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Computer vision: theory, algorithms,

practicalities Fifth Edition Davies

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Computer Vision
Principles, Algorithms,
Applications, Learning
Fifth Edition

E.R. Davies
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier
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This book is dedicated to my family.
To my late mother, Mary Davies, to record her never-failing love
and devotion.
To my late father, Arthur Granville Davies, who passed on to me
his appreciation of the beauties of mathematics and science.
To my wife, Joan, for love, patience, support, and inspiration.
To my children, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Marion, the music in my life.
To my grandchildren, Jasper, Jerome, Eva, and Tara, for constantly
reminding me of the carefree joys of youth!
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About the Author....................................................................................................xxi
Foreword .............................................................................................................. xxiii
Preface to the Fifth Edition ...................................................................................xxv
Preface to the First Edition ................................................................................ xxvii
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................xxxi
Topics Covered in Application Case Studies .....................................................xxxv
Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations .........................................................xxxix

CHAPTER 1 Vision, the challenge.................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction—Man and His Senses ...............................................1
1.2 The Nature of Vision .....................................................................2
1.2.1 The Process of Recognition................................................ 2
1.2.2 Tackling the Recognition Problem ..................................... 4
1.2.3 Object Location................................................................... 6
1.2.4 Scene Analysis .................................................................... 9
1.2.5 Vision as Inverse Graphics ................................................. 9
1.3 From Automated Visual Inspection to Surveillance ...................10
1.4 What This Book Is About ............................................................12
1.5 The Part Played by Machine Learning ........................................13
1.6 The Following Chapters...............................................................14
1.7 Bibliographical Notes...................................................................15


CHAPTER 2 Images and imaging operations ................................. 19
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................19
2.1.1 Gray Scale Versus Color .................................................. 21
2.2 Image Processing Operations.......................................................24
2.2.1 Some Basic Operations on Grayscale Images.................. 25
2.2.2 Basic Operations on Binary Images ................................. 29
2.3 Convolutions and Point Spread Functions...................................33
2.4 Sequential Versus Parallel Operations.........................................35
2.5 Concluding Remarks ....................................................................36
2.6 Bibliographical and Historical Notes...........................................37
2.7 Problems .......................................................................................37

viii Contents

CHAPTER 3 Image filtering and morphology ................................. 39

3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................40
3.2 Noise Suppression by Gaussian Smoothing ................................42
3.3 Median Filters ..............................................................................44
3.4 Mode Filters .................................................................................46
3.5 Rank Order Filters........................................................................53
3.6 SharpUnsharp Masking .............................................................54
3.7 Shifts Introduced by Median Filters ............................................56
3.7.1 Continuum Model of Median Shifts................................. 57
3.7.2 Generalization to Grayscale Images ................................. 58
3.7.3 Discrete Model of Median Shifts ..................................... 60
3.8 Shifts Introduced by Rank Order Filters .....................................61
3.8.1 Shifts in Rectangular Neighborhoods............................... 62
3.9 The Role of Filters in Industrial Applications of Vision ............66
3.10 Color in Image Filtering ..............................................................68
3.11 Dilation and Erosion in Binary Images .......................................69
3.11.1 Dilation and Erosion ....................................................... 69
3.11.2 Cancellation Effects ........................................................ 69
3.11.3 Modified Dilation and Erosion Operators ...................... 70
3.12 Mathematical Morphology...........................................................70
3.12.1 Generalized Morphological Dilation .............................. 70
3.12.2 Generalized Morphological Erosion............................... 72
3.12.3 Duality Between Dilation and Erosion........................... 72
3.12.4 Properties of Dilation and Erosion Operators ................ 73
3.12.5 Closing and Opening ...................................................... 76
3.12.6 Summary of Basic Morphological Operations............... 78
3.13 Morphological Grouping..............................................................79
3.14 Morphology in Grayscale Images................................................84
3.15 Concluding Remarks ....................................................................86
3.16 Bibliographical and Historical Notes...........................................87
3.16.1 More Recent Developments............................................ 89
3.17 Problems .......................................................................................90

CHAPTER 4 The role of thresholding ............................................. 93

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................93
4.2 Region-Growing Methods............................................................94
4.3 Thresholding.................................................................................95
4.3.1 Finding a Suitable Threshold............................................ 95
4.3.2 Tackling the Problem of Bias in Threshold
Selection ............................................................................ 97
Contents ix

4.4 Adaptive Thresholding.................................................................97

4.4.1 Local Thresholding Methods ............................................ 98
4.5 More Thoroughgoing Approaches to Threshold Selection .......101
4.5.1 Variance-Based Thresholding......................................... 101
4.5.2 Entropy-Based Thresholding .......................................... 104
4.5.3 Maximum Likelihood Thresholding............................... 105
4.6 The Global Valley Approach to Thresholding ..........................106
4.7 Practical Results Obtained Using the Global Valley
4.8 Histogram Concavity Analysis ..................................................113
4.9 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................115
4.10 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................116
4.10.1 More Recent Developments.......................................... 117
4.11 Problems .....................................................................................118

CHAPTER 5 Edge detection .......................................................... 119

5.1 Introduction ................................................................................119
5.2 Basic Theory of Edge Detection................................................120
5.3 The Template Matching Approach ............................................123
5.4 Theory of 3 3 3 Template Operators.........................................123
5.5 The Design of Differential Gradient Operators.........................125
5.6 The Concept of a Circular Operator ..........................................126
5.7 Detailed Implementation of Circular Operators ........................127
5.8 The Systematic Design of Differential Edge Operators............130
5.9 Problems with the Above Approach—Some Alternative
Schemes ......................................................................................130
5.10 Hysteresis Thresholding .............................................................134
5.11 The Canny Operator...................................................................136
5.12 The Laplacian Operator .............................................................139
5.13 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................143
5.14 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................144
5.14.1 More Recent Developments.......................................... 145
5.15 Problems .....................................................................................145

CHAPTER 6 Corner, interest point, and invariant feature

detection ................................................................... 147
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................147
6.2 Template Matching ....................................................................148
6.3 Second-Order Derivative Schemes ............................................149
x Contents

6.4 A Median Filterbased Corner Detector ..................................151

6.4.1 Analyzing the Operation of the Median Detector.......... 152
6.4.2 Practical Results.............................................................. 154
6.5 The Harris Interest Point Operator ............................................156
6.5.1 Corner Signals and Shifts for Various Geometric
Configurations................................................................. 159
6.5.2 Performance with Crossing Points and
T-junctions ...................................................................... 160
6.5.3 Different Forms of the Harris Operator.......................... 163
6.6 Corner Orientation......................................................................164
6.7 Local Invariant Feature Detectors and Descriptors...................166
6.7.1 Geometric Transformations and Feature
Normalization.................................................................. 167
6.7.2 Harris Scale and Affine Invariant Detectors and
Descriptors ...................................................................... 169
6.7.3 Hessian Scale and Affine Invariant Detectors and
Descriptors ...................................................................... 171
6.7.4 The Scale Invariant Feature Transforms
Operator........................................................................... 171
6.7.5 The Speeded-Up Robust Features
Operator........................................................................... 172
6.7.6 Maximally Stable Extremal Regions.............................. 174
6.7.7 Comparison of the Various Invariant Feature
Detectors.......................................................................... 175
6.7.8 Histograms of Oriented Gradients .................................. 177
6.8 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................179
6.9 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................180
6.9.1 More Recent Developments............................................ 182
6.10 Problems .....................................................................................183

