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1. Who​ shall serve as Brigada Eskwela Steering Committee co-chairman?

A. SBM​ coordinator B. ​ PTCA President

C. Brigada​ Eskwela Coordinator D. ​ Adopt-A-School Coordinator

A​ group of 5 newly hired teachers was asking for your permission to sign the application for BERF
funding of their research proposal. As a school head, what is your advice so that their proposal will be
A. ​ grant your permission right away but B. ​ grant your permission the right way but
advise them to remove the other 2 members their research should not confict with their
C. ​ grant your permission right away but work
their proposal should focus only on D. ​ grant your permission right away so that
instructions they can immediately submit the proposal to SDO

Shown​ in the graph below is the enrolment and promotion data of Grade 1 to 3 pupils during SY 2020-
2021. What school performance indicators can you derive from it?

A. dropout​ rate B. ​ promotion rate

C. completion​ rate D. transition​ rate

4. One​ of your teachers is being served with a warrant of arrest. As a school head, what should you do?
A. ​ let the arresting offcers serve the B. ​ let the arresting offcers serve the
warrant but ask them to wait until the end warrant but ask them to wait outside the
of classes so as not to disrupt the class gate so as not to traumatize the students
C. ​ let the arresting offcers serve the D. ​ let the arresting offcers serve the warrant
warrant but ask them to wait until the end but ask them to be discreet and calm so as
of offce hours not to traumatice the learners
Some​ of your teachers are known for spreading gossips. Should you catch them doing it, is it right to tell
them that they can be sentenced to jail by doing it?
A. ​ no, since Deped teachers are covered B. ​ yes, they can be sentenced to
with tenure of offce prison correctional
C. ​ yes, since it is against teachers D. ​ no, since it is just baseless gossip that is
code of ethics hard to proved

After​ assessing the human resources and learning needs of your school, you found that your school
needs Learning Support Aides to assist your teachers. Do you think SHS graduates of your school can
apply for this position?
A. ​ No, only teachers who did not reach the B. ​ No, only LET passers can apply for
cut-off scores in the RQA can apply for this position
this position
C. No,​ only teachers who were in the RQA but D. Yes,​ SHS graduates can apply for this position
were not hired can apply for this position

One​ early morning, one of the learners approached your offce crying and complaining about the
humiliations he is experiencing from one of your teachers. The students claimed that his teacher is posting
his outputs on social media and making fun of it. But in his defense, the teacher said that he does not intend
to hurt anyone, and in fact, the names of the learners whose outputs belong to are covered and blurred to
avoid identifcation. As a school head, is this teacher’s reason justifable?
A. ​ Yes, since there is no identifcation of B. ​ Yes, there is no identifcation for the
the posted outputs, then the students posted outputs, then the student must be
must be wrongly accusing their teacher blackmailing the teacher
C. ​ No, even there is no identifcation for the D. ​ No, even there is no identifcation for
posted outputs, still, the learner can identify the posted outputs, still Deped mandated
his submitted works the protection every learner

You​ observed that one of your teachers is very active in commenting and sharing to social media the
account of the political personality he is avidly supporting. As a school head, what should you do?
A. ​ just let the teacher continue sharing and B. ​ just let the teacher continue sharing
commenting since these are not prohibited and commenting since these are the
electioneering acts trends
C. ​ tell him to stop sharing and commenting
since teachers should not be involved in D. tell​ him to stop sharing and
any political issues commenting since teachers should be
It​ has been the usual practice of your teachers to schedule the blowout of honor students so they can
have merienda while reading forms. As a school head, what should you do?
A. tell​ them that DepEd employees should not B. let​ them since it has been their practice.
be accepting expected gifts
C. ​ tell them to stop receiving gifts since they are D. Let​ them so long it's voluntary
public servants

As​ a newly installed school head, you wanted to assess your teacher’s prior knowledge of formative
assessments. Among the four (4) teachers you interviewed, who does NOT have a correct understanding
of formative assessment?
A. ​ formative assessments provide teachers B. ​ formative assessments should not
with evidence on how to adjust their be graded
instructions. D. ​ formative assessments should not
C. ​ formative assessments provide learners be recorded
opportunities to refect on their own learning

One​ of your teachers approached you with black eyes and a swelling face. Reading the police report she
handed, you found that it was caused by his abusive husband. In between tears, she told you that she wanted to
fle for sick leave, but she is left with vacation leave credits. As a school head, what should you do?

A. ​ allow her to fle for leave and rest B. ​ convert her vacation leave credits to
for humanitarian reasons sick leave credits and advise her to rest
C. ​ attach the police report to her leave D. ​ allow her to fle for her sick leave since
application forms and grant her 10 days left she cannot face the students in that condition

In​ a School Planning Team (SPT) meeting, you were presenting the members your school's
performance. Among the following indicators, which does NOT represent the performance of your
school in terms of quality?
A. ​ NAT results B. promotion​ rate
C. ​ The child-friendly school survey result D. Literacy​ level

As​ part of maintaining safety in school while building construction is ongoing amidst the pandemic, a school
head should perform one important responsibility. Among the following responsibilities, which could it be?

