Data Analysis Memo RD

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Round 2 Data Analysis Memo and Round 3 Plan

Research Question

The focus on my research is to assess the levels of listening comprehension of students understanding
the text in incorporating the manipulation strategy. In round two of my research study, I introduced the picture
strategy in seeing if it can also help the students increase their listening comprehension/skills in order to
understand the content.


In round 2, I read the story, “The Gingerbread Man,” to my focus students. Along with that, I provided
pictures of event that represent the story so they can use in depicting the events of the story. Prior to starting
round 2, I had an introduction of what to do with the pictures by the signal of raising my hand throughout
reading the story. As I raised my hand, that signaled the students to actively choose the pictures to their
knowledge of depicting the events as I read the story aloud. Before starting the round of instruction, for this
round, I read the story twice in total. The first time I read the story, I went over print concepts and illustrations. I
read the first time, and had the students listen only without doing anything. Then the second time, I read it
again, but that was when we applied the strategy in the round of instruction. After reading the story, I asked
them general and detailed questions about the story in recording their responses in order to reference their
answers since they are in the younger age-group. Through the whole round of instruction, I observed the student
before, during and after the lesson. After recording down their responses, I was able to write down my
observational notes about the lesson and used the rubric to assess the quality of the student’s responses overall.

Data Collected

The data collected were observational notes, audio-recordings, and the rubric that was used to measure
the quality of the student’s responses. The audio recordings were based on the student’s responses in which they
answered about the general and detailed questions of the story.

Data Analysis

Qualitative Data Analysis Strategies:

From my observation of my focus students during the round of using the picture strategy and after when
they answered the questions, I found that my students were able to understand the storyline in answering all if
not most of the questions correctly. Along with that, they were able to recall events in sequential order as well.
However, I found that the students still struggled with the little things during the instruction again and not in
using the pictures correctly. For example, timing and hesitant. Down below are some codes that I’ve highlighted
that was shared commonly between the students that I saw during the round of instruction and after.

Codes Definition Example

Showed Interest Were already engaging and -For all three focus students,
shuffling through the pictures they all grabbed and looked
through the pictures of
Hesitant Did not choose the pictures - When I raised my hand for
right away when instructed to the first initial time as the
do so signal for all focus students to
choose the pictures of events,
they all did not choose the
pictures right away.
-I had to verbally remind
them, “Don’t forget that every
time when I raise my hand up,
you are supposed to choose
the picture of events in front
of you.” Also, I would verbally
let them know, “I’m raising
my hand up now,” as the
signal and a reminder.
Delayed The timing was off when -All focus students depicted
choosing the picture of events the picture of events
correctly. However, they were
always a few words behind
while I was reading as they
depicted the events with the
-As I read the story and gave
them the signal in raising my
hand up, “The gingerbread
man ran on. Soon he came to
some farmers.” Some of the
focus students were still
looking in searching for the
previous picture of event that
was read. Which was, “The
old man and the old woman
saw the gingerbread man.
And they ran too. But the
gingerbread man ran faster.”
However, all focus students
were still able to correctly
identify the picture of events
as followed.
Switching focus Students were switching back As I was reading and when I
and forth in trying to choose would raise my hand as the
the picture of events signal, the students would
shift their focus in trying to
find the pictures of events
that is laid out in front of


From analyzing the qualitative data, the students were able to understand in choosing the picture of
events which led them to answer all if not most of the general and detailed questions correctly. The students
were also able to recall the events correctly in sequential order. However, based on my observations and data
analysis, the students struggled with some simple transitions in this round. I analyzed and observed that the
focus students struggled with that because I didn’t give them enough time in between to process the events and
performed the strategy altogether. All the focus students showed delayed themes during the instruction as
choosing which picture to depict the events and the timing was off as I already read the continuing sentence.
Also, all focus students had to be reminded verbally as well when I raised my hand up as the signal for them to
depict the events. The students hesitated and did not choose the pictures right on que. However, from analyzing
the qualitative data, all focus students answered all if not most questions correctly. Following that, they all
choose the pictures in referenced to the story being read accurately as well.

Planning Next Round

The findings from Round 2 has me making adjustments and incorporating some new methods to round
three. I will keep some of the methods that I incorporated in round two to round three as well. For example,
reviewing print concepts, reading the book twice, and making sure my detailed questions is age-related in
comprehension. One thing I will implement to round three is the use of scaffolding strategies during the
instruction. In round three, the students will only use their imagination in picturing the events in their minds. I
will support them by using the strategies of eliciting the answer and narrowing down the choices while they
close their eyes and use their imagination on picturing the events. In reading the story and having the students
use their imagination, I’m supporting the students by verbally prompting in eliciting the story events as they
will be picturing them as well.

Literature Connections

One new source that I will implement towards my round three is the use of different scaffolding
strategies during the instruction. I will elicit questions about the story lines as they are told to use their
imagination in picturing the events in their head. One scaffolding strategy I will use is reducing choices for the
students as I verbally guide them with questions in narrowing down the story of events as they picture them in
their heads. Another scaffolding strategy that I will implement is the use of eliciting the students to respond
with the correct answer while they are imagining the story of events in their heads so it can prompt the student
to make a connection.


Bauserman, K. L., Cassady, J. C., & Smith, L. L. (2005). Kindergarten Literacy Achievement: The Effects of

the PLATO Integrated Learning System. Reading Research & Instruction, 44(4), 49–60.

Begeny, J. C., Krouse, H. E., Ross, S. G., & Mitchell, R. C. (2009). Increasing Elementary-aged Students’

Reading Fluency with Small-group Interventions: A Comparison of Repeated Reading, Listening

Passage Preview, and Listening Only Strategies. Journal of Behavioral Education, 18(3), 211–228.