CHAPTER 7 Texture analysis........................................................ 185

7.1 Introduction ................................................................................185
7.2 Some Basic Approaches to Texture Analysis ...........................188
7.3 Graylevel Co-occurrence Matrices ............................................190
7.4 Laws’ Texture Energy Approach...............................................193
7.5 Ade’s Eigenfilter Approach .......................................................195
7.6 Appraisal of the Laws and Ade Approaches .............................197
7.7 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................198
7.8 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................199
7.8.1 More Recent Developments............................................ 200
Contents xi


CHAPTER 8 Binary shape analysis............................................... 203
8.1 Introduction ................................................................................203
8.2 Connectedness in Binary Images ...............................................204
8.3 Object Labeling and Counting...................................................205
8.3.1 Solving the Labeling Problem in a More
Complex Case ................................................................. 209
8.4 Size Filtering ..............................................................................212
8.5 Distance Functions and Their Uses ...........................................214
8.5.1 Local Maxima and Data Compression ........................... 216
8.6 Skeletons and Thinning..............................................................218
8.6.1 Crossing Number ............................................................ 219
8.6.2 Parallel and Sequential Implementations
of Thinning...................................................................... 221
8.6.3 Guided Thinning ............................................................. 224
8.6.4 A Comment on the Nature of the Skeleton.................... 224
8.6.5 Skeleton Node Analysis.................................................. 225
8.6.6 Application of Skeletons for Shape Recognition ........... 227
8.7 Other Measures for Shape Recognition.....................................227
8.8 Boundary Tracking Procedures..................................................230
8.9 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................231
8.10 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................232
8.10.1 More Recent Developments.......................................... 233
8.11 Problems .....................................................................................234

CHAPTER 9 Boundary pattern analysis ........................................ 239

9.1 Introduction ................................................................................239
9.2 Boundary Tracking Procedures..................................................242
9.3 Centroidal Profiles......................................................................242
9.4 Problems with the Centroidal Profile Approach .......................243
9.4.1 Some Solutions ............................................................... 245
9.5 The (s,ψ) Plot .............................................................................247
9.6 Tackling the Problems of Occlusion .........................................249
9.7 Accuracy of Boundary Length Measures ..................................252
9.8 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................253
9.9 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................254
9.9.1 More Recent Developments............................................ 255
9.10 Problems .....................................................................................256
xii Contents

CHAPTER 10 Line, circle, and ellipse detection........................... 259

10.1 Introduction ................................................................................259
10.2 Application of the Hough Transform to Line Detection...........261
10.2.1 Longitudinal Line Localization .................................... 264
10.3 The Foot-of-Normal Method .....................................................265
10.3.1 Application of the Foot-of-Normal Method................. 266
10.4 Using RANSAC for Straight Line Detection ............................267
10.5 Location of Laparoscopic Tools ................................................272
10.6 Hough-Based Schemes for Circular Object Detection..............273
10.7 The Problem of Unknown Circle Radius ..................................278
10.7.1 Practical Results............................................................ 279
10.8 Overcoming the Speed Problem ................................................279
10.8.1 Practical Results............................................................ 281
10.9 Ellipse Detection ........................................................................284
10.9.1 The Diameter Bisection Method .................................. 284
10.9.2 The ChordTangent Method........................................ 286
10.9.3 Finding the Remaining Ellipse Parameters .................. 287
10.10 Human Iris Location ..................................................................289
10.11 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................290
10.12 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................292
10.12.1 More Recent Developments........................................ 294
10.13 Problems .....................................................................................295

CHAPTER 11 The generalized Hough transform............................ 299

11.1 Introduction ................................................................................299
11.2 The Generalized Hough Transform ...........................................300
11.3 The Relevance of Spatial Matched Filtering.............................302
11.4 Gradient Weighting Versus Uniform Weighting.......................304
11.4.1 Calculation of Sensitivity and Computational Load .... 306
11.4.2 Summary ....................................................................... 307
11.5 Use of the GHT for Ellipse Detection.......................................308
11.5.1 Practical Details ............................................................ 310
11.6 Comparing the Various Methods for Ellipse Detection............312
11.7 A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Object Location.....................314
11.7.1 A Practical Example—Locating Cream Biscuits ......... 318
11.8 Possibilities for Saving Computation ........................................319
11.9 Using the GHT for Feature Collation........................................323
11.9.1 Computational Load...................................................... 325
11.10 Generalizing the Maximal Clique and Other Approaches ........326
11.11 Search .........................................................................................327
Contents xiii

11.12 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................328

11.13 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................329
11.13.1 More Recent Developments........................................ 333
11.14 Problems .....................................................................................334

CHAPTER 12 Object segmentation and shape models .................. 341

12.1 Introduction ................................................................................341
12.2 Active Contours..........................................................................342
12.3 Practical Results Obtained Using Active Contours...................344
12.4 The Level-Set Approach to Object Segmentation.....................346
12.5 Shape Models .............................................................................348
12.5.1 Locating Objects Using Shape Models ........................ 353
12.6 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................359
12.7 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................360


CHAPTER 13 Basic classification concepts .................................. 365
13.1 Introduction ................................................................................365
13.2 The Nearest Neighbor Algorithm ..............................................367
13.3 Bayes’ Decision Theory.............................................................369
13.3.1 The Naı̈ve Bayes’ Classifier ......................................... 371
13.4 Relation of the Nearest Neighbor and Bayes’ Approaches ......372
13.4.1 Mathematical Statement of the Problem ...................... 372
13.4.2 The Importance of the Nearest Neighbor
Algorithm ...................................................................... 374
13.5 The Optimum Number of Features............................................375
13.6 Cost Functions and ErrorReject Tradeoff...............................376
13.7 Supervised and Unsupervised Learning ....................................377
13.8 Cluster Analysis .........................................................................379
13.9 The Support Vector Machine.....................................................381
13.10 Artificial Neural Networks.........................................................383
13.11 The Back-Propagation Algorithm..............................................388
13.12 Multilayer Perceptron Architectures..........................................391
13.13 Overfitting to the Training Data ................................................392
13.14 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................395
13.15 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................396
13.15.1 More Recent Developments........................................ 398
13.16 Problems .....................................................................................398
xiv Contents

