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Preflight Walk Around

Last updated: 04/20/2019

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B777 Preflight Walk Around
For Training Purposes ONLY!

This lesson covers the topics shown here: However, you can access any topic of
your choice by selecting the hyperlinks or by scrolling to advance forward to the
next slide.

1-Left Forward Fuselage

2-Nose Section TOC
3-Nose Gear and Wheel Well
4-Right Forward Fuselage Return to Table of Contents

5-Right Wing and Right Engine

6-Right Gear
7-Right Aft Fuselage
8-Empennage and Control Surfaces
9-Left Aft Fuselage
10-Left Gear
11-Left Wing and Left Engine
12-Left Forward Fuselage (Aft)

Note: Yellow items are checklist items and Blue items are information items.
Left Forward Fuselage When you come down the stairs from the jetbridge,
turn right and start your Walkaround at the “X”.

• Starting Place


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Left Forward Fuselage The first item on the checklist is the forward outflow
valve located on the forward fuselage. Make sure it is
clean and unobstructed.
• Forward Outflow Valve
Open and not Obstructed


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Left Forward Fuselage Also, located in the same area is the crew oxygen
discharge. Check that the green eye is visible.

• Oxygen Discharge

Green Eye


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Left Forward Fuselage Starting on the top of the fuselage is the angle of
attack sensor. Make sure the sensor is undamaged,
uncovered, clean and unobstructed.
• Left Angle of Attack Sensor


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Left Forward Fuselage The next item is TAT probe. Make sure the probe is
undamaged, uncovered, clean, and unobstructed.

• Left TAT Probe


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Left Forward Fuselage The ice detector is the third item in line.
The detector should be undamaged, uncovered,
clean, and unobstructed.
• Left Ice Detector


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The last item in the line is the left pitot probe. Make
Left Forward Fuselage sure the probe is undamaged, uncovered, clean, and

• Left Pitot Probe


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Nose Section Check that the Radome is clean and undamaged.

• Radome


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Nose Section Notice the antennas in this picture. The upper is the left localizer
and the bottom set makes up the right and center localizer. At the
base of the radome is the left glideslope capture antenna. Below
that are the right and center glideslope capture antennas.
The large antenna in the center is the weather radar.


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well Wheel chocks must be in place. Additionally, if for
some reason the parking brake is to be released,
ensure that the nose gear is choked prior to releasing
• Wheel Chocks in Place the parking brake.


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well Check the tires are free of excessive wear, tread
separation, recap damage, etc. Check wheels for
damage. Unlike other airplanes in the inventory, tire
pressure is checked in the flight deck using the gear
• Tires and Wheels synoptic.


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well Check that the strut is clean and free of fluid leakage.

• Shock Strut Extension


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well Check that the steering linkage pins are connected.

• Steering Linkage Connected


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well Check the taxi and nose gear landing lights for clean
lenses, undamaged, and no evidence of overheating.

• Taxi and Nose Gear

Landing Lights


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well A closer look between the taxi and nose gear landing
lights on each side reveal the BRAKE ON and
PARKING BRAKE SET on the right side and the
• Brake Lights BRAKE OFF on the left side.


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well The external power hookup is located on the lower
right side of the fuselage.

• External Power Hookup


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well The forward access door is located just forward of the
wheel well. This is one of the doors displayed on the
Door Synoptic Display.
• Forward Access Door


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well This is the right wheel well door. Mounted on the right
side of the door is the right glideslope track antenna.
The antenna is operational when the door is open and
• Wheel Well Doors the gear is extended.


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well This is the left wheel well door. The left and center
glideslope track antennas are located on the inside of
the door and are operational when the gear is lowered.
• Wheel Well Doors


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well
Check the general area for fluid leaks and cleanliness.

• Wheel Well Area


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well Located on the backside of the landing gear, look
over this panel. You may need to use it someday.

• APU Remote


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well Located on the landing gear structure is the down lock
pin. Make sure that the streamer and pin are removed.

• Ground Lock Pins Removed


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Nose Gear & Wheel Well The E/E access door is just aft of the wheel well area.
This door is also displayed on the Door Synoptic
• E/E Access Door


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Right Forward Fuselage Starting at the top of the imaginary arc is the angle of
attack sensor. Make sure the sensor is undamaged,
uncovered, clean, and unobstructed.
• Right Angle
of Attack Sensor


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Right Forward Fuselage The second item on the arc is the right pitot probe. It
should be undamaged, uncovered, clean, and
• Right Pitot Probe


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Right Forward Fuselage The third item on the arc is the right ice detector. Make
sure the detector is undamaged, uncovered, clean,
and unobstructed.
• Right Ice Detector


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Right Forward Fuselage The last item on the arc is the center pitot probe. Make
sure the probe is undamaged, uncovered, clean, and
• Center Pitot Probe


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Right Forward Fuselage As we move down the right side of the fuselage, the
next item is the forward cargo door. This will be a
typical view with the cargo loader during pre-flight.
• Forward Cargo Door


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Right Forward Fuselage If the door is closed, this will be the view. Notice the
lock sighting windows, located on the lower portion of
the door.
• Forward Cargo Door


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Right Forward Fuselage When the lock arrow is aligned with the latch target,
the door is closed and locked.

