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SPE 14222

Implications of Thermal Wear Phenomena for PDC Bit Design

and Operation
by D.A. Glowka, Sandia Nat/. Laboratories

SPE Member

Thii paper wee prepared for presentation at the SOthAnnual Technical Conference and Exhibitionof the Society of Patroleum Engineers held in Lss
Vegas, NV September 22-25, 1985.

This paper was ssfscted for prsaantstion by an SPE Program Committee follow4ngreview of informationcontained in an ebstrsm submitted by the
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ABSTRACT conditions, significant savings in total drilling

costs are possible in some rock formations. The
Previous work has suggested that thermal record published hole length drilled by a single PDC
phenomena can greatly accelerate the wear of bit currently stands at over 6100 meters (20,000
polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) drag cutters feet) [1 ], and savings of over $100k have been
under certain conditions. In this paper , the reported for a single PDC bit run [21.
implications of that finding for PDC bit design and Such remarkable results, however, are not
operation are examined. An abrasive wear model for universal. Many rock formationsare apparently not
cutters is developed and applied to rotary drillqng suitable for conventional PDC bits [3,5]. The
applications to demonstrate the significance of extreme stresses required to penetrate hard
thermally-accelerated wear on bit life. Under formations produce excessive frictionalheating of
conditionswhere thermal effects are not important, the cutters, which leads to thermally-accelerated
it is concluded that in order to maximize bit life, cutter wear [6,71. Adverse downholeconditionssuch
greater bit weights and lower rotary speeds are as abrasiverock formations,elevated temperatures,
preferable over shallow cuts and high speeds. It is and dynamic bit loading complicateand intensifythe
found that even under normal abrasive wear problem.
conditions, a PDC cutter develops a significant The objective of Ssndia!s PDC bit researchhas
wearflat before one-half ~ts useful life is expended, been to determine the cause and effects of these
suggesting that PDC bits should be designed to phenomena on bit performance in order to extend the
operate effectivelyin the worn condition. A cutter inherentlyrapid and efficient drag cutting process
placement criterion is presented for designing bits to harder rocks end more severe environmentssuch as
for equal cutter wear. Through analysis of new those found in geothermal drilling. Increased
experimental data, a technique is developed for understanding of wear processes under these
approximating cutter penetrating forces in the conditions should help to improve PDC bit life in
presence of cutter interactionson a bit face and for soft and moderatelyhard formationsas well.
estimatingrelative cutter wear. A hypothetical bit
designed for equal rock removal volume per cutter is REVIEW OF THERMAL WEAR PHENOMENA
examined to determine the relationship between the
equal volume and equal wear criteria for cutter In earlier work [6,8], we developed an
placement. The complex role of thermal wear ‘ analyticallnumeric al model for determining
phenomena in this relationshipis also examined for temperaturedistributionsin stud-mountedPDC cutters
the hypotheticalbit in three different rock types. under downhole conditions (see Figure 1 and
Homenciature for terminology). From this model, an
INTRODUCTION equation for the mean cutter wearflat temperaturewas
The success of PDC drag bits in the petroleum
drilling industry Is well documented in the
literature [1-4]. New performance records continue
to be set as operating ex~erience with these bits
~W = Tfl + —

% [
~ fk
hf afL
1/2 -1(1) -y_
increases and new areas of application are found.
Because of the inherently long life of PDC bits BY applying this equation to the results of
relative to roller cone bits under certain cutter wear measurementsunder controlled ~onditi~ns:
a correlationwas obtained between cutter wear (based
Referencesand illustrationsat end of paper. on volume) and mean wearflat temperature. It was

found that at wearflat temperaturesabove 350°C (660° cutters. Some microstructuraldesign changes may be
F), the wear rate increases rapidly from that possible to improve the inherentwear characteristics
obtained at lower temperatures, and the cutter of these materials; however, the existingmaterials
quickly dulls. are already the products of extensive research and
This finding is consistentwith that reported in optimization, so further improvement will not come
the literature [9,10] for cemented carbides. The easily [11,121. For the present study, it will
hardness of WC-Co (tungsten carbide-cobalt) drops therefore be assumed that 350°C is the highest mean
more rapidly with temperature than that of quartz, wearflat temperature that can be tolerated in
the principal abrasive constituent in rock. As a practice. By insertingthis value for ~w and solving
result, the hardness of the two mater’als b~Gv[tles ~ f~~ ~/~ , ~e arrive at an expression for
8 % ●

comparable at temperaturesabove 300-400 C, resulting determining tl?ecritical penetrating(normal)atress

in greatly increasedWC-Co wear at the wearflat due between the cutter and the rock:
to preferential cobalt removal and fracturingof the
WC skeletal structure. Since the polycrystalline
diamond compact layer on a PDC cutter is supportedby
the WC<O compact and stud, the diamond layer at the
wearflat is easily fractured if the WC-Co behind it
is worn away. It is, therefore,not unreasonable to Under conditions leading to penetrating stresses
expect a PDC cutter as a whole to exhibit thermally- gre;ter than o the wearflat temperatureexceeds
acceleratedwear similar to that of WC-Co alone. Y’ly-acceleratedwear occurs. We must
350 c and therms
In addition to a general softeningof PDC cutter therefore ensure that during drilling,
materials with temperature,it was alao found through
numerical modeling [7] that unfavorable stresses
arise in PDC cutters under downhole condit ons that
J for each cutter on a PDC bit. In this paper, the
produce wearflat temperatures above 350 C. Under
steady-statewater or mud drilling conditioiiS,large
thermal gradients and a thermal expanaioncoefficient operation are examined.
mismatch at the diamond/WC-Co interface combine to
produce significantcompressiveand tensile stresses PDC CUfTER WEAR CONSIDERATIONS
in various parts of the cutter. Compressivestresses
in the wearflat region can reach levels sufficientto Dtag Cutter Wear Models
cauae plastic deformation of the WC-Co at The visible effect of wear on a drag cutter is
temperatures between 350 and 750°C. This leads to the developmentand growth of the wearflat area. Its
the development of voids in the composite effect on cutter performance is an increase in the
microstructure that serve as crack initiationsites. penetrating for~e required to cut to a given depth
Along the diamond face, thermal effects act to impose LI>J.
tensile stresses or to at least significantlyreduce Data obtained during the course of this study
any residual compressivestresses that may be preaent illustratethe effect with a PDC cutter, as seen in
in the diamond composite after sintering. This could Figure 2. It is seen that cutter wear has a
lead to increased fracturingof the diamond on both tremendouseffect on the penetrating force required
microscopicand macroscopicscales. to cut hard rock to a given depth. These data
if a PDC bit is suddenly puiied off-bottom, or SiiggeStthat it iS the ~~--tratimuskvess
----- ... ------ ratjherthan
If bit bounce occurs, the hot cutter wearflats are merely the force that controls the depth of cut in a
susceptible to thermal shock as a result of rapid given rock type. This conclusion is supported by
cooling by water or drilling mud circulation. The data in the drag bit cutting literature[14-181. For
unfavorable temperature gradients that develop, a constant depth of cut or bit penetration rate, the
combined with the sudden removal of all compressive penetrating stress remains relativelyconstant with
stresses due to bit weight, cause the wearflat region cutter wear once a wearflat has been established.
to undergo tension. Any microscopicfracturesthat With sharp cutters, the calculated penetratingstress
develop as a result of abrasion or plastic F/A tends to infinity. In reality, crushing of the
deformation are easily propagated in the presence of rocwk beneath the aharp tip probably acts to
the tensile stresses to form wear particles. redistribute cutter stresses over a larger area,
Analysis shows that thermal shock can be prevented resulting in an effective wearflat area of finite
and the cutter wearflat maintained in compression by value. Tbe smaller the wearflat area, the greater
taking precautions to prevent bit bounce and by the influence of this effect will be and the greater
reducing bit weight slowly whenever lifting off- the departure in calculatedpenetrating stress from
bottom. the values obtained with larger wearflatsat the same
Numericalresults obtained with reduced cutter depth of cut.
cooling coefficientssuggest that when air is used as Because cutter wear ao greatly affects bit
the drilling fluid, tensile atresses throughout the performance, it is of interest to examine the
cutter are greatly increased. Furthermore, the theoretical growth of the wearflat as drilling
wearflat region undergoes tension due to thermal proceeds. Experimentaldata on abrasive wear of drag
effects, even under constant applied bit weight. The cutters are available in the literature [14-17] for
increasedtensile stresses explain why air cooling is conditions under which thermal effects are not
detrimentalto PDC bit life during hard-rockdrilling importaqt. These data indicatethat the volumetric
[51. wear of a cutter per unit cutting length is related
Under conditions pro~ucing wearflat temperatures to the penetratingforce in one of three ways:
below 350°C, compressive and tensile stresses
throughout the cutter are significantlyreduced from
those described above. This suggests that the ~ = Cl F, (3a)
thermally-acceleratedwear that occurs above 350°C is dk
somewhat inherent to the materials used in PDC