CHAPTER 14 Machine learning: probabilistic methods................ 399

14.1 Introduction ................................................................................399
14.2 Mixtures of Gaussians and the EM Algorithm..........................402
14.2.1 Details of the Expectation Maximization
Algorithm ...................................................................... 405
14.3 A More General View of the EM Algorithm............................408
14.4 Some Practical Examples...........................................................411
14.5 Principal Components Analysis .................................................419
14.6 Multiple Classifiers ....................................................................422
14.7 The Boosting Approach .............................................................425
14.8 Modeling AdaBoost ...................................................................428
14.8.1 Real AdaBoost .............................................................. 430
14.9 Loss Functions for Boosting ......................................................431
14.10 The LogitBoost Algorithm.........................................................435
14.11 The Effectiveness of Boosting ...................................................438
14.12 Boosting with Multiple Classes .................................................438
14.13 The Receiver Operating Characteristic......................................443
14.13.1 Performance Measures Relating to
Error Rates .................................................................. 446
14.14 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................447
14.15 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................448
14.16 Problems .....................................................................................451

CHAPTER 15 Deep-learning networks............................................ 453

15.1 Introduction ................................................................................453
15.2 Convolutional Neural Networks ................................................456
15.3 Parameters for Defining CNN Architectures.............................459
15.4 LeCun et al.’s LeNet Architecture ............................................463
15.5 Krizhevsky et al.’s AlexNet Architecture .................................468
15.6 Zeiler and Fergus’s Work on CNN Architectures.....................474
15.7 Zeiler and Fergus’s Visualization Experiments ........................477
15.8 Simonyan and Zisserman’s VGGNet Architecture ...................479
15.9 Noh et al.’s DeconvNet Architecture ........................................481
15.10 Badrinarayanan et al.’s SegNet Architecture ............................484
15.11 Recurrent Neural Networks .......................................................487
15.12 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................490
15.13 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................492
Contents xv


CHAPTER 16 The three-dimensional world ................................... 497
16.1 Introduction ................................................................................497
16.2 Three-Dimensional Vision—The Variety of Methods..............498
16.3 Projection Schemes for Three-Dimensional Vision ..................500
16.3.1 Binocular Images .......................................................... 502
16.3.2 The Correspondence Problem....................................... 504
16.4 Shape from Shading ...................................................................506
16.5 Photometric Stereo .....................................................................511
16.6 The Assumption of Surface Smoothness...................................514
16.7 Shape from Texture....................................................................515
16.8 Use of Structured Lighting ........................................................516
16.9 Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Schemes.....................518
16.10 Horaud’s Junction Orientation Technique .................................519
16.11 An Important Paradigm—Location of Industrial Parts .............523
16.12 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................525
16.13 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................526
16.13.1 More Recent Developments........................................ 528
16.14 Problems .....................................................................................529

CHAPTER 17 Tackling the perspective n-point problem............... 533

17.1 Introduction ................................................................................533
17.2 The Phenomenon of Perspective Inversion ...............................534
17.3 Ambiguity of Pose Under Weak Perspective Projection ..........535
17.4 Obtaining Unique Solutions to the Pose Problem.....................538
17.4.1 Solution of the Three-Point Problem............................ 542
17.4.2 Using Symmetric Trapezia for Estimating Pose .......... 543
17.5 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................544
17.6 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................545
17.6.1 More Recent Developments.......................................... 546
17.7 Problems .....................................................................................547

CHAPTER 18 Invariants and perspective ....................................... 549

18.1 Introduction ................................................................................549
18.2 Cross Ratios: The “Ratio of Ratios” Concept ...........................551
18.3 Invariants for Noncollinear Points .............................................555
18.3.1 Further Remarks About the 5-Point Configuration...... 558
18.4 Invariants for Points on Conics..................................................559
xvi Contents

18.5 Differential and Semidifferential Invariants..............................561

18.6 Symmetric Cross-Ratio Functions .............................................564
18.7 Vanishing Point Detection .........................................................565
18.8 More on Vanishing Points .........................................................568
18.9 Apparent Centers of Circles and Ellipses..................................569
18.10 Perspective Effects in Art and Photography..............................572
18.11 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................579
18.12 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................581
18.12.1 More Recent Developments........................................ 582
18.13 Problems .....................................................................................583

CHAPTER 19 Image transformations and camera calibration ...... 585

19.1 Introduction ................................................................................585
19.2 Image Transformations ..............................................................586
19.3 Camera Calibration ....................................................................590
19.4 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters .............................................592
19.5 Correcting for Radial Distortions ..............................................595
19.6 Multiple View Vision.................................................................597
19.7 Generalized Epipolar Geometry ................................................598
19.8 The Essential Matrix ..................................................................599
19.9 The Fundamental Matrix............................................................601
19.10 Properties of the Essential and Fundamental Matrices .............602
19.11 Estimating the Fundamental Matrix ..........................................603
19.12 An Update on the Eight-Point Algorithm..................................603
19.13 Image Rectification ....................................................................604
19.14 3-D Reconstruction ....................................................................605
19.15 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................608
19.16 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................608
19.16.1 More Recent Developments........................................ 609
19.17 Problems .....................................................................................610

CHAPTER 20 Motion ....................................................................... 611

20.1 Introduction ................................................................................611
20.2 Optical Flow ...............................................................................612
20.3 Interpretation of Optical Flow Fields ........................................615
20.4 Using Focus of Expansion to Avoid Collision..........................617
20.5 Time-to-Adjacency Analysis......................................................618
20.6 Basic Difficulties with the Optical Flow Model .......................620
20.7 Stereo from Motion ....................................................................621
Contents xvii

20.8 The Kalman Filter ......................................................................623

20.9 Wide Baseline Matching............................................................625
20.10 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................627
20.11 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................627
20.12 Problem.......................................................................................628


CHAPTER 21 Face detection and recognition: the impact
of deep learning........................................................ 631
21.1Introduction ................................................................................631
21.2A Simple Approach to Face Detection......................................632
21.3Facial Feature Detection ............................................................634
21.4The ViolaJones Approach to Rapid Face Detection ..............636
21.5The Eigenface Approach to Face Recognition..........................640
21.6More on the Difficulties of Face Recognition...........................643
21.8The Sun et al. DeepID Face Representation System ................649
21.9Fast Face Detection Revisited....................................................654
21.9.1 Even More Powerful Object Detection
Schemes......................................................................... 656
21.10 The Face as Part of a 3-D Object ..............................................657
21.11 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................659
21.12 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................661

CHAPTER 22 Surveillance .............................................................. 663

