Gasco News Vol32 No4 Dec 2022

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Vol 32. No.


Vol 32. No.4 DECEMBER 2022 32 4

In search of sustainable solutions

The National Gas Company of
Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC)
Orinoco Drive
Point Lisas Industrial Estate, Couva
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
West Indies

Nicola J. Ghouralal
Head, Communications and Brand

Nadine Ramharack
Public Relations Officer II
Communications and Brand
The dimensions of food and nutrition
security in the Caribbean 02
Nadine Ramharack
Sheila McIntosh
Green infrastructure: How building
with nature can help human 10
Mario Singh habitats
Tanagna Lessey-Kelly
Analeise Ramgattie

National Energy and IDB launch
the "Roadmap for a Green 17
Hydrogen Economy in T&T"
NGC Archives


Lonsdale Saatchi and Saatchi The role of sustainable
Advertising Limited transportation in climate adaptation


Please address all correspondence

Going green turns gold for NGC
c/o NGC Communications

and Brand Department Shell and NGC partner to
NGC Orinoco House (Head Office), "Re-energize TnT" through education
Orinoco Drive,
Point Lisas Industrial Estate
Tel: (868) 636-4662,4680
Fax: (868) 679-2384
2022 — our year in review

©2022 Material in this publication,

with the exception of photography,
may be reproduced once credit is
given to GASCO NEWS


In search of sustainable solutions

At the close of November 2022, food and nutrition resilience must
days of sustained rainfall over be an area of focus. Taking stock
Trinidad and Tobago culminated in of where we are as a region is an
disastrous flooding across the islands. important first step, and we commit
Entire communities were partially to sharing what we learn with the
submerged; landslips and inundated national community through our
thoroughfares barred access to many channels.
areas; roadways collapsed and the
supply of water and electricity were Climate change is also impacting our
disrupted for thousands of people. settlements, and we need to explore
Citizens suffered millions of dollars solutions for building more resilient
in losses and unquantifiable distress communities and cities. Building
at the prospect that flooding on this with nature is one such solution
scale could become more frequent that we can pursue. In October
and intense. 2022, NGC joined IAMovement, a
non-governmental organisation, to
This is the grave reality we must deliver the inaugural Caribbean Green
confront as our climate continues Infrastructure Conference, to promote
to change, fanned by mounting to do the same. This has earned exchange around this topic.
atmospheric levels of greenhouse us special recognition under the
gases. At the COP 27 climate reporting framework of the global Oil Of course, while we engage our
conference, the urgency of mitigative and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP industry colleagues, we also need
action was again underscored to 2.0) — an organisation we joined in to bring our young people into the
citizens of the world. At this juncture, 2021. conversation. Education of our youth
that action must include measures to must go hand in hand with climate
both restrict further warming and help At the same time, we continue to adaptation efforts. With that in mind,
our societies adapt to those changes explore options beyond our core NGC has partnered with Shell Trinidad
we cannot soon reverse. business for reducing the carbon and Tobago Limited to deliver a
footprint of the energy sector. Group special curriculum to a group of
In search of sustainable solutions subsidiary National Energy has been secondary school students across
working collaboratively with the the country, aimed at building energy
Through its Green Agenda and Inter-American Development Bank literacy and mobilising our youth to
holistic focus on sustainability, The (IDB) and KBR Inc. to assess the support the climate fight.
NGC Group has been hard at work potential to produce green hydrogen
exploring, devising and implementing locally. The results of their study were In this issue of GASCO News, we
strategies to help Trinidad and incorporated into “The Roadmap profile these and other stories that
Tobago meet its own climate action for a Green Hydrogen Economy in give insight into The NGC Group’s
and sustainability targets. Trinidad and Tobago”, launched by approach to shaping a sustainable
the government in November 2022. future for our country.
Looking internally first, we have
plotted a path to reduce our We recognise that climate adaptation
operational emissions of methane is equally important. Our changing
by the year 2025, while supporting weather patterns have been Mark Loquan
the efforts of our industry colleagues impacting our farmers, so building President






Improving food and Food and nutrition In Latin America and the Sustainable agricultural
nutrition security is a key insecurity strongly Caribbean, 40.6% of the practices, leveraging
to advancing progress correlate with issues such population, or 56.5 million technology in farming,
of the United Nations as health, workplace people, are moderately or expanding the food
Sustainable Development productivity and severely food-insecure. production value chain and
Goals (SDGs). economic vulnerabilities. tackling food waste can all
help boost food availability.

he experience of the COVID-19 Disruptions in international food elevate risks in food systems.
pandemic, and more recently, supply chains remind the region’s In recognition of the growing
the impact of the Russia- citizens of how vulnerable we are to threat of food insecurity, CARICOM
external shocks that drive up the cost member states have been actively
Ukraine war, have elevated food
of food. pursuing a strategy to make regional
security as an issue of growing food security a top priority. This
concern to the Caribbean region. Uncertainty with global food supply is reflected in CARICOM’s push to
chains is expected to persist in boost food production with its "25%
Within the Caribbean Community the medium to long term as the by 2025" food security initiative,
(CARICOM), food imports amount to compounding effects of climate which aims to stimulate investments
an estimated US$5 billion per annum. change intensify. Unpredictable in food production to reduce regional
It is no secret that the Caribbean weather patterns, increasing dependence on food imports.
region depends heavily on food frequency and intensity of storms Improving food and nutrition security
imports to meet its dietary needs. and droughts, and the prevalence is key to advancing progress on
of pests and diseases triggered by a the United Nations Sustainable
warming planet, are all expected to Development Goals (SDGs).


The dimensions of food and nutrition security in the Caribbean CONTINUED


End poverty End hunger, Achieve Reduce Sustainably Revitalise

in all forms achieve food gender inequality manage the global
everywhere security and equality and within and forests, combat partnership
improved empower all among desertification, for sustainable
nutrition and women and countries halt and development
promote girls reverse land
sustainable degradation,
agriculture halt biodiversity

Given the multi-dimensional nature fact, between 702 and 828 million Despite enjoying one of the highest
of food systems, it has strong people around the world face hunger Gross Domestic Product (GDP) levels
connections with several SDGs such daily. in the region, Trinidad and Tobago
as: #1 — No Poverty; #2 — Zero recorded the third highest prevalence
Hunger; #5 — Gender Equality; #10 — In Latin America and the of food and nutrition insecurity in
Reduced Inequalities; #15 — Life on 2021 at 43.3%, behind second place
Land and #17 — Partnerships for the
Caribbean, 40.6% of the Jamaica (50.3%) and first place Haiti
Goals (Figure 1 refers). population, or 56.5 million (Figure 2 refers).
people, are moderately or
severely food-insecure. Within
WHAT IS THE EXTENT CARICOM, this figure ranges
from 17.2% in the Bahamas to a
OF FOOD AND sobering 82.5% in Haiti.

