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PASSAGE 1 D) Crazy.
My friend Mathew has a very hectic life. For E) Feverous.
starters, he has three jobs. In the morning he
works as a teacher, in the afternoon as a taxi driver 3. It is incompatible to affirm that Matthew will
and at night as a singer. Mathew wakes up at 4 am, acquire additional work when his wife gives birth,
he takes a shower, gets dressed and goes to because
school. He doesn’t have time for breakfast at A) his wife is worried about the expenses that are
home so he has breakfast at school. Mathew coming.
teaches 5th grade. He loves children so enjoys his B) he plans to keep two of his jobs once his baby is
work. born.
At 12:30 Mathew always has lunch with his C) the expenses for the birth of his firstborn will be
coworkers. Then he goes to his father’s house to high.
pick up his father’s taxi and begins working as a D) for him to give up his work is not an option at
taxi driver. He is a good driver and likes talking to this time.
passengers about politics and sports. Mathew has E) he plans to give up two of his jobs to be with his
a rock band; at night the band plays some music at family.
a local bar. After singing for two hours, he goes
back home, has dinner and watches a little TV. 4. About Mathew we can infer that
Mathew’s wife is pregnant; so he will quit two of A) is a cultured and educated person with
his jobs soon. He wants to share a lot of time with everyone.
his family in the future. B) for him, work has a higher priority than his
1. What is the topic? C) he have a distant relationship with their
A) Mathew’s biography parents.
B) Mathew's routine D) for him, abandoning his jobs represents a
C) Mathew's future sacrifice.
D) Mathew's work E) he performs his three jobs with much boredom.
E) Matthew's weekends
5.If Matthew's wife was pregnant with twins, then
2. What is the contextual synonym of the word A) undoubtedly, Mathew would give up all his
HECTIC? works.
A) Intelligent. B) after his wife gives birth, she must also work at
B) Peaceful. day.
C) Frenetic.



C) definitely, you will not be able to abandon any B) Jake Sully is a main character in the plot of the
work. film.
D) possibly, he is still thinking about giving up two C) It was harshly criticized by the spectator
jobs. audience.
E) he will continue to have lunch every day with his D) Pandora is the moon that orbits a large gas
father. planet.
E) In the movie, aliens and humans can get along.
Avatar is a 2009 science fiction film directed by 9. About the «unobtanium» it is possible to infer
James Cameron. The movie takes place on a that
distant moon called Pandora, which orbits a large, A) its equivalent on earth is gold.
gas planet. Humans move to the moon to extract B) is a source of energy in Pandora.
a natural resource they call «unobtanium». As C) the aliens commercialized it.
humans begin to mine the planet, a native species D) the humans took him to Pandora.
fights against them. The humans attempt to learn E) it is valuable for human beings.
more about the species by building a clone that
can connect to the mind of an operator. 10. If humans had not been interested in
The concept is similar to driving a car by remote Pandora's resources, then
control. Jake Sully, the person selected to run the A) they would have made alliances with the
avatar, however, becomes sympathetic to the Pandora aliens.
alien beings living there and turns against the B) definitely, they would still have fought against
humans. The film earned praise from critics and the aliens.
audiences. During its theatrical release, it earned C) they would continue looking for «unobtanium»
more money at the box office than any other film on other planets.
before it. D) possibly, they would not have sent Jake Sully to
6. Whats is the main idea of the reading? E) the «unobtanium» of Pandora would never
A) Avatar is a successful science fiction movie have been exhausted.
whose plot takes place on a moon called Pandora.
B) From the story of the films directed by James PASSAGE 3
Cameron, Avatar has been the highest grossing. Both artificial intelligence and robotics have
C) The fight for the survival of the aliens against been improving over the past few years. Large
humans seeking «unobtanium» in Pandora. companies are betting billions that in the near
D) The dilemma of Jake Sully between helping future we will have cars that can drive themselves,
humans in their plans or protecting alien beings. drones that can fly themselves to deliver
E) The recognition of Director James Cameron packages, automatic fast food chefs, AI personal
comes from the box office success of the movie assistants, manufacturing robots that can train
Avatar. themselves, and other robots.

