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Narrative Texs and Procedure Texs

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Mata kuliah :Bahasa Inggris
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M.Yuda Ujang Yudha Kelana
Nikmatul asro
Nurul Hidayatut Tazkiyah



T.A 2023/2024

Alhamdulillah segalaga puji bagi Allah SWT karna tanpa Ridha-Nya makalah ini
tidak akan bisa kami selsaikan.Shalawat dan salam semoga tetap tercurahkan kepada
junjungn kita Nabi besar Muhammad SAW karna atas dsar beliaulah kita menjadi manusya
yang bermoral dan berilmu pengetahuan .
Makalah yang berjudul NARRATIVE TEXS AND PROCEDURE TEXS semoga
makalah ini bermamfaat bagi kita semua .Kami menyadari bahwa dalam makalah ini masih
banyak kekurangannya oleh karna itu kritik dan saran sangat kami butuhkan untuk
menyempurnakan makalah ini.


A. Latar Belakang

Narrative text adalah jenis teks yang menghubungkan rangkaian kejadian dan berisi tentang
cerita fiksi maupun non fiksi. Dua bentuk teks tersebut menggunakan bahasa imajinatif dan
mengekspresikan emosi sedangkan Procedure text adalah suatu jenis teks yang menggambarkan
bagaimanasesuatu dapat dibuat atau digunakan melalui serangkaian Langkah langkah sendiri bertujuan untuk
memberi petunjuk tentang langkah-langkah/metode/ cara-cara dalam membuat, mengoperasikan, atau
melakukan sesuatu.

B. Rumusan Masalah
1.Apa pengertian dan tujuan narrative text
2.Apa saja struktur narrative text
3.Apa pengertian dan tujuan procedur text
4.Apa saja structure procedure text

C. Tujuan Masalah
1.Memahami pengertian dan tujuan dari narrative text
2.Memahami structure dari narrative text
3.Mrmahami pengertian dan tujun dari procedur text
4. Memahami structure dari procedur text



Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story using past tense. The purpose of the
text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.


1. To entertain the readers.

2. To teach or inform.

3. To change social opinion

B.The Generic Structure of Narrative text:

1. Orientation It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the question: who,
when, what, and where)

2. Complication Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them. This
part includes situations, activities, or events that lead problem/complicationto the climax. It
shows when the crisis arise

3. Resolution The crisis is revolved, for better or worse. It shows the end of the story, usually
a happy ending

4. Reorientation (optional) The ending of the story.

Other Generic Structures of Narrative text:

a. Evaluation (optional) The stepping back to evaluate the story or the moral message of
the story
b. Coda (optional) changes of the characters of lesson/value of the story.
The Grammaticel of Narrative Taxt
1. Adjectives to build noun groups to describe the people, animals or things in the
story, such as … a nice, diligent and kind-hearted man, etc.
2. Time connectives and conjunctions to sequence events through time, such as
however, although, later, then
3. Adverbs and adverbial phrases to locate the particular events, such as once upon a
time, long time ago.
4. Action verbs to indicate the actions, such as stood, explained, provided, smashed
5. Saying and thinking verbs to indicate what characters are feeling thinking or
saying, such as told, realized, decided’
6. Past Tense

A.pengertian dan Tujuan Text Narrative

Narrative text adalah jenis teks yang menghubungkan rangkaian kejadian dan berisi
tentang cerita fiksi maupun non fiksi. Dua bentuk teks tersebut menggunakan bahasa
imajinatif dan mengekspresikan emosi. Tujuan teks Narrative adalah untuk menghibur
pembaca dan menceritakan kisah yang terjadi di masa lampau. Ada beberapa jenis teks
Narrative antara lain: legend, fairy tale, fable, a journey or a voyage, folk tales. Namun, pada
pembahasan ini difokuskan pada cerita legenda.

Fungsi Sosial teks Narrative:


Memberi pelajaran atau informasi Merubah opini social

B.Struktur teks Narrative:

1. Orientation: Menyeting awal cerita dan memperkenalkan karakternya (who,

when, what, and where)
2. . Complication (problem arises followed by other problem): Menguraikan tentang
masalah pada cerita dan bagaimana karakter utama menyelesaikan permasalahan.
Bagian ini meliputi situasi, kegiatan atau kejadian kejadian yang menimbulkan
masalah/ kompleks sampai pada klimaksnya yang dapat dilihat ketika krisis
3. Resolution:

Krisis menurun biasanya ke arah yang lebih baik namun dapat pula lebih buruk.

