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SPE 140151

A Real Mathematical Model to Compute the PDC Cutter Wear Value to

Terminate PDC Bit Run
G.Mohamed Gouda, M. Maestrami - Eni , M.A.Abu Saif, S.E. Shalaby, M.S. Farhat Faculty Of Engineering Suez
Unversity, A.S.Dahab Faculty of Engineering Cairo University

Copyright 2011, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference held in Manama, Bahrain, 25–28 September 2011.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Drilling operations became more expensive and complicated day by day due to many reasons affecting
directly the daily drilling cost. One of the most effective cost reductions was the fixed cutter bit
solution which effectively achieved higher drilling progress and reduces overall well cost. Also, in
some cases PDC bit may raise the well cost due to slow down in the penetration rate or stopped
drilling to retrieve mechanical parts from the hole due to bit fatigue and followed by extra trips for
junking or fishing operations. The present study focuses on most of the factors affecting fixed cutter
bit design, drilling parameters that influence the bit cutting structure wear and led to the bit poor
progress. All previous PDC bit mathematical models used before for determining the cutters wear
value not considered real methodology on rig site to assure cutters wear and gives a proper decision to
terminate the PDC bit run. Study investigated four mathematical models had calculated the PDC
cutters wear using the influences of the rock strength, rock temperature and mechanical drilling
parameters. These models are theoretical and applied within the lab test devices, most of models not
achieved significant benefit to use in rig site applications. New model had developed to compute PDC
wear value as function of surface torque arises from the friction between the drill string, bit interaction
with well bore and rock on bottom. Both resistance created by the string and bit are converted to
output data realized by the gauge in front the driller in rig floor and mud logging unit. Analog or
digital data reflects the torque obtained from rotating the bottom hole assembly (Drill pipe, string
stabilizer and bit) against the wall of hole and formation strength. Mathematical model calculates the
theoretical torque for string tool joint, stabilizer and PDC bit cutters allocated in nose up to gauge area.
In reality, when BHA rotates off bottom torque created is representing the summation of string tool
joint and stabilizer. An additional torque realizes on surface when BHA on bottom and WOB applied
then this bit torque value will be compared by model bit torque. This later obtained bit torque
percentage that represents the cutters wear value preoperational to cutter height. New mathematical
model had created visual analog graphs will help to take decision when stop drilling and terminate the
PDC bit run. Field validation test had run in two main concessions in Egypt Western desert and Gulf
of Suez with total 6 PDC bit runs using different bit size, type ,cutter sizes and different bottom hole
assembly (Rotary-steerable). The filed results showed significant correction in cutter wear magnitude
between the model calculation and field runs, this error factor less than 10% in hard formation and less
than 20% in medium to soft formations. Author set the correction in model and treated in easy way to
be used on field by driller and drilling engineers to help them how to determine the PDC bit cutting
structure wear value.
2 SPE 140151

KEY WORDS: Bit Wear / PDC/Model mathematical formulation/Model Validation/Field Test/Model Evaluation

The polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) consists of a layer of bonded diamond particles backed up
by a thicker layer of tungsten carbide. This bonded to a carrier of tungsten carbide, which facilitates
fitting the PDC cutter to the bit body and provides increased cutter exposure [1-10]. PDC bit life has
direct influence on the drilling performance in terms of penetration rate and longest interval [14, 16- 19].
Accordingly, study has investigated the materials contributed bit layout and focused on the reasons lead
to determine the bit life, bit penetration rate and the damage percentage [26, 33-35]. In view of the
growing use and interesting of the PDC bits applications coming a direct influence factor for economy
drilling challenges in offshore and deep water drilling wells. So, the maximum benefits could be
obtained by using the PDC bit when keeping the PDC cutters in good conditions till end of drilling. But,
the main problem affected drilling progress that happened when slowdown in rate of penetration took
place and there is no methodology to be followed to terminate the bit run [20- 25]. Additional to that, no
models had considered a real determination of the PDC cutting wear value .Also not developed any
assumptions to calculate the wear using the drilling parameters data in rig floor [28, 29, 30, and 31]. The
objective of this study described the using of conventional drilling parameters on rig floor gauges "BHA
torque, RPM, WOB, and Pumping rate GPM" to determine the following:
‐ Create a Real mathematical model to magnitude PDC cutting structure wear value
‐ Allocate a methodology to get right decision when stop drilling and pulls out the PDC bit of hole
‐ Innovate a soft ware package can be used to simulate the PDC bit wear using the analog
‐ Model will interpretate the PDC bit problems like bit balling, bit slip-stick, and predict the
lithology changes.

