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Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 35, Nos 7 12, pp.

365 373, 1997

Pergamon © 19t)7 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0025-326X(97)00153-7 I)(125-326X/97 $17,0t)+ I)/I){I

Modelling the Release to the Kara Sea

of Radioactive Waste from the
Icebreaker Lenin: Version II
S. J. TIMMS*§, N. M. LYNN*, M. E. M O U N T t , Y. SIVINTSEV$ and J. M. WARDEN*
*Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, Royal Naval College Greenwich, London SEIO 9NN, UK
tLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, PO Box 808, L-634, Livermore, CA 94551, USA
:~Russia Research Centre, Kurchatov Institute, 123182 Moscow, Russian Federation

In progressing its work for the International Arctic discharged at sites in the Baltic, White, Barents and
Seas Assessment Project (IASAP), under the auspices Kara Seas; and (3) between 1964 and 1991, low and
of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), intermediate level solid radioactive waste was dumped
the Source Term Working Group has developed a at sites in the Barents and Kara Seas.
FORTRAN model to predict a radiation release profile Of the discarded naval reactors, six of the 16
into the Kara Sea from reactor fuel and activated contained their spent nuclear fuel (SNF). In addition,
components of the nuclear icebreaker Lenin. The approximately 60% of the SNF from one of the three
model accounts for the degradation of containment Lenin marine reactors was disposed of in a concrete
materials through corrosion and other mechanisms, and stainless steel shell container. The vast majority of
and predicts annual release rates to 4500 years into the low and intermediate level solid radioactive waste
the future. Version I of the model was developed as a was disposed of in containers of unknown composition.
spreadsheet program from the original data gathered The Kara Sea disposal sites for the 16 naval reactors
by the Working Group and the results were published and low and intermediate level solid radioactive waste
by Timms et al. (1994); revised information on the varied in depth from 12 to 38(1 m.
method of disposal necessitated a change to the The White Book also reported estimates of total
program, which is presented in this paper as Version radioactivity at the time of disposal. These were: (1)
II. The model is being applied to other marine 2300 kCi (85.1 PBq) of fission products in the SNF; (2)
reactors dumped in the Kara Sea in a programme of 100 kCi (3.7 PBq) of 6"Co in the reactor components;
work for the IASAP aimed at assessing the collective (3) 24 kCi (0.9 PBq) of unspecified origin in the low
release profile from all significant dump sites in this level liquid radioactive waste, over 50% of which was
region. © 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All discharged in the Barents Sea; and (4) 15.9kCi
rights reserved (0.6 PBq) of unspecified origin in the low and inter-
mediate level solid radioactive waste, over 95% of
In the Spring of 1993, an English translation of the which was discarded in the Kara Sea. With rare excep-
Russian report, Facts and Problems related to Radio- tion, no radionuclides were identified and no estimate
active Waste Disposal in Seas adjacent to the Territory of provided for the current levels of radioactivity.
the Russian Federation (Yablokov et al., 1993) was
released. The findings presented in this report were the
The hzternational Arctic Seas Assessment Project
result of a scientific study commissioned in October
International concern over the possible health and
1992 by the Office of the President of the Russian
environmental effects from disposal of these aforemen-
Federation. The White Book, as the report was later
tioned radioactive wastes in the shallow waters of the
called, reported that: (1) between 1965 and 1988, 16
Arctic seas prompted the International Atomic Energy
naval reactors from seven former Soviet Union
Agency (IAEA), as part of its responsibilities to the
submarines and the icebreaker Lenin, each of which
London Convention of 1972, to initiate the Inter-
had suffered some form of reactor accident, were
national Arctic Seas Assessment Project (IASAP)
dumped at five sites in the Kara Sea; (2) between 1959
(Sjoeblom and Linsley, 1993). The IASAP formally
and 1991, low level liquid radioactive waste was
began on 1 February 1993 in Oslo, Norway, at the
§Corresponding author. meeting on the Assessment of Actual and Potential
Marine PollutionBulletin

