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3.1 Power up your food

Grammar – Countable and uncountable nouns
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

A Match each container on the left with the correct product on the right.
a carton of 1   a chocolates
a cup of 2   b crisps
a box of 3   c honey
a slice of 4   d coffee
a packet of 5   e beans
a glass of 6   f soup
a jar of 7   g orange juice
a bowl of 8   h milk
a can of 9   i pizza

B Decide if the following nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U).

1. burger 8. rice 15. jam
2. sugar 9. onion 16. honey
3. cookies 10. peas 17. tomato
4. pasta 11. egg 18. flour
5. olives 12. butter 19. apple
6. bread 13. sandwich 20. hot dog
7. carrot 14. tea 21. meat

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