Model Formulation
The drilling model for PDC bit wear is subjected to the following limitations
‐ Drilling formations behavior acts as a heterogeneous matrix.
‐ The Bottom hole of drilling formations assumed perfect cleaning.
‐ Torque output reading in rig floor gauge and digital gauge in mud logging unit are subjected
to the torque of drilling column.
‐ Torque of drilling column( Bottom hole assembly ) resulted from summation of the of PDC
cutting structure torque due to engage with the formation, torque of string stabilize blades in
contact with formation and torque of drill string tool joints lied over the curvature area of
deviated hole.
‐ The most critical and aggressive area affected directly in the bit wear is the leading area which is
consisting of the nose, taper, shoulder and gauge cutters.
‐ Bit torque used in the equation is subjected to the reaction of polycrystalline diamond
compacts on the leading area of bit blades which constitutes the nose, taper, shoulder and
gauge (Fig. 1)
‐ Bit wear value calculated is real during drilling and subjected to weight on bit, rotary speed
and torque value resulted from the difference between rock formation strength and PDC cutter
shear forces
‐ Penetration rate predication in the model is subjected to the cross section area of the wear chip
formed by cutters leading area (Fig. 2).
‐ Model considered the PDC bit Cutters are rounded in shape and each cutter of the leading area
has certain back rake angle 10&15 degrees and side rake angle 5 degrees. (Fig. 3).
SPE 140151 3

‐ Maximum cutter wear value is proportional to maximum 50% of the cutter diameter height
‐ The Model will consider the bit Torque value in case the bottom hole assembly has down hole
motor and then its value will be replaced by the motor differential pressure in psi. The
differential pressure will determine bit torque in using motor chart permuted by the
manufacturing company
‐ Model will consider the existing of an adequate bit hydraulics flow rate applied to achieve bit
cooling 60 gallons per inch of hole size.
‐ Model will use the torque units for the bit, drill string tool joints and string stabilizers foot-
pound ( and for wear value, mille meter (mm) related to cutter diameter.
‐ Friction resistance factor between the formation and bottom hole assembly is 0.25

The surface torque gauge on rig floor has constituted of three main terms -
TQ sur = TQ Bit + TQ STB + TQ ST
-Determine the Drill string pipe torque
The first contact item of the bottom hole assembly and closes to the surface is the drill pipe string and
heavy weight drill pipe ( Fig. 4), both two strings had tool joint interact with wall of the open hole and
create side forces working directly to resist the pipe rotation. Accordingly, we can calculate the expected
drill string torque from the maximum outside diameter of the string tool joint (Fig. 4)
-Drill string weight in air included length of string and weight of steel

W st ( air ) = L st ( ft ) * W st (lb ft ) (2)

- Volume of string = volume of cylinder = π R 2 * H (3)

- Effective density of the string
weight of string in air
ρ eff =
volume of string
L st ( f t ) * W st (1 b ft ) (4)
ρ eff = 2
πR * H ( ft )
-Weight of string in Mud = Buoyancy factor * Weight in Air
⎛ ρ mud ⎞
⎜ ⎟
W st mud = ⎜1 − ⎟ * Wair
⎜ ρ eff ⎟
⎝ ⎠ (5)
There is a wall force of an inclined well and consequent reduction in hook load with hole inclination( θ )
Fw = Wst mud * Sinθ (6)

Accordingly the Torque appeared on surface as part related to drill string tool joint
OD stJ
TQ st = F wtj * u Tj * (7)
The drill string moved in / out of the hole in two different directions of motions, which represented by
RPM in circumferential velocity (Vc) and vertical velocity (Vv) when drilling off, resulted from rate of
penetration (Rop).
Vc Tj = π * OD * RPM (8)

Vv Tj = L Jt ( ft ) * 12 ( in ) 60 (min)
Combined velocity resulted in Summation vector see (Fig. 4)
4 SPE 140151

2 2
V Tj = V + V
c Tj v Tj

Vc Tj
Tan θ =
Vv TJ (11)
Vc Tj
θ = Arc tan
Vv Tj
Calculation of hook load value is important to feel the release of weight on bit directly or may be the key
seat took place.
W HL = W st . mud * Cos θ

component of friction uv = u * Cosθ (14)