7. The word CONNECT connotes What happens if a new technology causes

A) join. millions to lose their jobs in a short period of
B) compel. time, or what if most companies simply no
C) force. longer need many human workers?
D) control.
E) soften In the United States, the current society is built
on the premise that companies and government
8. Determine the false sentence about Avatar. need human workers to function, and most able
A) Is a science fiction movie released in the year bodied adults can perform tasks companies would
2009. pay for. Everything is based on this premise: from
the way we design our transit systems to allow for



daily commutes to work, to how we structure E) the competition of humans versus robots for
health insurance and how set monetary policy. paid jobs.
One of the most important policy decisions
based around this concept of mass employment is 13. It is inferred that one way to adapt to
how the government is funded. Roughly 80 technological changes in jobs is
percent of all federal tax revenue comes from A) to elect Bill Gates as president.
income or payroll taxes. If even a modest segment B) to dedicate time to practice sports.
of workers are displaced, the impact on C) to live doing absolutely nothing.
government budgets could be substantial. D) to destroy all robots that steal jobs.
To deal with this possible problem the world’s E) to find other forms of employment.
richest man, Bill Gates, has floated the idea of a
robot tax. Gates has suggested we tax robots at a 14. It is incompatible to argue that the economy of
rate similar to what we would’ve taxed the a country
workers so tax revenue could pay for more A) will be transformed once humans have to stop
employment in education and elder care. The idea working because of robots.
is also to slow down the speed of the technology’s B) will be damaged when political reforms do not
adoption, to give society more time to adjust. harmonize with labor reforms.
C) will be damaged political reforms do not march
11. What is the best summarize? in line with labor reforms.
A) The adoption of artificial intelligence and D) is independent of technological developments
robotics in jobs will generate a negative impact on and the political constitution.
the way governments obtain money to finance E) can be enhanced or slow down by the
public budgets, because workers won’t pay taxes. developments of robotic technologies.
B) According to Gates, the robot tax would serve
to mitigate the impact on budgets, slow down the 15. If the robots were designed only to
adoption of technology in jobs, and allow workers complement and improve human work, then
to adjust to the new situation. A) humans would be totally harmed by the
C) The automation of the different jobs, which dependence of robots.
humans used to do, will allow robots to be more B) humans could evolve successfully into another
efficient in production, which is why large higher phase.
companies are betting a lot of money on C) the labor problems of humans would cease to
automation. exist totally.
D) Current societies are based on human work that D) to think that robots would have to "pay taxes"
is done by physically capable adults, who receive a would be illogical.
stipend; consequently, they pay taxes that E) robots should also tax when they are adopted
governments collect to finance themselves. by humans in jobs.
E) Bill Gates, has argued that robots have to pay
taxes like humans, so the adoption of robots in
jobs will be paralyzed to preserve the current
economic and social organization.

12. The phrase OTHER ROBOTS implies

A) new ways in which all robots with AI work for a
B) the production of robots with better human
C) other potential jobs in which robots could be
D) the total destruction of current forms of
automatic work.




PASSAGE 1 C) The technophobia in the 17th century

"Luddite" is a term that was coined in the 19th D) The history of the Luddite movement
century to refer labor movement that railed E) The biography of General Ludd
against the economic fallout of the Industrial
Revolution. The original Luddites were British 2. The verb COIN implies
weavers and textile workers who objected to the A) the origin of a movement.
increased use of automated looms and knitting B) the fight against dismissals.
frames. Most were trained artisans who had spent C) a new way of producing.
years learning their craft, and they feared that D) struggle for labor demands.
unskilled machine operators were robbing them of E) the creation of a concept
their livelihood. When their appeals for
government aid and assistance were ignored, a 3. It can be plausibly inferred that the British
few desperate weavers began breaking into government crushed the Luddite revolt
factories and smashing textile machines. They because
called themselves “Luddites” after Ned Ludd, a A) it was tolerant of pro-proletarian movements.
young apprentice who was rumored to have B) it conceived that the law is above all the English.
wrecked a textile apparatus in the late-18th C) it understood that they were intolerant of
century. There’s no evidence Ludd actually technology.
existed—like Robin Hood, he was said to reside in D) the demands of they characters were quite
Sherwood Forest—but he eventually became the unfair.
mythical leader of the movement. The vandals E) it preferred to favor the bosses of the big
claimed to be following orders from “General industries.
Ludd,” and they even issued manifestoes and
threatening letters under his name. 4. It is incompatible with reading to say that the
The first major instances of machine breaking Luddites emerged to support the introduction of
took place in 1811 in Nottingham, and the practice new technology in industries, because
soon spread across the English countryside. A) they chose to destroy those machines with the
Sledgehammer-wielding Luddites attacked and aim of not dismissing them from their jobs.
burned factories, and in some cases they even B) they were supported by the British government
exchanged gunfire with company guards and with fair labor reforms that prevented mass
soldiers. The workers hoped their raids would layoffs.
encourage a ban on weaving machines, but the C) they organized with the bosses to perfect the
British government instead moved to quash the new ways of producing during the Industrial
uprisings by making machine breaking punishable Revolution.
by death. The unrest finally reached its peak in D) the capitalists assured that they would respect
April 1812, when a few Luddites were gunned the jobs and wages of all industrial workers.
down during an attack on a mill near Huddersfield. E) the British government opposed the
The army rounded up many of the dissidents in the introduction of automatic textiles into the
days that followed, and dozens were hanged or factories of England.
transported to Australia. By 1813, the Luddite
resistance had all but vanished. 5. If the British government of the 19th century
had privileged the craft work of textile workers
1. What is the subject? and weavers, then
A) The movement of General Ludd A) the large-scale capitalist form of production
B) The destruction of textile machines would not have developed in England.