:::fk~Y/d~ was relatively low and constant (l&”to

~. ACIG[CEacu
(xii(em) , b“titLb ~-------~~api~~y by a“
-e m,,mh
(3b) ;;o orders of magnitude under higher frictional
temperatures[61. This indicatesthat the wear model
of Eq. 3C was followed in the low-temperaturetests,
and, for the special case of constant penetration which is the conclusion reached in Ref. 16. Since
‘ate or depth of cut, these data were obtained at constant depth of cut,
the model of Eq. 3b shpuld also be applicable.
Further analysis of the data indicatesthat although
$.,,=, <. C“,8=A”S1
c La ..A...4Aa”ah1a .,..++-” +Wn+mml & wanb-,,tti”e
-“A= .7tia””=8 .JF---- 1---—-”””-.-a
data, penetrating stresses remained relatively
constant (within ~27% of median value) as the
Here the constants C are, in general, strong wearflat areas quadrupled in size due to wear. The
hnctions of cutter matertal and rock types. result of this analysis is that the model of Eq. 3b
A physical model for Eq. 3a can be developedby describes the wear behavior as well as that of Eq.
assumingthat the depth of wear into the surface of 3c, as expected.
Lhe cutter material per unit cutting distance ia Although there is less correlation when the
proportionalto the contact or penetratingstress: experimentaldata are plotted in the form suggested
by Eq. 3a, there is still considerable uncertainty
relative to an appropriate wear model for these
r“’ Aw “ cutters. It is probable that cutters follow some
behavior between that described by Eqs. 3a and 3b
Using the chain rule of differentiation, plus the since both the length and tinewidtinof the wearx~a~
fact that dvw/d6W= Au, we obtain the result given in increaae as the wearflat area grows. We can
Eq. 3s. This model 1s intuitivelysatisfyingbecause therefore write a general form of the wear equation
two cutters of equal wearflat area A , each under a as
penetratingforce F, would have a comb~ned wear rate dVw
equal to that of a single cutter with wearflat area F
2A under a penetrating force 2F. Previous work m “4~4’ (4)
[13,15] with WC-Co cuttera has shown, In fact, that w
enlargingthe wearflat by increasingthe width of the
tool for a given wearflat length results in an where 0$n4S 1, dependingon the form of the equation
approximately proportional increase in both chosen.
penetrating force and volumetric wear rate for a
given depth of cut, which agrees with Q. 3a. Applicationto Rotary Drilling
The same work has shown, however, that if the The availability of a cutter wear model allows
nearflat area is enlarged by increasing its length ua to determinethe wear characteristicsfor a given
for a constant tool width, then the relation shown in cutter and bit geometry. As shown in Appendix A, the
Eq. 3b is followed. It was postulated that this is length of cut for an individual cutter at radial
due to a reduction in the relative abrasivenessof position r on a bit face is given by the equation,
loose rock particles as the wearflat length is
increasea. -Inls
‘ may De a gootia~~umptioii iii iiii3w of
the fact that loose rock particlesthat pass between (5)
the cutter and the rock probably become more broken
with a longer wearflat, as they are subjected to
significantcrushing pressures for a longer period of where lh is the length of hole drilled by the bit.
time. Those particleswould then be less abrasive on Equation4 may be integrated to determine the wear
the average, and the average depth of wear over the volume after drilling a given length of hole:
larger wearflat would be reduced. A mathematical
model may be obtained by assuming that the depth of dVw da
wear per unit cutting distance is proportionalto the
penetrating stress and inverselyproportionalto the
‘W J
= dk dth ‘Qh”

wearflat area; thus

A more convenientmeasure of wear than the wear
volume is the wearflat length L. Aa shown in
Appendix A, the relationship between these two
variablesis a function of cutter geometry and for
lhis can be converted to Eq. 3b, which agrees with the 20 back-rake, stud mounted PDC cutter considered
the experimentalobservationsdescribed above. in this papar is given approximatelyby the equation
-. Wear behavior accordingto Eq. 3C is a sPecial
~a~e ~f.~~z~ .GR~erc.Pq. ~~. Ca., a”e,l -.””.=”,
“=,=,-. e+.,,+ia-e.g.
[10], have found that after an initiallyhigh rate, a L = 2.4 VW (7)
bit experiences approximately constant dVw/dL over
the hole length if the penetrationrate is maintained
constant by increasing the penetrating force to DifferentiatingEq. 5 and combiningwith Eqs. 6 and
maintain constant stress as the wearflat area grows 7, we get the result
with wear. It is thus seen that Eqs. 3b and 3C are
equivalentin the constant penetrationrate case. N dVW
Limited PDC cutter wear data are available in
the open literature [16,171. Analysisof these data
L = 2.4
R dl ‘kh
1 ,