A. ​ provision of disinfection facilities B. ​ provision of permit to start construction

C. briefng​ on safety protocols D. daily​ monitoring of construction workforce health
One​ of your teachers tested positive for COVID-19 and is requiring isolation. As a school head, what
should you do?
A. ​ tell him to tell you how he possibly B. tell​ him to fle for sick leave until
contracted the virus before advising him his recovery
what to do
C. ​ tell him to submit medical certifcates D. tell​ him to continue working from home
and assign him to work from home until and continue attending his classes since its
his recovery modular

One​ of your teachers who is celebrating his birthday is retiring in three (3) months. After checking on his
service records, it has been found that he still needs 3 more months to complete the 15 years in service. In your
interview, you also found that the gap was due to his illness requiring medication in the past. In the hope of
gaining the same benefts entitled of the 15-year service retirees, he is requesting if you may help him extend his
services to complete his 15 years in service. As a school head, what should be your response?

A. ​ Submit a request for an extension since B. ​ Reject the request since he can still
his reason is justifable work in other private schools
C. ​ Reject the request since 65 years old is D. ​ Submit a request for an extension
the compulsory retirement age for for humanitarian reasons
government employees

For​ SY 2021-2022, Deped mandated the 209 compressed school days. As a school head, what
should you NOT consider when complying with this school calendar?
A. ​ teachers may give students distance B. ​ INSET shall be conducted every frst 3
learning activities even on Sunday days of semestral break
C. ​ distribution of cards shall be every D. ​ teachers may render services on
2nd Saturday of the next quarter Saturday but are not required

For​ the successful implementation of Brigada Eskwela, the following acts shall be done by a school
head EXCEPT for one. Which could it be?
A. ​ Brigada Eskwela volunteers shall be B. School​ heads shall prioritize among
granted 15 days of service credits for the (3) Brigada Eskwela projects the WINS and
weeks of work WASH projects of the school
C. ​ Schoolheads shall distribute learners’ D. ​ School heads shall provide opportunities
and teachers’ kits for
the stakeholders to be involved in
Brigada Pagbasa
After​ budgeting, you found that your school still has an excess budget for the feeding program. As a
school head, which is the BEST decision to do?
A. ​ allocate budget for feeding B. ​ extend the 93 school-based feeding
secondary benefciaries days to accommodate more malnourished
C. ​ allocate budgeting for school-based learners
feeding up to 120 days D. ​ return the excess budget to SDO treasury

​ For the school year 2021-2022, a student from a private school is transferring to your school. The
parents admitted that they still have unsettled fnancial obligations in the former school. As a school head,
you can remind them of the following EXCEPT for one, which could it be?
A. ​ the learner will be given temporary report B. ​ the learner will be temporarily enrolled
cards inadmissible for transfer or enrolment until
until the documentary requirements are they submit their necessary documentary
submitted requirements
C. ​ they can submit the
documentary requirements until D. ​ the learner will be temporarily enrolled
August 31 and he cannot be promoted to the higher
grade level until the necessary
requirements are submitted

20. Your​ SSG is requesting if you can fund their activities against MOOE. As a school head, will you allow this?

A. ​ No, since the SSG fee is included in B. ​ No, since SSG can solicit donations
the authorized contributions of the school from stakeholders
C. ​ Yes, since MOOE spending is D. ​ Yes, since SSG priority projects and
upon the approval of the school head activities can be charged against MOO

You​ were telling your teachers to pack and ready the learners’ modules for distribution a week before
the opening of classes. But one of them strongly disagrees pointing that as per DepEd Order, teachers
on vacation should not be disturbed until the opening of classes since PVP is still in effect until opening.
As a school head, the following should be your response EXCEPT for one, which could it be?
A. ​ preparing learners’ modules is on a B. ​ preparation of learners’ module is part of
voluntary basis, thus it is upon Brigada Eskwela and Balik Eskwela activities,
teachers’ decision to volunteer or not thus teachers can be granted service credits
C. ​ teachers who will prepare learners’ D. ​ those teachers who will prepare
modules for distribution will be granted learners’ modules will be granted 1-day
internal service credits of service credits per 8 hours of work
​ One of your teachers is being complained about rejecting the enrolment of an incoming Grade 11 STEM
student. In her defense, the teacher reasoned that as an experienced STEM Coordinator, she felt that the
learner will not be able to maintain her grades in the strand as evident in his grades in Science and Math. This
reason seems to be discriminating against their child. As a school head, how will you resolve this confict?

