Lista - Inglês para Concurso

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1 LISTA 01


PROF.: Thaís Silva

Conteúdo: Vocabulário e aspectos gramaticais básicos para a compreensão de textos

Para a resolução da prova siga essa sequência:

1. Ler o título do texto e o enunciado primeiro
2. Selecione as palavras em negrito/grifadas/lacunas/números/siglas/ /palavras fáceis/cognatas no título e enunciado.
3. Responda primeiro as questões fáceis: Perguntam o significado de uma palavra, pedem um sinônimo, etc.
4. Questões médias: São as que, apesar de obrigarem uma leitura do texto, indicam qual trecho deve ser lido. Como reconhecer
essas questões? In paragraph 4... (No parágrafo 4); In the passage… (na passagem).
5. Questões Difíceis: São aquelas que exigem a leitura e interpretação do texto. Esse tipo de questão é colocada no início do texto
para que o candidato acredite que, para responder todas as perguntas de Inglês, é necessário ler por completo todos os textos.
Como reconhecer essas questões? In general… (em geral); According to the text/author… (de acordo com o texto/autor); The
main purpose of the text/author… (o principal propósito do texto/autor)
Let’s practice! - Leia o texto para responder as questões 1, 2 e 3.

Impacts of new age technology

1 ____New age technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have radically transformed the way
banking works today. Thanks to AI, it is possible to conduct real-time data analysis from a large volume of data sets and provide
customized solutions to banking customers.
2 ____ With powerful AI tools, banks can make informed decisions faster by using predictive analysis, which is the central point
of AI and ML. As soon as a potential customer searches for something online, the AI tools pick it up and serve related content that
leads to quick sales. This improves customer service tremendously as customers find tailor-made solutions without much human
3 ____ Banks’ lending processes have also improved considerably as they can analyze customers’ spending patterns, study
different customer data points, and determine borrowers’ credit conditions. So, there is much less paperwork.
4 ____ Customer-centric banking has become indispensable with the introduction of different kinds of software that utilize
Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read, process and understand text and speech. Banks have successfully installed digital tools
to answer customer questions, which has helped them reduce the time and effort of human capital and provide quick and
consistent service. Using those resources, banks are expected to save $7.3 billion in operational costs.
5 ____ The changing profile of banking depends a lot on the Internet-age generation. Their expectations from their banks to
provide an omni-digital experience have enabled the shift, allowing them to fulfil their banking needs sitting from a remote
location. Appropriately, banks quickly jumped onto the digitalization movement and refreshed their services in line with their
6 ____ Mobile banking, for example, is very popular among millennials. An Insider Intelligence’s Mobile Banking Competitive
Edge study indicated that a surprising 97% of them use mobile banking! Transferring funds, checking their transactions online,
downloading their account statements or even applying for a loan is possible through a click of fingers on their mobile phones.
This has also eliminated the need for physical branches, enabling banks to operate in a lean manner and cut unnecessary costs.
7 ____ The usage of credit cards, debit cards, mobile banking apps, mobile wallets, third-party payment apps, etc., have all
increased considerably, indicating an essential shift in the customers’ preferences. Banks have modernized their processes and
broken the barriers between the different entities involved, such as branches, ATMs, and online banking, to create a continuous
flow for their customers.
Available at:
Retrieved on: Dec. 9, 2022. Adapted.
P. 2 LISTA 01

1. In the fragment in the fifth paragraph of the text, “The changing profile of banking depends a lot on the Internet-age
generation”, the expression in bold refers to people who
A) do not have digital equipment.
B) dislike digital communication.
C) can not use the world wide web.
D) constantly use Internet services.
E) do not use virtual communication.

2. In the fragment in the second paragraph of the text, “With powerful AI tools, banks can make informed decisions faster by
using predictive analysis, which is the central point of AI and ML”, the word in bold refers to
A) powerful tools
B) modern banks
C) predictive analysis
D) informed decisions
E) artificial intelligence

3. The main purpose of the text is to describe the association between

A) banking publicity and profits
B) digital technology and banking
C) banking hierarchy and efficiency
D) banking processes and corruption
E) banking tradition and customers’ confidence

Leia o texto para responder as questões 4, 5 e 6.

Now that we’re 25 years into the digital revolution in banking, we can say with confidence that it has not disappointed.
Banks and banking have changed fundamentally. Branches deal with a tiny portion of the traffic they once did. The use of
cash has declined as new ways of paying emerged. Digital-native competitors, both agile startups and big techs with deep
pockets, have joined the race.
Today we again stand on the verge of transformational change. The rapid maturation of artificial intelligence (AI), data
processing and storage, and cloud computing are combining to create a generational explosion of opportunities. As we enter
the Age of AI, many bankers feel the same sense of awe that their counterparts did a quarter century ago.
Ultimately, banking is a business of bits and bytes and a promise of trust built over decades. With a business model that
is fundamentally digital at its core, the opportunity to apply AI in all its forms is unparalleled. These technologies won’t
change the fundamentals of what banking does, but they will dramatically transform almost every aspect of how it functions.

4. In the fragment of the third paragraph “With a business model that is fundamentally digital at its core”, the
term core means
A) exterior.
B) essence.
C) insignificance.
D) periphery.
E) perimeter.

5. In the second paragraph, the author mentions that many of today’s bankers feel the same sense of respect that their
colleagues did
A) one hundred years ago.
B) seventy-five years ago.
C) fifty years ago.
D) twenty-five years ago.
E) one thousand years ago.

6. In the last paragraph, the pronoun “they” refers to:

A) almost every aspect.
B) fundamentals.
C) these technologies.
D) decades.
E) business model.

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