4. Reorientation (optional) Biasanya menunjukkan akhir dari cerita biasanya akhir

yang menyenangkan atau menyedihkan.

Unsur kebahasaan teks Narrative:

1.Simple Past tense ,

2. Noun phrase ,

3. Time connectives dan conjunctions seperti: however, although, later, then.

4. Adverbs and adverbial phrases menerangkan tempat dan waktu kejadian seperti
once upon a time, long time ago

5. Action verbs (kata kerja aksi) menunjukkan satu aksi seperti: stood, explained,

6. Saying and thinking verbs menunjukkan apa yang dirasakan/dipikirkan/dikatakan

si karakter seperti: told, realized, decided.



Procedure text is a type of text that is written to explain how to do something. It’s a
step-by-step explanation of a process or a set of instructions for completing a specific task.
Procedure text is used in many contexts, such as manuals, recipes, scientific experiments, or
instructions for assembling products.

B. the structure of a procedure text

1. Goal
The goal is the starting point of a procedure text. It sets the stage by providing a clear
statement of what the reader is trying to achieve by following the instructions. It gives
context and purpose, helping the reader to understand why they are undertaking the task.
For example, in a recipe, the aim might be to bake a chocolate cake. In a science experiment,
the goal could be to demonstrate a particular chemical reaction. By stating the aim or goal,
the reader can focus on what needs to be accomplished.

2. Materials or ingredients
This section provides a comprehensive list of everything needed to carry out the task. It
ensures that the reader has everything at hand before starting.

 Materials: This could include tools, equipment, or other supplies. For example, if
you’re assembling a piece of furniture, this section would list all the required parts
and tools like screws, nails, a hammer, etc.
 Ingredients: In a cooking context, this refers to all the food items and quantities
needed to prepare a dish. It’s like a shopping list for your recipe, ensuring you have
everything you need to start cooking.
The Materials/Ingredients section is essential for preparation and helps ensure that the
procedure goes smoothly from start to finish.

3. Steps
The Steps are the heart of a procedure text. This section provides a detailed, step-by-step
guide on how to achieve the aim or goal. It breaks down the task into manageable parts, often
in a chronological or logical order.
Each step is usually written in a clear and concise manner, using imperative language
(commands). It’s vital that these steps are easy to understand and follow, as any ambiguity or
complexity can lead to confusion or mistakes.

What are the language features of a procedure text?

1. Simple present tense

The simple present tense in a procedure text makes the action immediate and relevant. It’s as
if the procedure is happening right now, in real time, guiding the reader as they perform the

 Pour the water into the glass

 Mix the ingredients until well combined

2. Imperative sentences
Imperative sentences are command forms that tell someone to do something. They are direct
and to the point, which is essential in instructions.

 Knead the dough until smooth, then cover and let it rest for 30 minutes
 Apply the paint evenly across the canvas, using broad strokes for a textured effect

3. Connectives
Connectives (or conjunctions) are words or phrases that link different parts of a text. They
can show the order of steps, the relationship between different parts, or add additional
Examples of connectives in procedure texts include words like then, next, after that,
before, or finally. These words help guide the reader through the process in a logical and
coherent way.

 First, wash the rice; then, soak it for 20 minutes

 Measure the ingredients carefully. After that, mix them in a bowl

4. Adverbs
Adverbs can provide additional detail about how an action is to be performed, adding
precision and clarity to the instructions. They can describe how, when, where, or to what
extent something is done.

 Slowly add water to the flour, stirring constantly

 Thoroughly wash the vegetables to remove any dirt or pesticides

The adverbs ‘slowly’ and ‘thoroughly’ in these examples add nuance to the action, guiding
the reader on how exactly to perform the task.