22.1 Introduction ................................................................................664
22.2 Surveillance—The Basic Geometry ..........................................665
22.3 ForegroundBackground Separation ........................................669
22.3.1 Background Modeling................................................... 669
22.3.2 Practical Examples of Background Modeling.............. 675
22.3.3 Direct Detection of the Foreground.............................. 677
22.4 Particle Filters ............................................................................678
22.5 Use of Color Histograms for Tracking......................................684
22.6 Implementation of Particle Filters .............................................688
22.7 Chamfer Matching, Tracking, and Occlusion ...........................691
22.8 Combining Views from Multiple Cameras ...............................693
22.8.1 The Case of Nonoverlapping Fields of View............... 697
xviii Contents

22.9 Applications to the Monitoring of Traffic Flow .......................698

22.9.1 The System of Bascle et al........................................... 698
22.9.2 The System of Koller et al. .......................................... 700
22.10 License Plate Location ...............................................................702
22.11 Occlusion Classification for Tracking .......................................705
22.12 Distinguishing Pedestrians by Their Gait ..................................708
22.13 Human Gait Analysis .................................................................711
22.14 Model-based Tracking of Animals ............................................713
22.15 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................716
22.16 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................717
22.16.1 More Recent Developments........................................ 719
22.17 Problem.......................................................................................720

CHAPTER 23 In-vehicle vision systems ......................................... 721

23.1 Introduction ................................................................................721
23.2 Locating the Roadway ...............................................................723
23.3 Location of Road Markings .......................................................725
23.4 Location of Road Signs..............................................................726
23.5 Location of Vehicles ..................................................................728
23.6 Information Obtained by Viewing License Plates
and Other Structural Features ....................................................731
23.7 Locating Pedestrians ..................................................................734
23.8 Guidance and Egomotion...........................................................739
23.8.1 A Simple Path-Planning Algorithm.............................. 742
23.9 Vehicle Guidance in Agriculture ...............................................742
23.9.1 3-D Aspects of the Task ............................................... 746
23.9.2 Real-Time Implementation ........................................... 747
23.10 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................747
23.11 More Detailed Developments and Bibliographies
Relating to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems ....................749
23.11.1 Developments in Vehicle Detection ........................... 750
23.11.2 Developments in Pedestrian Detection....................... 752
23.11.3 Developments in Road and Lane Detection............... 754
23.11.4 Developments in Road Sign Detection ...................... 755
23.11.5 Developments in Path Planning, Navigation,
and Egomotion ............................................................ 757
23.12 Problem.......................................................................................757
Contents xix

CHAPTER 24 Epilogue—Perspectives in vision ............................ 759

24.1 Introduction ................................................................................759
24.2 Parameters of Importance in Machine Vision ...........................760
24.3 Tradeoffs.....................................................................................762
24.3.1 Some Important Tradeoffs ............................................ 762
24.3.2 Tradeoffs for Two-Stage Template Matching.............. 763
24.4 Moore’s Law in Action..............................................................764
24.5 Hardware, Algorithms, and Processes .......................................765
24.6 The Importance of Choice of Representation............................766
24.7 Past, Present, and Future............................................................767
24.8 The Deep Learning Explosion ...................................................768
24.9 Bibliographical and Historical Notes.........................................769

Appendix A: Robust statistics ...............................................................................771

Appendix B: The sampling theorem .....................................................................789
Appendix C: The representation of color .............................................................793
Appendix D: Sampling from distributions............................................................797
Index ......................................................................................................................847
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About the Author
Roy Davies is Emeritus Professor of Machine Vision at
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom.
He has worked on many aspects of vision, from feature
detection and noise suppression to robust pattern
matching and real-time implementations of practical
vision tasks. His interests include automated visual
inspection, surveillance, vehicle guidance, and crime
detection. He has published more than 200 papers and
three books—Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms,
Practicalities (1990), Electronics, Noise and Signal
Recovery (1993), and Image Processing for the Food
Industry (2000); the first of these has been widely used internationally for more
than 25 years, and is now out in this much enhanced fifth edition. Roy is a fellow
of the IoP and the IET, and a senior member of the IEEE. He is on the Editorial
Boards of Pattern Recognition Letters, Real-Time Image Processing, Imaging
Science, and IET Image Processing. He holds a DSc from the University of
London, he was awarded BMVA Distinguished Fellow in 2005, and Fellow of the
International Association of Pattern Recognition in 2008.

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It is an honor to write a foreword for Roy Davies’ new edition of Computer and
Machine Vision, now entitled Computer Vision: Principles, Algorithms,
Applications, Learning. This is one of the major books in Computer Vision and
not just for its longevity, having now reached its Fifth Edition. It is actually a
splendid achievement to reach this status and it reflects not only on the tenacity
and commitment of its author, but also on the achievements of the book itself.
Computer Vision has shown awesome progress in its short history. This is part
due to technology: computers are much faster and memory is now much cheaper
than they were in the early days when Roy started his research. There have been
many achievements and many developments. All of this can affect the evolution
of a textbook. There have been excellent textbooks in the past, which were neither
continued nor maintained. That has been avoided here as the textbook has contin-
ued to mature with the field and its many developments.
We can look forward to a future where automated computer vision systems
will make our lives easier while enriching them too. There are already many
applications of Computer Vision in the food industry and robotic cars that will be
with us very soon. Then there are continuing advancements in medical image
analysis, where Computer Vision techniques can be used to aid in diagnosis and
therapy by automated means. Even accessing a mobile phone is considerably
more convenient when using a fingerprint and access by face recognition con-
tinues to improve. These have all come about due to advancements in computers,
Computer Vision, and applied artificial intelligence.
Adherents of Computer Vision will know it to be an exciting field indeed. It
manages to cover many aspects of technology from human vision to machine
learning requiring electronic hardware, computer implementations, and a lot of
computer software. Roy continues to cover these in excellent detail.
I remember the First Edition when it was first published in 1990 with its
unique and pragmatic blend of theory, implementation, and algorithms. I am
pleased to see that the Fifth Edition maintains this unique approach, much appre-
ciated by students in previous editions who wanted an accessible introduction to
Computer Vision. It has certainly increased in size with age, and that is often the
way with books. It is most certainly the way with Computer Vision since many of
its researchers continue to improve, refine, and develop new techniques.
A major change here is the inclusion of Deep Learning. Indeed, this has been
a major change in the field of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. One
implication of the increase in computing power and the reduction of memory cost
is that techniques can become considerably more complex, and that complexity
lends itself to application in the analysis of “big data.” One cannot ignore the per-
formance of deep learning and convolutional neural networks: one only has to
peruse the program of top international conferences to perceive their revolution-
ary effect on research direction. Naturally, it is early days but it is good to have