has shown that for conditions producing wearflat

temperatures less than 350°C, the volumetric wear

We can now determinehow the wearflat area grows PDC CUTTER PLACEMENTCRITERIA
.-.,.<-- --_.--A..
as arALLln& ~l_tJG~t=U~.For -Am.+.”+ R-”-+-.+4-”
~ ~W,l*u=,~~w=~~-w,
rate and rotary speed over the hole length, the In this section,we examine three criteria for
cutter penetrating stresses are approximately determining the optimal cutter distributionon a PDC
constant, as discussed earlier. If we accept the bit face.
wear model given by Eq. 3b, then dvwldl is also
constant over the hole length. Equation 8 then Equal Cutter Wear
becomes The availabilityof a wear model suggeststhat a
PDC bit might be designed so that each cutter on the
~ dVW 0.4 bit face or within a given region on the bit face
L= —— Q (9) wears at the same rate. Such a design would maximize
2“4 [ 2wr R di J
the life of the bit as a whole, since no single
cutter would be stressed above the limit at which
To illustratethe implicationsof this equation, thermally-accelerated wear occurs. It would also
we assume a radiai cutter positionnear the periphery -..—---*.._-..&&---->--4-1”
optimize the use of expensLve cuuber- maber A=*=,
of a 22.2 cm (8-3/4 inch) PDC bit, drilling at a feed particularlyfor matrix-mountedPDC bits in which the
rate RIN of O. 10 cmlrev (0.040 inchlrev). This cutters cannot be easily replaced during bit
corresponds,for example, to a penetration rate of reconditioning.
6.1 m/hr (20 ft/hr) at 100 RPM. The results are The quantity we wish to make uniform across the
shown in Figure 3 for a range of volumetric wear bit face is the volumetriccutter wear per unit hole
rates measured against hard, abrasive sandstonesin length. Using Eqs. 4 and 5, together with the chain
the controlledexperimentsof Refs. 16 and 17. rule of differentiation,gives the desired criterion:
Examination of Figure 3 allows us to determine
the wearflat length L after any given length of hole dVW 21rrNc4F
drilled. If we can define some wearflat length L . constant for (lo)
at which a cutter is considered ‘worn outw, we %; ~h = R ~~4 each cuttec.
determine the bit life. Although no rigorous
determination of L is available, operating This equation is applicable to all cutters whose
experience in moderat$?~hard rock [19] suggeststhat wearflat temperaturesare less than 350°C. At higher
L is approximately0.~lcm3(0.2inch). Volumetric temperatures,thermally-acceleratedwear occurs and
w%% rates of 10-%,o 10 cm /cm are typical of those Eq . 10 is not valid. In this higher regime, wear
measured under conditionswhere temperature effects becomes more unpredictable, and wear across the
are insignificant. Note that at these wear rates, cutters becomes non-uniform due to temperature
the cutter under considerationbecomes worn out only gradientsacross the wearflats.
after the bit has drilled over 3000 m (10,OOOft). The design penetrating force for each cutter
If at some point conditions become such that accordingto the equal wear criterion is obtained by
thermally-acceerated wear occurs, then wear rates of solving Eq. 10:
lo-gto 1CY8 cm3/cm are possible. At such rates, a
new bit would become worn out in only 30 to 300 m IU$4 dVw
(100 to 1000 feet). The impact of thermally- F=— —1 (ha)
accelerated cutter wear on bit life and, therefore, 2mNC4 dkh
drilling economics is clearly illustrated. At lower
.. feed rates, bit life is reduced, as seen in Eq. 9. where the limitation
If, for example, drilling conditions are such that
the ratio R/N is only one-half that considered in
Figure 3, then the bit becomes worn out after F’ < acrAw (llb)
drilling only 76% of the hole lengths described
Another feature of Figure 3 is the rapid growth ensures that thermally-accelerated wear will not
in wearflat length when the cutter is sharp. lhis Is occur.
in agreement with results obtained with WC-CO drag Design optimizationaccordingto this criterion
bits under constant penetration rate conditions would consist of placing cutters at radial positions
[10,131. Note that a “moderatelywornn configuration on the bit face such that the actual penetrating
is obtained after only about 50% of the total bit force approximatesthe design penetrating force for
life is expended. Under this configuration, the each cutter. Since the actual penetratingforce for
wearflat extends across the entire WC-Co compact to each cutter is a functionof its depth of cut, speed,
which the diamond layer is attached [L=O.38 cm (0.15 and interactionwith adjacent cutters, it is apparent
inch)]. The bit thus spends at least one-half of its that design according to this criterion is not a
useful life in at least a moderatelyworn condition. simple task. In concept, however, such a design
The implicationof this result is that PDC bits appears possiblebecause a bit’s circular face allows
should be designed and operated such that good bit cutter density to be increasedwith radial position r
performanceis achieved in the worn condition. Any in order to reduce penetratingforces as required by
bit so designed will inherently have better E+. lla and llb.
performance when it is sharp. Since thermally-
accelerated wear effects can assume greater Equal Cutting Power
importanceas the wearflat area grows [81, the range The Droduct of the drill string torque and
of allowable design optio?s and operatingconditions rotary speeh during drilling is the toial drilling
Is smaller for a worn bit. In the next section, we power. This quantity for a PDC bit is closely
will examine the ef~ects of the wear models discussed related to the cutting power of the individual
above on PDC bit design. cutters. A cutter placementcriterion suggested in
the past.[201 is for uniform cutting power across the
bit face:



while machining linear paths in rock samples with

single PDC cutters under atmosphericconditions.
P . FdV . Fd2wrN = COIM3tant fOr (12) Three rock types were used in these tests:
each cutter. Berea sandstone,S .49.0 MPa (7.1 kpsi); Tennessee
marble, S =123 M~a (17.8 kpsi); and Sierra White
We define the drag coefficientof the cutter as granite, S~.48MPa (21.5 kpsi). In addition to rock
type, teSt variables included depth of cut and
lateral distance to prsvious adjacent cuts. Al+
v~ = Fd/F. (13) tests were conducted with ‘#moderatelyWornn, 20
back-rake, stud-mounted PDC cutters as described
earlier. The cutting speed in all tests was 5.6
Combining the above equationsprovidesa relation for cm/sec (2.2 in/see),the maximum table speed of the
determining the design penetrating force for each milling machine.
cutter under the equal cutting power criterion:
Cuts With No Interaction
A series of tests was performedto determine
F=p (14) how close adjacentcuts can be before they affect the
2wrNvd ,
penetratingforce of the cut under consideration. It
was found for all three rocks that as long as
This criterion is examined further in a later adjacent cuts were farther away than the width of the
section. cut, no effects are discernible. The conclusion was
reached that penetratingforces are affected only by
Equal Rock Removal Volume those cutters that actually reduce the cross-
This is perhaps the most widely known cutter sectionalarea of the cut under con~ideration.
placement criterion due to the general availability For the no-interactionconfiguration,the effect
of the STRATAPAXcomputercode [211 for calculating of depth of cut 6 on penetrating force F was
the volume of rock removed by each cutter in a given determinedfor all three rock types. The forces were
bit design and optimizingthe radial placementof the divided by the wearflat area AW for each test, and
cutters to equalize those volumes. Design under this the results are shown in Figures 5 and 6 in terms of
criterion places cutters such that the penetrating stress, F/Aw, between the cutter and
the-rock. The solid curves are plots of the equation

Vr = constant for n5
(15) ~
each cutter. b = ‘5
AJic (17)

A typical cross-sectional area of cut for a

moderately worn cutter on a bit face is shown in where C5 and n5 were determinedfor each rock type by
Figure 4. Each cutter travels in its own unique a least squares fit of the data in log-log space.
helical path as the bit is rotated and advanced along These parametersare listed in Table I. Also listed
the hole length. The cross-sectional area of cut are correlation constants for data available in the
depends on the feed rate R/N of the bit and the literature[20] on hard-rockcutting with worn drag
distribution of all cutters within a given radial cutters.
range of the cutter under consideration. The Note that the exponent n5 for each rock type is
relative circumferentialpositionsof such ‘adjacentN greater than 1, illustrating the efficiency, with
cutters determine the distance advanced by the bit respect to penetrating stress, of deep cuts versus
between the times of the adjacentcuts and the cut of shallow ones. lhe literatureon drag cutting [22-241
interest. The size and ahape of the cross-sectional indicatethat at shallow depths of cut, grinding of
area of cut is thus a function of bit design. The the rock surface is the predominant cutting
rock removal volume is related to the cross-sectional mechanism. With deeper cuts, the more efficient
area by the approximaterelation: mechanism of rock chipping dominates, and small
increasea in penetrating stress produce large
increases Ln depth of cut. It has been concluded
Vr = 21rrAr (16) that the grinding regime should be avoided because of
a disproportionately high wear rate per unit hole
length. This agrees with Eq. 9, where it was
No force considerations are necessary to shown earlier that the use of larger feed rates R/N
optimize according to the equal volume criterion; reduces the wearflat growth with respect to hole
however, it is of interest to examine the length.
relationshipbetween rock volume and cutter forces in The form of correlations obtained with Eq. 17
order to determinethe general relationshipamong the has further implicationsfor bit wear. fie effective
three criteria considered in this paper. Because of depth of cut for each cutter on a bit is directly
the complex nature of cutter interaction,experiments proportional to the bit feed rate. By combining Eq.
were deemed necessary to provide guidance in this 17with Eq. 4, the quanitityinside the integral of
area. Eq. 8 becomes
.- ---

Laboratorymeasureme~tsof cutter forces under

different cutting patterns in differentrocks were
undertaken as described in Appendix B. A large
N Clvw
F =-..= o
+“i-i’n5 (18)