B) workers and capitalists could have worked C) it is the only village in the whole King George
harmoniously in industrial factories. island.
C) England would inevitably have become a D) its living conditions are not the appropriate for
communist state ruled by the proletarians. people.
D) General Ned Ludd would not have had to live E) it is a place in which a few amount of doctors
hidden in the Sherwood forest. live there.
E) the British government would have laid the
foundations of English human capitalism. 9. It can be inferred from the residents of Villa Las
Estrellas that
PASSAGE 2 A) only the older people of this settlement had an
Imagine that you had to remove your appendix to appendix surgery.
live in your hometown, and your family had to do B) those who stay short time can keep their
the same. That is the only option for long-term appendix if they want.
residents ―even the children― of Villa Las C) a few of them like to visit other villages more
Estrellas, one of the few settlements in Antarctica than 625 miles away.
where some people live for years rather than D) the majority of them is composed of scientist
weeks or months. Appendix removal is a necessary some researchers.
precaution for the handful of people who stay E) they can live in that place for years rather than
longer-term because the nearest major hospital is weeks or months.
more than 1,000km (625 miles) away, past the tip
of King George Island, one of the Antarctic islands 10. If the longest distance from one end of the King
in which Villa Las Estrellas is located. There are George Island to the other were only 50 km, then
only a few doctors on base, and none are specialist A) the mainly reason would be the global warming
surgeons. and its big consequences.
B) it would not be necessary for residents to travel
6. What is the central topic of the reading? long distances to work.
A) The precautions that villagers of Villa Las C) a major hospital built in the island would make
Estrellas have to take appendix removal optional.
B) Appendix removal as a requirement to live in an D) it would only be space for one or two
Antarctic village settlements like Villa Las Estrellas.
C) Extreme living conditions of people who do not E) building a hospital past the tip of this island
have any doctor would be ideal for residents.
D) An isolated village who is far away from its
nearest major hospital PASSAGE 3
E) The relevance of removing your appendix in The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the world’s
King George Island largest collection of floating trash— and the most
famous. It lies between Hawaii and California and
7. What is the contextual antonym of HANDFUL? is often described as “larger than Texas,” even
A) lot though it does not contain any surface to stand. It
B) some cannot be seen from space, as is often claimed.
C) group The patch was discovered in 1997 by Charles
D) piece Moore, a yachtsman who had sailed through a mix
E) few of floating plastic bottles and other debris on his
way home to Los Angeles. It was named by Curtis
8. About the settlement Villa Las Estrellas, it is true Ebbesmeyer, a Seattle oceanographer known for
that his expertise in tracking ocean currents and the
A) its temperature in a regular day is near absolute movement of cargo lost overboard. The patch is
zero. now the target of a $32 million cleanup campaign
B) their villagers usually have some appendix launched by a Dutch teenager, Boyan Slat, now 23,



and head of the Ocean Cleanup, the organization 15. If no organization were interested in trying to
he founded to do the job. deal with all the plastic and debris that the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch has, then
11. What is the main idea of the reading? A) the scientists would need to replace plastic and
A) The oceanographer Curtis Ebbesmeyer explains create a new material.
us how he found a trash island. B) the life on earth would probably be impossible
B) The Great Pacific Garbage Patch was found by in a couple of decades.
the yachtsman Charles Moore. C) the size of this patch would probably continue
C) There is a patch composed of plastic bottles and growing without stopping.
debris that worries many people. D) the people of Hawaii and California would
D) There are some organizations interested in become aware of the patch.
cleaning the ocean like Boyan Slat. E) the patch would start to be seen in space
E) The largest collection of floating trash is called because its huge extension.
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

12. In the 2nd line, the word LIES implies

A) rest
B) place
C) fiction
D) dishonesty
E) leisure

13. According to the information about Great

Pacific Garbage Patch, it is inconsistent to argue
A) it is larger than Texas, but its extension is not
big enough to be seen in space.
B) it was discovered by a yachtsman who was
going back home to Los Angeles.
C) it is an island exclusively composed of plastic
bottles and some plastic debris.
D) it would probably cost a great amount of money
to try to clean the whole patch.
E) its name was given by Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an
expert oceanographer from Seattle.

14. We can infer from the Ocean Cleanup

organization that
A) it is taking the Great Pacific Garbage Patch as
the target of a cleanup campaign.
B) it is supported by ecologists and individuals who
want an ocean free of plastic.
C) it launched an expensive campaign related to
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
D) it was founded by Boyan Slat, a Dutch teenager
now head of the organization.
E) it is very interested in deal with the huge
amount of garbage that the patch has.


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