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Climate Change

Republican: Republicans generally prioritize economic growth and job

creation over strict environmental regulations. They often advocate for
market-based solutions and oppose expansive government
intervention in addressing climate change.

Democrat: Democrats typically prioritize aggressive action to combat

climate change, including government regulations, investments in
renewable energy, and international cooperation to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.

Abortion / Planned Parenthood

Republican: Republicans generally oppose abortion and support

restrictions on abortion access, including defunding Planned
Parenthood, which provides abortion services. They often advocate
for policies that protect the rights of the unborn fetus.

Democrat: Democrats generally support abortion rights and access to

reproductive healthcare services, including funding for organizations
like Planned Parenthood. They prioritize women's autonomy and
reproductive health choices.


Republican: Republicans typically advocate for lower taxes, especially

for corporations and high-income individuals, arguing that it stimulates
economic growth and job creation. They often prioritize tax cuts and
simplification of the tax code.
Democrat: Democrats generally support progressive taxation,
advocating for higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations to fund
social programs and reduce income inequality. They often prioritize
closing tax loopholes and increasing taxes on the highest earners.

Minimum Wage

Republican: Republicans often oppose raising the federal minimum

wage, arguing that it could lead to job losses, particularly among small
businesses. They prefer market-based solutions, such as job training
programs, to address poverty and income inequality.

Democrat: Democrats generally support raising the federal minimum

wage to ensure a living wage for all workers. They argue that it
reduces poverty, stimulates consumer spending, and provides greater
economic security for low-income families.

Gun Laws and Restrictions

Republican: Republicans typically advocate for protecting gun rights

and oppose stricter gun control measures, arguing that they infringe
upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. They
often emphasize the importance of enforcing existing laws rather than
enacting new ones.

Democrat: Democrats generally support stricter gun control measures,

including universal background checks, bans on assault weapons, and
closing loopholes in gun sales. They prioritize public safety and
reducing gun violence through legislative action.

Illegal Immigration / Health Care for Illegals

Republican: Republicans often prioritize border security and
enforcement of immigration laws, including measures to reduce illegal
immigration such as building a border wall and implementing stricter
immigration policies. They generally oppose providing healthcare
benefits to undocumented immigrants.

Democrat: Democrats generally support comprehensive immigration

reform, including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented
immigrants and policies that prioritize family reunification. They often
advocate for expanding access to healthcare, including for
undocumented immigrants.

Border Wall

Republican: Republicans generally support the construction of a

border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border as a means of enhancing
national security and controlling illegal immigration.

Democrat: Democrats generally oppose the construction of a border

wall, viewing it as ineffective, costly, and symbolically divisive. They
advocate for alternative approaches to border security, such as
technology and increased manpower.

Military Spending

Republican: Republicans typically advocate for robust military

spending to maintain national security and military superiority. They
prioritize a strong defense posture and investment in defense

Democrat: Democrats generally support maintaining a strong military

but often advocate for a more balanced approach to defense
spending, including investments in diplomacy, foreign aid, and
domestic programs.

Police Department Funding / Training

Republican: Republicans generally support maintaining or increasing

funding for law enforcement agencies and emphasize the importance
of law and order. They may also advocate for additional resources for
police training and equipment.

Democrat: Democrats often advocate for reallocating some police

funding to social services and community programs aimed at
addressing the root causes of crime. They prioritize police reform,
including training on de-escalation techniques and accountability

Electoral College (How we elect the president)

Republican: Republicans generally support the Electoral College

system, arguing that it protects the interests of smaller states and
ensures a balance of power between rural and urban areas.

Democrat: Democrats often advocate for abolishing or reforming the

Electoral College, favoring a national popular vote system to elect the
president. They argue that it would better reflect the will of the people
and promote greater voter participation.

Voter ID Requirements

Republican: Republicans generally support voter ID requirements as a

measure to prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of elections.
They argue that it is a common-sense safeguard against voter
impersonation and fraud.

Democrat: Democrats often oppose strict voter ID requirements,

arguing that they disproportionately disenfranchise minority and low-
income voters who may face barriers to obtaining identification. They
prioritize expanding access to voting and reducing barriers to

Government Paid College Tuition (includes 4 year universities)

Republican: Republicans generally oppose government-funded

college tuition, arguing that it would be costly and inefficient, and could
lead to a devaluation of higher education. They often advocate for
market-based solutions and promoting alternatives to traditional four-
year universities.

Democrat: Democrats generally support government-funded college

tuition, including tuition-free public college proposals, as a means of
expanding access to higher education and reducing student debt.
They prioritize investing in education as a means of fostering
economic opportunity and social mobility.

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