According to the Food and FIGURE 2

“food and nutrition security exists
when all people at all times have
physical, social and economic
access to food of sufficient quantity
and quality in terms of variety,
Trinidad & Tobago 43.3%
diversity, nutrient content and safety Suriname 35.9%
to meet their dietary needs and St. Vincent & The Grenadines 33.3%
food preferences for an active and
St. Kitts & Nevis 26.9%
healthy life, coupled with a sanitary
Jamaica 50.3%
environment, adequate health, Haiti 82.5%
education and care”. It may come as
Grenada 22.3%
a surprise to some that enough food
Belize 42.3%
is currently produced to feed every
Barbados 31.1%
person on the planet. Despite this
Bahamas 17.2%
Antigua and Barbuda 33.0%

FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. 2022. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022. Repurposing food and

agricultural policies to make healthy diets more affordable. Rome, FAO.



In 2021, the Latin
American and the
Caribbean region
had the second
highest prevalence
of food insecurity
in the world behind
3). This justifies
the urgency of
CARICOM regional
57.9% 40.6%

leaders to achieve
the ‘25% by 2025’ 1.5% 10.5% 4.5% 23.4% 14.2%
food security

With 40.6% of Latin America GROUPS
and the Caribbean experiencing
food insecurity, 4 in 10 people
in the region are at risk of
experiencing uncertainty about
where and how they will obtain 26.4% 14.2%
food, while some will typically
run out of food and have to go a
day or more without eating People experiencing People experiencing
moderate food insecurity severe food insecurity have
(see Figure 4). Adequate access to food in face uncertainties about typically run out of food and
both quality and quantity their ability to obtain food at worst have gone a day (or
and have been forced to days) without eating.
Food and nutrition insecurity compromise on the quality
and/or quantity of the food
strongly correlate with issues they consume.
such as the social determinants of
health2, workplace productivity, SOURCE: FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP AND WHO. 2022. THE STATE OF FOOD SECURITY AND
disproportionately impact women MAKE HEALTHY DIETS MORE AFFORDABLE, ROME, FAO
and girls in the region.

The social determinants of health (SDH) are the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which
people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. World Health


The dimensions of food and nutrition security in the Caribbean CONTINUED

The lack of affordable food is
therefore a major barrier to food and COST OF FOOD IN 2020 PER PERSON PER DAY (US$)
nutrition security.

In 2020, the Latin American

and Caribbean region had the
highest cost of a healthy diet
compared to other regions
(see Figure 5).
$3.89 $3.72 $3.46 $3.19 $3.19 $3.07
Individuals who fall within lower
income brackets and those with fixed Latin Asia Africa North Europe Oceania
incomes (such as retirees/pensioners America America
and the differently abled) are the and the
most exposed to food insecurity. Caribbean
With the least amount of disposable
income, these at-risk individuals
often gravitate toward cheaper, low-
quality food, full of sugar, sodium, THE LINKS BETWEEN This widening gender gap in food
preservatives, and refined grains. security reflects the disproportionate
FOOD AND NUTRITION impact of the economic crisis on
This was confirmed in a 2022 study SECURITY, HEALTH AND women brought on by the COVID-19
by Henry et al. on the comparative pandemic. Additionally, women
cost of diets for low-income families GENDER have traditionally and continue to
in the Caribbean which found that: bear a greater share of the burden
Another dimension of food and of caregiving for children and
nutrition security is the link between sick family members, which was
“Poverty and food insecurity
poor diets and non-communicable exacerbated during the pandemic.
are associated with lower food diseases (NCDs). In the Caribbean,
expenditures, low fruit and more than 70% of deaths are caused
vegetable consumption, and by NCDs, making it the leading
cause of death.3 While NCDs are
lower quality diets. mainly a result of a combination of WHAT ARE THE
"In practical terms, diets composed
genetic, environmental, behavioural, OPPORTUNITIES TO
and metabolic risk factors such
of refined grains, added sugars and
as physical inactivity, unhealthy IMPROVE FOOD AND
added fats are more affordable than
diets based on lean meats, fish, fresh
diets play a major role in their NUTRITION SECURITY?
vegetables and fruit”.
In addition to the human cost of Amid all the challenges posed
The study also found that NCDs, they drive up the costs of by food and nutrition security in
“… low-income households will healthcare and reduce regional the Caribbean region, there are
governments’ available funding for opportunities for stakeholders to
need between 22% and 47%
other priority areas of development. become more involved in helping
of their earnings to obtain a rebuild the region’s agriculture and
healthy diet” Food and nutrition security also has food production systems to help
(Henry, F.J. et al. 2022). a gender dimension. improve the availability of affordable
and nutritious food.
In 2021, 31.9% of women in
the world were moderately
or severely food-insecure
compared to 27.6% of men.

Razzaghi H, Martin DN, Quesnel-Crooks S, Hong Y, Gregg E, Andall-Brereton G, et al. 10-year trends in noncommunicable disease

mortality in the Caribbean region. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2019;43:e37



Global food losses

of all fruits and

and waste per year vegetables

of all fish and

around seafood
of the world’s food

/3 is squandered, that is

of all cereal

1.3 billion tons of wasted food at

of all dairy

1 20%
approx. of all meat and
trillion USD costs poultry


The following are a few of those 2) Utilising newer technologies one-third of all food produced
opportunities. and regenerative farming globally is wasted by retailers,
practices4 such as hydroponics restaurants and consumers.
1) Sustainable agriculture can help and indoor vertical farming, This represents a staggering
improve the competitiveness digital farming, and other 1.3 billion tonnes of fruits,
and viability of regional food practices to improve soils vegetables, meat, dairy and
production. Areas of potential and reduce environmental seafood that never leave the
competitive advantage in impacts, could help lower farm, spoil during distribution,
agriculture, such as niche the risks associated with or are thrown away in hotels,
products like organic vegetables, traditional farming methods and grocery stores, restaurants,
spices, coffee, specialty grains, vulnerability to climate change schools, or home kitchens
seafood, oils, and cocoa, could impacts. annually (Figure 6 refers).
help unlock exports which
could help drive job creation 3) Pursuing value-added activities, In Trinidad and Tobago, the average
and foreign exchange earnings such as food processing, could household discards about 75kg of
potential. Farming practices that create new import substitution food per year, making the country
use fewer harmful chemicals and opportunities, reduce food miles5 one of the most wasteful in Latin
degrading techniques, such as and create more local jobs while America and the Caribbean.6
tillage, could help improve soils improving food and nutrition
and crop yields. security. Eliminating food waste represents a
low-cost pathway to improving food
4) Tackling food waste represents availability that every citizen can take
"low-hanging fruit" in the food immediate action to support.
and nutrition equation. Around

Regenerative farming refers to farming practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter
and restoring degraded soil biodiversity – resulting in both carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle.
Food miles refer to the distance between the place where food is grown or made and where it is consumed.
UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021.