W HL = W st . mud * Cos θ * cos θ − u v sin θ ( ) (15)

TQ st . Jt = F W * sin θ * u c *
2 (16)
Determine the String stabilizer torque
String stabilizer has outer diameter represented by the integral blades which are engaged with formation
through the clearance distance between each two blades and consequently erratic torque took place
The erratic Torque resulted from the wall force against the stabilize blades can be calculated from the
hole inclination and vertical length of stabilize (Fig. 5).
F wall = W st mud * sin γ (17)
Torque portion of total value read out on surface can be calculated from the stabilizer Blade.
TQ STB = FwallSTB * u STB * (18)
String stabilizer movement in/ out of the hole and while drilling created two different direction vectors
of fluid velocities, circumferential and vertical velocities. The value of vertical velocity is resulted from
the string rotation RPM.
V cSTB = π * OD STB * RPM (19)

VVSTB = LSTB * 12 60(min) (20)

Combined velocity resulted in summation vector

VSTB = Vc2STB + Vv2STB (21)

V cSTB (22)
tan γ =
V cSTB (23)
γ = Arc tan
Determine the Bit torque
The last portion of the bottom hole assembly which has created torque is the PDC bit according to the
summation cutters shear forces to overcome the rock strength. By subtracting the calculated value of
drill string and stabilizer torques of total torque read on surface then bit torque will be the rest value.
SPE 140151 5

Moreover, pick string bottom hole assembly off bottom with zero weight on bit and same drilling mode
rotary speed we can determine the drill string and stabilizers torques. By magnitude the bit Torque
value, we can complete the bit wear model, but considering some parameters might affect on bit life
even in case to keep drilling with estimated wear value (Fig. 3).
- Wear condition -Friction factor - Rock shear strength - Rig constraints
Now recognizing those influential factors when we decide to pull a bit, essentially the decision to
terminate a bit run depends on how much cutting torque is available for rock removal. In other words, if
no torque generated, the driller should consider pulling out of hole due to wear condition.

Cutting torque on bit represented

Tc = σ A b d c 2π (24)
Essentially, cutting torque depends on how much depth of cut can be achieved in a given rock strength.
Moreover, it is possible to run out of cutting torque well before a bit reaches the critical wear state.
Determining the threshold WOB is a relatively simple mother if two parameters are known, force shear
strength and the axial contact area of the bit. The axial contact area is the cutting structure at the rock bit
interface .The three shold WOB can be determined from the standard stress equation that transforms an
applied force into an applied stress.
Fa Ax = σ (25)
fa cos θ r (26)
σc =
π 4r 2
fa cos θ r (27)
σ cT = * Nc * ( D − d )
π 4r 2
There is link between specific bit design and the predicted drilling performance represents the efficiency
of a particular cutting structure in drilling through the rock with the effect of varying compressive
strength and bit wear taken fully not account. Accordingly, the link was called mechanical efficiency
used by the drilling industry is simply rock strength divided by the specific energy applied to the bit. For
instance, a sand stone might have rock strength of 20,000 psi and the total energy at the bit might be
10,000 psi while drilling through the sand stone. This stress ratio represents a mechanical efficiency of
Essentially, specific energy is the total bit force divided by bit cross sectional area
Se = F b A b (28)
The bit mechanical efficiency (mechanical frictional) defined as:
E = σ se (29)
E = σ * Ab fb (30)

Where the mechanical frictional represents the value of torque resulted from single cutter against the
rock strength divided by the total bit Torque read out on rig floor.

T c
E = (31)

Bit total torque has calculated by

T = σ * A * dct 2π
B b (32)
6 SPE 140151

fa cos θ r
TB = * Nc * dc * π (D − d )
π 4r2 (33)
As per the equation (33), term dc represented the depth of cut as function of cutter height and each
individual works for specific formation.
Determining bit dull condition by using bit wear model will apply on rig floor with some consideration
to get the closest corrected data.

