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3.1 Power up your food

Grammar – Quantifiers
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

A Read the sentences and choose the correct option.

1. There isn’t ________________ toothpaste left.
a. many b. any
2. ________________ carrots are there in the fridge?
a. How many b. How much
3. You don’t need ________________ sugar to make the chocolate cake.
a. no b. much
4. There are ________________ lemons in the basket, so we can make some lemonade.
a. some b. any
5. There isn’t ________________ cheese left. We have to buy ________________.
a. no / a little b. any / some
6. “________________ sugar do you need for this recipe?” “Not ________________.”
a. How much / much b. How much / some
7. We can’t make pizza because there is ________________ tomato sauce.
a. no b. some
8. There’s ________________ milk in the carton, but not enough for tomorrow’s breakfast.
a. a few b. a little

B Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

Tanya: Greg, is everything ready for Jane’s surprise birthday party?
Greg: Well, not yet. We’ve got 1. a lot of / many of balloons hanging but there are only
2. a little / a few yellow ones, and that’s her favourite colour.
Tanya: Okay, I’ll get 3. no / some more on the way back from the supermarket. Is there anything
else we need?
Greg: Let me see… Yes, orange juice! There’s just 4. a little / any left. Ah! And there are
5. much / no napkins. I used the last one yesterday.
Tanya: I see… Are there 6. any / a lot crisps for the children?
Greg: Yes, plenty of crisps, 7. many / much slices of pizza and 8. many / much fruit for dessert.
Tanya: Fruit?! You know most kids won’t eat fruit!

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