xxiv Foreword

guidance as we have here. The nature of performance is always in question in any

system in artificial intelligence and part of the way to answer those questions is
to consider more deeply the architectures and their basis. That again is the func-
tion of a textbook for it is the distillation of research and practice in a ratiocinated
exposition. It is a brave move to include Deep Learning in this edition, but a nec-
essary one.
And what of Roy Davies himself? Following his DPhil in Solid State Physics
at Oxford, he later developed a new sensitive method in Nuclear Resonance
called “Davies-ENDOR” (Electron and Nuclear Double Resonance) which
avoided the blind spots of its predecessor “Mims-ENDOR.” In 1970 he was
appointed as a lecturer at Royal Holloway and a long series of publications in pat-
tern recognition and its applications led to the award of his Personal Chair, his
DSc and then the Distinguished Fellow of the British Machine Vision Association
(BMVA), 2005. He has served the BMVA in many ways, latterly editing its
Newsletter. Clearly the level of his work and his many contacts and papers have
contributed much to the material that is found herein.
I look forward to having this Fifth Edition sitting proudly in my shelf, repla-
cing the Fourth that will in turn pass to one of my student’s shelves. It will not
stop there for long for it is one of the textbooks I often turn to for the information
I need. Unlike the snapshots to be found on the Web, in a textbook I find it
placed in context and in sequence and with extension to other material. That is
the function of a textbook and it will be well served by this Fifth Edition.

Mark S. Nixon
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
July 2017
Preface to the Fifth Edition
The first edition of this book came out in 1990, and was welcomed by many
researchers and practitioners. However, in the subsequent two decades the subject
moved on at a rapidly accelerating rate, and many topics that hardly deserved a
mention in the first edition had to be solidly incorporated into subsequent edi-
tions. For example, it seemed particularly important to bring in significant
amounts of new material on feature detection, mathematical morphology, texture
analysis, inspection, artificial neural networks, 3D vision, invariance, motion anal-
ysis, object tracking, and robust statistics. And in the fourth edition, cognizance
had to be taken of the widening range of applications of the subject: in particular,
two chapters had to be added on surveillance and in-vehicle vision systems. Since
then, the subject has not stood still. In fact, the past four or five years have seen
the onset of an explosive growth in research on deep neural networks, and the
practical achievements resulting from this have been little short of staggering. It
soon became abundantly clear that the fifth edition would have to reflect this radi-
cal departure—both in fundamental explanation and in practical coverage. Indeed,
it necessitated a new part in the book—Part 3, Machine Learning and Deep
Learning Networks—a heading which affirms that the new content reflects not
only “Deep Learning” (a huge enhancement over the older “Artificial Neural
Networks”) but also an approach to pattern recognition that is based on rigorous
probabilistic methodology.
All this is not achieved without presentation problems: for probabilistic
methodology can only be managed properly within a rather severe mathematical
environment. Too little maths, and the subject could be so watered down as to be
virtually content-free: too much maths, and many readers might not be able to
follow the explanations. Clearly, one should not protect readers from the (mathe-
matical) reality of the situation. Hence, Chapter 14 had to be written in such a
way as to demonstrate in full what type of methodology is involved, while provid-
ing paths that would take readers past some of the mathematical complexities—at
least, on first encounter. Once past the relatively taxing Chapter 14, Chapters 15
and 21 take the reader through two accounts consisting largely of case studies,
the former through a crucial development period (20122015) for deep learning
networks, and the latter through a similar period (20132016) during which deep
learning was targeted strongly at face detection and recognition, enabling remark-
able advances to be made. It should not go unnoticed that these additions have so
influenced the content of the book that the title had to be modified to reflect
them. Interestingly, the organization of the book was further modified by
collecting three applications chapters into the new Part 5, Putting Computer
Vision to Work.
It is worth remarking that, at this point in time, computer vision has attained a
level of maturity that has made it substantially more rigorous, reliable, generic,
and—in the light of the improved hardware facilities now available for its

xxvi Preface to the Fifth Edition

implementation (in particular, extremely powerful GPUs)—capable of real-time

performance. This means that workers are more than ever before using it in seri-
ous applications, and with fewer practical difficulties. It is intended that this edi-
tion of the book will reflect this radically new and exciting state of affairs at a
fundamental level.
A typical final-year undergraduate course on vision for Electronic Engineering
and Computer Science students might include much of the work of Chapters
113 and Chapter 16, plus a selection of sections from other chapters, according
to requirements. For MSc or PhD research students, a suitable lecture course
might go on to cover Parts 3 or 4 in depth, and several of the chapters in Part 5,
with many practical exercises being undertaken on image analysis systems. (The
importance of the appendix on robust statistics should not be underestimated once
one gets onto serious work, though this will probably be outside the restrictive
environment of an undergraduate syllabus.) Here much will depend on the
research programme being undertaken by each individual student. At this stage
the text may have to be used more as a handbook for research, and indeed, one of
the prime aims of the volume is to act as a handbook for the researcher and prac-
titioner in this important area.
As mentioned in the original Preface, this book leans heavily on experience I
have gained from working with postgraduate students: in particular, I would like
to express my gratitude to Mark Edmonds, Simon Barker, Daniel Celano, Darrel
Greenhill, Derek Charles, Mark Sugrue, and Georgios Mastorakis, all of whom
have in their own ways helped to shape my view of the subject. In addition, it is
a pleasure to recall very many rewarding discussions with my colleagues Barry
Cook, Zahid Hussain, Ian Hannah, Dev Patel, David Mason, Mark Bateman,
Tieying Lu, Adrian Johnstone, and Piers Plummer, the last two of whom were
particularly prolific in generating hardware systems for implementing my research
group’s vision algorithms. Next, I would like to record my thanks to my British
Machine Vision Association colleagues for many wide-ranging discussions on the
nature of the subject: in particular, I am hugely grateful to Majid Mirmehdi,
Adrian Clark, Neil Thacker, and Mark Nixon, who, over time, have strongly
influenced the development of the book and left a permanent mark on it. Next, I
would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for making insightful comments
and what have turned out to be extremely valuable suggestions. Finally, I am
indebted to Tim Pitts of Elsevier Science for his help and encouragement, without
which this fifth edition might never have been completed.
Supporting materials:
Elsevier’s website for the book contains programming and other resources to
help readers and students using this text. Please check the publisher’s website
for further information:

