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Name: Carlos Jose Dominguez Pallares

Date: June 26th, 2023.

Excerpt Number 1:
“Budgeting steps:
 Step 1: Review and track your expenses. Be accurate and realistic about your
 Step 2: Review your financial resources and income.
 Step 3: Explore all possible sources of income.
 Step 4: Monitor your expenses using a weekly or monthly review of any expenses
you’ve incurred or purchases you’ve made.
 Step 5: Be realistic and flexible. You may have to make adjustments to your budget
along the way as your income and expenses start to vary” (Assiniboine Community
College, n.d.).
Paraphrase Number 1:
According to the website, the corporate author, Assiniboine Community College, mentions the following
“budgeting steps” (Assiniboine Community College, n.d.) that must be followed for avoiding
financial inconveniences in the future:
- First, look at your expenses more than once and “track” (Assiniboine Community
College, n.d.) them. Be precise and keep down to earth “about your spending”
(Assiniboine Community College, n.d.).
- Second, check the amount of money that you have and your earnings.
- Third, search different alternatives to increase your finances and don’t leave any of them
- Fourth, examine how much money you spent analyzing an inspection of the purchases
made not only from Monday to Sunday but also each month of the year.
- Fifth, “be realistic and flexible” (Assiniboine Community College, n.d.). It could be
necessary that you need to do some variations to your financial plan every time that your
earnings and spending begin to change.
Finally, the corporate author concludes that it is helpful that everybody can develop a reasonable
financial plan following the steps mentioned previously with the purpose of keeping the eye on
their expenses that people have according to their way of living (Assiniboine Community
College, n.d.).

List words and synonyms number 1:

Original Words Synonyms
Step 1 First
Review Look at more than once
Step 2 Second
Review Check
Financial sources The amount of money
Incomes Earnings
Monitor Examine
Make adjustments Do some variations

Excerpt Number 2:
Essentials of Time Management
3. Setting up deadlines
Due to the fact that deadlines specify the number of times goals and objectives must be
accomplished, they are necessary. Time management will be effective as a result. When
people have goals and deadlines for those goals, time management will be at its finest.
4. Delegation of responsibilities
Delegation of responsibility is required. It is not advisable to try to do everything. The
highest cost in
time management occasionally comes from saying NO. The things that one finds difficult,
or dislikes should not be accepted. One should take on obligations that pique his attention and
make him happy. Delegating authority will save needless time wastage” (Chaudhari, Time
management essentials and importance, 2022).

Paraphrase Number 2:
In the article, “Time management essentials and importance”, the author, Tushar Chaudhari,
ensures the following considerations “essentials of time management” (Chaudhari, Time
management essentials and importance, 2022)
- “Setting up deadlines” (Chaudhari, Time management essentials and importance, 2022):
because of time limit precise the frequency in which you are going to achieve your aims
and “objectives” (Chaudhari, Time management essentials and importance, 2022), you
can obtain as a result an impressive manage of your time. Likewise, every time that
people set dates to accomplish their goals, they realize that their management of time is in
the best moment.
- Assign duties: Assign duties is necessary. It is not recommendable to intend to do the
whole bag of tricks. In some cases, the cost more representative in managing the time
arises when people refuse to do something. The factors that people consider a difficulty
or don’t like ought not to agreed. “One should take on obligations that pique his attention
and make him happy. Delegating authority will save needless time wastage” (Chaudhari,
Time management essentials and importance, 2022).
In general, the author concludes that people need to take in consideration the essentials of time
management mentioned before because both allow you to find a balance between your
responsibilities and the time that you have available to fulfill them in an effective way.
List words and synonyms number 2:
Original Words Synonyms
Deadlines Time limit
Delegation of Assign duties
Required Necessary
Advisable Recommendable
Try Intend
Incomes Earnings
The highest cost The cost more

Excerpt Number 3:
The Job Bank Canada Website suggests that “your resume must clearly, concisely, and
strategically present your qualifications to get a recruiter interested in meeting you. It
should convey your skills, work experience and assets. The resume is used to describe what
you can accomplish professionally in a manner that also illustrates what you can do for an
employer. An updated modern resume is the key to a successful job search.
Here are some do's of how to write a good resume and what to include:
 Keep your resume clear and concise.
 Double check and include your contact information.
 Specify work experience or achievements that are related to the position you are
applying to” (Government of Canada, n.d.).

Paraphrase Number 3:
On the Job Bank Canada Website, the corporate author, Government of Canada, suggests that if
you want that the personnel in charge of hiring you call you for a meeting, you need to provide
clear, brief and purposeful Curriculum Vitae. You must mention your abilities, previous “work
experience and assets” (Government of Canada, n.d.).In your curriculum vitae, you have to
explain which are the goals that you can achieve as a professional to show what you are able to
execute for the person that is hiring you. For this reason, it is vital that your curriculum vitae is
up to date with the purpose of you can have an effective employment seek. Besides, the
corporate author, Government of Canada, also mentions some advices that is necessary to
incorporate in your curriculum vitae such as: “keep your resume clear and concise” (Government
of Canada, n.d.), to review twice and incorporate your personal information to contact you and
also, emphases about your previous jobs and goals associated to the vacancy “you are applying
to” (Government of Canada, n.d.).
Finally, the author summarizes that it is fundamental to include in your resume information
related to your work experience, and the skills that you can demonstrate in the position what are
you applying for with the purpose of being hired by the employer. For this reason, you must to
keep your resume updated.

Original Words Synonyms

Resume Curriculum Vitae
Skills Abilities
Recruiter The personnel in charge
of hiring you
What you can do for What you are able to
your employer execute for the person
that is hiring you
Updated Up to date
Successful job search Effective employment
Double check Review twice
Include your contact Incorporate your personal
information information to contact
Specify work Emphases about your
experience previous jobs
Reference list:
Assiniboine Community College. (n.d.). Budgeting. Retrieved June 15, 2023, from Stay On Top of Things

Chaudhari, T. (2022, September 19). Time management Essentials and Importance. International Journal
of Commerce and Management Research, 8(5, 2022), 6-8. Retrieved from

Government of Canada. (n.d.). Job Bank. Retrieved June 15, 2023, from How to write a good resume:

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