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FIRST ACTIVITY (Artists and Artisans)

1. Why people tends to be confused about artists and artisans?

Due to the fact that the majority of us are more prone to use the term artist than
artisan, people sometimes mix the two terms. The word "artisan," which is only
sometimes used, is hardly heard by most people. Occasionally, despite the fact that there
are differences between the two, artists and artisans are mistakenly referred to as being
similar and used interchangeably.

2. Give the similarities and differences of an artists and artisans.

Simply said, both artisans and artists produce works of art. Both exhibit the act of
producing something. Even so, each are unique in distinct ways. Those who are artists are
those whose work ranges from painting to music and who only express the aesthetic
value of art. Similar to artists, artisans also express the beauty of their craft, yet their
products have a functional value. These artists specialize in creating products of aesthetic

3. How do artists and artisans express their thoughts and emotions through arts and crafts?

We all agree that the purpose of the arts is to convey the feelings and experiences
of those who make them, known as artisans and artists. The vast imagination of artists is
used to convey these feelings in their works. Whereas artisans utilize their skills to infuse
their emotions into their creations. Although artists also employ their capabilities, artisans
do so more frequently since craftsmen create tangible goods that can be touched.

4. What would you want to become? An artist or an artisan and why?

Though I'm not particularly creative when it comes to creating physical things,
I'm always capable of conveying my emotions, thus I dreamt of becoming an artist. I
always like to express my emotions through poetry, and my instructor once
complimented me on how well I could write a sonnet. In addition, I like writing short
stories when I have a lot of spare time. In fact, I once wrote a story that I submitted in my
senior year.

5. What is the significance of studying artists and artisans? Explain.

The main contributors to how good we have these innovations and arts are these
artisans and artists. Studying them will enable us to distinguish between the functional
and aesthetic value of the arts. Also, it will encourage us in understanding and
appreciating the arts that have been bestowed upon us. Also, by expressing our
appreciation for them, we may showcase our involvement in creating valuable

Name of the Artwork: “THE SCREAM”

Type of Art: Painting/Modern Art
Artist: Edvard Munch Year Produced: 1893

Does it remind me of anything? What?

It reminded me of my friends when I was in junior high school. It was one of the arts that
were presented to us in our arts subject. My friends and classmates have imitated this piece a lot
of times by showing a “shock” expression.

What things can I see? (Lines, shapes, space, value, colour, texture)

Artistic elements including line, color, value, and form are used by Edvard Munch.
Curved and straight lines that are either horizontal or vertical are depicted in the painting.
Additionally observed are complementary basic colors. These shadows and light were also
utilized to demonstrate value.

How and where have these things been placed or portrayed?

It was said that in 1892, Munch have experienced a panic attack. He expressed this
experience of him by creating “the scream” painting. He described it as how he sensed a scream
passing through nature and that he actually heard the scream. It was also stated that at that time,
the sun was about to set and that the sky is like the color of blood. The lines that were expressed
in the painting are said to be the shockwaves he felt. Moreover, the two people behind him was
his companions and he indicate in the painting that he is far from them because of how big he
experienced it inside his head.

What general knowledge do I have that this work brings to mind?

It is one of the most famous paintings showing expressionism in modern art. Also it was
known to be symbolizing human condition, which is the panic attack experienced by the artist.
Also, about the usage of colors to emphasize what the art wants the audience to depict.

Why did the artist bother? Can you go inside their mind?

The artist likes to showcase what he has felt in that exact moment. But upon looking at
the painting, it is hard to easily depict that it was just about a man screaming and the lines are the
waves of his voice. But no, it is just what the artist felt inside his mind. I can’t go inside a artist
mind if he does not open up what the painting truly means, but if he is then it will be easy.

How does it make you feel?

Upon just looking at the painting without prior knowledge, I can sense a horror feeling
and the fear it has showcase. But when I acknowledged what it truly means, I think that I can
relate to what the artist felt because I felt them before and upon looking at the painting, I really
imagined the feeling of having a panic attack. I appreciated his emotions and understood it.

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