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Theme: The Teaching Profession: Its Context, Foundations and Quality Requirements


Establishing the School Culture: Factors and Processes

Part 1. Column Notes

Fill up the table of specific contributions/influence to the society of the identified social institutions. The participant
must be guided by the Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model.

Social Institution Contribution/Influence to Education

They created policies that can influence the field of education.
They were the one who gives funding to most public school
activities and provide facilities and materials that can enhance the
learning process.
Rich people will have access to quality education with complete
Economic facilities while poor people can only depend on the public school
has to offer.
Presence of Catholic Schools in the Philippines. It is the basis on
the creation of the VMGO and philosophy of some private
schools. It teaches the students to be responsible and
encourages them to help others.
It gave an additional platform where the teacher and student can
Media interact and communicate with Internet. Using digital media,
students and teachers can have access to unlimited information.
The function of family is very important to educate children to
Family become human resource in society. Family affects the behavior of
the student in the school.

The National Training Program for Newly- Hired Teachers

under the Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) Program of Republic Act No. 10612 | Batch 2
Part 2. SWOT Analysis

After group discussion, conduct a SWOT analysis of your school and then fill out the form below. You may share this
to your groupmates.

Strengths Weaknesses

The principal has a good leadership skill.

Too much population
Offers variety of strands.
Lack of classrooms
Has facilities for each strand.
Lack of funding
Good teamwork between teachers.
Strong HRPTA Officers
Has good relationship with the stakeholders.

Opportunities Threats

Athletic opportunities in multiple sports.

Well trained teacher coaches for aspiring
Involvement of fraternity in the school
Lot of hang out areas nearby school areas
Offers 2 student organizations that every
that urge the students to cut classes
student can join
Strong Boy Scout and Girl Scout teams.

The National Training Program for Newly- Hired Teachers

under the Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) Program of Republic Act No. 10612 | Batch 2
Part 3. Plan of Action

You and the other participants will be grouped according to the different social institutions (e.g. political, economic,
among others). After the brainstorming session, draft a plan of action to address the challenges and problems
Pampanga Group

Political Issues Goal/s Strategy Success Indicators
*Provision of Safe *Conduct *Teachers *Presented
Space where research on *Research and recommendations
students can the problem Development Unit of to the DepEd policy
participate in political that concern DepEd makers based on
movements without student’s findings.
Oppression in
fear. participation in
students Activism
the findings
with DepEd
*Teachers *Presented
*Protection of and *Conduct case
*Research and recommendations
support to schools study research
Development Unit of to the DepEd policy
that cater indigenous on the effect
DepEd makers based on
Closure of Lumad students. of the closure
schools in Davao of Lumad
schools to
*Conduct case *Teachers
studies on *Research and
*Specify disciplinary teachers Development Unit of
actions a teacher can accused of DepEd
mechanisms for
Pending Teacher impose for learners child (learner) Legislators
teachers and
Protection Act committing malicious abuse.
actions towards a Submit a
teacher. petition on the
passage of the
disciplinary actions.
Senate bill.
*Despite the *Integrate *Teachers *Students are
Stories of injustice
injustices happening basic human equipped with an
in the country that
in the country, rights unyielding concept
adversely influence
students’ concept of education in of justice.
the students’
justice should remain classes.
concept of injustice
firm and unyielding.

Raycee Kea Bondoc, Jonalyn Correa, Mary Joy Cruzado, Ryan Christian Sicat Jacinto, Christian Aries Lapuz, Arbie
Nacanilao, Geniedience Lising Paulono, Cathyleen Serrano, Marvin Sumat, Glaiza Zabala, Marvin Zapata, Kristan
Paul Trasga, Mark Eadrine Aguas, Roi Rasco, John Kenneth Simbulan, Ruffus Corin Eiffel Tanhueco
The National Training Program for Newly- Hired Teachers
under the Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) Program of Republic Act No. 10612 | Batch 2
Part 4. Reflection paper about the topic

My Reflection

Today, I learned the different functions of education. One of those is it transmit culture. It transfers knowledge, social
norm values and beliefs into the next generation. Another one is the Career Selection. Education prepares the
students for the future. It prepares them for their future endeavors and provide them with all the necessary
information regarding the social life and professional life.

I also learned the different sociological perspectives on education. It is base on how different theories sees the
education process. One of those theory is the Critical Sociology. They are an expert in analyzing cultures and the
education system. They believe that our educational system perpetuates social inequalities arising from differences
in class, gender, races, and ethnicity. An example of that is the difference in social class of the students. One of the
modalities provided by the Department of Education is the Online Learning. Only those students who has gadgets
and strong and stable internet connection will have access to it while those who do not have those things, they will be
given Self-Learning Modules where their learning will purely depend on the modules. The other theories are the
Structural Functionalism, Feminist Theory and Symbolic Interactionism.

The National Training Program for Newly- Hired Teachers

under the Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) Program of Republic Act No. 10612 | Batch 2

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