31E (BCD) O 2024 001011 - 09000190819339a3

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Radiocommunication Bureau (BR)

Geneva, 2 April 2024

Our Ref.: 31E(BCD)O-2024-001011

Contact: Mr Bangaly Fodé Traoré, BR/TSD/BCD Multi-address

Telephone: +41 22 730 6329
Telefax: +41 22 730 5785
E-mail: brmail@itu.int

Subject: Application of the Rules of Procedure relating to pending assignments in the GE84 Plan

Refs: - Part A5 of Rules of Procedure

- Special Section GE84/310, annexed to BR IFIC No. 2965, dated 22 February 2022

Dear Madam, Sir,

Pursuant to paragraph 4.6.1 of Part A5 of the Rules of Procedure (RoP) on Regional Agreement GE84, a
proposed modification shall lapse and be returned to the notifying administration if the final characteristics
have not been communicated to the Bureau within a period of two years and 100 days for GE84 Plan,
starting from the date of its publication in Part A of a corresponding Special Section.
In application of the paragraph above, the Bureau wishes to draw your attention to the fact that all pending
modifications to the GE84 Plan from your Administration, published in Part A of the above-mentioned
Special Section GE84/307, shall be removed from our records.
Detailed information concerning the referred assignment(s) is available to the designated focal point(s) in
MyAdmin application at: https://www.itu.int/ITU-R/eTerrestrial/eBroadcasting/myAdmin.
The Bureau invites your Administration to review those assignments and to take appropriate actions by the
deadline of 2 June 2024. If the proposed modification to the GE84 Plan is no longer considered for
operation, you are invited to inform the Bureau about its withdrawal. Otherwise, your Administration may
attempt to promptly complete the coordination process or resubmit the assignments as indicated in
paragraph 4.6.1 of the above RoP.
Yours faithfully,

Nikolai Vassiliev
Chief, Terrestrial Services Department

International Telecommunication Union • Place des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland •
Tel: +41 22 730 5111 • E-mail: itumail@itu.int • Fax: +41 22 733 7256 • www.itu.int

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