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10:38 PM P 0 • ·•□I• -::=:-

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? I wanna check II you stay nearby

lHour: S200 No Omit

3Hours : S400 No limlt
4H011r5 : S500
8H011rs : S600
Boyfriend experience: S500
Overnight : S1,200
Blow Job : S100
Nudes and se1CY videos : SSO

That's my rate baby e how long do you want?

Baby how long will It take 10 get here?

Ok love are you on your way?

When you're coming stop by at Walman or Wai8Te6's and buy me a Google play gift cards worth
of the money you' re paying me and bring them along.

No baby, I only accept Steam wallet gift card as payment because I'm into crvpto exchange I easily
exchange It 10 cash in my account
you can get the card from the nearest store on your W¥'f here.

I'm sorry baby I have enough cash with me already. I prefer to save directly Into my crypto

Let me know when you get here

Which car are you In

Ok baby I'm cressing up now, you need to Scratch-off the back code or the card and take a clear
picture so I can check if the card Is valid first if you want me to come pick you up

I don't wanna waste my time baby i have some people wtio give me lake cards which at the end
ot the day I lose because they ludt me and they give me fake cards. the receipt does not mean
anything. you need to Scratch-off the back code for me to confirm first before anything

I'm sorry bab·1. I've been disappointed many times before, I do this shit to make a living so If we
are doing this then we have to do it my way. I need to confirm the card is valid first before

10:38 PM p 0 • 16.1

of the I lose because they fudt me and they give me fake cards, the receipt does not mean
anything, you need to Scratch-off the back code for me to confirm first before anyming

I'm sorry baby, I've been disappointed many times before, I do this shit to make a living so If we
arc doing this then we h.:ivc to do it my wJy. I need to confirm the c.1rd i!'; v.1lid first before

I'm after the fun baby and not the money, but at the same time this Is what I do to make a living
so don't blame me If I'm sttla about It, I don't like people fudtlng with ITT{ day and I will never
fuel< with anyone's too. Just do what I asked vou and we are good

I accept payment before service so I have to play safe Ide about the receipt
You can peel one for me to confirm and hold the rest rill you' re here
That's the Deal

.... • Go and get another card•• •" ••

Baby Where did vouget the card from?

I've been suspecting they sell Invalid cards there

No It did not 'NOl'lt dear I'm sorry I know It's not your fault, but this Is not the first dme this kinda
thing Is hapl)tnlna 10 me , that Is why I make It mandato,y 10 check the valldltY belore anything,
If you can let us try another card though I won't mind I'll still give you my full service for 1hr

I have a sugar daddy here offering me S200 baby and I don't wam you to Just waste your effon

I don't know maybe I should accept or say no, I'm waiting for your decision

It It didn't work then i won't mind I'll still give you agood time cus I know you tried

Maybe you should go to another store and get steam wallet gift card instead

Yah I understand you baby, let's try the other card if you still wanna get some hit or should I Just
accept the sugar daddy Offer?

Yah I know and we can still have some real tun but I can't come out there if I don't get a valid
card, I don't wanna waste my time baby

It I pick your call I'll disturb my sick mum, I'm doing this initially to get money for her treatment

• • •• •••outcans•••• •

Hmm I can come over but I don't have money for gas and I don't ha
can give me money to get some gas, I'll fuel my car and hit the road Download

10:38 PM p 0 • 398
B/ s

Hmm I can come over but I don't have money !or gas and I don't have gas In my car unless you
can give me money to get some gas, I'll fuel my car and hit the road

Do you have a store around you overlhere?

Ok love can you go geI me a S100 Go~le Play Gift Card from the store? I'm ln10 cryp10
exchange, I can easily exchan~ It for cash in my account, I'll buy some gas and hit the road


Ok I accept upfront payment belore 001 calls, do you agree?