The dimensions of food and nutrition security in the Caribbean CONTINUED



WHERE DO WE GO development and are collaborating regenerative farming practices, will

to ensure that the target of 25% by be key to rebuilding the region’s food
FROM HERE? 2025 is achieved. systems.

Boosting the production and From the data presented in this Understanding the linkages between
availability of nutritious, affordable article, it is reasonable to conclude food and nutrition and dimensions,
food represents one of the key that business-as-usual will not solve such as gender, income inequality
sustainability challenges in the the region’s food security challenges. and health, are crucial considerations
Caribbean region. Regional Investing in sustainable agriculture in designing effective policies and
governments in CARICOM have based on the tenets of Climate Smart programmes to support greater
made this a top issue for sustainable Agriculture7 supported by newer investment and involvement in food
technologies and older ones such as and nutrition.

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach that helps guide actions to transform agri-food systems towards green and climate
resilient practices. It aims to tackle three main objectives: sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; adapting and
building resilience to climate change; and reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible. FAO.





Green infrastructure is any installation, Building with and alongside nature can help us
environmental feature or space designed better manage water shortages, mitigate floods
into built environments to deliver ecosystem and combat rising temperatures.
services to society.

" Public parks, community gardens and urban

landscaping are all examples of attempts to make cities
greener and to reap the health and aesthetic benefits
of building around nature.


Green infrastructure: how building with nature can help human habitats CONTINUED

Rainwater harvesting

he term "green infrastructure" seeks more sustainable ways to On the other hand, we are also
may not be familiar to all, but construct and manage human grappling with an excess of
the concept is by no means a habitats — to reduce their carbon water due to severe storms and
and resource footprint and make catastrophic flooding events.
novel one. Throughout the history
them more resilient against the Stormwater runoff and floods
of urban planning and development, impacts of climate change — more can move leached toxins, sewage,
efforts have been made to integrate developers are turning to green and other harmful pollutants into
nature into built environments. Public infrastructure solutions. freshwater reservoirs, cause damage
parks, community gardens and to properties, incubate vectors and
diseases and even lead to loss of
urban landscaping are all examples
habitats and life.
of attempts to make cities greener, THE CHALLENGE
and to reap the health and aesthetic OF WATER There is an opportunity to address
benefits of building around nature. both water shortages and surplus
While the term "green infrastructure" volumes using green infrastructure
Trees provide shade and visual can subsume the gamut of eco- solutions.
reprieve in "concrete jungles"; engineering projects, it is commonly
parks and open spaces are retreats used to refer to systems that help Rainwater harvesting
for recreation and family outings; manage water use and runoff. Strategies and tools for rainwater
gardens provide opportunities for Water presents a dual challenge for harvesting mimic the natural
communal agriculture and building sustainable development. On the environment’s water catchment and
food security; and in general, one hand, there is an entire United storage basins. They are considered a
greenery helps filter pollutants and Nations Sustainable Development green infrastructure solution because
improve air quality. Goal (SDG) dedicated to addressing they help with resource conservation.
water scarcity and the management
Green infrastructure is essentially of freshwater sources. This is because In the Caribbean, we have
any installation, environmental heat stress and altered weather
feature or space designed into built
traditionally used barrels to
patterns are putting pressure on
environments to deliver ecosystem potable water sources across the collect rainwater for household
services to society. As the world globe. use.


" The use of rooftop gardens

for growing food is a
doubly sustainable solution
as it leverages rainwater
to help build food security.
This technique of direct,
natural irrigation is a
useful short circuit in the
water supply chain that
immediately connects
supply with demand.
This technique is already utilised in into storm drains or settle in low- Xeriscaping
areas of prevalent water shortages, lying areas, while boosting water The most popular options for
but it is also gaining popularity availability for domestic, agricultural landscaping around buildings include
elsewhere as building and home and commercial use. lawns and surfacing with lower-
designers are incorporating features maintenance concrete, pavestones or
to channel water from guttering Infiltration surfaces tiles. Both options can impact water
systems into storage tanks. Another solution for managing supply under different conditions.
water involves engineering natural In some countries, for example,
Collected water can be used catchment areas by creating spaces lawns need to be watered during dry
for water to infiltrate into soil in weather to keep them lush, while
for maintenance and upkeep, places where there is significant non-porous surfacing can contribute
sanitation, laundry and even concrete cover. Rooftop gardens, to water runoff into storm drains and
dishwashing and showering. planter boxes and forested enclaves other reservoirs.
Agricultural facilities and in urban areas can all help capture
greenhouses can use rainwater An environmentally friendly
for irrigation, watering animals The use of rooftop gardens for alternative that has been
and sanitation, as applicable. growing food is a doubly sustainable growing in popularity is
solution as it leverages rainwater xeriscaping. This refers to the
Rainwater can even be used for
to help build food security. This
cooking and drinking once it is technique of direct, natural irrigation practice of using landscape
filtered and sterilised. is a useful short circuit in the water designs that require little or
supply chain that immediately no irrigation. This technique
Diverting some rainwater into connects supply with demand. It
involves replacing grassy
storage, especially in heavily allows some of the treated pipe-
concreted areas, can help reduce borne water that would otherwise lawns with rocks and mulch
the volumes of water that run off have been used in food production to and planting drought-tolerant
be conserved for other applications. shrubs and trees.


Green infrastructure: how building with nature can help human habitats CONTINUED

Vetiver grass is used as a solution for slope stabilisation.

Xeriscapes do not add additional In October 2022, local In Trinidad and Tobago,
burden to water supply, and can still
absorb some rainfall, in contrast to IAMovement, non-governmental organisations such as Vetiver
non-porous yard surfaces. organisation partnered with TT and the United Nations
Greening of slopes
NGC to deliver the inaugural Development Programme have
In the Caribbean region, flooding and Caribbean Green Infrastructure been promoting vetiver as a
landslides are perennial risks during
Conference, wherein the merits cheaper alternative to building
the rainy season. Deforested or
degraded hills and slopes are major of using vetiver grass for slope retaining walls at vulnerable
contributors to both, as loose soil can stabilisation were spotlighted. sites across the country.
silt rivers and cause land slippages.
Retaining walls are traditionally This grass has a dense, fibrous root Leveraging mangroves
used for slope stabilisation in such system which can grow past 10 feet Abundant rainfall is just one water
areas, but certain trees and grasses long within two years.1 Rows of source that can present a challenge
can provide a natural engineering vetiver can thereby serve as natural for human settlements. Artic ice
solution. retaining walls as their roots hold melt and thawing permafrost are
the soil together, slowing runoff and contributing to rising sea levels and
preventing surface erosion. saltwater intrusion into freshwater
reservoirs. Coastal protection is
Their roots also help absorb certain therefore critical to sustainable
contaminants, such as heavy metals, development.
which has led to their inclusion in
remediation strategies for polluted
waterways across the world.2



