 million and half of them
are children, where do they all come from?

Furthermore, many of today's conflicts are civil wars that take a terrible toll not only on
men of military age but also on women and children. Fuelled by deep-rooted ethnic and religious
divisions, some seem interminable. In one African country, where the current phase of civil war
has already endured for 18 years, there are four million internally displaced persons, while
hundreds of thousands more have fled abroad. Invariably, the only way that war-weary civilians
can escape the violence is to leave home.

Adapted from Awake! published on January 22, 2002, retrieved on March 16, 2024 at 5:18 p.m.

C- Critères d’évaluation :
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
- reconnaissant les détails du texte ;
- répondant à des questions de façon approfondie ;
- manifestant ta maîtrise de son vocabulaire ;
- démontrant ta maîtrise de la grammaire ;
- traduisant un passage du texte en français.

Tâches :

Item 1: Write “Right” or “Wrong” for these statements.

1) Abdul decided to make the journey because he didn't want to go to school.
2) He reached the peaceful place alone and very easily.
3) Millions of children around the world are enduring the consequences of wars.
4) The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees impoverished and divided the
people in conflicts.

Item 2: Answer the following questions on the text.

1) Choose a suitable title for the text:
a. Terrorists Worldwide; b. Refugees Then and Now; c. ln search of security.
2) Why did Abdul dream of a place where he could live in peace?
3) Where did Abdul find peace?
4) What causes many of today's conflicts?

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Item 3: Find out in the text words or expressions which mean the same or almost the same as:
1) nuclear weapons (paragraph 1)
2) extreme tiredness (paragraph 2)
3) runs away (paragraph 4)
4) live from day to day (paragraph 5)

Item 4: Rewrite these sentences using the prompts given.

1) It is a pity! Police use violence against unarmed people.
• If only ----------------------------------------------------------
2) The US government will vote a law against racism and white people will stop
discriminating against black men.
• Unless ---------------------------------------------------------
3) The police killed Jones in 2014.
• It is -------------------------------------------------------------
4) Abdul’s neighbour tried to reach the refugee camp and they shot him.
• If ----------------------------------------------------------------

Item 5: Translate the last paragraph of the text into French.

II- Production d’un texte de type particulier.

Contexte :
Fondé sur des considérations peu scientifiques, le racisme est la source de discrimination,
de comportements hostiles et de maltraitance des certaines par d’autres.

Critères d’évaluation :
Tu montreras ta compétence rédiger un texte argumentatif en anglais en :
− respectant le type de texte et le contexte ;
− respectant la logique interne du texte ;
− construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes et significatives ;
− utilisant le vocabulaire, l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriés.

Tâche :

Alan Goodman an American anthropologist has said: ‘’ the idea of a biological race is
a myth that is separating us because all people are biologically the same’’.
As the leader of the committee in charge of promoting peace and social justice in your
school, you are invited to write a text to defend Alan Goodman’s opinion basing on sound
arguments. (20 lines at most)

Good composition
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