2006 Uruakpa Canola Carrageenan Network

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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 38 (2006) 115–119

Impact of urea on the microstructure of commercial canola

protein–carrageenan network: A research note
F.O. Uruakpa ∗ , S.D. Arntfield
Department of Food Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 2N2
Received 30 December 2005; received in revised form 29 January 2006; accepted 30 January 2006
Available online 20 March 2006

Biopolymer mixtures contribute to network formation in food systems. The effects of pH and urea on the structural ordering of canola protein
isolate–␬-carrageenan (CPI–␬-CAR) gels were assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). At pH 6, loosely-crosslinked CPI networks
with large empty pores were produced whereas tightly-crosslinked structures were displayed at pH 10. The structure of CPI network was greatly
improved when CPI and ␬-CAR were mixed, indicating a synergistic behaviour between the two macromolecules. Urea affected the structural
arrangement and interactions involved in the formation CPI–␬-CAR gels. Urea-treated gels showed excessive network disruption and breakdown.
The microstructural results support the involvement of disulfide bonds and noncovalent interactions in the structural arrangement of CPI–␬-CAR
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biopolymers; Structure; Canola protein; Microscopy; Carrageenan

1. Introduction glycoprotein. So far, studies have focused on isolation and

evaluation of laboratory-prepared canola proteins. Dynamic
Plant protein functionality in food systems is determined rheological testing and response surface optimization model
by the ability of these proteins to interact with compo- were used to characterize and establish optimum gelling con-
nents in that system. This may involve protein–protein and ditions (15%, w/v; CPI; pH 6; 0.05 M NaCl; 3%, w/v ␬-CAR)
protein–polysaccharide interactions, and the formation of a for commercial canola protein isolate–␬-carrageenan (CPI–␬-
matrix which can entrap other food components. The entrap- CAR) mixtures [4]. Gels prepared at pH 6 showed high G
ment of water in a three-dimensional protein matrix can be (97,465 Pa) and low tan δ (0.15) values. High G values demon-
an important functional property often utilized in fabricated strate stronger intermolecular network and increased inter-
foods. To effectively utilize networks of this type, it is neces- actions between protein–protein and protein–polysaccharide
sary to understand the type and role of interactions in network molecules, while low tan δ values indicate a more elastic
formation. This information is important if alternate proteins network.
(e.g. canola proteins) are to be incorporated into existing food Interactions responsible for gelation are also of concern. The
products. role of hydrogen bonding in amylase gelation was demonstrated
Canola meal, a major by-product of the vegetable oil indus- using intermolecular hydrogen bond breaking agents such as
try in Canada, has immense potential in human nutrition as urea [5]. Surel and Famelart [6] showed that acid milk gels
protein content of 40% has been reported [1]. Thermal gela- treated with urea had decreased firmness, and noted that a bal-
tion of the 12S canola globulin derived from canola meal ance between disulfide bonds and other linkages was required
has been studied by Léger and Arntfield [2] while Gill and for gel strength and firmness.
Tung [3] reported the heat-induced gelation of 12S rapeseed In an effort to determine the molecular forces that contribute
to CPI–␬-CAR network formation, the environment in which the
gelation took place was selectively altered to identify the role
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 204 474 9621; fax: +1 204 474 7630. of individual molecular forces. The effects of pH and urea were
E-mail address: Ojiugou@yahoo.com (F.O. Uruakpa). used to evaluate the role of covalent and noncovalent interactions

0141-8130/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
116 F.O. Uruakpa, S.D. Arntfield / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 38 (2006) 115–119