Roy Davies
Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
Preface to the First Edition
Over the past 30 years or so, machine vision has evolved into a mature subject
embracing many topics and applications: these range from automatic (robot)
assembly to automatic vehicle guidance, from automatic interpretation of docu-
ments to verification of signatures, and from analysis of remotely sensed images
to checking of fingerprints and human blood cells; currently, automated visual
inspection is undergoing very substantial growth, necessary improvements in
quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness being the stimulating factors. With so much
ongoing activity, it has become a difficult business for the professional to keep up
with the subject and with relevant methodologies: in particular, it is difficult for
them to distinguish accidental developments from genuine advances. It is the pur-
pose of this book to provide background in this area.
The book was shaped over a period of 1012 years, through material I have
given on undergraduate and postgraduate courses at London University, and con-
tributions to various industrial courses and seminars. At the same time, my own
investigations coupled with experience gained while supervising PhD and post-
doctoral researchers helped to form the state of mind and knowledge that is now
set out here. Certainly it is true to say that if I had had this book 8, 6, 4, or even
2 years ago, it would have been of inestimable value to myself for solving practi-
cal problems in machine vision. It is therefore my hope that it will now be of use
to others in the same way. Of course, it has tended to follow an emphasis that is
my own—and in particular one view of one path towards solving automated
visual inspection and other problems associated with the application of vision in
industry. At the same time, although there is a specialism here, great care has
been taken to bring out general principles—including many applying throughout
the field of image analysis. The reader will note the universality of topics such as
noise suppression, edge detection, principles of illumination, feature recognition,
Bayes’ theory, and (nowadays) Hough transforms. However, the generalities lie
deeper than this. The book has aimed to make some general observations and
messages about the limitations, constraints, and tradeoffs to which vision algo-
rithms are subject. Thus there are themes about the effects of noise, occlusion,
distortion, and the need for built-in forms of robustness (as distinct from less suc-
cessful ad hoc varieties and those added on as an afterthought); there are also
themes about accuracy, systematic design, and the matching of algorithms and
architectures. Finally, there are the problems of setting up lighting schemes which
must be addressed in complete systems, yet which receive scant attention in most
books on image processing and analysis. These remarks will indicate that the text
is intended to be read at various levels—a factor that should make it of more last-
ing value than might initially be supposed from a quick perusal of the contents.

xxviii Preface to the First Edition

Of course, writing a text such as this presents a great difficulty in that it is

necessary to be highly selective: space simply does not allow everything in a sub-
ject of this nature and maturity to be dealt with adequately between two covers.
One solution might be to dash rapidly through the whole area mentioning every-
thing that comes to mind, but leaving the reader unable to understand anything in
detail or to achieve anything having read the book. However, in a practical sub-
ject of this nature this seemed to me a rather worthless extreme. It is just possible
that the emphasis has now veered too much in the opposite direction, by coming
down to practicalities (detailed algorithms, details of lighting schemes, and so
on): individual readers will have to judge this for themselves. On the other hand,
an author has to be true to himself and my view is that it is better for a reader or
student to have mastered a coherent series of topics than to have a mishmash of
information that he is later unable to recall with any accuracy. This, then, is my
justification for presenting this particular material in this particular way and for
reluctantly omitting from detailed discussion such important topics as texture
analysis, relaxation methods, motion, and optical flow.
As for the organization of the material, I have tried to make the early part of
the book lead into the subject gently, giving enough detailed algorithms (espe-
cially in Chapter 2: Images and imaging operations and Chapter 6: Corner, inter-
est point, and invariant feature detection) to provide a sound feel for the
subject—including especially vital, and in their own way quite intricate, topics
such as connectedness in binary images. Hence Part I provides the lead-in,
although it is not always trivial material and indeed some of the latest research
ideas have been brought in (e.g., on thresholding techniques and edge detection).
Part II gives much of the meat of the book. Indeed, the (book) literature of the
subject currently has a significant gap in the area of intermediate-level vision;
while high-level vision (AI) topics have long caught the researcher’s imagination,
intermediate-level vision has its own difficulties which are currently being solved
with great success (note that the Hough transform, originally developed in 1962,
and by many thought to be a very specialist topic of rather esoteric interest, is
arguably only now coming into its own). Part II and the early chapters of Part III
aim to make this clear, while Part IV gives reasons why this particular transform
has become so useful. As a whole, Part III aims to demonstrate some of the prac-
tical applications of the basic work covered earlier in the book, and to discuss
some of the principles underlying implementation: it is here that chapters on
lighting and hardware systems will be found. As there is a limit to what can be
covered in the space available, there is a corresponding emphasis on the theory
underpinning practicalities. Probably this is a vital feature, since there are many
applications of vision both in industry and elsewhere, yet listing them and their
intricacies risks dwelling on interminable detail, which some might find insipid;
furthermore, detail has a tendency to date rather rapidly. Although the book could
not cover 3D vision in full (this topic would easily consume a whole volume in
its own right), a careful overview of this complex mathematical and highly impor-
tant subject seemed vital. It is therefore no accident that Chapter 16, The three-
Another random document with
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Orígenes de la
novela - Tomo II
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Title: Orígenes de la novela - Tomo II

Author: Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo

Release date: September 26, 2023 [eBook #71733]

Language: Spanish

Original publication: Madrid: Casa editorial Bailly-Bailliére, 1905

Credits: Andrés V. Galia and the Online Distributed Proofreading

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En la versión de texto sin formatear las palabras
en itálicas están indicadas con _guiones bajos_;
mientras que las palabras en Versalitas se han
escrito en mayúsculas. Además, una letra
precedida por el signo “^” indica que esa letra es
un superíndice. Por ejemplo ^e representa la letra
“e” en tamaño más pequeño que la escritura del
resto del texto y se encuentra ligeramente por
encima de la línea de escritura. En la obra original
aparecen letras o conjunto de letras con un signo
diacrítico que muestra una línea horizontal
(macrón) en la parte superior de esas letras.
Algunos de esos signos no pueden representarse
en la versión sin formatear y en consecuencia
están representados con la marca [=texto]; es
decir que ese signo representa la palabra "texto"
con una línea horizontal superior sobre dicha
palabra (texto).
La obra incluye una Introducción de Menéndez y
Pelayo y una segunda parte donde se presentan
obras del período analizado en este tomo. Estas
obras no sólo ilustran las temáticas elegidas por
sus autores, sino el estilo, el lenguaje, modismos
propios de la época, la ortografía e. incluso, las
características de las impresiones tipográficas de
ese entonces.
El criterio utilizado para llevar a cabo esta
transcripción, para la Introducción escrita por
Menéndez y Pelayo, ha sido el de respetar las
reglas de la Real Academia Española, vigentes
cuando la presente edición de esta obra fue
publicada. El lector interesado puede consultar el
Mapa de Diccionarios Académicos de la Real
Academia Española.
Para el texto citado de otros autores y las novelas
incluidas en la segunda parte, el criterio fue
privilegiar que coincidiese con el texto que figura
en la imagen utilizada para llevar a cabo la
No se han modificado evidentes errores
tipográficos ni de ortografía estimando que la
intención de Menéndez y Pelayo fue de que no se
corrigieran, pues formaban parte de lo que era lo
habitual en ese período. Esta presunción está
sustentada en el hecho de que el mismo
Menéndez y Pelayo introdujo correcciones
aclaratorias en varias de las notas al pie de
página presentes en la obra.
El Índice ha sido reubicado al comienzo de la
En la Nota [267] Menéndez y Pelayo haciendo
mención de una obra de Masuccio expresa,
citando el texto de dicho autor, que: «Due
cavalieri fiorentini se innamorano de due sorelle
Sin embargo, en un estudio de Giulia Depoli (Le
donne di Masuccio: agency oltre
l’«anatemizzazione» e la «sublimazione»; Adi
editore, 2023), se menciona lo siguiente:
«...i due cavalieri francesi Filippo de
Lincurto e Ciarlo d’Amboia, stanziati a
Firenze, si innamorano di due
La cubierta del libro fue modificada por el
transciptor y se ha agregado al dominio público.
Orígenes de la Novela
Tomo II
Nueva Biblioteca de Autores Españoles
bajo la dirección del
Excmo. Sr. D. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo.
Orígenes de la Novela
Tomo II
Novelas de los siglos XV y XVI, con un estudio preliminar
D. M. Menéndez y Pelayo
de la Real Academía Española.
Bailly//Bailliére é Hijos, Editores
Plaza de Santa Ana, núm. 10.
troducción I