- Model has created two different mathematical equations to estimate the drill string torque and string
stabilizer torque.
- Also, we can determine the torque of drill pipe tool joints and string stabilizer on rig floor , if the
driller rotate the string with zero weight on bit on bottom and of bottom determine the correction factor
between two reading ( mathematical and read) and this will be constant value .
- Model calculates the torque resulted for the bit cutting structure (TB) mathematical model verse the
real recording on rig floor, the difference represents the wear percentage updated in proportional to the
cutter height. Meanwhile, the calculated torque by model will give the value of the cutters resistance
with considering the cutter height still green and the real will give the actual resistance according to the
height of cutters wear.
γ = BitAct .
T Bitcal .
Finally, applying the substitution in the equation and determine the cutters wear value for the fixed
cutter bit
dc = γ * 2 r 2 * T B f a cos θ r * N c * π D − d ( ) (35)
In addition, model will calculate the cutter wear value in case of using steerable motor in BHA. The
theory considered the differential pressure resulted from the force of the mud to pass through the rotor -
stator and ended by rotating the PDC cutters against the rock resistance created torque represented by
differential pressure.
Each motor has running parameters will be obtained according to the input gallons to create the drive
shaft revolution to rotate the bit. As per the motor manufacturer specification chart (number of loop-
motor classification – length of power section) showed industrial graph including the motor gallons,
differential pressure and torque in as equivalent to pressure (Fig .6).
When the BHA uses the steerable motor, the real torque in Equation-34 will be substation by the motor
torque allocated from the differential pressure seen in the standpipe gauge.
T motor .
γ correction = (36)
T Cal .
dc = γ * 2 r 2 * T B (
f a cos θ r * N c * π D − d )
Model Validation Test
Field Tests
Field Test applied in several hard and medium formations in two main problematic areas Western desert
and Gulf of Suez in Egypt. Total bit runs are six, four runs on rotary assemblies and two runs in
steerable motor assemblies. Experimental investigations carried out to verify the influence of the drilling
parameters on real PDC bit torque value. Model equation determined the instantaneous PDC cutter wear
value using analysis and observation recorded in detailed sheets to evaluate the PDC bit cutter wear by
measuring the height of wear.
SPE 140151 7

Field Test No.1

Bit run No.1 has been performed in Western Desert using new 8.5" PDC bit size, heavy set cutting
structure with 8 blades ,13mm cutter size Bit has ran at depth @11,300 ft to 11,452ft ( Form 1) to drill
through Silt stone, Shale and Lime stone intervals. In the early stage of the run PDC bit has influenced
by the increasing on WOB ,RPM and reflected direct increment of torque accomplished by improving
in ROP ( Table 4 ) and also real bit torque trend (Fig .8) . Model equation (Table 5 & 6) has showed bit
torque increased up to 6700 ft-lb but wear value of the cutter calculated by model (Fig.9) showed that
wear of 13mm cutter height was burn. This phenomenon happened only when WOB increased, the
majority of PDC height up to the depth of blade forced inside shale until bit drill off took place with
considering the cutter still green due to higher ROP obtained. In the other hand, these parameters
observed in the analog (Fig.9) which calculated the wear height in millimeter and in percentage also
(Fig.10).In continuous ,the dropping in ROP linked with the real torque (Fig.7 & Fig.8) value ,model
has calculated the wear value equal 3mm height and 52% wear. Bit pulled out of hole and evaluated
visually on surface in detailed field run form (Form 3), the actual wear value determined of the bit on
surface was 2.6mm height and 40%.

Field Test No.2

Bit No.2 was tested in hard rock application in Western desert in deep well ,starting up depth 13,200ft
bit drilled 10,66ft with different ROP through interbedded formation of shale ,Silt stone and sand stone.
The bit used sized 8.5" ,13mm& 16mm ,6 blades and back rake angle 10 degrees . Model has calculated
the wear value according to the bit real torque resulted and low progress ROP showed 0.8 ft/hr in
siltstone, wear value height 3.8mm with 43% . The visual observation of the model analog charts and
correlation between low ROP and low torque in shale sand stone lead to terminate the PDC bit run based
on the wear percentage, after pulled bit out hole and evaluted on surface found the wear value 2.8mm
and 31%.

Field Test No.3

The Third bit run applied in Western Desert ,gas well application with total depth 14,000ft, formation in
this section mainly consisted off shale ,sand stone and silt stone. Bit sized 8.5" with 9 blades ,13mm
cutter size and back rake angle 15 degrees . Model determined wear value using many parameters
applied to observe the real torque vses the model torque in silt stone interval , a clear gap between the
real torque and model torque and slow down in ROP graph. According to the Model estimation the bit
wear value was 87% , after pulling the bit out of hole and evaluated on surface, found wear percentage
was 96.2% .