Mangrove trees can serve as We all know that shade trees can A SUSTAINABLE
natural structural reinforcements to provide welcome respite from the
coastlines and surrounding areas. sun on a hot day. This is because tree SOLUTION FOR THE
Their above-ground roots encourage canopies intercept some of the sun’s REGION
deposition of sediment and can light and heat. Trees can therefore be
help bind and build soils — a feature leveraged as a green infrastructure Regardless of where they find
which offers some protection against solution to help naturally cool built themselves on the development
rising sea levels.3 They also buffer environments. curve, all countries across the
waves and help protect inland areas Caribbean region are faced with
from storm surges, which can often If a building is fronted by glass that the common challenge of balancing
cause severe flooding.4 Protecting, is not tinted or windows without growth imperatives with climate
restoring and planting mangrove awnings, the interior could heat action. As Small Island Developing
belts is therefore recognised as an up quickly and demand more of States, we are experiencing firsthand
important strategy to help adapt our air-conditioning systems. Planting the devastating effects of a warmer
settlements to the impacts of our trees in strategic locations around global climate, so we need to
changing climate. such buildings can create a natural ensure that any plans we devise for
defense against the sun’s rays and long-term growth are both climate-
help regulate internal temperatures, conscious and sustainable.
thereby reducing reliance on air
BEATING THE HEAT conditioning.
In that context, green
Water management is not the only Green spaces can also help reduce infrastructure will be critical to
service that can be provided by cooling needs by providing outdoor
green infrastructure. As temperatures alternatives to artificially cooled our region’s future. If we can
get progressively warmer, we environments for the pursuit of leverage and work alongside
increasingly retreat into artificially various activities. Exercise, social
cooled environments to escape gatherings and even some office- nature when we plan and build,
the heat. Our higher appetite for based work can be accommodated we can simultaneously serve our
air conditioning leads to increased in urban forests, parks and gardens.
Indeed, many prefer to utilise such
people and our planet.
burden on our power grids. In areas
where electricity is still generated spaces when they are available, not
using fossil fuels, this climbing just for the energy-saving advantage,
demand creates a vicious cycle — the but for the health and wellness
more we burn fossil fuels to support benefits of spending more time in
cooling, the more we contribute to nature.
global warming.






Trinidad and Tobago has Over the last year, National Energy The findings of that study were
the requisite infrastructure, collaborated with the IDB and launched in the “The Roadmap
expertise and offtake market KBR Inc. to assess the potential of for a Green Hydrogen Economy
to facilitate development of a Trinidad and Tobago to produce in Trinidad and Tobago” —
green hydrogen economy. green hydrogen as a major a 35-year development
decarbonisation option for the programme split into three
power and industrial sectors. broad horizons.

The future use of green hydrogen in Trinidad to

produce ammonia and methanol is inevitable.

Stuart Young, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, fifth from left, together with, Robert Le Hunte, left, IDB Executive Director; Dr Vernon
Paltoo, President, National Energy; Farley Augustine, THA Chief Secretary; Pennelope Beckles, Minister of Planning and Development; Carina
Cockburn, IDB, Country Head, and Dr Joseph Khan, Chairman, National Energy, display the Roadmap for a Green Hydrogen Economy during
its launch at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre, Lady Young Road, Port of Spain on November 29, 2022.


National Energy and IDB Launch "The Roadmap for a Green Hydrogen Economy in T&T" CONTINUED

n Tuesday November 29,
2022 National Energy,
on behalf of the Ministry
of Energy and Energy Industries
and in collaboration with the Inter-
American Development Bank (IDB),
launched “The Roadmap for a Green
Hydrogen Economy in Trinidad and
Tobago”, which is the summary of
findings of the Study to establish a
Green Hydrogen Market in Trinidad
and Tobago. Over the last year,
National Energy collaborated with
potential of Trinidad and Tobago to
produce green hydrogen as a major
The other major uses of grey to play a significant role in the
decarbonisation option for the power hydrogen in Trinidad are for steel decarbonisation of this sector,
and industrial sectors. and cement production. Whilst providing an opportunity for Trinidad
steel production facilities are and Tobago to transition local ferries
currently mothballed, the 0.2 Mtpa to green fuels in the future.
allocated for that sector allows for
THE HYDROGEN the possibility of the revival of this Trinidad and Tobago’s value
POTENTIAL AND VALUE industry as green steel gains traction proposition lies in leveraging its
in the market. Cement production existing petrochemical facilities,
PROPOSITION IN T&T is a major emitter of greenhouse operational experience and
gases (GHGs). As such, green associated infrastructure. All other
The idea of building a hydrogen hydrogen could be used to fuel the nations exploring green hydrogen
economy for Trinidad and Tobago cement facility, reduce emissions and and hydrogen derivatives will need
is based on the premise that the produce green cement for local use, to invest additional sums in the
nation can leverage its existing with the potential for exports if the transformation facilities (ammonia,
hydrocarbons and fossil fuel market conditions are appropriate methanol or other hydrogen carriers)
infrastructure and know-how to build and local production capacities as well as storage and export
capacity in another way — green increase. facilities, and this will require not only
hydrogen and green products. high levels of capital expenditure
Additionally, the hydrogen potential (CAPEX), but also the workforce and
Trinidad and Tobago currently for Trinidad and Tobago doesn’t stop know-how required to build, operate
there. and maintain these facilities, all of
has installed infrastructure with which are pre-existing in Trinidad and
a capacity for approximately Green hydrogen can play Tobago.
1.7 million tonnes per annum a significant role in the
(Mtpa) of hydrogen. transportation sector of KEY FEATURES OF THE
Moreover, being one of the leading Trinidad and Tobago through GREEN HYDROGEN
exporters of ammonia and methanol the transition of heavy-goods
globally, the country has a captive ROADMAP
demand of 1.5Mtpa of grey hydrogen vehicles, long-haul carriers
(hydrogen derived from fossil fuels The proposed roadmap for Trinidad
and public transport to green and Tobago is based on a 35-year
such as natural gas) for use as
feedstock for these applications. hydrogen vehicles. development programme and is
The future use of green hydrogen in split into three broad horizons as
Trinidad to produce ammonia and In the shipping sector, green illustrated above.
methanol is inevitable. ammonia and methanol are expected


Horizon 1: Building the Right
Foundation for Trinidad and Tobago
Creating a hydrogen economy will be a
The first horizon and probably the
most critical of all three will focus massive undertaking, but it is one that is
on building a strong foundation for
Trinidad and Tobago. Some of the well within the reach of Trinidad and Tobago
key activities in Horizon 1 will be the
following: through government intervention in policy and
1. The completion of an offshore regulation in conjunction with careful planning