Pentimonti, J. M., & Justice, L. M. (2010). Teachers’ Use of Scaffolding Strategies During Read Alouds in the

Preschool Classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(4), 241–248. https://doi-
ROUND _3_ Research Plan

Round _3_
Brief info about your The context of my students in the environment that I teach them in is in a before, after, and summer school program that is located within
school, subject, grade, the elementary school. My students attend the program that I teach after school or during when they are off track. I get my kindergartners
class, students throughout the day since they have different schedules than the other grade level students. I plan to continue my research rounds at the
same place which is at the school program. The next round, I will be using a different strategy and different story as well. The students will
follow along as directed like before.
What happens to the levels of listening comprehension of students understanding the text when I incorporate the use of imagination
Research Question(s) strategy?

(If you have more than 1

research question-
highlight he RQs that are
most relevant to this
Round __ Planned Intervention: Relevance Statement:
Intervention/ Describe the intervention in general terms Explain the relevance of the intervention to student learning
Innovations Describe the instructional strategies for implementing the intervention Focused on learning outcomes/ Focused on the specific intervention.

How will you organize In round three, I will read to my students a different story about a The relevance of the intervention to student learning is that this is a
learning experiences witch on a broom. Just like in round two, I will read the story strategy for students to use and support themselves during the story.
for students that twice. The students will listen only the first time and then when I In being able to utilize the strategy, how well can this support their
address your research read it the second time, the students will use their imagination to listening comprehension for them to understand the text. The students
questions(s)? picture the events in their heads as I’m reading the story lines to are using their imaginations in picturing the events in their minds.
them. However, in this round I will implement scaffolding During the process of them using their imagination, I will be
Cite sources as needed strategies during the round of instruction. The students will close implementing scaffolding strategies to narrow down the answers and
their eyes and imagine the story of events when signaled to do so. to lead the students to respond with the correct choices of answers.
Attach additional After the lesson, I will ask detailed and general questions about the
lesson artifacts story.
Round __ Data to be -audio-recordings, observational notes, and rubric.

What are the

data/artifacts that you
will collect? Just a

e.g.: Student work?

Notes from
Interviews? Video?

Data Analysis Plans

What are your data For analyzing my data results, I will transcribe the audio-recordings from the initial assessment without support from the strategies, then I
analysis strategies for will transcribe the recordings from the lesson of introducing the strategies to the students. Following this, I will transcribe all the audio-
qualitative data (e.g., recordings from each round of the students answering the questions being asked about the events that pertain to the story. For this round,
coding, memos) the questions asked for this story will be simplified in terms for my younger-aged students to fully understand in order to answer them. I
Explain your analysis will score the quality of the student’s responses on a rubric comparing all the responses that was recorded. The rubric will be used to score
plans specifically for the students responses on a scale on qualitative purposes in measuring how much the students are able to answer the questions correctly
the data in this round based on the events that happened in the story.

There will also be three quality criteria that the students will be assess in based on their responses. The criteria are general understanding,
What are your data detailed of events, and accuracy of recall. The same rubric will be used in the beginning and at the end of each round. The criteria of
analysis strategies for general understanding if the student is able to grasp the message or understand the storyline. The criteria under detailed events is if the
quantitative date (e.g., students can recall certain major events along with other events that occurred in the story. Then we have the criteria of accuracy of recall in
descriptive statistics) the students being able to remember story events when asked upon in answering correctly.
Explain your analysis
plans specifically for
the data in this round
Literature Source(s) Pentimonti, J. M., & Justice, L. M. (2010). Teachers’ Use of Scaffolding Strategies During Read Alouds in the Preschool Classroom. Early
cited in APA Childhood Education Journal, 37(4), 241–248.

Cite any sources here This literature source is leveraged by implementing different kinds of scaffolding strategies to help younger-age children with reading
and briefly describe comprehension. The use of implementing these strategies: prompting students to certain answers is reducing the choices and helping the
how the literature will students elicit the correct response about the events. These strategies are all apart of supporting the students as the intervention for this
be leveraged to inform round in order to support their comprehension of the story.
your research
intervention, data
collection and analysis

Attach Notes or Additional Materials (lesson plans, rubrics, materials you plan to use in teaching, etc. (Optional)


Criteria Poor Limited Proficient

General Understanding The student understands very The student understands partial The student understands the
little about the book’s storyline. about the book’s storyline. majority, if not all, about the
book’s storyline.

Detailed of Events The student was able to recall a The student is able to recall a The student is able to recall
detailed event from the story. few detailed events from the most, if not all of the general
story. and detailed events from the
Accuracy of Recall The student was able to answer The student was able to The student was able to
a general and detailed question correctly answer a few general correctly answer most, if not
about the story. and detailed question of events all the general and detailed
about the story. questions of events about
the story.

Scaffolding Strategy Questions:

1. When the dog asked if there’s room on the broom for him, the witch said yes, student say “Yes.”
2. What flew off the witches hair braid? Is it the bow or the hat?
3. When the green bird asked if there’s room on the broom for the bird, the witch said yes, student say “Yes.”
4. What flew out of the witches hand? Is it her wand or bracelet?
5. When the frog asked if there’s room on the broom for the frog, the witch said yes, student say “Yes.”
6. What broke in half? The witches broom or the pot?

General and Detailed Questions asked after the instruction:

1. In the beginning of the story, what animal was already sitting with her on the broomstick?
2. Which animal came out of the bushes and found the witches hat?
3. Which animal came out of the tree and found the witches bow?
4. Which animal came out of the pond and found the witches wand?
5. After the frog jumped on the broom, what happened to the witch’s broom?
6. After they all fell off the broom, what fiery animal did the witch meet?
7. Who saved the witch from the fiery dragon?
8. When the witch told all the animals to help her throw something into the pot, what was the new thing the witch made?

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