in gelation of CPI–␬-CAR mixtures. The present study aims was performed using the response surface optimization model
to characterize the structural arrangement of CPI–␬-CAR gels (Design-Expert® Software) to determine the optimum condi-
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and determine the tions for maximizing G and minimizing tan δ to produce strong
role of molecular interactions in network formation. Biopolymer and elastic gels.
incompatibility, self-association and interbiopolymer complex-
ing have been shown to contribute to synergistic and antagonis- 2.4. Gel preparation and microstructural assessment
tic effects of food formulation [7]. In a food system contain-
ing mixed biopolymers, the interactions between various con- The protocol of Arntfield et al. [9] was used with the following
stituents need to be well balanced so that a stable system evolves. modifications. Using the optimum conditions stated above, heat-
induced CPI and CPI–␬-CAR gels were prepared by heating
2. Materials and methods samples in closed stainless steel vials from 25 to 95 ◦ C at a rate
of 2 ◦ C/min. At the end of the heating regime, samples were held
2.1. Source of materials at 95 ◦ C for 5 min and cooled to room temperature in an ice bath.
Gels were removed from the vials, frozen, freeze-dried, then
Commercial CPI was purchased from BMW Canola, Win- fractured and mounted on a specimen stub with a double-sided
nipeg and used without further purification. The ratio of 2S adhesive tape. The samples were sputter-coated (Edwards Sput-
to12S/7S proteins of the CPI was 3:97. Proximate analysis [8] ter Coater, model S150B) under vacuum with gold/palladium
of the CPI sample indicated a protein content of 87% (N × 5.7), (75/25). Scanning electron microscopy measurements were con-
0.7% oil, 2% ash, 5.9% moisture and 4.4% total carbohydrate ducted on a JEOL JSM-5900LV SEM (JEOL SEM, Japan),
(determined by difference). Commercial grade ␬-carrageenan operating at an acceleration voltage of 10 kV. Scanning electron
(␬-CAR; C-1013) that contains predominantly ␬- and lesser micrographs of each gel at ×3000 magnification were obtained.
amounts of ␭-carrageenan, was purchased from Sigma Chemi- All samples were examined in duplicate.
cal Co. (St. Louis, MO). The exact ␬-carrageenan concentration
was not available, however, the manufacturer indicated that 2.5. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel
it was a mixture of the following cations: K+ (10.4%), Ca2+ electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
(2.3%) and Na+ (0.9%). Urea (U-15; Lot 863571) was purchased
from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). All other chemicals SDS-PAGE was carried out as described by Aluko and
such as NaCl (BP358-212; Lot 028091), HCl (A144-225; Lot McIntosh [10] with some modifications. Gel electrophoresis of
296220), and NaOH (BP359-212; Lot 974661) were certified reduced and non-reduced canola protein isolate were run on
reagent grade (Fisher Scientific Co., Nepean, ON). 3% stacking and 12% separating gels using the Hoefer Sepa-
ration and Control Unit (Hoefer Scientific Instruments-SE600,
2.2. Sample preparation CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were
prepared for non-reduced SDS-PAGE by mixing 10 mg CPI,
Dispersions of CPI–␬-CAR mixtures and CPI alone at pH 6 1 mL deionized water and 0.4 mL stock solution (20 mL glyc-
and 10 were prepared under optimum gelling conditions estab- erol, 12.5 mL stacking gel buffer solution (1 M Tris–HCl buffer
lished in a previous rheological study [4]. Each mixture was solution at pH 6.8), 24.1 mL deionized water, 4 g SDS and 20 mg
stirred for approximately 1 h at room temperature or until a com- pyronin Y). Samples were heated in microcentrifuge tube at
plete dispersion of the mixture was achieved. For interaction 90 ◦ C for 3 min, cooled at room temperature for approximately
studies, dispersions of CPI–␬-CAR were treated with (15% w/v 2 h (or until sample dissolved), and centrifuged at 15,000 × g
CPI, 3% ␬-CAR, 6 M urea, pH 6) or without (15% w/v CPI, for 3 min. Aliquots (4, 8, 12 ␮L) of the supernatant were loaded
3% ␬-CAR, 0.05 M NaCl, pH 6) urea prior to heat treatment. onto the gel. Reduced samples were prepared by adding 5%
Samples were adjusted to pH 6 with 1 M NaOH or 1 M HCl. To (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol (ME) to an aliquot of the supernatant
ensure that pH was maintained, samples were allowed to equili- from the 4 g SDS extraction, and aliquots (4, 8, 12 ␮L) were
brate for 30 min at room temperature and the pH was rechecked loaded onto the gel. Standard proteins (SigmaMarker, M-4038,
prior to further testing. Lot 122K9283; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) sample was
prepared according to manufacturer’s instructions and 12 ␮L
2.3. Determination of optimum gelation conditions was loaded onto the gel. Separation of samples was done on a
16 cm × 18 cm gel for 4 h at 40 mA.
The method described by Uruakpa and Arntfield [4] was
used to determine the optimum gelling conditions (pH 6, 15% 3. Results and discussions
w/v CPI, 3% w/v ␬-CAR, 0.05 M NaCl) for CPI–␬-CAR mix-
tures. Dynamic rheological testing was conducted to charac- 3.1. Structural arrangements of canola protein isolate
terize different combinations of CPI–␬-CAR gels following a networks
full factorial model (Design-Expert® Software, Stat-Ease Inc.,
Minneapolis, MN). The factors were pH, CPI, NaCl and ␬- The SEM images of 15% (w/v) CPI gels treated with 0.05 M
CAR concentrations. Storage modulus (G ) and loss tangent NaCl at pH 6 and 10 are shown in Fig. 1A and B, respectively.
(tan δ = G /G ) were measured. Using these data, model fitting The influence of pH on the protein gel was reflected in the
F.O. Uruakpa, S.D. Arntfield / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 38 (2006) 115–119 117