Wind Resource Assessment
Programme (WRAP) to realise and actions from key stakeholders.
the activities required to support
offshore wind development
in Trinidad and Tobago. Of all
the renewable energy sources offshore wind capacity with 25 developments, most importantly,
available in Trinidad and Tobago, GW output to feed electrolysers the offshore WRAP.
offshore wind offers the largest to produce 4 Mtpa of green
potential for the island. hydrogen by 2065. This would • Introducing demonstration
provide Trinidad and Tobago with projects to test the end-use
2. Development of demonstration the opportunity to decarbonise the applications of green hydrogen in
projects to test the end-use existing petrochemical industry and Trinidad and Tobago.
applications of green hydrogen in expand this industry in the future to
Trinidad and Tobago. contribute to the Gross Domestic • Securing the enablers that will
Product (GDP) growth of Trinidad support the development of the
3. Creating the right enablers and Tobago through additional green hydrogen economy.
through regulations, policies and export potential.
incentives that will support the
A green hydrogen economy
development of this hydrogen
economy. will generate net benefits in the
billions and create thousands
4. Planning for the renewable FOR GREEN HYDROGEN
energy and hydrogen campaign. of jobs in the construction,
operation and maintenance
Horizon 2: Investment in Renewable
Energy Projects Creating a hydrogen economy will sectors, and significantly reduce
be a massive undertaking, but it
is one that is well within the reach
carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions.
Horizon 2 builds on Horizon 1 and
the enabling environment developed of Trinidad and Tobago through Trinidad and Tobago is at the
government intervention in policy
to initiate a utility scale renewable beginning of a challenging and
energy project as well as a green and regulation in conjunction with
hydrogen production facility, fully careful planning and actions from key exciting journey.
launching Trinidad and Tobago on stakeholders. The immediate next
steps will include a few interlinked The country will continue to play a
this pathway. By the end of Horizon
activities such as: major role as a natural gas exporter
2, Trinidad and Tobago will have
while leveraging existing heritage
installed 25 gigawatts (GW) of
• Securing funding for the activities and facilities to position itself in the
offshore wind with 10.5 GW output
in the roadmap. Funding sources, evolving energy landscape, thereby
to feed electrolysers to produce 1.5
such as climate finance, carbon ensuring sustainable economic
Mtpa of green hydrogen.
markets, private sector and growth in the future. This journey
national finance, will be explored starts with setting up a strong
Horizon 3: Large-Scale Investments
by creating financing mechanisms foundation with the right enabling
in Renewable Energy Projects
that promote renewable energy policies, regulatory framework
and green hydrogen projects. and institutional support to launch
Horizon 3 reinforces the leadership
Trinidad and Tobago’s hydrogen
of Trinidad and Tobago in the new
• Initiating the activities required economy.
energy sector, reaching 57 GW of
to support the offshore wind





Transportation contributes 15% Greener mobility solutions can Some options for decarbonisation
of the total global greenhouse not only mitigate the impacts of of transportation include
gas (GHG) emissions and 22% of transportation on climate but can compressed natural gas (CNG),
carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions. also play an active role in climate electric vehicles, alternative
adaptation and sustainability. fuels, such as hydrogen and
biodiesel, and practices such
as carpooling, biking and using
public transportation.

ransportation is an essential Transportation contributes 15% attributed to transportation.
facet of our daily lives. Cars, Companies and countries are
of the total global greenhouse therefore investing in research
buses, trucks, trains, airplanes,
and more — transportation connects
gas (GHG) emissions and and development of sustainable
transportation solutions to address
people and delivers the goods and 22% of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) this global issue.
services required for societies and emissions (Rodrigue, 2020).
economies to function and grow. The United Nations has defined
There is a paradox, however. As In addition to GHG emissions, sustainable transportation as
the transportation sector emits transportation that “achieves
transportation systems expand
particulates that have been linked better integration of the economy
and modes of transport become to respiratory and cardiovascular while respecting the environment,
more affordable and accessible, the illnesses. Other forms of pollution, improving social equity, health,
deleterious impacts of transportation including noise pollution and the resilience of cities, urban-rural
on the environment also increase. generation of solid waste from linkages and productivity of rural
vehicles and parts, can also be areas.” Sustainable transportation


The role of sustainable transportation in climate adaptation CONTINUED

can not only mitigate the impacts During the period 2014 through 2021, The government of Trinidad
of transportation on climate, it can CNG vehicles contributed to the
also play an active role in climate reduction of 44,007 tonnes of CO2 and Tobago has signalled
adaptation and sustainability. The emissions from the country’s road its intention to support the
concept of sustainable transportation transportation system.
is integrated into the UN 2030
country’s transition towards
Agenda for Sustainable Development While CNG is a recognised transition sustainable transportation.
and features in several Sustainable fuel that is helping to reduce carbon
Development Goals (SDGs), including emissions, zero-carbon solutions are In the country’s Nationally
SDG #3 — Good Health & Wellbeing, being developed and promoted. Of Determined Contributions to
SDG#9 — Industry, Innovation the many sustainable transportation the Paris Climate Agreement,
and Infrastructure, and SDG#11 — technologies on the market, electric transportation is identified as one
Sustainable Cities and Communities. vehicles (EVs) are the fastest of three sectors through which the
growing. Three types of EVs are country will achieve a target of 15%
available. reduction in GHG emissions by 2030.
Incentives have also been put in
FORMS OF Hybrid electric vehicles are powered place to facilitate conversion to CNG
SUSTAINABLE by gasoline/diesel and electricity as well as the purchase of OEM CNG
and the car alternates between the vehicles, and from January 2021,
TRANSPORTATION two energy sources to maximise customs duties, motor vehicle tax
efficiency. Plug-in hybrid EVs contain and value-added tax were removed
As an interim solution, both an electric battery and an ICE from the importation of EVs.
and the vehicle can be recharged
compressed natural gas (CNG) by either electricity or by internal Several global motor vehicle
was introduced in several combustion. The third type of EVs companies, including General Motors,
are all-battery EVs, which do not have also announced plans to phase
countries, including Trinidad
utilise ICEs for propulsion. out ICEs from their vehicles in the
and Tobago, over the last three next 10 years. This may be driven
decades. Battery EVs are powered by in part by the continuous growth in
electricity stored in a battery that can sales of battery EVs in regions such
be charged by plugging the vehicle as Asia, North America and Europe.
CNG produces lower levels of CO2 in to charging equipment either The International Energy Agency
emissions than gasoline and diesel at home, at fuel stations outfitted (IEA) reported that there were more
when used as fuel for vehicles with with EV chargers or EV charging than 10 million battery EVs on the
internal combustion engines (ICEs). ports located in large cities. When world’s roads in 2020, resulting from
powered by electricity generated exponential growth in the number of
NGC subsidiary, NGC CNG, promotes from renewable sources, EVs can be EVs bought from 2010 to 2020 (IEA,
and manages the distribution of CNG zero-carbon emitters. The Preysal 2022).
throughout the country. Service Station — collaboratively
constructed by NGC subsidiaries Alternative fuels such as hydrogen
At the end of 2021, there were National Energy and NGC CNG with and biodiesel, are also being used for
The Trinidad and Tobago National transportation. Hydrogen fuel cells
1,775 (sedan equivalents) Petroleum Marketing Company (HFC) are used to power vehicles by
Original Equipment Manufacture Limited (NP) — is outfitted with combining hydrogen with oxygen
solar-powered EV chargers as well as from the air to produce electricity
(OEM) and converted CNG 10 CNG fuel pumps. that propels the vehicle and emits
vehicles on the road in T&T. water vapour.