X. Cuentos y novelas cortas.—Traducciones de Boccaccio,

Bandello, Giraldi Cinthio,
Straparola, Doni, Luis Guicciardini, Belleforest, etc.—Silva de
varia lección, de
Pero Mexía, considerada bajo el aspecto novelístico.—
Miscelánea de D. Luis
Zapata.—Philosophia Vulgar, de Juan de Mal Lara:
relaciones entre la paremiología
y la novelística.—Sobremesa y alivio de caminantes, de Juan
de Timoneda.—El
Patrañuelo: estudio de sus fuentes.—Otras colecciones de
cuentos: Alonso de
Villegas, Sebastián de Horozco, Luis de Pinedo, Garibay.—
Glosas del sermón de
Aljubarrota, atribuidas á D. Diego Hurtado de Mendoza.—
Floresta Española,
de Melchor de Santa Cruz.—Libros de apotegmas: Juan
Rufo.—El cuento español
en Francia.—Silva Curiosa, de Julián de Medrano.—
Clavellinas de recreación,
de Ambrosio de Salazar.—Rodomuntadas españolas.—
Cuentos portugueses,
de Gonzalo Fernández Trancoso.—El Fabulario, de
Sebastián Mey.—Diálogos
dé apacible entretenimiento, de Gaspar Lucas Hidalgo.—
Noches de invierno, de
Antonio de Eslava I







apítulo I.—Como el gallo despertó á su amo Micillo e los
consejos que le da 99
apítulo II.—Como el Gallo da a entender a su amo Micyllo
quel es Pitagoras y como
fue trasformado en gallo y Mycillo dize vna fabula de quien
fue el gallo 100
apítulo III.—Que quenta Mycyllo lo que le sucedio en el
conbite del rico Everates 100
apítulo IV.—Que pone lo que soñaba Micillo, y lo que da a
entender del sueño; cosa
de gran sentencia 102
apítulo V.—Pone a quantos peligros se ponen las personas
por adquirir riquezas y lo
que dello les sucede y si es lícito o no 102
apítulo VI.—Como cuenta que fue Euforbio y da a entender a
su amo quél habia sido hormiga 103
apítulo VII.—Que siendo Pitagoras lo que le acaesció 103
apítulo VIII.—Como siendo Pitágoras fue transformado en
Dionisio rey de Sicilia y
lo que por mal gobernar se sucede 104
apítulo IX.—Que pone como fue trasformado de Dionisio en
Epulon el rico y cuanto
trabajo tiene uno en ser rico y lo que le sucedio 106
apítulo X.—Que pone como fue casado con quatro mugeres y
lo que le sucedió con la
primera; cosa de notar 107
apítulo XI.—Como fue casado la segunda vez y lo que pasó
con la segunda mujer 107
apítulo XII.—Como se casó la tercera vez y lo que con ella le
sucedio 108
apítulo XIII.—Como casó la quarta vez y lo que con esta
muger le sucedio 108
apítulo XIV.—Como de Epulon fue transformado en asno;
cosa de notar y gran sentencia 109
apítulo XV.—Como su amo siendo asno lo vendio á los
recueros y lo que le sucedio 110
apítulo XVI.—Cuenta como los arrieros lo vendieron á un
húngaro y lo que allí le sucedió 111
apítulo XVII.—Como el húngaro lo vendio á los soldados y lo
que le acaescio con ellos 112
apítulo XVIII.—Como los soldados lo vendieron á unos
alemanes que iban á Roma
y lo que cuenta por el camino; cosa de notar 112
apítulo XIX.—Que cuenta en pronosticar y lo de los agüeros;
cosa de notar 115
apítulo XX.—Como fue convertido en rana y lo que le sucedio
de allí 117
apítulo XXI.—Como fue convertido en ramera mujer llamada 117
apítulo XXII.—Como fue convertido en gañan de campo y
como servio un avariento
y después fue tornado pavón e otras muchas cosas 118