Procedure text example

How to bake chocolate chip cookies


 1 cup butter, softened

 3/4 cup granulated sugar
 3/4 cup brown sugar
 2 eggs
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 1 teaspoon baking soda
 2 cups chocolate chips


 First, preheat the oven to 190°C. Then, lightly grease a baking sheet.
 In a large bowl, thoroughly cream together the butter, granulated sugar, and brown
sugar using an electric mixer.
 Next, beat in the eggs one at a time, followed by the vanilla extract.
 In another bowl, combine the flour, salt, and baking soda. Gradually add this to the
butter mixture, stirring well.
 Finally, gently fold in the chocolate chips.
 Using a spoon, evenly drop portions of dough onto the prepared baking sheet.
 Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown. Meanwhile, prepare a cooling rack.
 Carefully remove the cookies from the oven and allow them to cool on the baking
sheet for a minute.
 Then, transfer the cookies to the cooling rack to cool completely.


teks prosedur adalah suatu teks yang berisi langkah-langkah aktivitas atau kegiatan
untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Teks prosedur ini dibutuhkan sebagai panduan bagi
seseorang dalam membuat atau menyusun sesuatu. tujuan teks prosedur adalah memberikan
petunjuk bagi pembacanya tentang langkah-langkah secara urut dalam melakukan aktivitas
atau menyelesaikan sesuatu. Selain itu, teks prosedur juga memudahkan pembaca untuk
mengetahui cara yang benar dalam melakukan sesuatu dan memberikan petunjuk jelas agar
mendapatkan hasil maksimal.
Struktur Teks Prosedur

Dalam penyusunannya, struktur teks prosedur terdiri dari 4 bagian, yaitu tujuan, material,
langkah-langkah penyusunan/pengerjaan, dan penegasan ulang (kesimpulan). Penjelasan
lengkapnya sebagai berikut:

1. Tujuan

Pada awal pembuatan teks prosedur, penulis biasanya memberikan penjelasan terkait tujuan
dalam penyusunan teks prosedur. Hal ini juga bisa menginformasikan hasil akhir yang akan

2. Material

Merupakan hal-hal apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan dan yang dibutuhkan dalam pelaksanaan
atau pembuatan kegiatan tersebut. Bagian ini berisi informasi tentang alat/bahan yang
dibutuhkan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan.

3. Langkah-langkah

Bagian ini menjelaskan tentang proses atau tahapan yang harus dilakukan demi mendapatkan
hasil maksimal sesuai dengan tujuan dari teks prosedur. Langkah-langkah yang dibuat harus
secara berurutan. Selain itu, susunannya harus logis, sistematis, dan mudah dipahami oleh

4. Penegasan Ulang/Kesimpulan

Bagian terakhir ini menjelaskan tentang simpulan dari suatu prosedur yang telah dilakukan.
Bagian ini bersifat opsional, yakni boleh ada dan boleh tidak ada dalam teks prosedur.

Ciri-Ciri Teks Prosedur

Sama halnya dengan teks yang lain, teks prosedur memiliki beberapa ciri antara lain:

1. Menggunakan kalimat perintah;

2. Terdapat panduan yang harus dilakukan;
3. Menggunakan kata kerja aktif;
4. Menggunakan kata hubung
5. Terdapat aturan dalam hal bahan atau kegiatan;
6. Menggunakan kata keterangan untuk menyatakan rincian waktu, tempat dan cara;
7. Terdapat isi kegiatan yang dilakukan secara urut;



Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story using past tense. The purpose of the
text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story Procedure text is a type
of text that is written to explain how to do something. It’s a step-by-step explanation of a
process or a set of instructions for completing a specific task. Procedure text is used in many
contexts, such as manuals, recipes, scientific experiments, or instructions for assembling
The Generic Structure of Narrative text:

1. Orientation It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the question: who,
when, what, and where)

2. Complication Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them. This
part includes situations, activities, or events that lead problem/complicationto the climax. It
shows when the crisis arise

3. Resolution The crisis is revolved, for better or worse. It shows the end of the story, usually
a happy ending

4. Reorientation (optional) The ending of the story.

The Generic Structure of Procedur Text


2. Materials or ingredients

Cambridge University Press 2012. This test is not for sale.Distributed in Indonesia by
Mentari Books.

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2015. Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta:
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Suherli dkk. 2017. Bahasa Indonesia untuk SMA/MA Kelas 11. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan
Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud.

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