The process does not produce

harmful GHGs, but adoption of
HFCVs has been slow, due to the
need for hydrogen fuel stations and
the tendency of HFCVs to perform
best only at steady speeds.

Biofuel produced from waste and

residues are considered important
for the trucking, shipping and
aviation industries in the energy
transition. Utilisation of biofuels has
been increasing steadily, albeit at a
slower rate than required to meet
the world’s 2050 net zero emissions

The NGC Group continues

to explore opportunities for

partnership and investment
in sustainable transportation We can employ context-appropriate
transportation methods, such as walking instead
In 2021, NGC, National Energy and
NGC CNG, executed a Memorandum
of driving over short distances... Car-pooling can
of Understanding (MOU) with also be a useful time and energy saver.
The Trinidad and Tobago Solid
Waste Management Company
Limited (SWMCOL) to evaluate
possibilities for the capture and
commercialisation of landfill gas
to be used for the manufacture of
methods, such as walking instead “Sustainable Transport.” United
renewable CNG. National Energy
of driving over short distances. Nations Sustainable Development
also signed an MOU with Methanex
Journey planning and management Goals Knowledge Platform. United
Trinidad Limited to conduct a
is another means by which we can Nations. Accessed October 31, 2022.
feasibility study to determine the
reduce the number of trips we make https://sustainabledevelopment.
potential for use of methanol as a
monthly. Car-pooling can also be
fuel for marine transportation in the
a useful time and energy saver.
region and vehicular transportation in
Additionally, as far as practicable, “2021 Sustainability Report, Pivoting
Trinidad and Tobago.
using public transportation can be to a Sustainable Future.” The
an effective energy- and cost-saving National Gas Company of Trinidad
measure, especially in large cities and Tobago Limited. NGC. Accessed
HOW CAN INDIVIDUALS and on thoroughfares where traffic October 31, 2022.
congestion is a major concern. media/publications/#1539783188369-
Rodrigue, Jean-Paul. The “Trends and Developments in
We can all contribute towards Geography of Transport Systems. Electric Vehicle Markets.” Global EV
the sustainable transportation 5th ed. Routeledge, 2020. Outlook 2021. International Energy
transformation by practicing Agency. Accessed October 31,
prudent and responsible mobility. contents/chapter4/transportation- 2022.
For example, we can employ sustainability-decarbonization/. global-ev-outlook-2021/trends-and-
context-appropriate transportation developments-in-electric-vehicle-




Mitigation of methane — a NGC has set clear targets for NGC’s strategy will focus heavily
powerful greenhouse gas — is reducing methane from its on leak detection and repair
critical to the climate fight. operations by 2025, which has through a combination of process
led to its achievement of the Gold and technology improvements.
Standard status of reporting under
the global Oil and Gas Methane
Partnership 2.0.

A "
ddressing the issue of climate
change is one of the defining NGC has made pioneering investments to
challenges of this decade.
track and reduce methane emissions from
It is of particular consequence
to the Caribbean region as Small its operations. It also made a voluntary
Island Developing States (SIDS)
are demonstrably vulnerable to the
commitment to report on its progress after
impacts of rising global temperatures joining the global Oil and Gas Methane
and extreme weather events. In late
2022, for example, parts of Trinidad
Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) in 2021.
and Tobago suffered calamitous
flooding after an excessively wet the company to achieve the Gold intensity targets. Target setting is a
Standard status of reporting under complex exercise requiring a good
November dumped nearly twice
the OGMP 2.0 framework. understanding by companies of their
the usual amount of rainfall on the emissions profile.
NGC’s achievement of Gold Standard
With the prognosis that such events THE OGMP GOLD status under the OGMP 2.0 was
could become more frequent and STANDARD revealed in the second edition of
severe as global warming intensifies, the United Nations Environment
it is imperative that action be taken The OGMP 2.0 is a multi-stakeholder Programme (UNEP) International
to curb the greenhouse gas (GHG) partnership to improve the accuracy Methane Emissions Observatory
emissions which are fuelling the and transparency of methane (IMEO) publication, An Eye on
phenomenon. Among the most emissions reporting, which is key to Methane. The achievement, which
potent of these GHGs is methane, methane mitigation in the oil and gas came just one year after NGC joined
which is the primary component of sector. It is the only comprehensive the organisation, represents an
natural gas, and has 80 times the measurement-based reporting international acknowledgement
warming potential of carbon dioxide framework covering all material of the work the company has
on a 20-year timescale. sources of methane emissions from committed to do over the coming
both operated and non-operated years to address its carbon impact.
NGC has made pioneering assets across all segments of the
investments to track and reduce value chain.
methane emissions from its
operations. It also made a voluntary Under the OGMP 2.0 framework,
commitment to report on its progress there are different tiers of reporting
after joining the global Oil and Gas As outlined in its inaugural
to which member companies can
Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP submission to the OGMP, NGC’s
aspire, based on declared targets
2.0) in 2021. The company’s resolve methane emissions from natural
and the rigour of measurement
was made clear in its first report to gas sources — comprising venting,
tools and methodologies. To reach
the OGMP — submitted in 2022 — fugitives, flaring, stationary
Gold Standard status of reporting,
wherein it outlined targets to reduce combustion and mobile combustion
companies need to announce 2025
methane emissions by 2025. This led — totaled 21.91 thousand tonnes of
absolute reduction or near-zero
CO2e in 2021.


