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By Ava Walker
“There's been a time in everyone’s life where they've felt undervalued and insignificant,
which is why we have feminism, it isn't just for women it’s for everyone.”


This dedication is meant to give people a more open perspective to feminism, because the
word is often misinterpreted, as something only for women.


Research shows in 2020 it was found that women around the world earned 84% of what
men earned for the same job. Furthermore, studies show that only 32% of women are in
management positions in the workplace.
Gender equality as a whole is crucial for a stable work environment, it not only creates a
welcoming environment but a peaceful and fair work environment. Gender equality is a basic
human right, and this should be shown in the workplace and society.

This foreword covers the need for equality in the workplace. It goes over the common issues
that are faced by women in the workplace today, covering the issues of sexual assault,
unequal pay between men and women, and treatment towards women in the workplace as a

“Damn the patriarchy!”
This visual text displays the topic of feminism
as its representing women around the world
who feel as though they aren’t taken seriously
in working conditions, such as parliament.
She’s represented with a pink dress, pink
ribbon, and blonde hair to show of the societal
standard for women to always present perfectly.

Original art piece


Disregard me
My issue isn’t relevant anymore,
For equality is everywhere it seems
The word spills from your mouth,
Missing my wallet completely.
I look to find where it’s gone,
It’s fallen in the hands of another.
The man next door,
He does the same job, perhaps I even do a little more.
He gets a raise; he's been here a year.
I’ve been here three.
Why are my pockets empty?
My 90 second noodles spin in a box
My phone dings and he's at a restaurant.
The life I live is something I simply cannot afford,
The job I have, I worked so hard for.
12 years in school, 5 years in uni.
My degree is burning alongside my dreams,
As all I’ve worked for is $27 an hour, compared to his $33.

This poem represents the sheer unfairness in the workplace with unequal pay.
How even though she had worked there longer the man had the upper hand.
This poem represents feminism as its displaying how bad the issue is, in such a modern
Short story:

How could I have been so cruel?

8th March 2008

Swallowing my guilt, I pleaded my case, on why the woman in front of me was incapable of handling her own
But I'm no monster, I'm simply doing my job.
“Court dismissed.” the judge slammed the gravel.
A sense of pride ran through me, another successful trial.
The father came and shook my hand.
“That was far easier than expected, good work Edward.”
“Pleasure doing business with you Mr Howard.” I smiled back at him.
Mr Howard had taken files from his ex-wife’s rehabilitation centre, claiming she was unstable.
Though it had been years since she’d relapsed, he had made sure to pay extra to let a few things slip through the
At the end of the day, I'm getting paid, I don't have time to think about anyone else's feelings.

Slamming the door behind me, I adjusted my tie and slumped down on the chair.
“Where to sir?”
“Hamilton dockside.”
I lit the cigarette and threw my head back, carelessly inhaling the smoke.
“Can you hurry up?” I groaned at the man.
“Yes, sorry.”
The oncoming traffic lights blinded me, with the piercing sound of the car slamming the brakes, my world
engulphed in flames before me, as I begged the air for one last breath.

Death certificate: 8th March 2008 4:30pm

Present 8th February 2024

I woke up to the familiar sound of the pots and pans rambling along in the kitchen.
Despite my mother’s efforts, she’s the clumsiest person I know.
“Mum!” I rubbed my eyes groaning at her.
“Sorry Bella, did I wake you up again?” She gave me a small sympathetic smile.
“It’s okay, I have to get ready anyway.”
I roll my skirt precisely two times like I do every day.
I wrap my hair into a ponytail, over and over.
“Bye mum, love you!” I yell out to her.
“Bye Bella, love you sweetheart.”
I looked back at her, and an overwhelming feeling pinched at my heart again, how does my mother cope?
Turning the tv on to hear about all the horrible things happening in the world, to young girls just like me.
I guess she’d always have dad, though he gets home too late for dinner, and leaves too early for breakfast.
I came home early from school today; it was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life.
I bled through my skirt, which was enough reason for my uncle to pick me up early.
I walked through the front door, with the instinct to cry into my mother’s arms, to find her crying instead.
Scrunching papers in her hands, my father hovered over her holding a pen, yelling at her to sign the papers.
“How could you do this to me?! After all these years Harry.” she cried at him.
“Elina! Just sign it damn it!”
My father’s words hit me like a slap on the face.
My mother signed the paper.
My father found another woman.
He grabbed the papers and walked out, looking at me for a moment.
As if he had so much to apologise for, then he just left.
Did he plan to just leave us here?
Since then, the days have started going slower.
The pans weren’t rattling in the kitchen, my father didn’t unlock the front door at 11pm and throw off his shoes.
The house was quiet.

8th March 2024

Today was court day.
Also marking my 16th birthday.
‘Hamilton’s supreme court’
I looked up, as the judge declared my mother unfit to take care of me, deeming her finical situation too unstable.
My father said he couldn’t provide any support.
The lawyer he hired covered everything.
The judge slammed her gravel, and the world fell quiet.
As in that moment, it all came back to me.
The person I was, I’ve been here before.
Not as a sixteen-year-old girl, but as a 34-year-old man.
A divorce lawyer, who stood in this room exactly 16 years ago, declaring the fate of families without any
Before lighting up into flames.
I had deserved to burn that day, to feel the flames melt my skin.
The world had decided that simply wasn’t enough for someone like me.
For not only had I come back, but I had come back in the cruellest form.
As a woman.
The simple comforts I once had now seem like a privilege I had taken advantage of.
When I look at my mother now all I can see is the face of the women whose lives I’d ruined all those years ago.
I was a monster.


Nag, S. (2023, March). Challenges Faced by Women in Workplace. Naukri’s Official

Blog; Naukri’s Official Blog.

Wooll, M. (2021, October 15). Gender inequality in the workplace: The fight
against bias. Betterup; BetterUp.

admin. (2023, May 16). Challenges Faced by Women in the Workplace. Corpbiz.

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