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25 6
(a) Animalia (b) Chordata 9
20 4
The public perception of 15 2
animal diversity: what do 10

Stamp abundance relative to

postage stamps tell us?

taxon species richness

0 –6
Peer-reviewed letter –5 –8
–10 –10
The biodiversity crisis and its conse-
–15 –12
quences are key issues in modern Chordata Crustacea Insecta Mollusca Others Amphibia Aves Mammalia Pisces Reptilia

times, within and outside of the acad-

90 20
emic world. Assessing how the gen- 80 (c) Mammalia (d) Aves
70 15
eral public perceives biodiversity is 60
important given the public’s strong 50 10
influence on decision makers. We 30 5
quantified public perception of ani- 10 0
mal diversity using information –10 –5
derived from one of the world’s most –20
–30 –10
popular hobbies – philately, or stamp a a a a a a s a s a
id tyl or ce er ph ial tyl te de nti
ric ac niv ta pt or up ac ma ci de
a es es es es es es es es es es es es es es es es es es
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so iod ar Ce hiro om ars od Pri bos Ro er od dri oni mb cul on allGru ser can pter Pic llari tac isc trig ion
collecting (Dimson and Spaenjers ro
Af Ar
t C C ag M ris
s p a
An A har Cic olu CuFal
c G s e o
PaPel nic
e sit en S uth
oc P ph r
Pe C C
oe Pr S St
2011). We estimated the quantity of Ph

issued stamps illustrating animals Figure 1. Postage stamps issued relative to the number expected to be issued, assuming
using data retrieved from two widely that stamp issuing should reflect the actual species diversity of each taxon. Stamp
used “buy and sell” internet sites: “issuing” is based on the number of stamps advertised on three non-consecutive dates
Delcampe ( and (see text) at the Delcampe site (means ± 95% confidence intervals are presented). Blue
eBay ( These sites bars represent the ratio between observed and expected values and show taxa for which
were monitored for “listings” of fau- stamp issuing was greater than expected. Red bars represent the ratio between expected
nal-themed stamps during 35 consec- and observed values × −1, and show taxa for which stamp issuing was smaller than
utive days, and mean values were cal- expected. Differences between observed and expected values were highly significant in
culated for each taxon. To minimize all comparisons (Chi-square test, P << 0.001). A separate test was performed for each
the potential problem of non-inde- of the three dates. The mammalian categories are Orders except for the “Marsupials”,
pendence for data obtained during which is a grouping of several metatherian Orders.
consecutive days, we also calculated
means based on three randomly taxonomic levels (Figure 1). The ers, and cuckoos) were 2.6–4.2 less
selected non-consecutive dates (6 results for calculating observed values represented than expected (Figure 1d).
March, 9 April, and 30 August 2012) based on 35 consecutive days and 3 These discrepancies were even stronger
that were separated by more than 30 non-consecutive days were virtually among mammals. Perissodactyls (eg
days (ie for a period greater than the identical; the histograms in Figure 1 horses, rhinoceroses) and proboscideans
maximum period a given listing can are based on the data from the non- (eg elephants) were, respectively, 57
be advertised continuously). In this consecutive days. and 78.8 times more represented
context, “listing” is a particular Species belonging to Phylum Chor- than expected, whereas rodents and
advertisement, which may consist of data were on average 15.9 times more bats were, respectively, 12.8 and 21.8
one stamp or, more commonly, a set represented than expected, whereas times less represented than expected
of stamps about the same topic. members of Subphylum Crustacea, (Figure 1c).
Because the mean number of daily Class Insecta, and Phylum Mollusca, as We then imagined a scenario where
listings on Delcampe was greater than well as other invertebrates, were 1.8 to biologists could somehow influence
that on eBay (413 000 versus 66 000), 7.1 times less represented than the issuing of stamps. Would the
and because the faunal categories dis- expected (Figure 1a). Within Chordata, results be different? We were able to
played were more detailed (reflecting birds and mammals were 2.8 and 4.5 approach this question given that
monophyletic taxa), only results times more represented than expected, agreements between non-governmen-
obtained for Delcampe are presented respectively; conversely, reptiles, fish, tal organizations dedicated to wildlife
here (although similar trends were and amphibians were 2.6, 5, and 10.7 preservation and postal services have
seen on eBay). We compared the times less represented, respectively been established worldwide. For
observed number of listings per taxon (Figure 1b). Among birds, some Orders instance, since 1983, WWF authorizes
to the expected number of listings (penguins, flamingoes, ostriches and the use of its logo on stamps illustrat-
based on the estimated number of allies, ducks, birds of prey) were ing animal species, most commonly
animal species of each taxon (Brusca 4.6–18.4 times more represented than those listed within one of the
and Brusca 2003; Pough et al. 2008). expected, whereas others (passerines, International Union for Conservation
Comparisons were performed at four hummingbirds, toucans and woodpeck- of Nature (IUCN) risk categories.