Going green turns gold for NGC CONTINUED


Consolidation Year in Reference/ Total Target Targeted Absolute
Basis which the Base Emissions Year Reduction Emissions
(Operational Target Year in Scope (e.g. 2025) from in
Control, was Set of the Reference Target Year
Equity) Target or Base (kg)
Consolidation (Metric T Year %

Target 1 Operational-Venting 1 2021 681.6 2025 75% 170.4

Target 2 Operational-Fugitive 1 2021 68.3 2025 50% 34.2

Using 2021 as a baseline year, NGC is Administrative Engineering and Design

now targeting: Management Systems — — using engineering and
building a collaborative design considerations
• An overall reduction of 75% in culture among supporting to incorporate more
venting methane emissions and functions such as efficient equipment and
50% in fugitive methane by 2025 HSSE, Procurement, systems
Engineering, Human
• A 50% reduction in overall GHG Resources and Technical Standards and
emissions by 2025 Information Management Best Practice — using
learnings and evaluation
NGC’s methane reduction campaign Strategic Partnerships of industry best practices
already looks at flaring versus and Agreements — to improve LDAR
venting and includes infrared engaging and aligning
visualisation and satellite imaging stakeholders from across Auditing and Continuous
of its pipelines and gas handling The NGC Group and Improvement — assuring
infrastructure to detect fugitive wider industry LDAR processes and
emissions. To build on that campaign systems through internal
and achieve its targets by 2025, it Reporting — using best and external audits and
plans to focus heavily on reinforcing practices and standards taking corrective actions
its Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) in data collection; where necessary
programme through the following: strengthening reporting
capacity; establishing
Leadership and clear timelines for
Governance — ensuring reporting
alignment of the LDAR
Bringing emissions in check requires
programme with Technology and
a collective and concerted effort, and
corporate strategy Measurement — using
a clear roadmap for action. Having
and culture; managing top-down and bottom-up
elaborated its own methane goals,
processes and equipment for emissions
NGC will be working purposefully
resources; establishing data capture; integrating
towards their realisation by 2025.
accountabilities for LDAR new tools and equipment
Along the way, the company intends
activities to support LDAR where
to communicate and educate on the
need to address methane emissions
to encourage greater industry
participation and increase the
chances of success in this high-stakes






NGC and Shell are partnering on Central topics of the Re-Energize The programme comprises
an energy education initiative TnT curriculum are renewable five components, which will be
called Re-Energize TnT which aims energy, energy efficiency, energy delivered at two schools each
to prepare students across the conservation, advocacy and year for three years, starting
country to become advocates for community mobilisation. with the Mayaro Government
energy conservation and efficiency. Secondary School and
Woodbrook Secondary School

The Hon. Stuart Young, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, along with Re-Energize TnT sponsors, pose for a picture with the
students of Woodbrook Secondary and Mayaro Secondary Schools

limate change is real and Minister, at the November 2022 to become advocates for energy
Trinidad and Tobago is launch of "Re-Energize TnT" - an conservation and efficiency. The first
experiencing its effects. This energy education initiative being cohort of participants comprises
message was clearly articulated by hosted jointly by Shell Trinidad students from Mayaro Government
The Hon. Stuart Young, Minister of and Tobago Limited (Shell) and Secondary School and Woodbrook
Energy and Energy Industries and NGC. The programme aims to Secondary School.
Minister in the Office of the Prime prepare students across the country


Shell and NGC partner to 'Re-energize TnT' through education CONTINUED

Students were eager to chat with Eugene Okpere, Senior VP and Country Chair – Shell, and Mark Loquan, President — NGC.

As explained by Shell Senior Vice would require involvement of He reminded the audience of the
President and Country Chairman, government, business, civil society gravity of the task at hand and the
Eugene Okpere in his address at and the general population. significant role the youth will play in
the launch event, Re-Energize TnT shaping the future, stating,
was conceptualised by Shell to In his address to the students,
help prepare society to address President of NGC, Mark Loquan,
“If we connect our youth with
the "Energy Trilemma". Mr. Okpere indicated that the Re-Energize TnT
stated, programme fits well into NGC’s Green information, if we can inspire
Agenda — an integrated portfolio of them to get involved in this
carbon reduction and sustainability
“We need to quickly find the climate fight — this world war
balance in what can appear — then we can salvage their
to be conflicting components He urged the students to future”.
of the Energy Trilemma — use the knowledge they are
A common thread that was
providing the energy that acquiring in the programme interwoven through all the remarks
humanity needs to thrive — that to keep the momentum of was Trinidad and Tobago’s position
as a leader in the energy transition.
needs to be more affordable, climate change going, as This country has harnessed its
more secure and cleaner.” the target of "net-zero by pioneering spirit since the 1970s,
determining to utilise the transition
He challenged the youths to show
2050" would require years of
fuel of natural gas for industrial
courage and to collaborate to find sustained climate mitigation and development, while many developed
solutions to the complex issues states are still utilising coal and crude
adaptation if it is to be achieved.
around the energy transition, which oil.


Minister Young urged the students

In Component 2, the students who Component 4 will empower the
to feel proud of their country and to
have completed the training modules students to implement the green
find ways to keep natural gas — the
will compete to determine the school initiatives that they designed in the
cleanest fossil fuel — at the forefront
that achieves the greater reduction Idea Incubator. Students will be
of industry while simultaneously
in its energy usage. This will involve required to present a proposal for the
developing renewable energy.
conducting energy audits and initiatives, and a panel comprising
development of energy consumption Shell, NGC and programme
reduction plans. The winning school facilitators from Renew T&T, will
ABOUT THE will receive a solar photovoltaic select the most feasible project to be
system and LED lights to be installed implemented. The aim is to execute
PROGRAMME at the school. The top-performing three green initiatives by the end of
students will also receive individual the three-year programme.
Key to achieving the goal of awards throughout the programme.
responsible and balanced industrial Component 5 of Re-Energize TnT
development are energy efficiency seeks to engage communities, the
and energy conservation, central energy industry and the public
topics of the Re-Energize TnT through an ongoing awareness
curriculum. Component 3 Training includes:
campaign to be delivered through
social media, newsletters, events and
The programme comprises five • Presentation and advocacy skills webinars throughout the project.
components, which will be delivered • Stakeholder engagement Subject matter experts and key
at two schools each year for three • Community mobilisation agencies will be engaged to share
years. Under Component 1, students • Project design and their knowledge and experience
will be exposed to 15 modules on a implementation on energy efficiency, renewable
wide range of sustainability topics. energy, sustainability and sustainable
The programme is certified by the financing, among others. The goal
Association of Business Executives is to engender conversation around
(ABE) and students completing the Component 3 is centred around
sustainability issues that would lead
modules will receive ABE certificates. the "Idea Incubator" in which
to attitudinal and behavioural change
they will collaborate with subject
and collaboration to implement
matter experts to conduct research
and design a community-based
renewable energy project to address
Component 1 Training Modules Based on the testimonials given by
a problem in a specific community. At
the students in 2022, Re-Energize
the end of each year, students from
TnT is off to a promising start.
the winning school will be invited
• The importance of energy Programme sponsors Shell and NGC
to participate in the Idea Incubator,
• Traditional (fossil fuels) and non- are pleased to invest in the youth,
where they will benefit from training
traditional fuels who have the capacity to create
related to community engagement
• T&T’s carbon footprint a cleaner, more prosperous and
and project development.
• What is energy conservation and happier future for our nation and the
efficiency world.
• Conducting an energy audit
• The Paris Agreement and T&T’s
carbon reduction commitment
• Introduction to renewable energy
• Climate-smart agriculture
• Introduction to solar energy
• Introduction to wind energy
• Introduction to biofuels
• The future of transportation:
electric vehicles
• Advocacy and community
• Presentation skills
• Stakeholder engagement

The audience views a video presentation on the Re-Energize TnT programme.