A. ​ explain to the parents that high B. explain​ to the parents that the teacher is
grades in Science and Math are an only concerned on the welfare of their child
important requirement for enrolling in
the STEM strand
C. ​ explain to the parents that the teacher D. ​ apologize to the parents for the
is only concerned about the welfare of the misunderstanding and reprimand the teacher
child but you will accept their enrolment for being judgmental

​ One of your teachers is accusing you of power-tripping on the grounds that (1) you declared him as an
excess teacher while others are not and (2) you did not ask for her consent to transfer. Considering that all
other ancillaries and additional tasks are already designated to other teachers, the following can be your
defense EXCEPT for one, which could it be?
A. ​ your school’s enrolment is decreasing B. ​ it is for the exigency of service
C. the​ fnal decision is still upon the D. ​ you considered the LIFO rule
teacher’s consent and localization law

Due​ to the pandemic, four (4) of your teachers are requesting for transfer to other schools. All of
them reasoned that they worry about contracting the virus on their daily travel going to school. If you
are only allowed to let go of three (3) teachers, who will you prioritize?
A. a​ teacher nursing her newborn child B. ​ a teacher who has served in your school
for six (6) years and is transferring to
another school located in the barangay
where he resides
C. a​ teacher who has served your school for D. ​ a teacher transferring to a farther
three (3) years and is transferring to school with her husband
another school located in the barangay
where he resides

Your​ acquainted School Principal from another school is asking you if he can charge against MOOE the
sunfower seedlings for the mini sunfower guarded he is planning to construct by the frontage of his school.
As a school head, what is your response?
A. ​ it can be charged against MOOE since B. ​ you can’t decide since the location of
it is one of Deped projects the school is not properly described
C. ​ it can't be charged against MOOE since D. ​ it can’t be charged against MOOE
gardening expenses are not covered by it since private stakeholders can donate
26. As​ the school head of provisional SHS teachers, which of the following can you NOT remind them of?

A. ​ they will be rehired only if they took B. ​ they may be replaced anytime within the
the LET, even once since 2016 school year
C. ​ they will be hired until the end of D. ​ for those hired since SY 2016-2017,
the school year their appointment is valid until SY 2021-

Four​ (4) teachers are applying in your school with the following classifcations: Teachers A and B are both
LET passers, Teacher C is a non-LET passer and Teacher D is a non-education graduate. As a school head,
what positions can you NOT offer to each one of them?
A. ​ Teacher C can be offered a B. ​ Teacher D can be offered a
temporary position temporary position
C. ​ teacher B can be offered a D. ​ Teacher A can be offered a
substitute position permanent position

As​ a newly installed school head, you found that your school does not have an SDRRM coordinator.
Among the following choices, who will you designate for this position?
A. Science​ Coordinator or Headteacher with B. non​ -teaching personnel with DRRM
DRRM training trainings
C. ​ yourself as the school head D. ​ teaching personnel with DRRM training

29. What​ are the lowest HGP grades that can be refected in SF9 and SF 10?
A. SD​ B. D​
C. ​ NI D. NO​

As​ part of school opening, you were orienting your teachers on how to orient parents on grading system
and promotion. Of the follwing, which one should NOT be told to parents?
A. ​ tell them that summative tests will be B. ​ tell them that learners will be given 4
given every other 2 weeks written tasks and 4 performance tasks
C. ​ tell them that learners’ grades will D. ​ tell them that remedial sessions will only
be computed from submitted written be given at the end of the school year
and performance outputs

31. ​ Which of the following can NOT be true about Individual Learning Monitoring Plan?
A. ​ it is a tool to show whose learner is B. ​ it serves as feedback data for learners
lagging behind based on the result of their who are given intervention
formative and summative tests
C. ​ it is prepared by the teacher to monitor D. it​ is used as a reporting tool for
the progress of every learner parents during home visitation
32. Which​ of the following can NOT be true about weekly home learning plan (WHLP)?

A. ​ WHLP shall be prepared and B. ​ WHLP creates awareness that they

submitted weekly by the subject are responsible for their own learnings.
teachers for consolidation by the class
adviser D. ​ WHLP shall be prepared by teachers
C. ​ WHLP shall be communicated to parents implementing distance or blended learning
for guidance and reference. modalities

A​ 2015 alumni of your high school is claiming his permanent records. He said a private SHS is offering
him a full scholarship under the voucher program. As a school head, what will you tell him?
A. ​ tell him he can enjoy the voucher B. ​ tell him he is not eligible for the
program for 2 years only voucher program
C. ​ tell him he can enroll in any public D. ​ tell him that he will be automatically
SHS since it is also for free removed from the voucher program once he
did not pass all

34. Among​ the following DRRM tasks and responsibilities, which one belongs to the school head?
A. monitor​ the effect of hazards including the B. ensure​ the availability of baseline data
use of the school as an evacuation center
C. ​ submit situation reports and real-time D. ​ spearhead the conduct of multi-hazard drill
updates to SDO