© The Ecological Society of America

Write Back

10 tool, we suggest that conservation
societies should be encouraged to
work with governments and postal
agencies to promote the issuance of
plant and animal stamps that will
help to broaden the public’s exposure
to groups of organisms that are not
normally featured.
André Nemésio*, Diana P Seixas,
(b) and Heraldo L Vasconcelos
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia,
Minas Gerais, Brazil

Borgsteede FHM. 2001. Parasites on

stamps: where parasitology meets phi-
lately. Acta Parasit 46: 58–61.
Brusca RC and Brusca GJ. 2003. Inverte-
brates (2nd edn). Sunderland, UK:
Sinauer Associates.
Figure 2. Examples of over-represented and under-represented taxa in postage stamps Dimson E and Spaenjers C. 2011. Ex post:
illustrating animals. (a) One favorite in philately, the scarlet macaw (Ara macao), the investment performance of col-
lectible stamps. J Financ Econ 100:
depicted on a four-stamp set issued by Belize in 2003. (b) A set of stamps showing 443–58.
several insects issued by the UK in 2008. Dubois A. 2003. The relationships between
taxonomy and conservation biology in
Therefore, we compared the observed launched an international campaign the century of extinctions. Comp Rend
number of WWF stamps with the for the eradication of malaria in the Biol 326: S9–S21.
Lindemann-Matthies P. 2002. The influ-
expected number of stamps based on early 1960s, 110 countries issued ence of an educational program on
the respective diversity of each animal stamps dedicated to that campaign children’s perception of biodiversity. J
taxon on the IUCN Red List. (Borgsteede 2001). Our results show Environ Educ 33: 22–31.
We identified the same general pat- what kind of message concerning ani- Pough FH, Janis CM, and Heiser JB. 2008.
tern previously observed for all stamps mal diversity people are receiving Vertebrate life (8th edn). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
and all animals, but with a weaker bias directly or indirectly through stamps. Rudd MA. 2011. Scientists’ opinions on
– most notably for Chordata (within We found that images of birds and the global status and management of
Kingdom Animalia); mammalian mammals, and especially some groups biological diversity. Conserv Biol 25:
Orders Perissodactyla and Probosci- within those taxa, appear much more 1165–75.
dea; and avian Orders Phoenicopteri- frequently on stamps than members of Weilbacher M. 1993. The renaissance of
the naturalist. J Environ Educ 25: 4–7.
formes, Sphenisciformes, and Struthi- other groups with greater diversity Wilson EO. 1987. The little things that
oniformes (WebFigure 1). However, (Figure 2), reinforcing the public per- run the world (the importance and
although WWF stamps seem to ception that the former are perhaps conservation of invertebrates). Conserv
reduce the bias and favor the issuing “more important” in nature. As Biol 1: 344–46.
of stamps illustrating less popular Wilson (1987) pointed out, “if human doi:10.1890/13.WB.001
taxa, the dataset with which WWF beings were not so impressed by size
stamps were compared is biased itself; alone, they would consider an ant
for instance, on the IUCN Red more wonderful than a rhinoceros”. New tracking philosophy
List, there are more vertebrates than The 21st century is considered to
invertebrates. be the century of extinctions (Dubois
for birds
Educational programs are known to 2003; Rudd 2011). However, as some Peer-reviewed letter
be effective in increasing the number have argued, people will only miss a In 1835 the English poet William
and variety of species that people, species if they know it and have Wordsworth wrote “Resplendent
regardless of age or gender, can recog- developed a relationship with it Wanderer! followed with glad eyes,
nize (Weilbacher 1993; Lindemann- (Weilbacher 1993). In this sense, Where’er her course; mysterious Bird!
Matthies 2002). Stamps cannot be postage stamps may represent an To whom, by wondering Fancy stirred”,
regarded as a conventional “educa- important but so far underestimated capturing both our fascination with
tional program” but, given their wide tool to disseminate information bird movement and our helplessness
audience, their impact on public opin- about the enormous diversity of plant to determine it. But things have since
ion can be large. For example, when and animal species living on Earth. changed. Minute leg rings allow for
the World Health Organization To increase the effectiveness of this banded individuals to be resighted by © The Ecological Society of America

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