Since n5 has been found to be great than 1 for all

milling machine was used to measure penetrating available single cutter data, the conclusion Is
(vertical),drag (parallelto cut), and side forces reached that to maximize bit life,-thedepth of cut

and therefore the penetrating force on each cutter

should be maximized. Of course, since temperature
also rises with penetratingforce (see Eq. 1), this 6= c, ($C -1)”’. (19)
conclusion is valid only up to the point where
thermally-~celeratedwear begins. The consequence
of this finding is that for maximum bit life, the Such correlations have been obtained for the hard
lowest rotary speed and highest bit weight possible rocks tested here by consideringonly those data for
should be used, within the constraint that the bit which d> 0.05 cm (0.020 inch). Me resulting values
weight should not exceed the critical level at which of C6 and n6 are listed in Table I. The dashed
thermal effects become important. curves of Figures 5 and 6 representthis equation for
Under conditionswhere thermal wear effects are each of the rocks shown.
generally not encountered, other constraintson bit Note that for the hard rocks (S >100 MPa) shown
weight may apply. For example, bottomhole cleaning in Table I, the constants C and C6 a~d the exponents
problems in certain formations may cause the n5 and n6 are remarkablysi2 ilar among the three data
penetrationrate to fail to respond to bit weight in sets. The data of Ref. 18 were obtained with a rock
the manner suggestedby the large exponents,n5. For type twice as hard and wearflatsten times as large
practical purposes, it may be possible to maximize as those considered in this paper, yet when the data
bit life downhole by test drilling at several are normalized as shown, the behavior is very
combinationsof bit weight, W, and rotary speed, N, similar. This suggests that Eqs. 17 and 18 may be
while measuring penetrationrate, R. lhe conditions somewhat universal correlations, at least for hard
under which the maximum value of feed rate, R/N, is rocks. Of course, further testing will be necessary
obtained are those under which the maximum bit life to establish this with confidence. In particular,
should be achieved. Since the penetrationrate will the effects of downhole stressesmust be considered.
change with cutter wear, it may be important to This is discussed in more detail in a later section.
conduct small test series periodically throughout a In additionto penetratingforces, drag and side
bit run in order to adjust drilling variablesto suit forces were also measured in the tests performed in
the condition of the bit and maximize its life. the current study. For cuts having no interaction
Numerous studies with sharp and worn WC-Co drag with adjacent cuts, side forces were negligible.
bits have found a linear relationship between Drag forces, on the other hand, were significant,
penetrating force and penetration rate in the rock underscoring the fact that PDC bits are high-torque
chipping regime, with the data extrapolatingback to drilling tools. The cutter drag coefficient, as
~ ...-...-
,.”,,—-=, ma”-+-.++““ ?Awaa
“ r=~~=-,--*.~6 .-~-- -“ .+ -*F-
-=*- ~ep~~,of ~,J~ #+a@+”aA
is ~~c~~~~ f~p ~~~ ~~y~~ y~~~ ~yp~~

[151. This threshold force was found to increase in in Figure 7. Note that for a given rock type, the
magnitude with cutter wear and uniaxial compressive relation between the penetrating and drag force is
strength [13]. relativelyindependentof depth of cut. This will be
With very few exceptions,the publishedworks in further discussed when the results for cuts with
this field have failed to measure and report wearflat interactionare presented.
areas corresponding to the measured forces. In
previous work [251, we found that the small amount of Cuts With Interaction
a“ !.lmti-rtnV“,L”A
L ?nl ,.h+m+n-.+
Un=--ua =-
~H ~r~er +.. .4...,,1
-4.* a +“n4-a7
““ O*,B,LC&a”= UJF**--
wearflatscould be correlated in an interesting way cutting pattern for a cutter on a PDC bit, tests were
in terms of penetrating stress. It was found that also made in the presenceof previous adjacent cuts.
the data extrapolate to a zero depth of cut at a The general configurationis shown in Figure 8, where
penetrating stress near the uniaxial compressive the cut of interest is in the center. The depth of
strengthof the rock. this cut was set at 0.2 cm (0.080 inch) for this test
The new data presented in Figures 5 and 6 for series,with the depth of adjacent cuts set at one-
the most part exhibit the same behavior. These data half that value. The distance to adjacentcuts, d,
include depths of cut that are much smaller than was varied from 0.127 cm (0.05 inch) to J.27 cm (0.5
those of the previous data and probably representthe inch) in two patterns: a symmetricpattern with an
transition from the grinding to the rock chipping adjacentcut on each side of the center cut, and an
regime. It is difficult to determine which data asymmetricpattern with only one adjacentcut. Ihese
should be considered indicative of grinding and patterns simulate typical patternson a bit advancing
therefore excluded from the process of determining a at a feed rate of 0.2 cmlrev (0.080 inlrev) when
correlation for the chipping regime. Note in radially adjacent cutters are circumferentially
general, however, that the penetrating stress located on the opposite side of the bit. The results
apparently must exceed the uniaxial compressive obtained for Sierra White granite and Berea sandstone
strength of each rock before significantpenetration are shown in Figure 9.
indicativeof chipping occurs. The upper and lower dashed lines for each rock
In the case of Berea sandstone, some departure type in Figure 9 represent the mean penetrating
from this conclusion is evident, as significant forces measured for 0.1 cm (0.040 inch) and 0.2 cm
penetration begins at stresses somewhat below the (0.080 inch] cuts, respectively,when no interaction
compressive strength of that rock. Cutting with adjacent cuts exists. Note that most of the
mechanismsmay be different here from those of the data for both rocks fall within the respectivebands
other, much harder rocks considered. A more gradual described by the dashed lines. This is reasonable,
and delayed transition from grinding to chipping because at small cutter spacing, the geometrical
would be consistent with the more plaatic failure configurationfor the center cutter approaches that
heha~iQr e~hibikedby ~~g~ st.vennt.h VO@kS. .
--- -..=-...---- Of a ~i~g~e 0=10 cm (0=040 inch) cut With no

The concept of a threshold penetrating atress interaction;at large spacing, it approaches that of
for rock chipping in hard rocks suggest.s a a aingie 6.2 cm (0.080 inch) cut wit.%no interaction.
correlationof the form, These results suggest a relativelysimple model
for estimating penetrating forces for arbitrary
cutter placementpatterns. The penetrating stress