• Forward Cargo Door


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Right Forward Fuselage There are three static ports on the right side of the
airplane. Starting from the front, are the center, left,
and right static ports. The ports must be clean and
• Static Ports (3) unobstructed.


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Right Forward Fuselage The wing illumination light is located aft of the forward
cargo door. The lens should be clean, undamaged,
and no evidence of overheating.
• Wing Illumination Light


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Right Forward Fuselage The negative pressure relief vents are located forward
of the wing root. These two vents should be flush with
the aircraft.
• Negative Pressure Relief
Vents Flush


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Right Forward Fuselage The landing and turnoff lights are co-located in the
flush lenses at the wing root. Check that the lights are
clean, undamaged, and no evidence of overheating.
• Landing and Turnoff Lights


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Right Forward Fuselage There are many antennas located on the bottom of
the aircraft. Check that the antennas are undamaged.

• Radio Antennas


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Right Forward Fuselage Here you see the radio altimeter and the left DME

• Radio Antennas


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Right Forward Fuselage From right to left are the left DME, marker beacon,
and right DME antennas.

• Radio Antennas


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Right Forward Fuselage This is the pack entry door. Check that the door is
clear. The exit door is located approximately 15 feet
aft of the entry door (not shown in this course).
• Pack Entry / Exit Doors


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Right Forward Fuselage This shows the relationship between the Pack entry
and exit points. Here you can see the 15 foot distance.

• Pack Entry / Exit Doors


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Right Forward Fuselage Now here is a closer look at the pack exits
(one on the right and one on the left).

• Pack Entry / Exit Doors


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Right Wing & Engine Check the entire wing for damage, loose panels,
missing parts, flight control surfaces clean, and fluid
• Inboard Wing Under Surface
and Leading Edge Slats


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Right Wing & Engine Check that the engine cowling is secure and
undamaged. Make sure that there is no fluid leakage.
In addition, make sure the exhaust areas are free of
• Engine Cowling obstructions.


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Right Wing & Engine Again, check that the engine cowling and door panels
are secure and undamaged. Ensure there is no fluid
leakage and exhaust areas are free of obstructions.
• Engine Cowling


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Right Wing & Engine Make sure the Reverser sleeve is in the stowed

• Fan Reverser Sleeve

and Blocker Doors Stowed


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Right Wing & Engine Check the blocker doors are in the stowed position.
The doors will be flush against the cowling. You have
a clear view to the fan blades looking forward.
• Fan Reverser Sleeve
and Blocker Doors Stowed


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Right Wing & Engine Blocker doors are fully stowed.

• Fan Reverser Sleeve

and Blocker Doors Stowed


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Right Wing & Engine Check that the fan blades are free of damage and
clean. Also, check that the Fan Blades Rub Strips
are undamaged.
• Fan Blades Undamaged


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Right Wing & Engine Visually check the PT Probe is undamaged, clear, and
clean. Here the Fan Blades Rub Strips are visible –
the strip should be undamaged.
• Fan Blades Undamaged


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Right Wing & Engine Check that the exhaust areas are free of damage and

• Exhaust Areas Undamaged

and Unobstructed


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Right Wing & Engine Again, check the entire wing for damage, loose
panels, missing parts, flight control surfaces clean,
and fluids leaks.
• Outboard Wing
Undersurface and
Leading Edge Slats


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Right Wing & Engine Continue checking the wing.

• Outboard Wing
Undersurface and
Leading Edge Slats


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Right Wing & Engine Check the lights and ensure that the lenses are clean,
undamaged, and that the there is no evidence of
• Navigation and Strobe


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Right Wing & Engine Walk out far enough to see the VHF antenna located
on the top of the fuselage.

• Antennas (Top Fuselage)


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Right Wing & Engine While you are near the end of the wing, also check the
aft upper VHF antenna.

• Antennas (Top Fuselage)


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Right Wing & Engine As you walk back along the aft side of the wing, check
the control surfaces are clear. The aileron is not visible
in this picture.
• Aileron and Flaperons


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Right Wing & Engine Between the flap segments you will find the fuel
jettison nozzle. Check to see that the nozzle is free of
• Fuel Jettison Nozzle


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Right Wing & Engine Continue to check the flight control surfaces clear as
you move into the wheel well area.

• Inboard Wing Area


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Right Wing & Engine This is the inboard flap segment. On the outboard edge,
there is an indentation that may appear to be damage to
the flap. Someone inside the airplane may think the flap is
damaged and report it to the flight deck. The next photo is
• Inboard Wing Area a close up of this item.


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Right Wing & Engine Now, you can see that the indentation is meant to be

• Inboard Flap Segment


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Right Gear After finishing the right wing you will transition to the
right main gear.

• Tire and Wheels


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Right Gear Check the tires are free of excessive wear, tread
separation, and recap damage.