Fig. 1. SEM images of canola protein isolate (CPI) gels (0.05 M NaCl, 15% w/v CPI) prepared at pH 6 (A) or pH 10 (B). Part (C) shows CPI–␬-carrageenan gel
network prepared under optimum gelling conditions (pH 6, 0.05 M NaCl, 15% w/v CPI, 3% w/v ␬-CAR) while part (D) displays CPI–␬-carrageenan gel network
treated with urea (6 M urea, 15% w/v CPI, 3% w/v ␬-CAR, pH 6). Magnification: ×3000.

differences in network structures. At pH 6 (Fig. 1A), a loosely indicating a very strong and elastic network. Comparing the
crosslinked protein network with large and small empty pores SEM image of CPI alone (Fig. 1A) to that of CPI–␬-CAR
that entrapped the liquid components was seen. The network mixture (Fig. 1C) showed that the structure of the CPI net-
displayed a porous and spongy texture with regions of good work was greatly improved when the two biopolymers (CPI and
and poorly crosslinked structures. At pH 10, the gel system ␬-CAR) were mixed to form a gel (Fig. 1C). The improved net-
had small pores that were evenly distributed throughout the work structure due to CPI and ␬-CAR electrostatic complexing
network, suggesting that the liquid phase was completely (shown as properly formed network) suggests a synergistic inter-
entrapped in a continuous three-dimensional network (Fig. 1B). action between CPI and ␬-CAR. These microstructural findings
The resultant network had properly crosslinked structures. In a were corroborated by the rheological data previously reported
study with 12S rapeseed glycoprotein gels using SEM, Gill and [4].
Tung [3] reported a decrease in pore size as pH was increased
from 6 to 10. According to Arntfield [11], it is possible that 3.3. SDS-PAGE: polypeptide composition of canola protein
the range for the attractive–repulsive electrostatic interaction isolate
balance necessary for a properly crosslinked three-dimensional
network formation was maximized at alkaline pH value, so The results of the SDS-PAGE assessment of canola protein
that a good network was observed. A balance between charge isolate in the presence and absence of 2-mercaptoethanol are
repulsion and the potential for interaction (mainly due to hydro- shown in Fig. 2. CPI samples without ME had polypeptides
gen and hydrophobic interactions) is critical in determining with molecular weights (MW) ranging from 17,000 to 116,000.
gel properties [12]. Excessive attractive forces or insuffi- There were four major polypeptides in the non-reduced samples
cient charge repulsion results in aggregation rather than gel with MW of 17,000 (E), 21,000 (D), 27,000 (C) and 45,000 (B).
formation. Similar results [13] showed that the 12S globulin from rapeseed
contains the following four polypeptide chains differing by their
3.2. Structure of canola protein–carrageenan network MW in the SDS-electrophoresis: 18,500 ± 800, 21,100 ± 500,
26,800 ± 900 and 31,200 ± 1600. Thus the ‘C, D and E’ bands
Fig. 1C shows the structural arrangement of CPI–␬-CAR are tentatively identified as components of the 12S globulin
gels prepared at optimum conditions (pH 6, 3% ␬-CAR, 15% fraction of the canola protein isolate (Fig. 2). Furthermore,
CPI, 0.05 M NaCl). The CPI–␬-CAR gel is characterized by the protein profile of canola meals analyzed by non-reducing
properly crosslinked and tightly-packed CPI–␬-CAR strands, SDS-PAGE showed that four major polypeptides bands (MW
118 F.O. Uruakpa, S.D. Arntfield / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 38 (2006) 115–119

