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[15.02.2024 21:20:33]Log created!

[15.02.2024 21:20:34]If steam has started True

[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Steam_api.dll found
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]If is in big picture mode: False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]If is started on the steam deck: False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]If is started on steam VR: False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Starting System Info Collection
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] DragFullWindows : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] HighContrast : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MouseWheelScrollLines : 3
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] PrimaryMonitorSize : {Width=1920, Height=1080}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] VerticalScrollBarWidth : 17
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] HorizontalScrollBarHeight : 17
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] CaptionHeight : 23
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] BorderSize : {Width=1, Height=1}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] FixedFrameBorderSize : {Width=3, Height=3}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] VerticalScrollBarThumbHeight : 17
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] HorizontalScrollBarThumbWidth : 17
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IconSize : {Width=32, Height=32}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] CursorSize : {Width=32, Height=32}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MenuFont : [Font: Name=Segoe UI, Size=12, Units=0,
GdiCharSet=1, GdiVerticalFont=False]
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MenuHeight : 20
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] PowerStatus : System.Windows.Forms.PowerStatus
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] WorkingArea : {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1040}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] KanjiWindowHeight : 0
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MousePresent : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] VerticalScrollBarArrowHeight : 17
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] HorizontalScrollBarArrowWidth : 17
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] DebugOS : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MouseButtonsSwapped : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MinimumWindowSize : {Width=136, Height=39}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] CaptionButtonSize : {Width=36, Height=22}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] FrameBorderSize : {Width=4, Height=4}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MinWindowTrackSize : {Width=136, Height=39}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] DoubleClickSize : {Width=4, Height=4}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] DoubleClickTime : 500
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IconSpacingSize : {Width=75, Height=75}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] RightAlignedMenus : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] PenWindows : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] DbcsEnabled : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MouseButtons : 16
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Secure : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Border3DSize : {Width=2, Height=2}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MinimizedWindowSpacingSize : {Width=160, Height=28}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] SmallIconSize : {Width=16, Height=16}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] ToolWindowCaptionHeight : 23
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] ToolWindowCaptionButtonSize : {Width=22, Height=22}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MenuButtonSize : {Width=19, Height=19}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] ArrangeStartingPosition : Hide
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] ArrangeDirection : Left
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MinimizedWindowSize : {Width=160, Height=28}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MaxWindowTrackSize : {Width=1940, Height=1100}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] PrimaryMonitorMaximizedWindowSize : {Width=1936,
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Network : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] TerminalServerSession : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] BootMode : Normal
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] DragSize : {Width=4, Height=4}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] ShowSounds : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MenuCheckSize : {Width=15, Height=15}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MidEastEnabled : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] NativeMouseWheelSupport : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MouseWheelPresent : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] VirtualScreen : {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MonitorCount : 1
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MonitorsSameDisplayFormat : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] UserInteractive : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsDropShadowEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsFlatMenuEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsFontSmoothingEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] FontSmoothingContrast : 1200
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] FontSmoothingType : 2
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IconHorizontalSpacing : 75
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IconVerticalSpacing : 75
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsIconTitleWrappingEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MenuAccessKeysUnderlined : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] KeyboardDelay : 1
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsKeyboardPreferred : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] KeyboardSpeed : 31
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MouseHoverSize : {Width=4, Height=4}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MouseHoverTime : 30
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MouseSpeed : 10
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsSnapToDefaultEnabled : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] PopupMenuAlignment : Right
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsMenuFadeEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MenuShowDelay : 0
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsComboBoxAnimationEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsTitleBarGradientEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsHotTrackingEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsListBoxSmoothScrollingEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsMenuAnimationEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsSelectionFadeEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsToolTipAnimationEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] UIEffectsEnabled : True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsActiveWindowTrackingEnabled : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] ActiveWindowTrackingDelay : 10
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] IsMinimizeRestoreAnimationEnabled : False
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] BorderMultiplierFactor : 1
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] CaretBlinkTime : 530
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] CaretWidth : 1
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MouseWheelScrollDelta : 120
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] VerticalFocusThickness : 1
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] HorizontalFocusThickness : 1
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] VerticalResizeBorderThickness : 4
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] HorizontalResizeBorderThickness : 4
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] ScreenOrientation : Angle0
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] SizingBorderWidth : 1
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] SmallCaptionButtonSize : {Width=22, Height=22}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] MenuBarButtonSize : {Width=19, Height=19}
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]System Info Collection Complete!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Starting Hardware Info Collection
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Setings from MyDocuments loaded succeeded
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]language set: English
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]BackgroundImage set to main in user folder, which is Main
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]BackgroundImage trying to load:E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\
common\Warhammer 40000 Gladius - Relics of War\Launcher\Images\Main.png
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Back groundImage has been loaded
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Theme loaded: Main
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Top Cover loaded: True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Bottom Cover loaded: True
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Checking brand
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Setting up for: steam
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Setting gameID to: warhammer-40000-gladius-relics-of-war
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Setting website link to:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Setting support link to:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Setting forum link to:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Setting logoWebsite link to:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Update button Hidden
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Steam set up!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]setting up for Marketing browser
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]setting up buttons
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Making Marketing Browser
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button begining created
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is file or folder
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] \whatsnew.pdf
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is called Version: 1.13.02
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button begining created
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is GameEXE:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] \Binaries\Windows-x86_64\Gladius.exe
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is Large
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button begining created
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is Manual:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] \Manuals\Gladius manual EBOOK.pdf
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is normal sized
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Starting button event binding
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]button events have be bound
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button begining created
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is website:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is called Product Page
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button begining created
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is website:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is called Forum
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button begining created
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is website:
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]
[15.02.2024 21:20:34] Button is called Support
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Button Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]community icon Has been created!!
[15.02.2024 21:20:34]Launcher is set up!
[15.02.2024 21:20:35] New Pic box called: PictureBox_
[15.02.2024 21:20:37] Navigating to:
[15.02.2024 21:20:37] Navigating to:
[15.02.2024 21:20:37]Marketing Browser made
[15.02.2024 21:22:26]User is considering: Manual
[15.02.2024 21:22:26]User is no longer considering: Manual
[15.02.2024 21:22:26]User is considering: Play
[15.02.2024 21:22:26]User is no longer considering: Play
[15.02.2024 21:22:26]User is considering: Play
[15.02.2024 21:22:27]Button has been pressed
[15.02.2024 21:22:27]Trying to play sound
[15.02.2024 21:22:27]Sound played!
[15.02.2024 21:22:27] It was an exe, attempting start of exe
[15.02.2024 21:22:28] Killed Marketing Browser? True
[15.02.2024 21:22:28] arguments passed--steam
[15.02.2024 21:22:28] Begining normal start
[15.02.2024 21:22:29] Application Started
[15.02.2024 21:22:29] Laucher shrunk
[15.02.2024 21:22:29] Laucher hidden from taskbar
[15.02.2024 21:22:29] Laucher waiting for exe to shut
[15.02.2024 21:31:19] Laucher Exiting
[15.02.2024 21:31:19]Button action compelled

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