• Tires and Wheels


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Right Gear Check the wheels for damage and also check the tire
pressure tube is connected. There are no pressure
gauges on the tires. Use the gear synoptic to see the
• Tires and Wheels tire pressures.


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Right Gear Check to see that the tilt control arm is connected and
that there are no leaks around the cylinder.

• Tilt Actuator


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Right Gear Check the brake wear indicators for excessive wear.
If the brake wear indicator is flush with, or below the
face of the guide, notify maintenance.
Note: There are four indicators on each truck.
• Brake Wear Indicators


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Right Gear This shows that here are two indicators on the top of
each wheel – front and back.

• Brake Wear Indicators


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Right Gear Check the general area for fluid leaks and cleanliness.

• Wheel Well Area


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Right Gear High in the wheel well you need to check that the gear pins have
been removed. If found in place, station personnel must be
notified that the pin(s) needs to be removed prior to departure.
Prior to departing the gate, a crewmember will visually check the
gear to confirm that he pin(s) has/have been removed.
• Ground Lock Pin(s)


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Right Gear Make sure that the steering control arm is connected.

• Main Gear Steering


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Right Gear This is the RAT compartment. This compartment must
be secure.



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Right Gear Here, we have the RAT deployed.



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Right Aft Fuselage After leaving the wheel well area, look up at the wing
to check the spoilers are in the retracted position.

• Wing Spoilers Retracted


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Right Aft Fuselage Check that the 3R door is closed.

• 3R Door


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Right Aft Fuselage Again check for all the communication antennas located on the
bottom of the fuselage. The large blade antenna is a VHF antenna.
The smaller antennas are used by the telephone system on the
airplane. Do not confuse the galley drain or the other smaller drains
on the center line of the airplane as antennas.
• VHF Antenna


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Right Aft Fuselage This is the Aft Cargo Door. When the door is closed,
the vent panel will be closed.

• Aft Cargo Door


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Right Aft Fuselage The cargo door is now open.

• Aft Cargo Door


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Right Aft Fuselage Aft of the cargo door is the bulk cargo door.

• Bulk Cargo Door


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Right Aft Fuselage Notice that the door opens inward, unlike the other
two compartments that open outward.

• Bulk Cargo Door


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• 4R Door Just above the bulk cargo door is door 4R. Notice that
the vent panel is closed.


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• Tail Static Ports Looking up high on the tail, check that the two Gust
Suppression System static ports are clear. There are
two ports on each side.


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• Static Dissipaters Check that static dissipaters are not missing on the
vertical or the horizontal stabilizer.


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• Tail Light Check the strobe light on the top and the navigation
light on the bottom. Check that the glass is not broken
and the light is clean.


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• APU Exhaust The APU exhaust should be clear of obstructions.


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• APU Oil Drain Here is the APU oil drain. Check that there is no
excessive oil drainage.


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• Service Access Door This is the service access door closed.


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• Stab Indicator Note: The Stab trim setting indicator on the left
side of the aircraft.


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Empennage & Control Surfaces
• Tail Strike Sensor Make sure the tail strike sensor is intact and not


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Left Aft Fuselage Conduct the inspection of the left aft fuselage the
same way you did on the right side.

• Inspection Same as Right

Aft Fuselage


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Left Aft Fuselage Make sure the aft outflow valve is clear and

• Aft Outflow Valve Open

and not Obstructed


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Left Aft Fuselage Make sure the ADP exhausts are clear and free of

• ADP Exhaust


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Left Aft Fuselage Here you can see that door 3L is open.
Notice the vent panel is also open. Again, there is a
vent panel on each door of the airplane.
• 3L Open


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Left Gear Accomplish the same items as you did on the right

• Inspection Same as
Right Side


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Left Wing & Engine Accomplish the same items as you did for the right

• Inspection Same as
Right Wing and Engine


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Left Wing & Engine Check that all the panels are closed on the engine

• Engine Strut


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Left Wing & Engine The wing tip navigation lights and the strobe light are
in the same relative locations as on the right wing.
Make sure that he lenses are clear, secure, and
• Navigation and Strobe undamaged.

Lights - Left


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Left Forward Fuselage (Aft)
• Inspection Same as Right These items are to be accomplished the same way
you did the right side forward fuselage.
Note: This part of the Walk Around will be
Forward Fuselage accomplished with the Jet Bridge in place at door 2L.


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Left Forward Fuselage (Aft)
• Negative Pressure Relief The negative pressure relief vents are located at the
wing root on the lower fuselage.
Vents Flush – Left


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Left Forward Fuselage (Aft)
• Static Ports – Left Starting from the back of the airplane, the static ports
are right, left, and center. The fourth Static port is the
cabin pressure static port.

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Left Forward Fuselage (Aft)
• Positive Pressure Two positive pressure relief valves on the fuselage.

Relief Valves


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B777 Preflight Walkaround
This concludes the B777 Preflight Walk Around lesson.

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The End
Return to First Slide Exit Presentation

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