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Fernando Fransua Delgado Rodríguez Gabriela Eyzaguirre García

G: Hey Fransua
F: Hi Gabriela, how are you?
G: I’m fine, I was talking to my best friends in my laptop, Lucas and Sofia.
F: Where are they from? Are they from Peru?
G: No, they are not, they are Mexicans.
F: Ohh, and how old are Lucas and Sofia?
G: Lucas is a 19 years old and Sofia 18 years old.
F: Great. What does Maria study?
G: She studies medicine.
F: And Lucas, what is he studying?
G: He studies mechanics and at the same time works in the supermarket.
F: Ohh is fantastic. It must be exhausting
G: Surely yes. Do you have best friends? What are their names?
F: Their names are Max and Maria.
G: How old are Max?
F: He is 19 years old.
G: and Maria?
F: she is 20 years old.
G: What are they study?
F: Max study engineering and Maria study law.
G: Where is Maria from?
F: She is from Argentina, but now she lives here, in Peru.
G: and, where is Max?
F: He is a singer.
G: That's great. Well, it was nice to see you, but I have to go.
F: Ok, bye!

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