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Task 1:

Company H applies deductible VAT method and perpetual inventory system. In August
2023, there was document about material A as follow (CU: 1.000 VND)
A. Opening inventory for material A: 2.000 kg, value: 20.000
B. Material A received in stock in August 2023:
- On 5nd Aug: Receiving 500 kg material A, actual unit cost: 10,5
- On 15th Aug: Receiving 800 kg material A, actual unit cost: 10,8
- On 18th Aug: Receiving 10.000 kg material A, actual unit cost: 10
- On 22th Aug: Receiving 12.000 kg material A, actual unit cost; 9,5
- On 25th Aug: Receiving 800 kg material A, actual unit cost: 10,2
C. Material A issued for producing purpose in August 2023:
- On 4th Aug: Issuing X1 kg material A
- On 18th Aug: Issuing X2 kg material A
- On 20th Aug: Issuing X3 kg material A
- On 26th Aug: Issuing X4 kg material A
- On 29th Aug: Issuing X5 kg material A
1. Put reasonable data in X1, X2, X3, X4, X5.
2. Calculate the actual cost of material A issued in August 2023 and the closing balance of material
A at the end of August, in cases:
(a) Company H applies FIFO method.
(b) Company H applies AVCO method.
Task 2:
Company H applies: (1) deductible VAT method; (2) periodic inventory system and (3)
weighted average method at ending inventory (or cumulative weighted average method) in
measuring issuing cost of inventories. There are following document in this company in January,
2024 as follows (currency unit: 1.000 VND):
1. On 14th Jan: Purchasing material X from supplier A on credit.
According to invoice No. 10, dated 14th Jan 2024: purchased quantity: 2.500 kg, unit cost:
X/kg exclude 10% VAT.
According to Inventory Receipt Note No. 01, dated 15th Jan 2024: receiving quantity to
the warehouse: 2.380 kg
Deficiency quote is 2%. The deficient amount that is over the deficiency quote was
accepted payment by delivery company.
2. On 18th Jan: Making payment to company A for transaction (1). Due to early payment, company
Y enjoyed 2% settlement discount, therefore, company Y kept this discount amount and only paid
the remaining amount to company A via bank.
1. Put reasonable data in X.
2. Making journal entries for about transactions.

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