NGC’s project to deliver a pressure
PERFORMANCE regulator skid package for the existing NGC completed negotiations with Gulf
Takoradi Distribution Station (TDS) in Coast Methanol 1, LLC and its parent IGP
Ghana progressed through important Methanol LLC of the USA, for a Purchase
milestones. The technical services project and Sales Agreement that will allow NGC
is nearing completion, with 2023 targeted to acquire blue methanol from the IGP’s
for final installation and commissioning of Gulf Coast Methanol Park (GCMP) project.
the skid.
Group member Phoenix Park Gas
Processors Limited (PPGPL) acquired a
new NGL terminal in Hull, Texas in January
2022, which opens access to markets in
Mexico and the USA.

In February, NGC signed an agreement

with Proman to lift methanol cargoes from
Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) Limited’s
(MHTL’s) Point Lisas facilities, which will
allow for expansion of NGC’s energy
marketing and trading portfolio.

A milestone was crossed in the Liquid Downstream contract renewals continued,

Fuels Pipeline (LFP) project, designed to with a Gas Sales Contract signed with local
make the transportation of liquid fuels cement manufacturer, Trinidad Cement
safer, more reliable and more efficient. Limited (TCL).
Both the jet fuel and diesel lines have now
been commissioned for the project. In September 2022, the company took
a positive step towards securing supply
NGC executed its Low-Pressure Switch stability over the coming years with the
Over (LPSO) project to upgrade low- signing of a milestone Gas Supply Contract
The NGC Group registered a
pressure customers to a higher-pressure with bp Trinidad and Tobago (bpTT).
solid financial performance in
pipeline operating system. The project
2022. For the first half of the
involved diversion of segments of its 16-
year, The Group recorded a
inch pipeline, which runs through Port of
profit of
Spain and environs.

This represents a

260% increase
over the TT$437M profit
recorded for the same
period in 2021. At the close of 2022, an Amended and
Restated Heads of Agreement was
signed between the GORTT and Atlantic
For the nine months ended 30th
shareholders Shell, bpTT and NGC, for the
September 2022, Trinidad and NGC commenced construction of new restructuring of the Atlantic facility into a
Tobago NGL Limited recorded an natural gas pipeline infrastructure to single unitised facility. A Bilateral Heads of
after-tax profit of enable production from the Coho and Agreement was also signed by the GORTT,
TT$165.1 MN. Cascadura fields in the Ortoire onshore
block. The Coho pipeline was completed in
Shell and bpTT. These agreements indicate
This represents a 23.1% increase that the government and shareholders
2022, and construction of the Cascadura have agreed to the commercial terms of a
over the same period in 2021.
line is underway. restructured Atlantic.


2022: Our year in review CONTINUED

Energy education

To support clean energy education,

upgraded versions of the company’s two
digital platforms — EnergySmarTT and
CariGreen — were launched.
National Energy’s REnewable Minds
portal won the AMCHAM T&T Award for
An internal portal called SustaiNGC was
Outstanding OSH and Environment Project
created to build employee awareness
2022 (Energy — Large Category).
around the Green Agenda and

LEADERSHIP AND sustainability.


BRAND POSITIONING In May, NGC signed a Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) with the Caribbean
The government appointed National
Community Centre for Climate Change
Energy as the agency responsible for
(CCCCC) to cooperate on climate change
Trinidad and Tobago’s export promotion of
mitigation efforts.
energy services, under the direction of the
Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries
In June, NGC announced its partnership
with Nutrien to explore opportunities to
improve food and nutrition security in
Representatives of The NGC Group
Trinidad and Tobago.
participated in the following conferences
and exhibitions: A new television series called New
Energy Conversations was produced in
Local conjunction with One Caribbean Media
– TT Energy Chamber’s Caribbean (OCM) to help educate the public on key
Sustainable Energy Conference energy and sustainability matters.
– TT Energy Chamber’s Trinidad and
Tobago Energy Conference NGC partnered with Shell Trinidad and
– Methanex Ascend event Tobago Limited and Renew TT to deliver
– Atlantic Process Safety Day the Re-Energize TnT Programme — a
– TTCIC Post-Budget Forum renewable energy education initiative
– NGC/IAMovement Caribbean Green targeting select secondary schools across
Infrastructure Conference the country.
NGC and NewGen Energy Limited signed
– AMCHAM HSSE Exhibition and
a non-binding Heads of Agreement
Conference Organisational achievements
(HOA) in August 2022, deepening their
partnership to cooperate on the enabling
International After joining the global Oil and Gas
of a sustainable hydrogen economy for the
– World Gas Conference (South Korea) Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) in
energy sector of Trinidad and Tobago.
– Suriname Energy, Oil and Gas Summit 2021, NGC submitted its first upstream
(Suriname) and mid-downstream report for the 2021
NGC partnered with IAMovement to
– Gastech (Italy) reporting cycle.
deliver the inaugural Caribbean Green
– Association of Oil, Gas and Renewable
Infrastructure Conference in October 2022.
Energy Companies of Latin America NGC achieved the Gold Standard status of
and the Caribbean (ARPEL) Conference reporting under the OGMP 2.0 framework
The Ministry of Energy and Energy
2022 (Peru) for its declared commitments to reduce
Industries (MEEI) launched “The Roadmap
methane emissions by 2025.
for a Green Hydrogen Economy in Trinidad
and Tobago” in November 2022.
This presents the findings of a study
NGC joined the
undertaken by National Energy
Global Reporting
in collaboration with the Inter-
Initiative (GRI)
American Development Bank (IDB)
community in early
and KBR Inc., to assess the
2022 and launched
potential of Trinidad and Tobago to
its 5th annual
produce green hydrogen.
Sustainability Report
in October.


NGC copped the Energy Chamber’s
inaugural Best Social Investment Project
Award at the Trinidad and Tobago Energy
Conference in June for its support of the
NGC Bocas Lit Fest.

The NGC/NAAA Championship games

resumed as a live public event after three

To help build food and nutrition security,

NGC partnered with the SURE Foundation
to execute free seedling distribution drives
at three schools in Couva and Rio Claro. In
total, approximately 75,000 vegetable and
herb seedlings were distributed.

NGC announced its intention to purchase

the renowned Banyan archives — the
largest digital archive of Caribbean cultural
programming in existence.

The NGC Bocas Lit Fest travelled to the

UK for a five-city roving showcase of
Caribbean literature.

NGC launched the Inspire to Achieve (I2A)

programme, which seeks to support more
rounded development of youth and open
pathways for careers and entrepreneurship
based on green and sustainable
economies. The pilot will be delivered to
schools in La Brea.

One Moment Please

Sunset sail through the mangroves of the Caroni Swamp

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