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#02 Learning


The Learning Center Post


We are thrilled to present the 2nd issue of the mailing concept “The Learning
Center Post“.
A trimestrial publication, designed to keep you informed and inspired about the
vibrant tapestry of the cultural events organized by the Cultural club;
a list of noteworthy cultural happenings gathered and sent directly to your mailbox
every trimester.
January’s events
The Cultural Club's trip to the MVIM of Modern and Contemporary Art, RABAT
We embarked on another cultural excursion on Saturday, the
20th of January, the participants reveled in the opportunity to
engage with the artworks, and venture through the halls
showcasing the brilliance of both Moroccan and international
Extending our gratitude to all the members, Let's continue
our journey of discovery, learn, and appreciate the rich tapes-
try of the cultural heritage together.
20. 01. 2024

A reading circle for the book "Gen J" by Tarik Haddi

Through Tarik Haddi's work "Gen J," Professor Fouad Laroui
first explained several economic principles ranging from
industrialization to entrepreneurship, covering market
economy, security, competitiveness, and efficiency.
Mr. Laroui engaged in an interesting exchange, allowing
members of the cultural club to share their thoughts and
ask questions regarding the topic of innovation.

23. 01. 2024

Lincoln Douglas Debate - 1st Semi-final
The Learning Center hosted the 1st semifinal of the
Lincoln Douglas Debate competition, for which the
theme was "COVID brought more good than harm."
Participants as well as the audience engaged in thou-
ght-provoking discussions ;
Where Mr. Sumaili emerged as the winner, showcasing
exceptional skills in research, critical thinking, and persua-
sive communication.

25. 01. 2024

“UNIVERSART activity “organized at the New Learning Center

As part of its cultural workshops, the Cultural Club of the
Learning Center organized the workshop "UniversArt".
In an inspiring atmosphere, with the presence of our artist
and colleague Chaimaa Mirat, the attending members had
the opportunity to explore their creativity through drawing
and continue our common artistic project.

31. 01. 2024

February’s events
MasterClass in “Transdisciplinarity” with Pr.Chaytin Virginia.
The Learning Center cultural club organized a master class
with Professor Virgina Chaytin on transdisciplinarity, The idea
of this meeting was to make the audience aware of the
importance of interdisciplinary conceptualization.
For Professor Chaytin, doing transdisciplinarity allows us to
face today’s world. It also added interdisciplinarity makes
scientific research more complete, thus benefiting the entire
UM6P community.
01. 02. 2024

Cinébook : Masterclass with the Moroccan actor Rachid El Ouali

As per the Cinébook's concept of intertwining the literatu-
re and cinema, the Learning Center organized a master-
class that took place with the renowned Moroccan actor
Rachid El Ouali and author Fouad Laroui.
During which, they shared their joint experience in the
movie "Une année chez les Français", delved in the art of
performance on and off the scenes and answered the
audiences’ inquiries .

06. 02. 2024

The Learning Center X the African Book Festival : 1st Masterclass

"Our literary masterclasses this week featured Jean-Noël Pan-

crazi as special guest. The session aimed to engage with the
audience in discussions about novels, storytelling, and literary
genres, focusing on the work of Modern Literature by the
author .
Jean-Noël Pancrazi expressed that writing serves as a mean
of liberating thoughts. He emphasized that literature educa-
tes and influences human thinking, particularly within the
UM6P community.

08. 02. 2024

The Learning Center X the African Book Festival : 2nd Masterclass

The Learning Center had the pleasure of hosting author
Laïla Bahseïn for a session that delved into the realms of
Modern Literature. It's important to emphasize that this
initiative aims to cultivate a nurturing environment for
meaningful exchanges and sharing of ideas.
"Authors' Masterclass" sessions were made possible
through the collaborative efforts of the Learning Center
and the African Book Festival.

09. 02. 2024

Lincoln Douglas Debate - 2nd Semi-final
The debate competition was under the theme "Individuals
have a moral obligation to assist people in need".
The participants Madam Hiba HASSANI and Madam Safa
RACHID presented structured arguments based on the value
they are standing for, to deliver insightful ideas and perspecti-
ves. Along the way, the audience had fruitful discussions
where everyone had the opportunity to express their point of
Madam Safa RACHID came out as the winner the this round.

21. 02. 2024

6th session of the UniversArt workshop at the New Learning Center

the UniversArt workshop for its 6th session was organized
by the Cultural Club.
Art, kindness, and creativity met under the advice of our
artist and colleague Chaimaa Mirat.
It is imperative to bear in mind that our workshop is
synonymous with artistic expression and enlightening

27. 02. 2024

March’s events
Lincoln Douglas Debate - The final round
Under the theme 'Digitalization in education ought to be
compulsory,' the stage was set for the final round of the
Lincoln Douglas Debate competition. It was a close-fought
battle where each debater demonstrated articulate argu-
ments and persuasive delivery.
Both debaters successfully swayed the judges and captivated
the audience. Eventually, Mr. Sumaili emerged as the winner,
securing his place in the national LD Debate competition.

07. 03. 2024

Sta d

*We will be publishing

the Cultural Calendar
of the next trimester very soon.

Feel free to get in touch with us

at any time to participate in the activities.

Copyright © 2024 UM6P - All rights reserved.
Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique

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