Consequences of Dumping Radioactive Waste into specific objects and in situ gamma spectroscopy of
Arctic Seas. bottom sediments.
The stated objectives of the IASAP are to: (1) assess As the information from the joint Norwegian/
the risks to human health and to the environment Russian expedition was preliminary at best, and
associated with the radioactive waste dumped in the because Russian estimates for the radionuclide inven-
Kara and Barents Seas; and (2) examine possible tories in the nuclear submarine naval reactors would
remedial actions related to the dumped wastes and not be available for evaluation before the Autumn of
advise on whether they are necessary and justified. To 1994, the Group initially focused its efforts on the
meet these objectives, four working groups were estab- Lenin, and developed the first release rate model
lished: (1) Source Term, (2) Existing Environmental (Timms et al., 1994).
Concentrations, (3) Transfer Mechanisms and Models, The second meeting of the Group was held in
and (4) Impact Assessment and Remedial Measures. Vienna during September 1994 and a third meeting
was held in Greenwich, London, on 20-24 March 1994.
The IASAP Source Term Working Group At this latter meeting, further information on the
The first consultants' meeting of the Source Term disposal of the Lenin reactor compartment and the
Working Group, hereafter identified as the Group, was SNF was presented (Sivintsev, 1995a); follow up
held at the IAEA, in Vienna, Austria, on 10-14 research by the consulting member for Russia had
January 1994. The purposes of this meeting were to: revealed that the details of the dumping arrangements
(1) review progress and needs on the source term of the SNF given in the White Book had been incor-
evaluation for the assessment of risks to human health rect, necessitating a revision of the data already
and the environment associated with nuclear reactors presented at Vladivostok. The following section
dumped in the Kara Sea; and (2) prepare a preliminary summarizes the most up-to-date information pertinent
source term description to be used by the Transfer to development of the Lenin source term.
Mechanisms and Models Working Group.
During the meeting, the Group reviewed and
discussed source term reports prepared by consulting
Lenin Source Term
members, one from the United States and one from Background
Russia. The estimate prepared by the consulting Launched in Leningrad in 1959, the icebreaker Lenin
member from the United States was for the inventory was the first nuclear merchant ship in the world.
of selected actinides and fission products in the SNF During her 31 years in commission, the Lenin had two
and activation products in the reactor components and separate steam generating installations (SGIs). The
primary system corrosion products of the 16 naval first SGI contained three pressurized water reactors
reactors (Mount et al., 1993). Estimates for the Lenin (PWRs) of 90 MW maximum thermal power each and
radionuclide inventory were based upon core history operated from 1959 to February 1965 when, during
information obtained from translations of Russian routine repair of the SGI, an operator error allowed
articles available in the open literature, whereas the the core of the N2 PWR to be left without water for
estimates of the nuclear submarine radionuclide inven- some period of time. As a consequence, a part of the
tories were based upon core history information reactor core was damaged due to residual heat. It is
developed from open literature Western estimates of the characteristics of this first SGI that form the basis
their operating characteristics. The estimate prepared for the Lenin source term.
by the consulting member from Russia was for the
inventory of selected actinides and fission products in Characteristics of the First SGI
the SNF and activation products in the reactor compo- The entire SGI, including the steam generators and
nents of the Lenin (Sivintsev, 1993). In addition to the pumps, was located in the centre of the ship in an
inventory estimate, this report provided detailed infor- isolated reactor compartment. The three PWRs were
mation on the operating history of the Lenin; condition aligned vertically in a plane perpendicular to the keel
of the reactor compartment, reactor pressure vessels and were surrounded by a large iron-water tank shield.
(RPVs) and the SNF prior to disposal, and the disposal The biological shield located above the three PWRs
operations. From the standpoint of the Group, the was made of limonite concrete and a heat-resistant
later of these two source term estimates was definitive composition of graphite and boron.
for the Lenin. Each cylindrical RPV was made from low alloy steel,
The Group was also provided with preliminary infor- with approximate dimensions of 2 m diameter, 5 m
mation from the September-October 1993 joint height, and 40 mm thick walls with a 5 mm internal
Norwegian/Russian expedition to the Tsivolka Fjord, stainless steel (SS) layer of cladding. The height and
Stepovoy Fjord and Novaya Zemlya Depression diameter of each PWR core were approximately 1.6 m
disposal sites in the Kara Sea (Foyn and Nikitin, 1994). and 1 m, respectively, with each core containing 219
Included among this information were preliminary cylindrical technical fuel channels (TFCs) with 36
results from underwater camera investigations of pin-type fuel elements. The fuel elements contained
Volume 35/Numbers 7-12/July-December 1997