Field Test No.4

The bit run No.4 applied on Western Desert –Egypt , 8.5" PDC bit used with design configuration of
heavy set cutting structure 12 blades ,13mm cutter size and back rake angle 15 degrees.Model computed
the bit wear value while drilling was 20% , bit reached casing point and pulled out to surface . The
surface dull has determined a wear value 16.6%.

Field Test No.5

In this bit application ,we used the 12.25" bit with 6 blades ,16mm cutter size ,15 degrees back rake
angle on steerable BHA .Model had computed the interact torque between the bit cutting structure and
formation as resulted in differential pressure, this later had determined the related torque from motor
mechanical chart. Therefore, the wear value 13% showed until reaching casing point, the bit evaluated
on surface and recorded wear value 20.3%.
8 SPE 140151

Field Test No.6

Bit No.6 has run on steerable assembly to drill 12.25" section, bit contributed from six blades, 19mm
cutter size and 15 back rake angle. The wear value has determined by model while drilling at the end of
the section was 37% and actual wear value after bit evaluated on surface recorded dull 40%.
As per the field data results, model showed a closed numbers between real mathematical bit wear values
and actual wear values recorded on surface for all field test runs, consequently a correction error had
performed to the model results to give some accuracy for the bit wear value will be calculated while bit
run in hole.

1- The main purpose of this study is to present a mathematical model of PDC bit to determine the
cutting structure wear value while drilling and creates a methodology to be followed when taking
decision to terminate the PDC bit run when poor bit performance takes place.

2- In addition, model calculated the PDC bit wear when using steerable motor in BHA by
determining differential pressure and allocated the equivalent torque from the motor manufacture
chart, accordingly bit wear calculated.

3- Model real analog charts recognized for all people in oil field and accordingly the Model had
converter to software package applicable to use in rig floor and engineering computers to
determine the PDC bit wear value.

4- Field correction curve built from the field tests and will consider that correction value added to
bit wear value. In addition, correction factor had represented the formation characteristics to
confirm PDC bit run terminated.

5- In addition, Model analog charts will help to observe the bit problems like bit balling, bit slip-
stick, bit mechanical damage and bit coupling.

6- Researcher looking forward to modify the idea to be determined while drilling using pulsation
system in BHA


Ab = Bit cross sectional Area (in2) Abc = Cutters cross sectional Area (in2)

Ax = Axial contact area of cutting structure d= Bit diameter from cone center to first cutter (In)
dc = Depth of cut [represents the cutter height] D = Bit diameter in gauge to cone center (in)
E = Mechanical fractional (dimensionless) Fa = Weight on bit (lbs)

Fb = Total bit force acting by weight on bit (Ibs) Fw = Wall force against tool joint

FWSTB = Side well force against stabilize blades H = Length of Drill pipe
SPE 140151 9

L st = nR = Rotary speed RPM (rev. /min)

Length of string in ft
ODSTB=Outer diameter of stabilizer measured in R = Drill pipe radius

Rop = Rate of Penetration (ft/hr) Sc = Bit specific energy (psi)

T Act . = Real Torque out from Rig floor T B = Total bit torque (

Tc = Cutting Torque (, TCal . = Mathematical Torque calculated from


TQBIT = torque of bit due to the cutters ( TQ SUR =Surface torque showed in the rig floor (

TQSTB = torque of the string stabilizers ( TQST = torque of the drill pipe string tool joints (

u v = Tool joint factor u STB = Stabilizer friction factor

Vc = Circumferential velocity VcSTB = Circumferential velocity for string stabilizer

VVSTB = Vertical velocity for string stabilizer Vv = Vertical velocity

Wst (air) =
String weight in air in lbs Wst = Weight of one foot of steel

Wst mud = String weight in mud

ρ = Effective density of string
θ i = Hole inclination γ = Hole
inclination at stabilizer middle point
γcorrect=Frictional correction factor θ = Cutter back rake angle
σ = Rock compression strength (Psi),

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31- Farahat M.S. "An Integrated Drilling Model for PDC Drill Bits Applications in Oil Well Drilling Industry"
paper has presented in Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol.49, No.4, Aug. 2002, PP 803-822,
Faculty of engineering, Cairo University

32- G. Mensa-Wilmot, SPE, and B. James, Smith Bits; L.Aggarwal and H.Van Luu, Schlumberger,and F.Rueda,
BP " PDC Drill Bit Design and Field Application Evolution" Paper 98931,published IADC/SPE Drilling
Conference, 21-23 February 2006, Miami, Florida, USA