3.4. Effect of urea on canola protein–carrageenan network


Standard denaturants such as urea and guanidine hydrochlo-

ride are hydrogen bond formers [15]. As a competitive hydrogen
bond former, urea is capable of strong interactions with water,
which alters the structure of the aqueous phase around the pro-
tein (and polysaccharide) molecule and increases the solubility
of hydrophobic amino acids. As a result, urea can disrupt both
hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions involved in the
maintenance of protein structure. The CPI–␬-CAR gel treated
with urea (Fig. 1D) showed significant disorganization (with
large pores) of the cellular structures, with some portions of the
network completely disintegrated (with smeared appearance).
The 6 M urea, a hydrogen bond blocker, completely unfolds
the biopolymer molecule and prevents the formation of nonco-
valent interactions; indicating that any network formed under
this condition may be due to disulfide bonds (shown to be
present in canola proteins as depicted in Fig. 2). The SEM image
of urea-treated CPI–␬-CAR gel showed some network forma-
tion, an indication that CPI has sufficient disulfide linkages to
Fig. 2. SDS-PAGE compositions of canola protein isolate (CPI) under non-
support a gel structure. Electrophoretic pattern (under reduc-
reducing (−ME) and reducing (+ME) conditions. Lanes 1: 4 ␮L sample each; ing conditions) of the commercial CPI demonstrated that the
Lanes 2: 8 ␮L sample each; Lanes 3: 12 ␮L sample each; Lane 4: stan- polypeptides are composed of subunits held together by disul-
dard proteins. Estimated relative molecular weights: A ≈ 52000; B ≈ 45000; fide bonds (Fig. 2). Furthermore, the addition of urea into a
C ≈ 27000; D ≈ 21000; E ≈ 17000; F ≈ 12000; G ≈ 3000. The gel was stained gelling system is designed to completely unfold the protein and
with Coomassie brilliant blue.
prevent the formation of noncovalent intermolecular interac-
tions. This means that any networks formed in the presence
of urea may be entirely due to disulfide bonds. The exces-
of 16,000, 18,000, 30,000 and 53,000) were prominent in all sive disorganization of the gel network implicates noncova-
samples [10]. lent forces (e.g. hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds)
A polypeptide with a molecular weight of 52,000 has been and disulfide bonds as factors in the network formation of
shown to be present in the purified 12S preparation from Bras- CPI–␬-CAR systems. McGrane et al. [5] studied the gelation
sica napus seeds [14]. The presence of this polypeptide (‘A’ of amylase and showed that the use of intermolecular hydro-
band in Fig. 2) in the CPI sample examined further suggests gen bond breaking agents such as urea reduced the gel strength
that 12S globulin constitutes part of the proteins extracted significantly.
by SDS-electrophoresis in the present study. In the CPI sam-
ple treated with ME, polypeptide bands with MW of 17,000 3.5. Significant findings and its implications
(band E), 52,000 (band A) and molecular weights above dis-
appeared, indicating the presence of disulfide bonds in the The CPI–␬-CAR gels prepared using the optimum gelling
native protein molecules (Fig. 2). In previous studies [10,14] conditions (15% w/v CPI, 0.05 M NaCl, 3% w/v ␬-CAR, pH
this 52,000 protein band of rapeseed 12S globulin has been 6) reported by Uruakpa and Arntfield [4] showed optimal struc-
shown to disappear when SDS-PAGE was run in the pres- tural ordering with properly formed networks (Fig. 1C). This
ence of ME. The protein composition of the samples treated finding is significant because the microstructural data supported
with ME also showed two additional polypeptide bands with the previous rheological results for the mixed gels [4] where
estimated MW of 3000 and 12,000 (bands G and F, respec- very strong and elastic networks (G = 97,465 Pa, tan δ = 0.15)
tively) that were not present under non-reducing conditions were produced under these conditions. The synergistic inter-
(Fig. 2). The cleavage of disulfide bonds (by ME) respon- action between CPI and ␬-CAR, demonstrated by the superior
sible for subunit association may have resulted in dissocia- gel strength for CPI–␬-CAR mixtures, was confirmed by the
tion of the major polypeptides into smaller components. This SEM image (Fig. 1C) which displayed a network structure with
may account for the two additional polypeptide bands (G and densely-packed strands. The low tan δ values (indicating elastic
F) obtained in the presence of ME. It is possible that the networks) obtained for this system [4] is a result of the exten-
two additional bands may be associated with any or all the sive crosslinking seen in the microstructure of the CPI–␬-CAR
four major polypeptide chains in CPI through disulfide bond- gels (Fig. 1C). The CPI and ␬-CAR combination reported here
ing. The presence of other polypeptide bands indicates that can serve as a guide for food processors when alternate plant
commercial CPI is not a pure 12S globulin but a mixture of protein sources (e.g. CPI) are to be incorporated into existing
globulins. multicomponent food products.
F.O. Uruakpa, S.D. Arntfield / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 38 (2006) 115–119 119

4. Conclusions References
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