fuel pellets made from sintered UO2 enriched to 5.0% C, it was surrounded by Furfurol and Container C was
235U and clad with a Z r - N b alloy or stainless steel. sealed with an 18 mm SS cover.
To reduce heat and radiation effects on each RPV In September 1967, the Lenin and the pontoon
and subsequently extend their operating lives, thermal carrying Container C and the SNF were towed to
shields consisting of five concentric SS cylinders of Tsivolka Fjord on the coast of Novaya Zemlya. During
15-25 mm thickness each (105 mm total) were transit, a storm occurred in the region of the Kara
positioned around each reactor core. Two of these five Gate and the pontoon was temporarily lost due to
concentric cylinders were welded to the upper and rupture of the towing cable. The pontoon was subse-
lower rings, which connected with the upper and lower quently found, secured to the towing vessel Lepse, and
plates used for fixation of the TFCs. towed to Tsivolka Fjord, where it was sunk on 18
September. The reactor compartment with the three
RPVs was sunk on 19 September directly from the
Reactor Operating Histories
Lenin through the bottom of her hull. The two dump
The first fuel load lasted from 1959 to 1962 and
sites were approximately 1 km apart, and at a depth of
consisted of 80 kg of 235U in each reactor core. The
about 60 m.
integrated power productions with this first fuel load
were equal to 17.8GWd for the N1 PWR and
18.0 GWd for the N2 and N3 PWRs. Refuelling was Radionuclide Inventories
carried out in 1963. The second fuel load lasted from
Fission Products" and Actinides
1963 to 1965 and consisted of 129 kg 23-~U clad in SS in
Calculations of core cell burnup in the N2 PWR
the NI PWR and 75 kg 235U clad in Z r - N b in the N2
were performed by the spectral code G E T E R A
and N3 PWRs. The N2 PWR operated from 19 July
(Belousov et al., 1991). The fission product and
1963 to 17 November 1963 and from 22 June 1964 to
actinide activities were estimated using the R E C O L
13 November 1964 for a total period of 267 days. The
library data base (Kevrolev, 1987), which was gener-
mean power of the N2 PWR during the second fuel
ated on the bases of the latest versions of the evaluated
load was 53 MW. At the time of the reactor accident,
nuclear data files, ENDF/B-V, with corrections based
the integrated power production for the N2 PWR was
on the results of critical experiments (Williams, 1985).
approximately 14.2 GWd thermal and the burnup was
The criticality problem was solved for a realistic 3-D
equal to 18.9MWd per tonne initial heavy metal.
geometry model of a TFC by Monte-Carlo with
Integrated power productions for the second fuel load
R E C O L and checked with MCNP (Briesmeister, 1987)
were equal to 22.5GWd for the N1 PWR and
for fresh fuel load. One-group cross-sections were
17.5 GWd for the N3 PWR.
prepared for burnup calculation of critical loads of
both fresh and spent fuel and input to ORIGEN-2
Reactor Compartment Disposal (Groff, 1983) for detailed radionuclide content
Initially, all undamaged and damaged SNF was calculations.
removed from the three RPVs. However, as a conse-
quence of the accident, only 94 of the 219 TFCs from Activation Products
the N2 RPV could be removed for normal disposal. All internal reactor constructions were made from
The N2 core barrel, containing the remaining 125 SS; the RPVs were made from low alloy steel. Almost
TFCs and all five thermal shields, was removed and all activation products associated with the Lenin PWRs
placed into a cylindrical screening container. This originated in the internal constructions made from SS.
container consisted of two concentric steel cylinders Analysis of neutron activation shows that only four
with a 550 mm layer of concrete between them. The radionuclides are of consequence at 10 or more years
inner space of the N2 reactor, now in the container, after reactor shutdown. These are 63Ni, 6CJCo, 59Ni and
was filled with Furfurol. The container, hereafter called ~4C. Activities of 63Ni and 6°C0 were estimated from
Container B, of wall thickness 50ram, was then the following equation:
hermetically sealcd by welding a 100 mm thick steel
A = 3.1 x 1016(p m.... )[Pm+Pa+AK(]~.,lY~,~+w)]T)~qj,
cover on top, and stored on land for two years
(Sivintsev, 1995a). where 3.1 x 10 J" is the number of fissions (s M W ) - ~;
Before disposal, the RPVs and their primary circuit P .... , is the mean thermal power of the reactor, MW;
loops and equipment were washed, dried and hermet- Pm is the fraction of the neutron flux captured in the
ically scaled, and the ceiling of the reactor compart- main reactivity compensating lattices per unit fission;
ment was equipped with special pressure relief valves. p~t is the fraction of the neutron flux captured in the
Container B, with the SNF, was transferred from its additional reactivity compensating lattices per unit
land storage location to a specially prepared caisson on fission; AK is the fraction of the neutron flux captured
a floating pontoon. The caisson, hereafter called in the shielding assemblage and lower plate per unit
Container C, consisted of cylindrical SS walls 12 mm fission; g~ is the macroscopic capture cross-section for
thick; oncc Container B had been placed in Container thermal and intermediate neutrons in the steel of the

