Biology Planner 4th Grade - 20240208 - 061127 - 0000

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Biology Planner 4th Grade

The Things Around Us

Learning objectives:

Define what is a Living being and which are his characteristics.

Flow Class:

Para comenzar la clase, se propone realizar un mapa de ideas en el cuaderno que involucre los
pre saberes de los estudiantes respeto a los seres vivos (the living things) y los objetos no vivos
(the not-living things), respondiendo a las preguntas ¿Qué pueden hacer los seres vivos? ¿Qué
no pueden hacer las cosas no vivas? Posteriormente los estudiantes deberán dibujar algunos
ejemplos de seres vivos y no vivos.

Posteriormente, se establece el concepto de Living beings en el cuaderno usando el acrónimo

Mrs Gren para especificar las características y su clasificación de la siguiente forma:

The Living Beings: Living beings are organisms that have characteristics such as:






The Cell

Learning Objectives:

Identify what is the cell and her classifications in the living beings

Class Flow:

Para comenzar la clase,

The cells (células) are the basic unit of live, every alive organisms have cells and these
have a metabolism for reproducing herselves and create the live. The living being can be
multicellular or monocellular, and also can have cells Prokaryotes or eukaryotes
(procariotas o eucariotas).

Monocellular Organisms: An Multicellular Organisms: An

organisms with only one cell. organisms with more than one
Exp: Bacteria cells. Exp: Animal
Living organisms are placed into six categories based on similarities or common
characteristics, these categories are call the six kingdoms of life: animalia, plantae, fungi,
Protista, Archaebacteria and Eubacteria (monera).

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