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gr 12 rep. Abdul:
Private guidance for career choices/college? for grade 11 and 12
cant understand

Pres. Sean
cater the needs of tech high
platform wasnt really straight to the point

Sec. Lorraine
how to help students in academics?

Treasurer Kaia
Fund raising

Auditor Jandrew
Help late students for their academics (giving updates)

Suggestion box (feedback box)

Pres. JJ
didnt identify what was the main platform but mostly supporting his partylist
member' advocacies

V.P. Denise
Suggestion Box

Secretary Elle
Characteristics lang sinabi

Treasure Sophia
Fund raising
Feedback forms

Gr 12 rep. Benni
KILOS Protocol (Printer) (First aid kit)

Gr 11 rep. Bugay
Strengthen the interconnectivity of tech high
anti bullying
connection of junior and seniors

Gr 10 rep. Ron
Preserve the good values of tech high
yun lang

because of the low amount of students in the technical high school how can you
encourage people to join this department

Denise answer:
Tech high can be promoted by having events that can show our skills and work

jandrew rebuttal:
similar to denise's answer

why do we believe that serving the student council can have an impact for technical
high school

Abdul answer:
my communication skills can reach students concerns to the teachers
/ reach srudent to student council?

Denice rebuttal:
Tech high is just starting, empower the students, kikilos kami para sayo.

how do you plan to ensure that the voices of other students that are often
neglected can be heard in the decision making

JJ Answer:
my plan is that we have a strict clarification system (promoting the other
platforms for the question)

Sean rebuttal:
no decision must be made if its only mines. during our meetings, we should have a
suggestion box? my decision is also their decison.

How do you plan to give a legacy to gr 12 students to give a positive energy before
their graduation

Benni answer:
aim to have sustainable systems (promoting the printer?) a robust system for the
printers? allowing more events by promoting foods and shops of students.

Abdul rebuttal:
doesnt answer the question, brought up events that gives the sense of pride of the
students that give the essence of pride and joy will be remembered and reused as a
way to empower the students of tech high???

what steps will you take to ensure that the student councils activities and
decisions are transparent and accessible to the student body

Sean answer:
give a little information but not everything. be transparent but with limits.

Bugay rebuttal:
recording meetings, hotlines, open messenger communications, and posts to ensure

as a secretary how can you plan to help the president and vice president in
coordinating in executing and formulating student activities

Elle answer:
create notes for meeting, record meetings, working hand in hand with them in
delivering messages to the student body

lorraine rebuttal:
give suggestions and substitutions to the pres and vp

how do you plan to cooperate and collaborate with different student organizations
within the school

jj answer:
meetings? use connections from other partylist members

sean rebuttal:
consistency is key, communicate, even with difference in answers, be transparent,
and feedback

some students dont want to join events because of the high prices thinking its just
a waste of time to attend and its for attendance

sophia answer:
feedback form, seminar has a qr code for feedback, which also promotes
transparency, form specifies with venue, activities, and etc.

kaia rebuttal:
convince the students why its important, give incentives, give reasons why they'll
benefit from this without forcing them, so they can enjoy.

denise rebuttal:
how can you do that, how will you convince students to go to these events

nat rebuttal:
pubmats, and encouragement.

seeing the amount of proposed and promised events by both parties how will you
process knowing the logistical implecations it processes, what will you do if the
proposal's rejected.

benni answer:
we are here to promise our efforts, win or lose we'll still try to have the same
goals, we will figure out why it is disapproved and change it.

kaia rebuttal:
rejection doesnt mean defeated, we'll see why it is rejected and use it as a tool
to improve our platform

pres answer jj:

never make a promise, because its hard to back it up, though we can assure that we
can act as one whole council, not promised but possible

pres answer sean:

check if we have the resources and time to do it etc. that are required to process
a proposal (similar to other answers)

will you manage the club's finances in any way

kaia answer:
we wont look into it but we will help manage them

what makes your partylist better than the other partylist

sean answer:
we are willing to answer your questions and improve on what we can and cant

what makes you think that you are worth voting for

jj answer:
promoting qualifications of his partylist members

sean rebuttal:
achievements isnt the answer, everything has a room for improvement

how are you planning to make announcements more punctual and organized

denise answer:
all of you can reach for us online, we wont be announcing after 8 pm, we have
morning assemblies that has announcements

nag rebuttal:
same as denise

both partylist leaders, campaign didnt make an impact this year

sean answer:
security reasons for the lockers, every proposal is just an idea

jj answer:
our proposals are just ideas, same as sean

what are your backup plans if your advocacies fail

denise answer:
our platforms arent promises, trashbins, why did it fail? she asked the janitors if
its helpful or not (trashbins) we are not here to promise the world but we're here
to promise the best efforts

lorraine answer:
you have to look into it, to what went wrong, if you increment this kaya ba nila?

given the situation that youve been elected, one of the concerns of the teachers
are their time management, how can you balance your tasks without using your
responsibility as a council member as an excuse

jandrew answer:
time management is important, yes we can do this but in the end of the day we're
students, we need to be responsible for our requirements and punctuality

denise answer:
we delegate what's needed to others, acads should be first, we're one big council,
we should lead by example

lets say youve been planning this event for weeks now, then the students have
suggestions, to what extent will you allow the students suggestion affect your
plans (and what if the suggestion is out of the budget)

kaia answer:
we'll have alternatives to meet what the students want.

benni answer:
we'll focus on what's possible and what's not, we will focus on having a hands on

how can you solve problems by yourself without the help of your council members

sean answer:
i have limitations with what we can and cant do, im good at talking and we'll try
to find multiple ways to answer your concerns

jj answer:
we have our own limitation and we have sets of skills such as critical thinking

what did you do in your classroom that benefited your peers

abdul answer:
i helped most of my classmates with math and cp projects, i usually help them with
recitation, i also help with announcements and i usually get the attendance sheet

ron answer:
i was supporting them from the start, i didnt just help my sectiom but my whole
batch by spreading positive energy, for ex. mr tech high i represented my section

bugay answer:
all i want to do is help, i put my efforts to help my class every single day, while
taking initiatives in group works

benni answer:
i try to help you guys whenever i can, i try to give you guys what you need when im
able to, i try my best to give ideas.

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