Marine Pollution Bulletin

shielding assemblage, cm-~; Z.~+w is the macroscopic summary of the estimated radioactivity for activation
capture cross-section for thermal and intermediate products in the three reactor pressure vessels that are
neutrons in the steel and water of the shielding assem- sealed within the Lenin reactor compartment, for 1993.
blage, cm-~; T is the irradiation time, days; k is the
radioactive decay constant for 63Ni or 6°Co, days 1;
and qJ is the ratio of the activation cross-section of Ni
Lenin Release Model
or Co to the total activation cross-section of the steel
under irradiation. A F O R T R A N model was developed to provide a
Activities for 59Ni and HC were initially estimated workable estimate of the rate of release of activity into
from a British calculation of activation products in the the environment. With so many unknowns, especially
reactor components of a generic nuclear powered with respect to the behaviour of oxide fuel in seawater,
submarine one year after shutdown (House of corrosion rates, and the effectiveness of the various
Commons Defence Committee, 1990). This was later containment barriers, a number of simplifying assump-
replaced by a result from the Russian Federation tions were necessary, as described below. In all cases,
(Sivintsev, 1995b). such assumptions are pessimistic so as to over- rather
Table 1 presents a summary of the estimated radio- than underestimate the rate of release of activity. The
activity in Container C for 1993. Table 2 presents a model has the ability to vary most of the operating
parameters, for instance, corrosion rates, material
TA BLE 1 thicknesses and barrier effectiveness or containment
E s t i m a t e d radioactivity in C o n t a i n e r C, 1993. lifetimes.
Activity All the fission products and actinides are in
Container B within Container C. Container B also
Radionuclide C u r i e s (Ci) B e c q u e r e l s (Bq) Percent ( % ) contains the core barrel from the N2 RPV, repre-
Fission p r o d u c t s senting an estimated 27% of the total inventory of
137Cs 1.3 x 104 4.9 x 1014 26.14
activation products. The remaining 73% of activation
137tuBa 1.3 x 104 4.7 x 1014 24.73
~°Sr 1.2 x 104 4.5 x 1014 23.73 products are in the RPVs. It is further assumed that
9ily 1.2 × 104 4.5 X 1014 23.73 the activation products in the three RPVs are distri-
~SKr 4.8 x 1(12 1.8 X 1013 0.937
buted in the ratio 80% thermal shields, 10% RPV
151Sm 3.0 x 102 1.1 x 1013 0.583
I47pm 4.8 x 101 1.8 × 1012 0.095 cladding, 10% RPV walls.
3H 2.4 x 101 8.8 x 1011 0.047 The process of release of radionuclides from the
99Tc 3.6 x 10 ° 1.3 x 10 II 0.0117 activated RPV walls and SS thermal shields is deemed
125Sb 2.0 x 10° 7.5 x 10 lq' 0.004
12~'~1 5.7 x 10 3 2.1 X 10 ~ 1.1 X 10 5 to be by corrosion. For fission products and actinides
Subtotal 5.1 x 104 1.9 x 1015 100.00 in the oxide fuel, once seawater penetrates to the fuel
the release process is assumed to be immediate from
Activation products
63Ni 1.4 x 103 5.0 x 1013 77.23 fuel grain boundaries, followed by a very slow dissolu-
6°Co 3.5 x 102 1.3 x 1013 20.08 tion of fuel grains. Reasonably accurate rates of radio-
5'~Ni 1.8 x 101 6.7 x 1011 1.05
active release into the sea are clearly crucial for
14C 1.6 x 10 5 5.9 x 105 9.3 x 10 7
Subtotal 1.7 × 103 6.4 × 1013 100.00 realistic modelling and have been predicted from a
detailed survey of current literature. Values are based
Actinides on corrosion rates in cold, well oxygenated seawater.
241pu 1.9 x 103 7.1 x 1013 82.13
241Am 1.9 × 102 7.0 x 1012 8.14 The result of this work by the Department of Nuclear
239pu 1.4 x 102 5.0 x 1012 5.87 Science and Technology, Royal Naval College,
24°pu 6.1 x 101 2.3 × 1012 2.63
Greenwich, has been reported by Carter (1994) and is
23Xpu 2.9 x 101 1.1 x 10 ~z 1.23
Subtotal 2.3 x 103 8.6 x 10 ~3 100.00 the source document for the majority of rates of
material decomposition used in this paper.
The base values for corrosion rates are then multi-
plied by factors in the range zero to unity to model the
retardation of corrosion by the various levels of
E s t i m a t e d radioactivity in the t h r e e r e a c t o r pressure vessels within
the r e a c t o r c o m p a r t m e n t of the i c e b r e a k e r Lenin, 1993. containment. These factors, known as k factors, are
discussed in the next sections and represent the
Activity Working Group's best estimate of the effectiveness of
Curies Becquerels Percent
Radionuclide (Ci) (Bq) (%) the containments.

