Strategy Based Comprehension 2

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UWP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Mr.M Grade Level: 9th


Target Content/Lesson Topic: Reading Comprehension

Date: 27 April 2024

This lesson is for a(n) _____ whole class _____ small group _____ individual


Essential Question

- What is the essential How do we analyze a text to create meaning to us as readers?

question that this lesson

- What is the core

purpose of the lesson that
includes the strategies
and skills necessary to
accomplish the deeper
learning in the standard?

Sequencing This builds on previous lessons about determining the meaning of words
and phrases.
- How does this lesson fit
into the larger unit of

- Focus on a
sequencing of skills (e.g.,
main ideas before details,
similarities before

State Learning R.9-10.5 In literary texts, consider how varied aspects of structure create
Standards meaning and affect the reader.

List the complete,

relevant grade-level

Learning Target(s) and LT: I can create meaning of the text

Learning Objective(s)
LO: Students will be able to determine the meaning of the text
- Choose your learning
target(s) and objective(s)
based on the relevant
state learning standard(s).

- Write focused targets

and objectives that
describe the specific
learning outcome (what
students should be able to
do as a result of the

- Be sure they are stated

in observable and
measurable terms (e.g.,

Grouping Students will not be grouped

Describe how and why

students are grouped
based on

- homogeneous,

- ability, interest, IEP

goals, social or social-
emotional, behavioral,
language acquisition

Co-Teaching Strategy N/A

Does this lesson involve

co-teaching? If not, state
N/A. If yes, identify the
co-teaching model and
what role each teacher
will play.
-One Teach, One
Observe; One Teach, One
Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching;
Alternative; Team

Differentiation Content

Describe how you will Students will be given open choice to complete their reflections. Students
meet individual students’ will be given ongoing feedback. Students are given a text that I reduced to
needs by adjusting the a reading level that is fit for them.
content, process, product,
and environment based
on their readiness, Process
interests, and learning
preferences. Students will be given a graphic organizer to complete however they
would like.


Students must apply their learning to real world scenarios.


Students can sit wherever they like. Students will be given clear
expectations and procedures for the activity.

IEP Goals Relevant to Lesson (Add rows as necessary.)

Student IEP Goal

Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add

rows as necessary.)
Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modification

Supports for English Language Learners (Add rows as necessary.)

Student Necessary Supports (e.g., Sheltered English strategies, grouping


Formative Assessment Students will completely fill out the KWL. Students will complete a
reflection based on the text provided.
- How will you monitor
student learning
throughout the lesson?

- Be specific about how

your practice
assessments connect
directly with the lesson

Formative Evaluation
Criteria 5 Student 3 Student 1 Student
exceeds meets needs
- What material(s) will
you use to evaluate
expectations expectation improving
learning? The student The student The student
completely completely fails to
- Attach a copy of your fills out the fills out the complete the
checklist, rubric, graphic graphic graphic
observation criteria, or
organizer organizer organizer or
other measure.
and and reflection
completes a completes a and does not
reflection reflection use complete
based on the using some sentences.
text using complete
complete sentences.
Summative Assessment Students will be given a text and asked questions based on the text along
with a reflection to complete.
How will students
demonstrate mastery of
the standard?

Note: This assessment

does not have to occur
during/after this lesson
but in upcoming lessons.

Summative Evaluation
Criteria 5 Student 3 Student 1 Student
exceeds meets needs
- What material(s) will
you use to evaluate
expectation expectation improving
learning? The student The student The student
correctly answers 5-9 fails to answer
- Attach a copy of your answers all questions more than 5
checklist, rubric, 10 correctly questions
observation criteria, or
questions and correctly and
other measure.
and completes a in the
completes reflection reflection does
a reflection using some not use
that is complete complete
based on sentences. sentences.
the text

Opening: Introduction I will play the video about Earth Day to refresh students’ memory on what
and Connection to Earth Day is about. Then I will make a KWL chart and fill out what I
Previous Learning already know about Earth Day and what I want to know. Then I will read
one of the passages and state what I learned about Earth Day. This will be
● Anticipatory when I complete the last part of the graphic organizer.
Activity (Hook)
● Activate prior
Play 20 seconds-4:20 seconds
● Be sure students
procedures and
instructions for the
● Establish clear
● Model concept.
son progression may look
different in different
parts of the lesson!

