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1. Hacer una lista de 20 verbos IRREGULARES en Past Simple

1) Arose
2) Was/Were
3) Began
4) Broke
5) Brought
6) Chose
7) Came
8) Drank
9) Drew
10) Drove
11) Ate
12) Felt
13) Flew
14) Forgot
15) Got
16) Gave
17) Met
18) Rode
19) Ran
20) Saw
2. Hacer 3 oraciones en past simple afirmativas
1) I went to the cinema last week.
2) yesterday I visited my grandparents.
3) Last year I traveled to Cartagena with my cousin.
3. Hacer 3 oraciones en past simple Negativas
1) I didn't go to university on Friday
2) I didn't exercise last week
3) my mom didn't make us dinner yesterday
4. Hacer 3 oraciones en past simple interrogativas
1) Why didn't you go to the gym yesterday?
2) What did you prepare for your family for Christmas?
3) How did you have an accident?

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