33- Kura, E., Wojtanowsicz, A.K. "A Method for Detecting In-Situ PDC Bit Dull and Lithology Change "
Louisiana State USA, Paper Number 17192,Source SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, 28 February-2 March 1988,
Dallas, Texas
12 SPE 140151

34- David R., Hussein R., " Analysis of Drill string Failures " British Gas Plc., Paper 29351,Source SPE/IADC
Drilling Conference, 28 February-2 March 1995, Amsterdam, Netherlands Reach Wells "Paper Number 91854,
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, 23-25 February 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands

35- Robello G., Gary S., and Gupta D.B., Halliburton Drilling, Evaluation and Digital " Vibration Analysis,
Model Prediction, and Avoidance: A Case History " Paper 102134- SPE/IADC Indian Drilling Technology
Conference and Exhibition, 16-18 October 2006, Mumbai, India.
SPE 140151 13

(Fig. 1) Cutting Leading area (Fig, 2) Cutters positing in leading area

(Fig..3) Cutter interact with Rock shear strength (Fig.4) Drill String tool Joint torque



(Fig.5) String Stabilizer torque (Fig.6) Motor torque chart

14 SPE 140151

Field Test Validation

Areas selected to test the model –Egypt drilling concessions -
(Western Desert-Gulf Of Suez-Mediterranean sea) Fixed Cutter Bit Model Goals
Total 12 new PDC bits used to test the model in different -
formation types Calculate the cutter shear force -
All PDC bits runs recorded in run sheet and evaluated on rig site -
Determine the PDC cutter wear -
which documented by photographs
Predicate the rate of penetration -
Economy Drilling decision -
(Terminate PDC bit run or continue

Model real monitoring forms

Field data sheet includes [ bit data – BHA data - Hole angle] -
Input data [WOB –RPM – instantaneous BHA torque – -
instantaneous ROP – Pump pressure]
Output data [ Calculate the drill string tool joint torque- Calculate -
the String stabilizer torque – PDC bit torque -Mechanical shear
force – height of cutter wear in leading area – Predicate ROP Model Formulization Model Considerations in field test
based on wear value- friction coefficient of bit bottom hole -Developed equation to calculate PDC cutting -Drilling model applicable in heterogeneous matrix
structure torque subtracted from Surface real torque -Torque will be used in equations is the summation
gauge (Equation 3.1). of bit, string stabilizers and drill string tool joints
-Developed a real equation to calculate the shear - Model considered perfect hole cleaning achieved
force to cut the rock (Equation 3.27 ) in deviated hole (RPM used over 130rev. /min)
-Developed a real equation to calculate Wear height -Model assumed sufficient flow rate applied to
of PDC cutters in leading area (Equation 3.37 ) achieve the adequate cooling for PDC cutters (50-
- Developed predicated equation for ROP based on 60gallons/inch of hole size)
Model real monitoring Charts PDC cutter wear (Equation 3.38 )
- Using the differential pressure with equivalent
-Real output analytic charts for WOB, RPM, BHA Torque
- Real output Analytic torque chart of drill string tool joints
torque in case of using motor in the drilling BHA
- Real output Analytic torque chart for String stabilizers
- Real output Analytic torque chart for PDC bit cutting structure
- Real Output Analytic wear chart of cutters in leading area
- Real output Analytic chart for predicting rate of penetration based on the
estimated wear value.

Model Instruments
- Mud logging unit had digital torque gauge
represented the torque of BHA drilling column
- Rig floor torque gauge represented BHA torque
and usually to calibrate with mud logging unit gauge
Model analyzer to terminate the PDC bit run as check reading
- Correlation between the bit instantaneous ROP and the ROP -Weight on bit, rotary speed, flow rate and stand pipe
pressure are the parameters will be recorded from
Predicated by model will help to take decision.
mud logging unit and rig floor gauges
- Output Analytic charts can be used to determine problems - Cutter dull ruler to determine the height of wear
resulted from bit and BHA equivalent to mille meter unit after bit on surface

Model field execution flow chart procedures flow chart #A

Table 1 ) Input digital data (

( Table 2) Input data /Motor BHA

(Table 3) Output data

SPE 140151 15


Run Sheet No. 4 Year 2008.0

Company D Concession Western Desert
Well Name D-1 Run Start Date: 15-May-08
Rig Onshore Run End Date 22-May-08
Well Type Vertical -Development Bit in hole : 7 Days