Activation products Activation Release.from the RPV Walls and Thermal

63Ni 3.6 x 103 1.4 x 10 TM 78.84
6°Co 9.5 × 102 3.5 X 1013 20.50 Shields
59Ni 3.1 x 102 1.1 x 101-" 0.66 The reactor compartment walls are assumed to form
14C 2.7 x 10 -~ 1.0 x l06 5.8 x 10- 7
a boundary around the RPVs and to modify the release
Subtotal 4.6 x 103 1.7 x 1014 100.00
into the surrounding sea by the containment effective-

Volume 35/Numbers 7-12/July-December 1997

ness factor kc; thus the effective corrosion rate complicated, modelling the release rates is relatively
Xcn= kcX, where X is the base corrosion rate. simple. It has been assumed that no activity is released
Pressure release valves allowed seawater into the from the whole unit until the lid of Container C has
reactor compartment on sinking. Corrosion is therefore corroded off, followed by the lid of Container B, using
assumed to occur on either side of the hull, but at a pitting corrosion rates applicable to the material of
very reduced rate internally because of low oxygen each container, acting on the lid welds.
levels. The weakest area of containment is in the Once seawater penetrates Container B, the five SS
vicinity of the weld securing the mild steel cover plate. thermal shields from the N2 RPV are assumed to
At a mean corrosion rate of 0 . 1 6 6 m m y r -~ the corrode away on both sides at a rate of 0.02 mm yr
estimated life of an assumed 10 mm thick weld is about The damaged fuel from the N2 PWR is assumed to
60 years. Up to this point, the effectiveness of the comprise UO2 pellets, 5% enriched, 4.5 mm diameter,
containment boundary is considered to be 100% 10 g c m - 3 density, carried in Z r - N b alloy cladding. In
(kc = 0); thereafter, it is assumed to be 90% effective the absence of details of the extent of damage to the
(kc = 0.1). General corrosion of the 10 mm thick mild 125 technical fuel channels, a conservative assumption
steel hull/reactor compartment acts at a rate of is made that the cladding material has been fully
0.075 m m y r ~ on both sides of the plating, until breached and does not constitute a barrier to fission
complete failure eliminates the effectiveness of this product release from the fuel.
boundary (k~ = 1), 67 years from first immersion in As soon as the fuel is in contact with seawater, an
seawater in 1967. These values of kc are input into the immediate release of 20% of the fission product and
model as step changes, modifying the appropriate steel actinide inventory is assumed from the fuel grain
corrosion rates for the RPV materials. boundaries. The remaining fission products and the
Based on the given data (Sivintsev, 1993), vessel actinides are released through dissolution of fuel grains
geometry is assumed to be as shown in Fig. 1. The low at a pessimistic rate of 30 x 10 7gcm 2 day ~, as
alloy steel RPV walls corrode immediately from the estimated by Sivintsev (1993). For fuel pins with a
outside at a rate of 0.075 m m y r 1 multiplied by a 4.5 mm diameter and 10 g cm ~ density, this equates to
biological acceleration factor of 2 (Sivintsev, 1995b) a constant dissolution rate of 1.1 mm per 1000 yr. For