required for a drag cut has been shown to increase conclusion since the data in this study were obtained
..Z.LAL- >--.L ..----Low
.... CuttiiigSpeetiS. SOiiie
w~w aepr.nOf ~“utt.e~
into the rock at very evieefi~e,1,.e..
.u=* =....
from the surface. This is probably related to the for both PDC [26] and WC-Co [27] drag cutters that
distance that fracturesmust travel from the cutting penetrating force increases slightly with cutting
edge, through the rock, and to the free surface in speed, whereas drag force is relativelyindependent
order to form a rock chip in front of the cutter. of speed. The ratio p is then likely to be a
The greater the depth of cut, the greater that function of cutting ~peed and therefore radial
distance becomes. As shown in Figure 10, cutter position on the bit facet
interaction at a rotary bit face cauaes the depth of
cut to vary over the width of the theoretical cross- USE OF EQUAL WEAR CRITERION IN BIT DESIGN
sectional area of rock removed by a cutter. lhus the
distance that fractures ahead of the cutter must Developmentof specific bit designs based upon
travel to reach the free surface varies over the the equal wear criterion is beyond the scope of this
cut’s width. As a result, it is reasonableto assume paper; however, some of the general effects that this
that cutter forces required to propagate those criterion would have on design are examined in this
fracturesare determinedby some effective depth of section. This is done by consideringa hypothetical
cut. For simplicity, we assume that the effective PDC bit, optimized using the modified cutter
depth of cut is approximated by the mean value of placementcode for equal volume removal per cutter.
(z) across the cut: The wear characteristics for such a bit design are
determined accordingto the models described above.
This provides a clear indication of how bit design
(20) may differ under the equal wear criterion.
For illustrationpurposes,we consider a 22.2 cm
(8-3/4 inch) bit having 40 cutters arranged in the
SubstitutingISeinto Eq. 17 gives the result, spiral patterns shown in Figure 12. In order to
procecc AL- r.neU*A ---- Cuuver-
ulu gage. -.. J.
A-- --A. -A-...-..
was pruvLucu
& by placing the outermostcutter in each spiral arm at
F = AWSC (6e/C5)n5 (21) the same radial location [r=10.45cm (4.115 inches)].
A flat bit profile is assumed, meaning that all
cutters rotate in the same plane. Moderately worn
The algorithm used by the STRATAPAX code to cutters, as previously described, were used in the
compute cross-sectionalareas fortuitously computes calculations.
quantities that can be used to calculate 6(z) for The modified computercode was used to optimize
each cutter across a bit face. In this study, the the radial placementof cutters so that rock cutting
code was modified to compute the effectivedepths of volumes were approximatelyequalized. lhe innermost
cut according to Eq. 20. In addition, the code was 4 cutters on the bit were excluded from the
generalized to allow cutter geometriesto be changed optimization process because of their small radial
by wear. Algorithmshave been installed to modify locations [< 2.5 cm (1.0 inch)]. In order to
the elliptical cutting edge of each cutter with a illustratethe effects of cutter redundancy,a change
flat wearflat of a given width specifiedby the user. was made to the optimized design prior to performing
Such wearflats affect the cross-sectionalarea and further calculations. Cutter 40 was moved from near
effectivedepth of cut. the center of the bit to the periphery in order to
The modified code was used to compute 6 for the increase local cutter density and thereby help
cutting patterns used in the tests reported In Figure relieve cutters 32 and 36.
9. The results are plotted in Figure 11 against the To simplify comparisons, all results were
measured penetratingforces for corresponding tests. divided by the correspondingresults for a reference
Equation 21 is aiso piotted ~or both rock types, cutter, number 4, located at a radial position of
using the measured constants listed Ln Table I. The 2.604 cm (1.025 inches). The absolute quantities
agreement is excellent, suggesting that the mean computed for cutter 4 are listed in Table II.
depth of cut is a good meaaure of the effectivedepth Results have been obtained for bit feed rates of
that allows the no-interaction correlations to be 0.025 to 0.25 cmlrev (0.01 to 0.1 inch/rev). The
used when cutter interaction exists. Using this detailed results are presented only for 0.15 cmlrev
model, we can now compute penetrating forces for (0.060 inchlrev), but they are similar to those
arbitrarycutter placement, thereby enabling us to obtained for all feed rates. A 0.15 cmlrev feed rate
use the equal wear criterion for bit design. corresponds, for example, to a penetrationrate of 9
Drag forces measured during the cuts made with mlhr (30 ftlhr) at 100 RPM.
interaction were divided by the corresponding The relative rock removal volumes for each
penetrating forces. The results were almost cutter are shown in Figure 13, where cutter radial
identical to those obtained with the no-interaction position increases with cutter number. Note that
cuts (Figure 7). In sandstone, Ud ranged between rock volumes for most cutters are very close to that
0.92 and 0.96; in granite, between 0.58 and 0.65. of the reference cutter, number 4 (relativeV =1.0).
These results indicate that the drag force is The design modificationpreviouslymentioned ~s seen
directly related to penetrating force on a PDC bit to have a significant effect on cutters 32 and 36,
and is not affected by the effective depth of cut. which have 34% and 46% reductionsin cutting volume,
This implies a constant value of respectively,due to the relief provided by the added
across the bit face; as a result &‘% :E::t::;; gage cutter.
the design penetratingfor9e under the equal cutting The effective depth and cross-sectionalarea of
power criterion is inversely proportional to the cut for each cutter are also ahown in Figure 13. As
-“”””. ?.Srlisl
. “---- mn-i+.inm-h
r“-- “----- .. hit. AnQ<ammA
“-” “-”-~..-” rn-mrdima
-“-. “-..= +& *!SA4*1mn-{tinn
* ---=- r---”----
---- ----”w
hnt.h nf ~~~s~
----- --
the equal wear criterion will therefore also satisfy decrease due to higher cutter densities and
the equal cutting power criterion consequently more cutter interaction. Host cutters
This should be regarded as a tentative have effectivedepths on the order of 0.04 cm(O.011

inch), less than 30% of the feed rate of the bit. thermally-accelerated wear occurs at much lower
Note that the cross-sectionalarea is proportionalto rotary speeds. In the case of Tennessee marble,
depth of cut for most cutters; but for those near the Figure 15, penetrating stresses in the gage cutters
gage of the bit, the effective depth of cut is exceed the critical level at a rotary speed of 100
relativelylarge. lhis is caused by the asymmetrical RPM, corresponding to a penetration rate of only 9
cutting pattern and the additional rock that gage mlhr (30 ftlhr). If the speed is doubled, all
cutters must remove. A limited number of tests cutters greater than 2.5 cm (1.0 inch) from the
conducted with one side of the cutter against a center of the bit experience thermally-accel~rated
vertical step in the rock showed that cutter wear. Frictionaltemperaturesgreater than 600 C are
penetratingforces are higher for this configuration, computed for the gage cutters at 200 RPM.
indicatinga deeper effectivecut as predictedby the In the case of Sierra White granite, the
modified computercode. situation is different. The cutterlrock friction
Rock-specific results were computed for the coefficient measured for this rock is only 0.07, as
three rock types tested in this study. lhe relative opposed to 0.15 for Tennesseemarble [161. Since the
abrasive wear rate per unit hole length is obtained critical penetratingstress is inverselyproportional
by dividing Eq. 10 by the same equation solved for to the friction coefficient (Eq. 2), the critical
the referencecutter 4; thus stress is greater for the granite than the marble.
As a result, in granite the gage cutters do not
dVW = (rF/A:’) approach 350°C until rotary speeds near 200 RPM are
relative (22) used, even though this rock is harder than the
q n4 marble. Rotary speeds of 400 RPM are required to
( ) cutter 4 cause most of the cutters on the bit to wear at an
For equal cutter wearflat areas across the bit, it is accelerated rate in granite. Of course, at low
seen that the relative wear rate for different rotary speeds where thermal effects are not important
cutters is independentof the wear model chosen. for either rock, the more abrasive granite will
‘fhecritical penetrating stress acr for each undoubtedlywear cutters at at a higher rate than the
cutter is computed according to Eq. 2, using the marble due to Its high quartz content.
assumed conditionsshown in Table III. The computed Again it is seen that cutters 32 and 36 have
penetrating force for each cutter was divided by the subnormal values of all measures of wear, due to the
wearflat area and the critical penetrating stress to relief provided by the added gage cutter. This
produce stress ratios, ala . (Note that this illustrates the fact that increased cutter density
quantity is not normalizedwithc~espectto cutter 4.) can be used to reduce cutter wear, and redistribution
Since o is a function of cutter speed, it varies of cutters can be used to modify wear uniformityover
with cut%~r position as well as bit rotary speed. the face of the bit. The penalty for Increased
Stress ratios greater than unity imply thermally- cutter density is increased bit cost and higher
scceleratedwear. weight-on-bitrequirements.
The results are shown in Figures 14-16. In general, it is concluded that with a bit
Focusing first on Figure 14 for Berea sandstone,note optimized for equal rock volume, cutters must be
that the relative abrasive wear rate increaseswith moved from the center of the bit toward the periphery
radial position, despite the reductions seen in h order to equalize abrasive wear. On the other
relative penetrating force. Apparently, cutter hand, with the exception of the gage cutters, the
placement under the equal volume criterion does not critical penetrating stress ratio is remarkably
place enough cutters at large radii to allow uniform over the bit face under the equal rock volume
penetrating force to be reduced in an inversely criterion. This suggests that the onset of
proportionalfashion, as required by Eq. 11 for equal thermally-accelerated wear is very sudden over the
cutter wear. Gage cutters, in particular, are majority of the bit face once a critical rotary speed
susceptible to high wear rates due to large radial is attained. TO increase the resistance of gage
positions and higher-than-averagepenetratingforces. cutters to both abrasive and thermally-accelerated
The model predicts that gage cutters wear nearly wear, greater redundancythan that considered here is
three times faster than the referencecutter near the indicated.
center of the bit. Finally, the total weight-on-bitfor each rock
Turning to the results for marble and granite in was determined by summing individual cutter
Figures 15 and 16, it is seen that the abrasive wear penetrating forces. lhe reaulta are ahown in Figure
ratios increasemore sharply with radial position as 17 for a rotary speed of 100 RP!4. These computed
the rock strength increases. This suggests that with results, based upon experimental data for single
“-.” Aae+enmA
“w”.~..-”f~~ =s---
--,,-1 -finb-*--.,.1
,=-- =~,lw~-+

