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SCIENCE 8 system, scientific names are used to name  Kingdom Protista is composed of Genus: Zea

organisms. The scientific name of a microscopic eukaryotes, mostly Species: mays

ORGANIZING THE DIVERSITY OF LIFE species is composed of the genus and the unicellular organism such as Scientific name: Zea Mays Linnaeus
THE CONCEPT OF SPECIES specific epithet. The scientific name must Amoeba and Paramecium .
A species is a group of naturally be underlined or italicized. Also, the  Kingdom Fungi covers all Housefly
interbreeding populations; that is, they genus name must always start with a unicellular and multicellular fungi. Kingdom: Animalia
only interbreed with their own kind. capital letter. Examples include yeasts and Phylum: Anthropoda
mushrooms. Class: Insecta
Organisms belonging to the same species CONCEPT photosynthetic multicellular Family: Muscidae
are thought to be distinctly similar in The science taxonomy is dynamic. organisms. Genus: Musca
appearance. From the time of Aristotle (fourth century  Kingdom Animalia is composed of Species:Domestica
EVOLUTION – organisms can change over bc) to the time of Carolus Linnaes (mid- all the heterotrophic (dependent Scientific name: Musca domestica
time in a process. seventeen century ad), only two major on other organisms for Linnaeus
BIOLOGICAL SPECIES CONCEPT groups of organisms are recognized: food),multicellular animals.
Invokes that organism belong to the same plants and animals. Many biologists recognize the three Amoeba
species if they are capable of The three kingdom system was domains – Bacteria, Archaea, and Kingdom: Protista
interbreeding with one another to form a proposed in 1866 by Ernest Haeckel a Eukarya. Division: Amoebozoa
fertile offspring. German zoologist, who added the third Class: Lobosa
PHYLOGENETIC SPECIES CONCEPT kingdom called Protista. In 1938, Herbert LEVELS OF CLASSIFICATION Order: Amoebida
Considers a species as a group of Copeland, an American biologist, The most general category of Family: Entamoebidae
organisms that come from a common proposed the four-kingdom classification classification is the domain, followed by Genus: Entamoeba
ancestor. system. His system recognized plants, the kingdom. Each related group within a Species: histolytica
SPECIES GENETIC CONCEPT fungi, animals and Protista. kingdom comprises the phylum (pl.phyla). Scientific name: Entamoeba histolytica
Is a concept proposed by most geneticists, Robert Whittaker, an American biologist, in plants, this is equivalent to a division. Schaudinn
who consider genetic similarity as the devised the five kingdom system, which Each group within a phylum is a class.
basis for belonging to the same species. separated prokaryotes and unicellular Within a class, a group is called an order. Bread Mold
eukaryotes into monerans and Protista. A group within an order is recognized as a Kingdom: Fungi
HOW ORGANISMS ARE CLASSIFIED Carl Woese, an American microbiologist, family. Within a family, each group is a Division: Zygomycota
BIOSYSTEMATICS is the science that deals created the six-kingdm system (1977), in genus, (pl. genera); a genus is composed Class: Zygomecetes
with the diversity and relationships which Kingdom Monera was divided into of one or more species. A species is Order: Mucorales
between and among life-forms. One Eubacteria and Archaebacteria. In 1993, defined as a group of related organisms or Family: Mucoraceae
branch of biosystematics is taxonomy, two more kingdoms – Kingdom Archezoa populations that can interbreed. Genus: Rhizopus
which is the science of classifying and Kingdom Chromista – were Species: stolonifera
organisms. proposedby British zoologist Thomas Corn Scientific name: Rhizopus stolonifera
CAROLUS LINNAEUS – a Swedish botanist, Cavalier- Smith. Kingdom: plantae Vuill
laid the foundation for the modern The six-kingdoms are Archaebacteria, Division: Liliophyta
classification system, which is based on Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Class: Liliopsida
the binomial system. In the binomial Animalia. Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae

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