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Terese Hilliard
1 day ago
Brave men and women, THANK YOU for signing up for a difficult job. I respect and applaud
Reply 15 Share

Cary Grant
1 day ago
My, aren't you a wonderful human being...
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Nota Bot
1 day ago
Look at the numbers, 576 officers, minus the 33 that went to the MTA, leaving 543 to the city.
Divided up between 75 precincts, transit and housing divisions and 9 squads to cover all the
That’s less than one officer per shift in a city already out of control.
It’s like taking a teaspoon of water out of the ocean and expecting the level to drop.
Good luck kids, you’ll need it.
Reply 4 Share

Cary Grant
1 day ago
Do these people have any idea what they're in for or are they simply too unqualified to land a
ob in the private sector? Who in their right mind wants to be a law enforcement agent who is
allowed to enforce the law and may find themselves viciously attacked or violented
or they themselves land behind bars if they attempt to do so?

Reply 15 Share

1 day ago
It's still a city job. PD, FD, sanitation. Yea, they are not doctors but PD is making 125 k at
inimum and done in their early 40's to begin the life or job they want. They don't want
private sector. Moving the 401k around 10 times and not knowing where the next job
You can jeep it
Reply 6 Share

Joe Boogs
1 day ago
Badge,gun,great benefits and pension after 20 years..Not too bad for people who have no
Reply 2 Share

Post poster
1 day ago
The pension is the real reason no one is joining and ppl will look for every reason
nder the sun to not acknowledge that. Tier 4 pension is just superior to tier 6
flat out. If you were to retire now under tier 4 you could make 7k a month
20yrs with social security a potential 10k a ...
See more
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1 day ago
They put their lives on the line protecting your sorry butt as you play tough guy
a phone
Reply 3 Share

1 day ago
Sir/Madam; One of the most well known secrets in NYC is many of those currently on the
ayroll had access to the entry W&A's (wink wink) because their friends/relatives coached
the answers to the test) them. Maybe those currently on the payroll aren't

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1 day ago
More would come if you had their backs and followed the laws that the constitution put in

Reply 14 Share

Post poster
1 day ago
Nope more would come if they put back tier 4 pension instead of this dreadful tier 6

Reply 1 Share

Common Sense
1 day ago
All these police graduates have a lot of guts because very few politicians will stand by them.
luck and may God be on your side at all times.
Reply 9 Share

Kevin V
1 day ago
look like the DEI class. The Yo's are in charge
Reply 14 Share

1 day ago
Sir/Madam: it is ok for the four leaf clover boys, Corleone Kinfolk & Queen of England
haps to be in charge.? You deliberately forget ORGANIZED CRIME can't exist without
COOPERATION of the BLUE. By the way, YO's ain't got no Ships, Airplane
Reply 1 Share

Nick none
1 day ago
I thought the Chief of Personnel ruled that cops must go back to being clean shaven...
Reply 8 Share

I'm Your Huckleberry

1 day ago
And no tattoos would be nice. Tired of seeing cops with the stupid tats all over their arms,
the female ones. Ridiculous. Leave that for the criminals.
Reply 8 Share

1 day ago
Ok huck
Reply 1 Share

I'm Your Huckleberry

1 day ago
I guess there are no white cops anymore either.
Reply 20 Share

1 day ago
Suit up buttercup
Reply 4 Share

Cary Grant
1 day ago
What's wrong with you? It's a rhetorical question, not that you have a clue as to what
Reply 3 Share
1 reply

1 day ago
Its not the money why nypd cops are leaving. Cops are leaving due to DA’s more focused on
cops who use force to apprehend violent criminals.

Nypd has no leadership at top to bottom.

Front line pcts are run by sociopaths in rank of insp, cpt lt, sgt’s.

Most of these bosses were never street cops and were inside arm chair cops, telling cops how to
cops. There lays the issue.

The Other issue is how commands are so divided by clicks, and favoritism along race lines.

Should not matter what race you are to be a cop. The law is the same for everyone.

Nypd has been sacked by dei blm caire woke marxists.

The dept is made up of 47 percent non white.

What more do you want?

Reply 5 Share

Ted Editedit
1 day ago
Tougher DA's and Prosecutors are needed more than police officers.
Reply 3 Share

1 day ago
I’d truly be surprised if 150 of them stay in that train wreck of a police department. That’s more
about uniforms than the safety of civilians and officers. Do better for yourselves!
Reply 3 Share

Mit Wol
1 day ago
You couldn’t be more wrong! The NYPD has always been and remains the best law
agency on earth!
Reply 2 Share

Mo Green
1 day ago
These poor poor rookies have no idea what they’ve signed up for. There is not enough money in
he world for me to ever be a police officer to protect and serve a few good people and a whole
ungrateful people. Nope!
Reply 4 Share

1 day ago
Note the Hamas lovers didn't show up.
Reply 5 Share

1 day ago
They are in the graduating class
Reply 4 Share

Martin Shields
1 day ago
Wow beards in the Police Academy......whew. Facial Hair. Single Mothers more future
problems like Corrections.
Reply 3 Share

I WONT disable AD blockers.

1 day ago
It's the single mothers with facial hair thats creepy.
Reply 3 Share

uuulde vulvase Sliplkeq

18 hours ago
Most of these new police graduates were in Rikers last year. Most of these rookies are
dams extended family and will be involved with keeping his collection of suits cleaned and
One senior undercover will be assigned to his Mando Squad as a quartermaster.

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1 day ago
I wish them only the best!
Just remember that the NY politicians will not back you.
Always wear your vest.
Reply 2 Share

Jackals Dolmen
1 day ago
If any of them are smart, they are already looking to move to another department. If not, they
ill regret it. The chiefs and precinct COs in the NYPD use cops as pawns to further their own
areers. City Hall, from the City Council to the mayors office, all hate you. The people of New
ork hate you. District Attorneys work directly against your best interest. The CCRB has been
eaponized and looks to make an example out of every cop they can. NYPD leadership only
how to motivate by cracking the whip and threatening discipline for every error a cop
It used to be the best advertisement for the job was one of its own cops. No longer.
is horrible and few cops, if any, will tell a friend or family member to join. It's turning
a Third World police department. Why do you think there are record numbers of
and resignations right now?
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1 day ago
Remember DEMOCRATS telling everyone to de-fund the police? How many Americans were
ssaulted, robbed, raped, and murdered because of the Democrats decimated the police
because it was politically fashionable?
Reply 2 Share

1 day ago
Good more are hired to fill the vacancies. But CRIME RATE is already DOWN.
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1 day ago
Let the city train them educate them.
Than it's time too leave
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I WONT disable AD blockers.

1 day ago
They immediately left the ceremony and made a bee line to Dunkun for donuts.

Now, the real training begins!

Thank goodness for elastic stretch pants.
NYPD lizzo's before you know it.

Reply 1 Share

benito camelas
1 day ago
Reply 2 Share

1 day ago
Progressive Motto: "More Crime, Less Police"
Reply 1 Share

Buck Lodger
1 day ago
More Cops.
Less illegals.
Reply 2 Share

I WONT disable AD blockers.

1 day ago
How many file for 100% disability within 18 months? Union's rule! Police Benevolent gets a cut

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Jason Hoppy
22 hours ago
Sadly, 500 cops will get absorbed into different units that have little effect where they are
eeded. The halfway decent looking females will get drafted into being sergeant's drivers who
complete married horndogs looking to dip their wick. It's a story as old as time. Truth, I've

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Truth hurts
23 hours ago
Thought they had to shave again
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1 day ago
Live by the sword
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1 day ago
Congrats. Come quickly...All heck is breaking loose
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