= * “#.”-
,“*”,!, ,,”,,
— ~*J~~&~* -=-=.,

{1 1 ,,.+-ei+a
-~~---~ ---
uniformity of wear across the bit face becomes more the sensitivityof penetrationrate to weight-on-bit.
severe as harder rocks are drilled. Correlationsof the form
The penetratingstress ratio for Berea sandstone
is presented in Figure 14 for a rotary speed of 1000
RPM, corresponding to a penetrationrate of 90 m/hr R - C, #’Nn* (23)
(300 ft/hr). Note that at this high speed, the
stress ratio is near unity for all the gage cutters,
A.l”&e-”&,,~ “s,-=”,.e+1.a-..l
“. .,,=’ 1..—..,.--1
luaAA,-mGGcAG,au=” *ear . w... ,mh+.+-d f=y a..h .A.b .s”.4 th.3 .,-1,.-. ~f ~

With only slightly lower speeds, softer rocks, or

lower cutterlrockfriction coefficients that those
“-=, = ““”-.8.=” =-w,. , v-m, -,,”

n7, and n8 are listed In Table IV, together wi h

values obtained using full-scale PDC bit test
“,s= v -A”=c?

considered here, howeven, all cutters on the bit results. For the full-scale bit tests where bit
would operate in the abrasive wear regime, without weight and rotary speed were consideredvariables, it
any thermal effects. These results agree with the was found that a rotary speed exponent of 0.88 is
generally favorable experienceobtained with PDC bit” more accurate than the value of 1.0 obtainad with the
life in soft formationsusing downhole turbines [281. model. The small difference ia due to the fact that
With the higher strength rocks, however, the ❑odels developed in this study do not account for
EAVD .A. ~~owKA 9

the effects of cutting speed or bit hydraulics (other CONCLUSIONS

than cutter cooling) on penetratingforces. The bit
uei~h~ exponents predicted by the model are also The followingconclusionsand observations can
representativeof those obtained in the full-scale be drawn from the findingspresented in tnis paper:
tests. These encouraging results suggest that the
models developed may have use in approximating 1) An abraaivewear model based upon existing data
quantities for parametersneeded in PDC bit design. is developed and applied to F’DCcutters in rotary
drilling. It is shown that thermally-accelerated
DISCUSSION wear can reduce bit life by two orders of magnitude.
Even under conditionswhere thermal effects are not
The concepts presented in this paper relative to important, it is found that a cutter develops a
the rock breakage process are based largely on significantwearflat by the time 50$ of its useful
observations 0? 3Gt,tiag tests perfcr%+fi EC life has been expended. As a result, PDC bits should
atmosphericpressures. Downhole stresses are known be designed to operate effectively in a worn
to play a large role in rock breakage mechanisms condition.
associatedwith both roller cone and PDC bits in at
least some rock types. In the case of penetrationby 2) To maximize life, a bit should be operated under
a roller cone tooth, the primary effect of confining conditions such that thermally-accelerated wear does
and hydrostatic pressures has been shown to be an not occur and the ratio of penetrationrate to rotary
increase in frictionbetween crushed rock particles. speed is maximized. When combined with measure&”PDC
This increased friction tends to hold particles cutting characteristics,this result suggests that a
together in the crushed zone, causing rock failure to low rotary speed and a high bit weight are conducive
appear to be plastic. Maurer [30] termed this to long bit life, provided the bit weight does not
pseudo-plasticbehavior. exceed the critical level at which thermal wear
In the case of PDC cutters, very little basic effects become important.
research on the rock failure process under elevated
pressures has been reported [26,31,321. With shale 3) A cutter placementcriterion for full-scalebits
samples,however, it has been shown that increased is developed,based upon the concept of equai cutter
pressures also cause the drag cutting process to wear across the bit face. An expressionis derived
appear more plastic. Furthermore, the compressive for determiningthe design penetratingforce for each
strength of most rocks increases under elevated cutter according to this criterieii. ‘Z- A[l&S*--LwlGe is
confining pressures. Berea sandstone, for example, shown to be inversely proportional to the cutter’s
has a strength of 130 MPa (18.8 kpsi) under a Tadisd position on the bit. It is further found that
confining pressureof i3.8 i4Fa(2.0 kpsi], which is a
,. aeSLgrISU
b~b .--,-- A awulux&
-%--- we~
-. ---- ----

more than twice that measured at atmospheric will also satisfy approximately a criterion based
pressures [331. Whether or not harder rocks exhibit upon equal cutting power per cutter.
the same plastic cutting behavior under elevated
pressures is not determinedin the open literature. 4) Cutting experiments in which interaction with
It is known, however, that the compressivestrengths adjacent cuts does not occur have shown that the
of some hard rocks do not increasewith confining and penetratingforce required to cut to a given depth is
hydrostatic pressures to nearly the same degree as related to the compressive rock strength and the
they do with weaker rocks [34]. cutter wearflat area. Significant penetration,
The effect of curvature on cutter interaction particularlyin hard rocks, does not occur unless the
was neglected in this study. Given the fact that penetrating stress exceeds the compressivestrength.
adjacent cutters apparently do not affect cutter Two forms of correlationsare examined for relating
forces unless they influence the cross-sectionalarea the depth of cut to penetratingstress.
of cut, it seems reasonableto assume that curvature
effects due to bit rotation are not significant, at 5] Cutting experiments also show that interaction
least for large radial locations. Effectsdue to bit between cutters on a bit can significantly reduce
profile curvature were neglected for simplicity. The cutter forces from those that would develop without
modified computer code used in this study is, interaction. Because of interaction, the depth of
however, capable of taking such profiles into cut varies over its width for each cutter. It is
account. shown that the mean value of the depth is a good
Another cautionary note with respect to the measure of an effectivedepth of cut that allows the
observations reported in this paper is the fact that no-interaction correlations to be used to predict
a very slow cutting speed was used in these tests. forces on cutters mounted on a bit.
Although previous work has shown some effects of
speed on single-cutterpenetratingforces, the full- 6) An existing computer code for calculatingcutter
scale bit correlations mentioned above indicate that rock removal volumes and optimizingcutter placement
bit feed rate, R/N, does not greatly depend upon for equal volumes was modified to account for cutter
rotary speed. ns
*- a i=es”tilt, it iS rezswfiab l-=te
= gear -.”
nnd +.n
.“ nsIfi~~Iate
.------.- ~h~ ~ffective dePth of cut for
assume that the speed distribution across the bit each cutter on a bit face. ‘fhiscode,is used to
radius also has little relative effect among the determine in three rock types the penetrating forces
cutters in this regard. and wear characteristics for a hypothetical bit
More accuratecorrelationsfor use in bit design designed according to the equal rock removal
could undoubtedlybe obtained if downhole conditions criterion. It is shown that the effectivedepth of
were more accurately simqlated in single cutter cut for each cutter on a bit is only a fraction of
tests. A program is currently underway to measure the total feed rate of the bit due to cutter
cutter forces under simulateddownhole pressuresand interaction.
at more realisticcutting speeds.
71 In general, it is found that in the absence of
thermal effects,cutters at large radial positionson

the bit wear up to three times faster than those near R= b$t penetrationrate - m/hr (ft’/hr)
the center of the hypotheticalbit considered. This Sc = rock compressivestrength - MPa (psi)
is due to the fact that cutter density according to
the equal volume criterion is such that penetrating ‘r= mean wearflat temperatureof PDC cutter - ‘c
forces do not vary inverselywith radial position as (°F)
required by the equal wear criterion. Non-uniformity cooling fluid temperature- ‘C (°F)
‘fl =
of wear across the bit face was found to increase
with rock strength. v= cutting speed - m/s (ft/s)

