There Are Many Benefits To Be Gained From Internationalisation of Nursing

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There are many benefits to be gained from internationalisation of nursing, the

most significant being greater cross-cultural understanding and improved

practices in workplaces across countries.

Contrasting how adults learn with how children learn is one of the best ways to discovering more about

Adults are self-directed learners, whereas younger students are adult-dependent learners. The traditional learning
model naturally requires that children depend upon adults for the next lesson, the next assignment, and the next
subject matter. Adult learning turns this paradigm on its head, by making the study of most subjects a self-directed
endeavor. For the adult learner, less structure and oversight is required by the educator

o Adults challenge new information, but younger students implicitly accept it. We’d have a
problem on our hands if our nine-year old students questioned the legitimacy of their
multiplication tables, or were skeptical about the spherical shape of the earth. For adult
students, however, skepticism is part of the path to learning. It’s not just expected; it’s
encouraged. The way that adults learn best is by challenging new ideas, comparing them to
preconceived notions, life lessons, and other information, thereby cementing the new
information into their minds.
o Adults pursue education with immediate application and relevance, whereas younger
students simply engage in education without a clear sense of direction. It’s obvious that a
fifth-grader hasn’t pegged his career path, thereby applying his geography lesson to his
future job as an airline pilot. By contrast, most adults are already well into their career path.
Thus, their education has immediate application to their daily life. Being able to walk from
the classroom into the office makes one’s education truly applicable. For this reason, adults
enter degree programs and areas of education that will immediately enhance their career,
meet their needs, or solve their current problems. For the adult, education is relevant.
o Adults accept responsibility for their own learning, whereas younger students attribute
educational responsibility to a parent or guardian. How adults learn is how adults live—
according to their responsibility. After a childhood or teen years of dependency, the adult
must now make his or her own decisions, even in education. Thus, the adult student will
accept the responsibility—pass or fail—for his or her education and learning

Social media tools are rapidly changing the communications landscape. Their emergence has impacted
significantly how students learn and the way instructors teach. The influence of social media on learning
and teaching environments is growing more each year. Social media applications can reinforce class
material and positively influence discussions

When youngsters have experiences typical for their culture and age-group, heredity often plays
a strong role in their individual characteristics. Thus, when children grow up with adequate
nutrition, a warm and stable home environment, and appropriate educational experiences,
heredity affects how quickly and thoroughly they acquire new skills. But when they have
experiences that are quite unusual—for instance, when they experience extreme deprivation—
the influence of environment outweighs that of heredit

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Top 10 Ways to Assess Your Student

B Y S U S A N V E R N E R 157,832 views

Part of teaching is assessment. Colleges offer entir

on ways to assess students of English. It is easy, h
for teachers to get stuck in a rut of assessment.
If you are looking for a new way to assess your students or just want a reminder o
goodies, read on for a look at ten of the most popular ways to assess ESL stud
How to Assess Your Students: Top 10 Ways
1. 1
Oral Interview
You can do a one on one interview with each of your students to get a g
listening and speaking abilities. You can schedule these types of intervie
(perhaps take each student into the hall to have a private discussion whi
class does seat work) or schedule with students individually. Asking qu
grammatical structures and vocabulary that your class has studied will
exactly what each student has grasped. Do not penalize a student for not k
he or she can compose grammatically and situationally correct statement
response to your questions.

2. 2
Class Presentation
A presentation in class assesses a different aspect of spoken language.
student to speak in front of the class, he is able to prepare and practice w
say. He can also research information on his topic. In this case, the grad
student should be based on both content and presentation.

3. 3
Role Play
Another way to assess your students’ speaking abilities is by having the
plays in front of the class. By giving them a situation and roles to pla
how creatively your students are able to use language with one another
content and grammar as with any oral assessment, but you can also be attu
students are making creative use of their language to communicate with on
if they show grammatical imperfection, are your students able to u
other? Are they able to use the language skills they possess to get their poi
partner? These are important skills and ones you should foster in your stude

4. 4
Cloze Exam
A cloze exam is an atypical way to test the understanding your students h
To write a cloze exam, write an original paragraph or take one that your stu
in their studies. Then replace every fifth or sixth word with a blank. Ask your
the blanks with words they think would be most logical and grammatica
variety of answers among your students, but as long as the answers are g
logically correct, the student should receive full credit.
5. 5
Fill in the Blank
A fill in the blank test may seem similar to a cloze exam, but this type of te
a specific grammatical structure or set of vocabulary. You can write individ
an entire paragraph for your students, but it is probably best to provide a wo
case. You may choose to supply more words than will be necessary to fil
make the test more challenging. This will force your students to choose t
rather than matching ten words with ten blanks.

6. 6
Writing Sample
Having your students give you a writing sample is another good way
proficiency with grammar. If you have them write something for homework
that someone other than your student will do the writing. Often friends or na
correct a nonnative speaker’s writing with the intention of helping, but this
an accurate picture of your student’s writing. To avoid this, have your
periodic in class writing. Give them an adequate amount of time to write
that you assign. You will then get an accurate look at their gramma
proficiency. Follow up your assessment with some mini-lessons on comm
pitfalls that the class exhibited.

7. 7
To expand the material you base your students’ grades on, why not assign
assemble a portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of work samples that cove
of the assignments your students have completed. This is an especially
assess your students if you have the same class for reading, writing, listeni
grammar. Ask each student to compile a collection of ten works for you to
include specific assignments on the list, but you can also give a catego
students to present their best work. Ask for a grammar homework assig
sample and a vocabulary exercise, for example. Your students can then
that they are most proud of. They may feel more encouraged to be graded o
rather than their weaknesses.

8. 8
Online Quiz
You do not have to spend as much of your class time assessing your stude
necessary in the past. With the extensive collection of online resources f
you can require your students to spend time at home or in a language la
on exercises and quizzes available online. Have your students print out
or e-mail them to you. In so doing, your students will still get feedback o
knowledge, but you will not have to give up valuable class time for it to happ

9. 9
Multiple Choice Exam
Sometimes the classics are often the way to go when assessing your
choose to give a multiple-choice exam, keep these pointers in mind
questions. Make sure all the answers are grammatically correct. Your stude
able to eliminate an answer based on grammar alone (unless, of course,
are trying to test). Also, try to keep all the answer choices around the sam
choose to include the options “all of the above” or “none of the above”, ma
options for additional questions. If you keep these tips in mind when you wr
choice quiz, you will get better results from your students.

10. q
True/False Quiz
The true/false quiz is also a classic that is used by most teachers. When
of test, do not give trick questions that focus on minor details. Even
have your students correct the questions that they say are false. If they
corrections rather than just identifying the mistakes, you will make sure the
from what they know rather than making lucky guesses. You can assign o
answer and another point to each correction on the test.

There are many other ways you may find valuable i

assessing your students, and they will each be use
The more variety you use in assessing your students, the better your picture will
language skills.

Know some other great ways to test? Please share them in the comments belo
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And if you are interested in more, you should follow our Facebook page wher
about creative, non-boring ways to teach English.

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