rólogo del auctor 119
rgumento del primer canto del gallo.—En el primer canto
que se sigue el auctor
propone lo que ha de tratar en la presente obra: narrando el
primer naçimiento del
gallo y el suceso de su vida 121
rgumento del segundo canto del gallo.—En el segundo
canto que se sigue el
auctor imita á Plutarco en vn dialogo que hizo entre Ulixes y
vn griego llamado Grilo;
el qual auia Cyrçes conuertido en puerco. En esto el auctor
quiere dar a entender, que
quando los hombres estan encenagados en los viçios y
prinçipalmente de la carne son
muy peores que brutos, y avn ay muchas fieras que sin
comparaçión los exceden en el vso de la virtud 126
rgumento del tercero canto del gallo.—En el terçero
canto que se sigue el auctor imita á Luçiano
en todos sus dialogos: en los quales siempre reprehende á
los philosophos y Religiosos de su tiempo 132
rgumento del quarto canto del gallo.—En el quarto canto 137
que se sigue el auctor
imita á Luçiano en el libro que hizo llamado Pseudomantis.
En el qual descriue marauillosamente
mil tacañerias y embaymientos y engaños de vn falso
religioso llamado
Alexandro, que en muchas partes del mundo fingió ser
propheta, dando respuestas
ambiguas y industriosas para adquerir con el vulgo crédito y
rgumento del quinto canto del gallo.—En el quinto, sexto
y septimo cantos que
se siguen el auctor debajo de vna graçiosa historia imita la
parabola que Cristo dixo
por San Lucas en el capitulo quince, del hijo prodigo. Verse
ha en agraçiado estilo vn
viçioso mançebo en poder de malas mugeres, bueltas las
espaldas a su honrra, a los
honbres y a Dios, disipar todos los doctes del alma, que son
los thesoros que de su
padre Dios heredó; y verase también los hechizos, engaños y
encantamientos de que
las malas mugeres vsan por gozar de sus laçivos deleytes
por satisfazer a sola su sensualidad 145
rgumento del sexto canto del gallo.—En el sexto canto
que se sigue el auctor
descriue por industria admirable de vna pintura las victorias
que el nuestro inuictissimo
Emperador Carlos quinto deste nombre obo en la prision del
Rey Francisco
de Francia en Pauia, y la que obo en Tunez y en la batalla
que dio a Lansgraue
y a Juanduque de Saxonia y liga de herejes alemanes junto
al rio Albis en Alemania 152
rgumento del séptimo canto del gallo.—En el séptimo
canto que se sigue el auctor
concluyendo la parabola del hijo prodigo finge lo que
comunmente suele aconteçer en
los mançebos que aborridos de vn viçio dan en meterse
frayles; y en el fin del canto se
descriue vna famosa cortesana ramera 158
rgumento del octauo canto del gallo.—En el octauo 166
canto que se sigue el auctor
se finge hauer sido monja, por notarles algunos intereses que
en daño de sus conçiençias
tienen. Concluye con una batalla de ranas en imitaçion de
rgumento del nono canto del gallo.—En el nono canto
que se sigue el auctor imitando a
Luçiano en el dialogo llamado Toxaris, en el qual trata de la
amistad, el auctor
trata de dos amigos fidelissimos que en casos muy arduos
aprobaron bien su intinçion.
Enseñase quales deuen ser los buenos amigos 172
rgumento del deçimo canto del gallo.—En el deçimo
canto que se sigue el auctor
prosigue lo mucho que Arnao hizo por cobrar a Alberto
despues que su muger se murio.
En lo qual mostró bien el valor de su amistad, y quales todos
los amigos deuen ser 180
rgumento del honzeno canto del gallo.—En el honzeno
canto que se sigue el
auctor imitando a Luçiano en el libro que intituló de Luctu
habla de la superfluidad
y vanidad que entre los cristianos se vsa en la muerte,
entierro y sepoltura. Descriuese el entierro
del marques del Gasto, Capitan general del Emperador en la
Ytalia; cosa muy de notar 185
rgumento del duodeçimo canto del gallo.—En el canto
doze que se sigue el auctor
imitando a Luçiano en el dialogo que intituló Icaro Menipo,
finge subir al cielo y descriue
lo mucho que vio allá 191
rgumento del deçimoterçio canto del gallo.—En el 196
deçimoterçio canto que se
sigue el auctor prosiguiendo la subida del çielo descriue la
pena que se da a los ingratos
rgumento del deçimo quarto canto del gallo.—En el
deçimo quarto canto que se
sigue el auctor concluye con la subida del çielo y propone
tratar la bajada del infierno,
declarando muchas cosas que açerca dél tuuieron los
gentiles historiadores y poetas antiguos 203
rgumento del deçimo quinto canto del gallo.—En el
deçimo quinto canto que
se sigue el auctor imitando a Luçiano en el libro que intituló
Necromançia finge
deçendir al infierno. Donde descriue las estançias y lugares y
penas de los condenados 209
rgumento del deçimo sexto canto del gallo.—En el
deçimo sexto canto que se
sigue el auctor en Rosicler hija del Rey de Siria descriue la
feroçidad con que vna
muger acomete qualquiera cosa que le venga al pensamiento
si es lisiada de vn lasçiuo
interes, y concluye con el deçendimiento del infierno imitando
a Luçiano en los libros
que de varios dialogos intituló 214
rgumento del deçimo septimo canto del gallo.—En el
deçimo septimo canto que
se sigue el auctor imitando a Luçiano en el dialogo llamado
Conuiuium philosophorum,
sueña auerse hallado en vna misa nueua, en la qual descriue
grandes aconteçimientos
que entre clerigos en ella passaron 220
rgumento del deçimo octauo canto del gallo.—En el
deçimo octauo canto o sueño
que se sigue el auctor muestra los grandes daños que en el
mundo se siguen por faltar
la verdad de entre los hombres 229
rgumento del deçimo nono canto del gallo.—En el 238
deçimo nono canto que se
sigue el auctor trata del trabajo y meseria que ay en el
palaçio y seruiçio de los prinçipes
y señores, y reprehende a todos aquellos que teniendo
alguna habilidad para
algún offiçio en que ocupar su vida, se priban de su
bienauenturada libertad que naturaleza
les dio, y por viuir en viçios y profanidad se subjetan al
seruiçio de algún Señor
rgumento del vigessimo y vltimo canto del gallo.—En
este vigessimo canto el
auctor representa a Demophon, el qual viniendo vn dia a
casa de Miçilo su vezino a le visitar le halló
triste y afligido por la muerte de su gallo, y procurando
dexarle consolado se vuelue a su casa 245
bro primero 252
bro segundo 267
bro terçero 286
bro cuarto 295
bro quinto 314
bro sexto 325
bro séptimo 331
POLO 337
bro primero 338
bro segundo 353
bro tercero 363
bro cuarto 376
bro quinto 386
rimera parte 401
egunda parte 410
ercera parte 421
uarta parte 430
uinta parte 448
exta parte 464
éptima parte 477
olloquio en que se tratan los daños corporales del juego,
persuadiendo á los que lo
tienen por vicio que se aparten dél, con razones muy
suficientes y provechosas para ello 488
olloquio en que se trata lo que los médicos y boticarios están 499
obligados á hacer para
cumplir con sus oficios, y así mesmo se ponen las faltas que
hay en ellos para daño de
los enfermos, con muchos avisos necesarios y provechosos.
Divídese en dos partes: en
la primera se trata lo que toca á los boticarios, y en la
segunda lo de los médicos
olloquio entre dos caballeros llamados Leandro y Florian y un
pastor Amintas, en que
se tratan las excelencias y perficion de la vida pastoril para
los que quieren seguirla,
probándolo con muchas razones naturales y autoridades y
ejemplos de la Sagrada
Escritura y de otros autores. Es muy provechosa para que las
gentes no vivan descontentas
con su pobreza, no pongan la felicidad y bienaventuranza en
tener grandes
riquezas y gozar de grandes estados 510
olloquio que trata de la desorden que en este tiempo se tiene
en el mundo, y principalmente
en la cristiandad, en el comer y beber; con los daños que
dello se siguen, y cuán
necesario sería poner remedio en ello 521
olloquio que trata de la desorden que en este tiempo se tiene
en los vestidos y cuán
necesario sería poner remedio en ello 527
olloquio que trata de la vanidad de la honra del mundo, 531
dividido en tres partes. En la
primera se contiene qué cosa es la verdadera honra y cómo
la quel mundo comunmente
tiene por honra las más veces se podría tener por más
verdadera infamia. En la segunda
se tratan las maneras de las salutaciones antiguas y los
títulos antiguos en el escrebir,
loando lo uno y lo otro y burlando de lo que agora se usa. En
la tercera se trata una
cuestión antigua y ya tratada por otros sobre cuál sea más
verdadera honra, la que se

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