8) The effects of rotary speed on the thermal wear Vr = volume of rock cut - cm3 (in3)
potential of the hypotheticalbit were assessed for
three rock types. In the case of soft rocks, it is Vw = cutter wear volume - cm3 (in3)
demonstrated that thermal effects may not become
important until speeds typical of downhole turbines w= width of wearflat at cutting edge - cm (in)
are exceeded. With harder rocks, the critical speed w= weight-on-bit- kN (klbf>
is significantly reduced and is a strong functionof
the frictioncoefficientbetween the cutter and the af = ~n~,~rMatiOn thermal diffusivity- cm21s
rock. It is concluded that with a bit designed for
equal rock volume removal, the onset of thermally- $= cutter rake angle - deg.
accelerated wear is very sudden across the bit face fs= depth-of-cutin rock - cm (in)
once a critical speed is attained. 6= effectivedepth of cut, Eq. 20 - cm (in)

9) Cutter penetrating forces on a bit face can be 6W = depth of wear into cutter surface - cm (in)
significantly reduced by increasing local cutter
placement density. In concept, this principlecan be ~1 = depth of adjacent cut - cm (in)
used to design a bit for more uniform wear. Such a
design would have higher cutter densitiesat large PA = cutter drag coefficient,Fd/F
radii than that for a design baaed upon the equal
volume criterion. Gage cutters in particularsuffer u= cutter penetratingstress, ~/Aw - MPa (psi)
from excess penetrating forces and greatly benefit
from increasedcutter redundancy. cl= critical penetratingstress - psi (MPa)
10) The penetrating forces on each cutter and the
resulting total weight-on-bitpredictedby the models REFERENCES
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‘Geothermal Compax Drill Bit Development, Final Research,n US Bureau of Mines Report of
Technical Report,ttGeneral Electric Corp. Res. and Investigations7865 (1974).
Dev., prepared for US Dept. of Energy under Contract
~~a P-l, u c
\nplAA ~g~q).
nr—nrnu—7KrT2vf U9 fh--d~ u P w U...A
,,””u , ~
~, ~ ?. - .

“----w--l=1i.=l 1-G ““”m, ,,. “. “ . , 4sIaL,


@Observations of Crack Growth in Hard Rock Loaded by

21. Aronson, E.A., McGaughey, K.G., and Walton, an Indenter,wInt. J. Rock Mech. Min. .%i. & Geomach.
E.L.,: ‘STRATAPAX Computer Program Update,n SAND82- Abstr., Vol. 21(2) (1984) 97-107.
1087, Sandia National Labs (Sept. 1982).
37. Black, A.D., Walker, B.H., Tibbitta, G.A., and
22. Ford, L.M. and Friedman,M.: ‘Optimizationof Sandstrom, J.L.: WPDC Bit Performance for Rotary,
Rock-Cutting Tools Used in Coal Mining,n 24th US Mud Motor, and Turbine Drilling Applications,n SPE
Symp. on Rock Mechanics (Jun”e1983) 725-732. 13258, 59th Annual Tech. Conf. and Ex. of SPE,
Houston, TX, Sapt, 16-19, 1984.
23. Gray, K.E. and Gatlin, C.: mPhotographic Study’
of Rock Failure in Drag Bit Drilling,nPenns. State 38. Hoover, E.R. and Middleton, J.N.: ‘Laboratory
univ. Min. Expt. Stat. Pull. No. 76 (1961)237-241. Evaluation of PDC Drill Bits Under High-Speed and
High-Wear Conditions,n J. Pet. Tech. (Dec. 1981)
24. Fish, B.G.: ‘The Basic Variables in Rotary 2316-2321.
Drilling,~Mine & Quarry Engr, Vol. 27 (Jan. 1961)
29-34, and Vol. 27 (Feb. 1961) 7441.

AXNOWEGMENT the head and rock samples mounted on the moving

table. Linear cuts were made in the rock while
This work was supported by the US Department of measuring penetrating (vertical),drag (parallelto
Energy at Sandia National Laboratoriesunder Contract cut), and side (normal to cut) forces on the cutter.
DE-AC04-76DPO0789. The assistance of D.L. Goodwin Electrical charges from the force transducer were
with the experimental work is gratefully converted to voltages, amplified, and then recorded
acknowledged. by two methods, a strip-chartrecorder antia computer
fitted with analog/digitalconverters.
In addition to the three forces, the following
APPENDIX A informationwas stored for each run on floppy disk
via the computer: rock type, cutter wearflat area,
The length of cut per revolution of the bit, depth of cut, lateral distance to adjacent cuts and
divided by the length of hole drilled per revolution, their depths, force transducer amplifiersettings,
is and number of data samples per run. During each run,
the three force cnanneis were sampied by the
at a nominal frequency of approximately 75 Hz,
although it was found that this varied dependingupon
the load on the time-shared laboratory computer.
This was not considered a problem because no attempt
where the angle defined by the arctangentterm is the was made to obtain dynamic force data. Rather, it
angle of inclinationof the helix traveled by each was desired to obtain time-averagedcutter forces, on
cutter as the bit rotates and advances. For all the assumption that it is the average cutting
practical cases on a PDC bit, R/N (( 2rr; therefore, conditionsthat determine tie time-averageci wear rate
the inclination of the helical path is negligible, of a PDC cutter. The random computer sampling was
and the cosine term is approximately 1.0. therefore used to obtain a statisticallylarge SamPle
Integrating Eq. A-1 for that approximationproduces so that meaningful average forces under nominally
Eq. 5. steady-state conditions could be determined. For
The equation relating the wear volume VU to the each cut, between 200 and 700 samples were recorded.
wearfiat length i,is derived from geomev~i~~l . 4s ~-~++-n-~
s.,-.. “-” .’-” in
-.. t.ho
---- t.evt..
--- - , ~~~~~ ~OC~ ~yp~s Uere

considerations. The elementalwear volume, as seen tested. The samples were available in various sizes,
in Fig. A-1, is as shown in Table B-1, but all were large enough so
that all data for a given rock type could be obtained
on a single sample. After testing, the compressive
dVW = Acg dx COS f3 (A-2) strengthof each sample was measured by coring three
2.5 cm diameterby 2.5 cm long samples from each rock
and testing for ultimate failure under unconfined
where conditions using standard techniques. The values
Cs = ‘c 2“+;-, ))-:(rflc) obtained, together with values reported in the
literature, are shown in Table B-1. One of the
measurementsin both the granite and marble was well
L =xsinf3 below the other two respectivemeasurementsand the
values from the literature. lhese data points were
!j=[rcz-(rc - ~)z] ~/2 not consideredwhen calculatingthe mean values.
‘he experimentalprocedure for each rock was as
The wear volume is obtained by summing the elemental follows. The sample was mounted on the table and the
wear volumes: top surface machined with a moderatelyworn cutter to
ensure that the rock was flat and level. A layer of
L rock at least 0.30 cm deep was then removed using 0.1
Vw = COS~
Ac~ dx. (A-3) cm cuts to ensure that any fine-scaledamage left in
the rock would be representativeof that left by the
test cuts. Because of small vertical deflectionsin
Equation (A-3) wag integratednumericallyfor a back- the cutting system under high penetratingforces, the
rake angle of 20 and a cutter compact radius of 0.66 actual depth of cut was meaaured when possible. To
cm. lhe results are shown in Figure A-2. A linear simulate effective hydraulic cleaning, the rock
plot is obtained in log-log space, giving a simple surface was vacuumed after each cut to remove rock
relation between VU and L: debris.
The cutter wearflat area was measured by
recording an impressionof the wearflat with a sheet
VW = 0.11 L2”48 (A-4) of carbon paper. The paper was placed between the
cutter and an aluminum block while a penetrating
force on the order of those measured in the tests was
or applied. The impression was then overlain with a
fine grid and square blocks counted ‘todetermine the
surface area. The wearflat areas used were large
L = 2.4 Vw0”4 (A-5) enough that this method was considered accurate. The
measured wearflat areas are shown in Figure B-1 as a
function of the total length of cutin all three
APPEhDIX B rocks. Note that no wear occured in the marble or
sandstone, but some did occur in the granite. It
Rock cutting tests were conducted on a should be emphasizedthat these were not wear tests;
Cincinsttt No. 5 milling machine with a triaxial rather, the wearflat areas were measured for the sole
piezoelectricforce transducer and cutter mounted on purpose of computing penetratingstresses.