and by the relevant k factor of the hull, kc, releasing ease of modelling, the model assumes a linear surface
activation products into the surrounding water. The for the circular fuel pin and an evenly spread rate of
inner components of the RPV corrode away at much dissolution. Allowing for the geometry of the pins,
reduced rates based on a further factor, ktotal, which is activity release from dissolution will commence at its
derived from analysis of the diameter of pipes and maximum rate, reducing until the pins finally
other penetrations into the RPVs, all of which were disappear.
initially capped with 10 mm stainless steel plates. The Information is lacking on the precise composition of
RPVs are also assumed to have flooded at the instant the hardening mixture Furfurol in which the radio-
of sinking, with a small gap in the bolted flanges active material is encased. It is known that it is based
allowing some water exchange. on a chemical obtained from the acid hydrolysis of the
From this, the inner side of the stainless steel polysaccharides of oat husks, corn cobs or straw, and
cladding and both sides of the SS thermal shields that it can be polymerized with compounds such as
corrode into the sea, at a rate of 0 . 0 2 m m y r 1, acetone or urea to form a hard resin. An effective
reduced by the multiplication factor ktotal. lifetime of 500 years is quoted (Yablokov el al., 1993)
for this material. However, in the absence of reliable
Activation Release .from the N2 PWR Fuel Rods and data on the performance of Furfurol in such environ-
Thermal Shields mental conditions, a conservative lifespan of 100 years
Although the geometry of the structure containing in the radiation environment is assumed in the model,
the SNF and the core barrel from the N2 reactor is and the breakdown of the material is assumed to be

100ram 5 mm 25 mm 25 mm 21 mm 15 nun 19 mm

RPV Clad SS thermal shields

Fig. 1 D i m e n s i o n s o f R P V a n d t h e r m a l shields.

Marine Pollution Bulletin

due to radiation damage and cracking. Furfurol has the sides for radiation shielding purposes and thus will not
effect of inhibiting the activity released from the SNF inhibit the release of fission products from the fuel into
encased in Furfurol by the factor kr. The multiplying the sea once the container lids have corroded away.
factor kr is zero until the caisson is dumped, and then Therefore concrete was not included in Version II as a
ramps to unity over the ensuing 100 years. However, containment barrier.
using this lifetime, it will have degraded completely
long before the year 2300, which is the calculated date Results
for the complete opening of the fuel containment
structure. Results of the Working Group's model for total
release rates of fission products, activation products
and actinides into Tsivolka Fjord are shown in Fig2-5
Deterioration of the Concrete in Seawater • As the two dumped components are resting close to
Version I of the model assumed a layer of concrete each other in the Fjord, the rates shown come from
completely surrounding the fuel container• The new both units together. Events are rounded to the five-
information shows that the concrete is only around the year date.