I have seen more than this belore and still cot bullshitted. It's Just for mv safer,, too. I've been 10
someone house !or ou1 call and I was lucked my three people even though we agreed on one and
got beaten up after they're done with me, I didn't receive any paymen1

That's why I do my thing that way love, fuSt half or what you wanna pay me for m·I service as an
upfront payment and we are goodl don't accept cash for the first time payment I only accept gift
card and PayPal for the first time payment due 10 rape and harassment Issues you fuck alone no
friends Involved

100 for normal hook up

70 for blow fob

I have 10 conflrm hatt of your payment and after fucking I take the rest

sorrv I don't give ou1 my address for mv safer,,

Bv now we should be having fun not argument If vou can't make payment first we can't meet
stop wasting my time here

Sy now we should be having fun not argument If vou can't make payment first we can't meet
stop wasting my time here

Well I've also been robbed many times !hat's why I'd to change my means of payment but am not
here to cheat but to build trust because you seems cool and we can make this regular so why
should I lose a good customer like vou

Well I won't be here trying to convince you but it's based in trust I don't play game; you can give
a try In me and you won't regret your aCtion

When you get it sent take a screenshot and send 10 me for qukk confirmation my Cashapp delays

I don't take full payment In person for first time hook up

You make hatl payment now and rest after fun

When vou get the cards with you... You're 10 scratch it take pies and send me with cash receipt
for quick confirmation

Now scratch It take pie and send 10 me for quick confirmation Download

. v1nce you bu t It'
w el l won't be he s based in tr us t
<l! 1'.f'/11\g 10 co I don' t play gam
a uy In me and yo n . es you can give
u won't regret yo
ur aa ,o n
When you get It se nd se nd to me
IOI quick conflrm
nt take a screensh aoon mv cashap
payment Ot a P delavs

I do n' t take lu
l payment In pers
on IOI fiJSt tim e hO
OI: up
You make half pa
yment oow aod re
st ~ e r tu n
When you get th
e ca rdS wit h you._ You're to scratch 11 ta
10< quick conflrm ke pies an d sen d me with cash rece
alion ipt
- scratCh It tali.e pie
and send to me fo
r quick conflrmal!On
Yes rm sendl<l&
yo u my address asap wllell I confirm paymen
tun IOI t 1also can' t wai
t anv longer for

erOdc lkk eat &
GfE & 69 stYte
&shower together & 88 8J .S l no
&lcisSing and touc condom &bodY
you ar e ir J .- ir d h m e &82 8 to bodY, massage
11 he re \ my nu
em t, t, o ss o m ni>t!I' 281603
7997 te xt or
~ co m . • no te t fy OR mv ha
confirm paymen f1 :0 ll
t first

Please I ne ed to
ten you this.
14.lve bf tr l in th is
f0< whli. oow
I'm a very honest this ls my pamm
and stra!Cht I01W e Job baby.
tdon'twant trou ard lady.
00 w ha tl as ke
d I come to you
we have sex for
hh r and I go I love cl
ean deal 11'now ho w
It iS 10< yo u dear
wllh me that co bu t I don' t lie
me toe rqula,1, th 10 m y cl ie nt s th at 's w
anest by undercov e address I gave t,y I have a lo
t ol client s
er cops lately I us Is th e hotel I use . I do
I .s ile I can ually conhrm pa n't u1e my home
ym due 10 refuse at 1>
also get postin
.mes are mostly
hard it Is for you b.
or 2 which I
cops, and w h
= be lo ie
en t first by getting
se x and ge t to
m e wh\Chever gi
be d w ith th e
ft ca,d
lby, but you got to e n ~ ge t here I ge t bu st e( cn en t. Th os e
is What I do baby bellP<e me he I ba by. I unde
as my part time jo re dear, I have neve rs ta nd how
b r l\e (I in my ennr
e ltte, this

I nefll to tel you

this ba by. I don't
accept os h paym
ent anvmoce, I only
accept st eam wallet gift

card as a means of payment baby and you can get it at any nearby store or gas m~on

Ok Baby.
But baby I got ls.sue with banks and I don't wanna save anymore cash at home to avoid been
robbed again or being screwed.
So baby right now I only accept steam wallet gilt card as a means of payment baby.
It's Safe for me and easy to exchal\Se.

Thanks roryour Time.

When are you getting the card so that I can start preparing on your
You have nothing to worry about, you are safe with me, I'm totally different from other bitches
you've come

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