C5 ‘5 C6 ‘6
(MPa) (cm2) (Sin) (cm) (cm)

Berea sandstone 49 0.26 0.025-0.25 0.130 1.5 - -

Tennessee ❑arble 122 0.19 0.025-0.25 0.030 2.0 0.13 0.98
SierraWhitegranite 148 0.19-0.260.025-0.25 0.033 2.4 0.18 0.95
Morite[181 300 2.1 0.150-0.45 0.0~8 2.2 0.18 1.16



(Bit Feed Rate = 0.15 cm/rev) FOR HYPOTHETICAL BTI

r 2.604 cm 1.025 inches ‘luid water or water-based mud

Vr 1.50 cm3/rev (0.0917 in3/rev) 50°c ( 122°F )

Ar 0.0887cm2/rev (O.01375in2/rev) f O.33 ‘C cm2/W (1.8S-4‘F ft2hr/Btul

6 0.100cm (0.0394inch! L O.38 cm [0,15inch)

Bereasandstone:F I A
SierraWhitegranite:F O.019U/cm°C (1.1 Btu/hrft°F)
0.010 cm2/s (1.6S-3 in2/s)
K 0.15 - Berea sandstone
f 0.15 - Tennessee marble
0.07 - SierraWhitegranite


~~~ ~yp~ BIT WEAR c n7 nB

( h, Ull”rnm” ‘)


Berea sandstone 22.2 moderately worn 2.50 X 10~ 1.g6 1.00
Tennessee marble 22.2 moderately worn 5.29 X 10+ 2.51 1.00
Sierra Hhite granite 22.2 moderately worn 5.41 X 10 2.92 1.00


14ancos shale[37] 21.6 new 4 I.q 0.88
1.18X 104
Craborchardesndatone[381 16.5 new 1.57x 10 2.29 0.88
SierraWhitegranite[381 16.5 moderately
worn 6.33X 10-7 2.4g 1 -*
● s Rotaryspeednota variable
in thesete3tS.




1 I


Eerea sandstone 39.U 10.2 10.2 54, 47,46 46 [351

Tennessee marble 50.8 25.4 12.7 125,120,88Q l~? 118[351
SierraWhitegranite 57.9 14
-.0 ._ 11.4 156,141,944 148 170[361
● Datanot used in calculating mean strength values.

SPE 14222

(N) ‘6000 MooEw.?-4110ftN


Fig. l—Side view of 20° back-rake, atud- ‘L.< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..J

mounted PDC cutter (aee Fig. A-1 for o 0
more detaile). 000 005 010 0.15 020 O= O.W

Fig. 2—Effect of cutter waar on penetmting force required to

cut hard rock with a aingla PDC cutter.
0.1 1 10 100 1000 1000O
ErrFEEoRATE= 0.10
LEM71’H , L



0.1 1 10 100 moo

Fig. 2-Growth of PDC cutter wearflat on a bit drilling at conetant


Fig. 4—Typicel

rock cutting geometry

for a
penetration rote, Eq. 9 [r= 10.2 cm (4.10 in.); R/N= 0.10 moderately worn cutter on a PDC bit face
cm/rev (0.040 in/rav)]. (shaded area ie croee-eectional area of cut
(h@ daehed iinee repreeent cutter profilaa for
interacting cute).
1 10 100
0.30 - O.lz
I 1/

0.10 I

1 EQN.


(MPa) 0.00
10 100
Fig: &f+r9nrimantd
m ott-r
~“. ..- . ...-..”-
with --
. . . . . ..”
—--—— ,. -, ..= fMRd
cutter intemction.

Fig. 8-Experimental data on cuttar performance for teata with no

cuttar intemction.


02 t 1
o~0.000m 0.10 0.15 0= 025 0=
DiPlli OF CUT,6(cmj

Fig. 7-Retio of dmg to penetrating force for cutting teate with Fig. 8—Schematic of cutting pattern daaigned to
no cutter intemction. Sandatone dete do not overtep aimuiate a typical pattern for a cuttar
thoee of other rocks. mounted on a bit (only one adjacent cuttar
for aayrnmetric pattern).


1 i
1= O.&)
arm ....> X...!...!............ ..............................................

LATERALD~ANCE ?0 NIJACl!NT ~ , d, (cm) (5.= mean depth over width of cut
Fig, 9—Pnndratinn
‘- ‘--- ‘---‘=
.-. ““-
im +ha -.-mm--- -. -A:---_.
‘p. ● I .= P =0=1 FW= WI _UJUGUnl
. . ..-.-.
GUIS 10r
Fig. 10-iiarfation in depth over tha width of cut due
pattema ahown in Fig. 8 [a = 0.2 cm (0.080 in.); 61 =0.1
cm (0.040in.); ass teat for description of daahed Iinaa. tocutter intarection.


-0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 m 02s Om

Fig. 11 —Maaeured and computed penatmting forces ee func-

tions of effective dapth of cut for teats shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 12—Cutter placement pattarn uaad in

hypothetical PDC bit design considered
in this etudy.

2 ,
Fmo RAT2= 0,15Cln/lw i
B= 2AND210N2
3 r22DRA72-o.J5an/rw a
R$.Ml# 25 0



0 10 20 w 40 o
o 10 20 30 40
@’ r -) currERNwmm

Fig. 12-Rock ramoval volume an~ effective depth of cut

Fig. 14-Abreeive wear rate and penetrating forca relative to
relative to date of cutter on hypothetical bit.
date for Cutter 4, and critical penatreting streee
retlo for each cutter on hypothetical bit.
k....r........,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...4
—-— .—-- ..— b ‘T
0=””4 3 f
f2Eo RAT2. o,15cm/rev
~ eoo

2s R:~jE ~
2 2

L5 15

1 I

05 05

o 10 20 xl 40 0 10 20 20 40
mCR2A20mr-) m~ Cr_)

Fig. 15-Abrasive wear rate end penetration force reletive to Fig. 16—Abraeive weer rate and penetrating force relative to
date for Cutter 4, end critical penatreting stress dete for Cutter 4, and, critical penatreting stress
retio for each cutter on hypothetical bit. ratio for aach cutter on hypothetical bit.

vi ~G)
o 10 20 20 40 so
\ ”’””’ ””’”’ ”””’’’””1

PENNW1’#:ON 15


(fvhd l-p
10 ‘\.

#. ,.,,
/..;; x

I <=xsin#i
.... c

0 30 100
1= ScQ

Fig. 17—Predictad reletionehipe between penatretion rate end
weight-on-bit for hypothetical bit in three rock types. Fig. A-1 —Schematic of stud-mount~ PDC cutter with back-

10+ io-’
WEAR“ 10-’ 10-8
10-’ 10-’



10+ 10-’

104 10-’
o 10000 smoom402co sOooo

10+ 10-’ ltmLclnTxNGL ENGnf, t(cm)

10+ 10-’ Id
WEARFLATISNCI’H , L (cm) Fig. S-1-Meeeured cutter wearflat areee in Ilneer cutting
, experiments.
Fii. M&Fii of Eq. A-3.

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