Tsivolka LENIN)
CASE A: ActivityFiord/loth
Release sectonsl

,~ 100


'~-- 0.01 - . ,,
'~ 0.001

i i i i i i
0.000~ 500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Date (year)
Fission Products
Ver: 3.1(F)
12/12/95: Revised inventory

Fig. 2 Output from L E N I N (V.II) release rate model, fission


Tsivolka Fjord (LENIN)

CASE A: Activity ~elease (Both Sections)




1 - k
< 0.01

1 i _ i i i i i . . . . .
0"00 :i 500 2000 2500 _3000 3500 4000 4500 500(
Date (year)
Ver: 3. I ( F )
12/12/95: Revised inventory

Fig. 3 Output from L E N I N (V.Ii) release rate model, actinides.

Volume 35/Numbers 7-12/July-December 1997

Tsivolka Fiord (LENIN)

CASE A: Activity Release (Both Sections)


.~ 100

i . I i
1500 2000 2500 000 00 4000 4500 500(
I~ate (year~s
Activation Products
Ver: 3 . 1 ( F )
12/12/95: Revised Inventory

Fig. 4 Output from LENIN (V.II) release rate model, activation


Fission Product and Actinide Release decreases. At year 2700, for instance, the release rates
Fig. 2Fig. 3 show the release profiles for the fission are 0.1 MBq y r - ] for fission products and
products and the actinides released from the caisson. 0.4 MBq y r - i for actinides. By 4500, they are down to
In the year 2300, containment is finally breached, 0.003MBqyr -I fission products and 0 . 1 M B q y r -~
producing the initial pulse release of 530 MBq y r - l for actinides. The fuel has completely corroded away by
fission products and 1620 MBqyr -~ of actinides. The the year 4570.
release rates immediately drop in the following year, as
corrosion is assumed to be the only mechanism acting
for the remainder of the time. Release rates become Activation Product Release
18 MBq yr-~ of fission products and 57 MBq y r - I of The graph of release rates for the activation
actinides. products is more complicated, as various k factors
Release rates then slowly decrease as the fuel pins come into play on the two dumped units. Fig. 4 shows
corrode away and the activity of the fuel itself the release rate from all the activated components.

Tsivolka Fiord ('LENIN)

CASE A: Activity Release (Both Sections)
10000 [

.ID"• 1000

tO 10

@ 1

--'~ 0.1
'~ o.oi
i i i } i i
0"001500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 fi00(
Date (year)
Ver: 3.1(F)
12/12/95: Revised inventory

Fig. 5 Output from LENIN (V.II) release rate model, sum of all
radioactive isotopes.

Marine Pollution Bulletin

T h e hull is first breached by the year 2030, is put at 100 years, which may be an underestimate
c o m m e n c i n g with outer wall R P V corrosion release, according to the Whitc Book, but seawater is still
with a small contribution from material inside the prevented from reaching the fuel material for 335 years
R P V s through the bolted flange gaps. The release rate by the Containers B and C.
starts at 224 M B q yr-~ but, five years later, the hull If underwater surveys of the site can identify weak
fails completely and the rate jumps to 2150 M B q y r - links in the containment boundaries, effort should be
Main coolant pipes, control rod tube caps and other m a d e to establish the integrity of the reactor compart-
penetrations fail in 2055, increasing the release rates to ment surrounding the RPVs, and the state of welded
2 1 7 0 M B q y r -~. Until 2300, the release rate falls, lids on Containers B and C.
largely due to decay of the 6°Co c o m p o n e n t of the total
activity. The authors wish to thank Ms K.L. Sjoeblom, Division of Nuclear
At year 2300, the caisson c o n t a i n m e n t is breached Fuel Cycle and Waste Management, IAEA Vienna, for her work in
organizing the Source Term Working Group, and for permission to
and the thermal shields of reactor N2 are exposed to
publish the study as part of the IAEA's International Arctic Seas
corrosion; this increases the overall release rate to Assessment Project; and Dr J.H. Carter, Department of Nuclear
624 M B q y r 1. These shields are c o r r o d e d away by Science and Technology, Royal Naval College Greenwich, for
2660; Fig. 2 shows this decrease down to 62 MBq y r - researching and sifting corrosion data in support of the modelling
work for this paper.
when the only material left is in the R P V assemblies.
T h e R P V s themselves disappear at 2700, and their Belousov, N. N. et al. (1991) The use of the GETERA code in
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Volume 35/Numbers 7-12/July-December 1997

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