A​ learner is enrolling in your school 42 days after the opening of classes. As a school head, what
should be your LEAST considerations in accepting his enrolment?
A. ​ accept his enrolment only if his ability B. ​ accept his enrolment depending on
to complete 80% of the required number your discretion as the school head
of school days
C. ​ accept his enrolment if he has D. ​ accept his enrolment provided that he
acceptable reasons can comply with the quarterly

Special​ Hardship Allowance (SHA) is an additional compensation paid to teachers exposed to diffculties
due to the nature and/or location of their work. Now that we are in the midst of pandemics, as a school
head, which should you NOT tell teachers about it?
A. ​ it is given to teachers stationed in B. ​ it is equivalent to 25% of a teacher’s
identifed Hardship Post schools basic salary
C. ​ it is given to teachers experiencing D. it​ is given to teachers for a period of
diffculties as work 10 months per fscal year
A​ Grade 7 parent is enrolling his child in your school. He showed you the certifcate of completed summer
class which his child just recently took in a private school. He said, since his child passed the summer class, he
was anticipating that his child will be promoted to Grade 8. As a schoolhead, will you agree to the parent?

A. ​ defnitely no! B. defnitely​ yes!

C. it​ depends! D. ​ can’t decide!

One​ of your teachers is questioning your decision of marking him tardy. He reasoned that he is entitled to
15 minutes grace period since he does not have a frst-period class which will be affected. As a school head,
how will you respond to this?
A. tell​ him that teachers are not entitled B. ​ tell him that teachers should render 6
to a 15-minute grace period hours of actual teaching and 2 hours of
work-related tasks
C. tell​ him you will look into it and make D. ​ tell him that logging in after offcial time
the necessary correction if any is considered tardy

39. ​ Which of the following your school should NOT do with the Philippine fag?
A. properly​ folding the fag for the next fag ceremony B. knotting​ the fag
C. lowering​ the fag during inclement weather D. solemnly​ burning the worn-out fag

One​ of your teachers who is working from home is not responding to your messages, chat, or calls
during work hours. He is also reported failing to monitor his MDL class and is frequently seen in the
market, coffee shops, and malls. Checking on his Bundy clock, he is neither absent nor tardy. As a school
head, what should you remind him of?
A. ​ remind him that he will be reprimanded B. ​ remind him that he will be suspended for
for his habitual tardiness his habitual tardiness
C. ​ remind him that he will be suspended for D. ​ remind him that he will be reprimanded
his loafng from his duty for his loafng from his duty

One​ of your teachers was complaining that the number of service credits granted her does not
compensate for the number of services she rendered on weekends and holidays between June 1, 2020,
to July 10, 2021. For this matter, he is requiring your offce to rectify this mistake before she fled for the
administrative case against you. As a school head , how will you respond to this?
A. tell​ her that you will look into it and that B. ​ tell her that you will grant her 1 days
you will grant her 1 day service redit for service credit for every 8 hours of services
every 8 hours of accumulated services rendered during weekdays and 2 days
rendered during weekends and holidays service credits for every 8 hours of
services rendered during holidays
C. tell​ her that it is the SDS who approved D. ​ tell her that you will look into it and that
the request for service credits you will grant her 1.50 hours of service
credit for every 1 hour of services rendered
during weekends and holidays
​ On Nov. 15, Deped will pilot the limited face-to-face classes to select schools. If your school is one of
the participating schools, among the following employees, who do you think can volunteer among your
school personnel for this purpose?
A. ​ PWD personnel of school B. teachers​ with stable comorbidities
with indispensable tasks
C. ​ pregnant and lactating employees D. ​ employees at 65 years old and below
with indispensable tasks and with no diagnosed comorbidities

Items​ with no serial number nor identifcation were delivered to your school. As a school head, what
inspection technique should you recommend your School Inspectorate Team to employ before
accepting them?
A. interval​ sampling B. inspection​ by item
C. ​ inspection by sampling D. random​ sampling

Three​ thousand procured goods were delivered to your school for inspection and acceptance. In your
sampling plan, you randomly picked the total number of goods for inspection at 5% AQL. If upon
inspection you found that 25 are defective, as a school head, what will you do?
A. accept​ the deliveries but return the B. ​ accept the goods since the defective goods
defective items are still under warranty
C. reject​ the entire delivery D. ​ accept the deliveries since the defective
goods are just minimal

You​ were inspecting the legal documents of your school and you found that its original land title is still
named after the original land owner. As a school head, from whom should you ask for assistance in
transferring its name under Deped and your school?
B. ​ ask the assistance of the SBM
A. ​ ask the assistance of the Land Registration coordinator
C. ask​ the assistnace of LGU D. ask​ the assistance of SDO

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