During: Lesson The students and I will read the next passage and do the same thing. We
Progression will fill out a KWL graphic organizer for the next passage together. We
will state what we think we know about the passage and what we want to
In this portion of the know. Then we will read the passage together and state what we learned
lesson, you will be letting after we are done reading. Students will do the next two passages on their
go and letting students own.
engage in productive
struggle; engaging in
gradual release (“I do, we
do, you do”), inquiry,
guided or independent
practice, or other learning
methods. Please write
what you are looking for
in terms of:

● Students’
thinking and how
they will start the
● Provide
support (not
explaining how
to do it).
● Provide
● Provide
opportunities for
students to
engage in using
the academic
This is where you will be
suggesting or modeling
specific strategies and
helping students choose
which strategy makes
sense to them. However,
you must make sure ideas
come from students.

Closing: Wrap-Up and Students will be asked to write a reflection on some things they might do
Extension to help the Earth. Then students will share with the class some things they
might do to help our planet. I will ask students how difficult they felt the
End the lesson with a lesson was overall after this.
final review of key ideas
and knowledge. This is
where you have students
talk about their thinking
and share strategies with
the whole class. It’s
important to name
strategies and use
academic vocabulary
here, extending the lesson
to broader ideas.

● Promote
a community of
● Listen
actively and
probe thinking
evaluating or
telling them how
you would do it.
Summarize main ideas
and identify future
problems that they would
be able to solve using the
thinking you have
discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next
lesson will include.

Curricular and

Instructional Resources
or Materials Earth Day video and text

- List and provide a brief

rationale for all necessary levelId=cl1atnbud002r08os32rv0eb8
lesson resources and
materials. If not original,
cite the source.

- Attach/link a copy of all

materials the teacher and
students will use during
the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer,
slides, worksheets, and so

Supplies, Equipment
and Technology

- List all other supplies

that need to be available.

The text I chose is relevant to students’ literacy lives. This text is about Earth Day which
happens April 22nd every year and students stated that they like reading about topics that are
relevant to their lives. Students also stated that they like reading about things that are easily
comprehensible and not too difficult for them to understand. So I changed the reading level of
the text to have simpler words that are easier to read for the students. Students were also given a
KWL chart to help them with comprehension of the text. This allowed students to state what they
were learning and what they wanted to learn. This also helped me assess what students were
understanding with the reading and what was more difficult for them to understand. Students
were more engaged in the lesson when I talked about things they could relate too. I saw this
when the students began to ask questions about the topic and applied their understanding to make
real world connections. Students also showed engagement by writing a reflection that directly
related to the text. I think the graphic organizer I created was very helpful to students and
allowed them to stay on track with the lesson. I also think it helped students look for meaning in
the text and helped them create a deeper connection with the text. I think using evidence from the
students’ lives survey helped improve student engagement. When students are learning about
topics they are interested about they tend to be more engaged. I saw this to be true in my lesson. I
also allowed students to read the text with simpler words to help students stay engaged and not
lose focus due to frustration. This helped students fully understand the text and stay on track with
the lesson. I saw no students off task during my lesson which was very impressive to see.
Usually, I have one or two students who lose track and get off task, but with this lesson the
students stayed engaged and asked questions about anything they were struggling with. The
conversations we were having in the classroom were all beneficial to the students' learning and
understanding of the text. For future lessons, I may try to incorporate more of my students’
discourses. Allowing students to relate to the lesson has shown me many improvements in their
engagement and comprehension. I would improve the lesson by reading slower to the students. I
feel like I read too fast in the beginning so students were not comprehending as much as I wanted
them to in the beginning. When I asked them for responses about what they know about the text,
the responses were slow and delayed. This could have been because they were thinking a lot
about the text, or because I read too fast for them to comprehend the text. I will also try having
more group work. I think with more group work students would have had better comprehension
with the text. When students were working individually I saw them taking longer than I
anticipated to complete the graphic organizers. If students worked together on this part of the
lesson, I feel like students would have got a better understanding of the text. They also would
have more likely completed the assignment faster and created a stronger understanding of the
text from hearing another student’s understanding of the text. My mentor teacher recommended
that I take more time to ask students questions based on the text. This can allow students to
develop a deeper understanding of the text and allow them to think deeper about the topic. My

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