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Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria, Inc.

Bishop Epifanio B. Surban St., Dumaguete City Negros Oriental 6200 Phil.
College of Liberal Arts Education

Cumputer Software
(Types of Software)

A Research presented to

Mr. Jerick Culaniban

In fulfillment of the requirement for

IT Fundamental (GE-E1)


Arnalyn M. Tribo

May 6, 2024
Table of Contents

Cover Page………………………………………………………………1

Table of Contents……………………………………………………….2

Introduction to Computer Software……………………………………3

System Software vs. Application Software…………………………..4

Operating Systems(Windows, MacOS, Linux)………………………5

Productivity Software (Microsoft Office, Google Workspace)……..6

Creative Software (Adobe Creative Cloud)………………………….7

Entertainment Software ( Games. Media Players)…………………8

Importance of Software Updates and Security……………………..9


Introduction to Computer Software

A computer system consists of hardware, the electronic devices that are

capable of computing and manipulating information, and software (set of

instructions) that carries out predefined tasks to complete a given job(Limited,


As we know, a computer cannot think or perform on its own. It performs

operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division only when the

user instructs it to do so. The user issues instructions and the CPU acts in

accordance with the instructions. The sets of instructions, which control the

sequence of operations, are known as programs, and collectively programs are

called software. Computer software is a set of instructions that tell a computer

how to perform tasks. It includes a variety of programs, applications, and

operating systems that enable users to interact with their

computers(Rosencrance, 2021).

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate

computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which

describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to

refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. It can be thought

of as the variable part of a computer, while hardware is the invariable part


System Software vs. Application Software

The two main categories of software are application software and system

software. An application is software that fulfills a specific need or performs tasks.

System software is designed to run a computer's hardware and provides a

platform for applications to run on top of(Rosencrance, 2021).

Other types of software include programming software, which provides the

programming tools software developers need; middleware, which sits between

system software and applications; and driver software, which operates computer

devices and peripherals (Rosencrance).

Early software was written for specific computers and sold with the

hardware it ran on. In the 1980s, software began to be sold on floppy disks, and

later on CDs and DVDs. Today, most software is purchased and directly

downloaded over the internet. Software can be found on vendor websites or

application service provider websites.

System software is essential for the operation of the computer and

includes operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. Application

software, on the other hand, is designed for specific tasks or functions such as

productivity software, creative software, and entertainment software (Geeks,


Operating Systems

Operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux are the

foundation of a computer's software environment, providing the necessary tools

for running applications and managing hardware resources.

What is an operating system?

An operating system (OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded

into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application

programs in a computer. The application programs make use of the operating

system by making requests for services through a defined application program

interface. In addition, users can interact directly with the operating system

through a user interface, such as a command-line interface or a graphical UI

(Bigelow, 2023).

Why use an operating system?

An operating system brings powerful benefits to computer software and

software development. Without an operating system, every application would

need to include its own UI, as well as the comprehensive code needed to handle

all low-level functionality of the underlying computer, such as disk storage,

network interfaces and so on. Considering the vast array of underlying hardware

available, this would vastly bloat the size of every application and make software

development impractical (Bigelow).

Productivity Software

Productivity software, like Microsoft Office and Google Workspace,

includes tools such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation

software that help users create documents, analyze data, and communicate


What is productivity software?

Productivity software simply means any application or program that

enables one to produce or create, among others, graphs, databases, documents,

presentations, audio or video clips, and worksheets. We commonly use

productivity software in businesses and offices. Common types of productivity

software include database management systems (DBMS), word processors,

spreadsheet applications, and graphics software. In essence, productivity

software assists people to perform assigned tasks in addition to enhancing

communication and collaboration.

Initially, productivity software was for business use. Nowadays, various

types are even used to achieve personal productivity as well. Most of the

productivity software tools are now available on tablets and smartphones,

besides just computers (Productivity Software: The Ultimate Guide |

MindManager, n.d.).

Creative Software

Creative software, such as Adobe Creative Cloud, is used for graphic

design, video editing, and other creative tasks. These tools enable users to

express their creativity and produce visually appealing content.

What is Creative Software?

Creative software refers to a range of digital tools and applications that are

specifically designed to assist the creative teams within marketing, advertising,

and PR agencies. These software solutions play a crucial role in the creation,

editing, and management of various creative assets, including graphics, videos,

designs, and multimedia content.

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of advertising, where creativity

is at the heart of every successful campaign, having access to powerful and

efficient creative software is essential. These tools empower the creative teams

to unleash their imagination and bring their ideas to life, enabling them to craft

visually stunning and engaging content that captivates audiences.

By utilizing creative software, ad agencies can streamline their workflow,

enhance collaboration among team members, and optimize the overall creative

process. These software solutions offer a wide array of features and

functionalities, ranging from advanced editing tools to seamless project

management capabilities, allowing the creative teams to work more efficiently

and effectively.

Moreover, creative software provides a centralized platform for storing and

organizing creative assets, ensuring easy access and retrieval whenever

needed. This not only saves valuable time but also promotes consistency and

brand coherence across different campaigns and projects (Creative Software

Overview, n.d.).

Entertainment Software

Entertainment software includes games, media players, and other

applications designed for recreational purposes. These programs provide users

with entertainment and enjoyment, making computer use more engaging.

What is Entertainment Software?

Entertainment software provides leisure and enjoyment to users. It

includes video games, media players, and virtual reality experiences. Video

games range from simple mobile games to complex console titles. Media players

allow playback of audio and video content, while virtual reality applications

immerse users in interactive virtual environments. Notable examples encompass

Steam (gaming platform), VLC Media Player, and the Oculus Store for VR

experiences (Monique, 2023).

Importance of Software Updates and Security

Regular software updates and security measures are crucial for protecting

computers from malware, viruses, and other cyber threats. It is important to keep

software up to date to ensure optimal performance and safeguard sensitive


We all get them from time to time- those little windows that pop up,

notifying us that there are software updates available for our computer. Chances

are, these always seem to present themselves right when we are in the middle of

doing something seemingly important, so it’s all too convenient to click on that

“Remind Me Later” button.

Later eventually rolls around, and our little pop-up friend is back once

again, nagging us to install these updates and restart our computer. And just like

during their last visit, we’re right in the middle of something, and the cycle

continues. However, that notification is not there just to pester us. There is

actually significant importance in updating our software.

Why Should I Install Updates?

Software updates perform a myriad of tasks. They are available for both

our operating system and individual software programs. Performing these

updates will deliver a multitude of revisions to your computer, such as adding

new features, removing outdated features, updating drivers, delivering bug fixes,

and most importantly, fixing security holes that have been discovered (Norton,



Bigelow, S. J. (2023, April 27). operating system (OS). WhatIs.

Creative Software explained - Comprehensive Ad Agency Glossary. (n.d.).

Creative software overview. (n.d.). Tech Donut.

software/creative-software/creative-software- overview#:~:text=Creative
%20software%20can%20be%20used,or%20creating% 20a%20promotional

G. (2023, May 1). Difference between System Software and Application Software.


Limited, I. E. S. (n.d.). Fundamentals of Computers: For Undergraduate Courses in

Commerce and Management. O’Reilly Online Learning.

M. (2023, September 18). 8 Types of Application Software - Ubique Digital Solutions.

Ubique Digital Solutions.
application- software/#:~:text=Entertainment%20software%20provides

N. (2024, February 28). The importance of general software updates and patches.

Productivity Software: The Ultimate Guide | MindManager. (n.d.). MindManager.

Rosencrance, L. (2021, March 4). software. App Architecture.


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