Bit Size : 8.5"

BHA No. 12 Mud Type WBM Bit Type : FMHX643ZZ
Serial No.:11065737
BHA Interval: (ft) 889.0 Mud Wt (Kg/L) 9.8

8.5" Bit Design data

Body Type …………………………….…Matrix
Number of Blades ...................................12
From Depth: (ft) 14140 PV/YP (lbf/(100*ft²)) 25/16
Total Cutter Count ………………………106
To Depth: (ft) 15000 Oil % 10 Cutter Distribution 10mm 13mm 16mm 19mm
Face ………….. 8 62 0 0
Hole Size: (in) 8.5 Solid content 10 Gage …………. 0 6 0 0
Leading Area.... 60 0 0
Number of Nozzles .................................. 3
TFA .............................................................
Well Type Vertical Number of Ports....................................... 12
Dir. Survey MD (ft) Angle ° Direction Junk Slot Area ………………………..…10.05
Back rake Angle ....................................15
Start: 14140 1.5 72.00 Side Rake Angle ....................................5
Gauge length ........................................4.5 inch
End: 14192 1.5 78.00 Blade Height …..………..…..................... 1.55 inch
Build Up Rate Min / Max 1.2/100' 0.00 0.00

BHA length
Item Description Length (ft) from bottom OD (in)

Drill pipe string 14111.05 15000.00 5.00

21 joints x 5" Heavy Weight Drill pipe 651.00 888.95 5.00

8.5" Bit Side view

Cross-Over Sub 4.50 237.95 7.75

61/4" Drill Collar 31.50 233.45 8.25

61/4" Drill Collar 31.00 201.95 8.25

61/4" Drill Collar 31.00 170.95 8.25

6 1/4" Jar 34.00 139.95 8.25

4 X 61/4" Drill Collar 30.00 105.95 8.25

12.25" String Stabilizer 6.75 75.95 9.25

61/4" Drill Collar 31.50 69.20 8.25

61/4" Drill Collar 31.00 37.70 8.25

8.5" Near Bit Stabilizer 5.50 6.70 12.25

PDC Bit -Matrix : FMH3945ZR 1.20 1.20 12.25

Drill Pipe Tool Joint & String Stabilizer Details

String Stabilizer Drill String Tool Joint 8.5" Bit Horizontal view
stabilizer body OD-in Pipe body OD-in
6.25 5

Stabilizer sleeve OD-in Tool Joint OD- in

8.5 7.125

Stabilizer blades Length-ft Tool Joint Length-ft

3.5 1.75

STB Sleeve ( OD/2) -in Drill Sting( OD/2) -in

4.25 3.5625

( Form -1) Field run data ( Bit -Stabilizer –DP tool joint)
16 SPE 140151

a b c d






Fig.4.1.1 (ROP-WOB- Hook load- BHA wt in mud)

f g h

Cont. A1

Cont. A2

Cont. A3

Cont. A4

Cont. A5

Fig.4.1.2 (Real bit TQ –Real off bottom surface TQ – Real on bottom surface TQ - Model TJ TQ- Model S.STB –Real bit TQ-
Model Bit TQ- Cutter Wear height- Cutter Wear %)
SPE 140151 17

a b c d



A9 Slowdown in ROP Hang up BHA

due to hang up BHA Hang up BHA Hang up BHA


Fig.4.1.3 (ROP-WOB- Hook load- BHA wt in mud)

Cont. A6
e f g h

Cont. A7

Cont. A8

Hanging on BHA

Hanging on BHA
Cont. A9

Cont. A10

Fig.4.1.4 (real bit TQ –real off bottom surface TQ – Real on bottom surface TQ - Model TJ TQ
- Model S.STB –Real bit TQ- Model Bit TQ- Cutter Wear height- Cutter Wear %)
18 SPE 140151

a b c d


Slowdown Wear
in ROP indication


Pore progress


Fig.4.1.5 (ROP-WOB- Hook load- BHA wt in mud)

e f g h
Cont. A11

Start up cutter wear depth

Cont. A12 Excessive cutter wear

Bit has undergauge due to

increase in stabilizer torque

Cont. A13

Fig.4.1.6 (real bit TQ –real off bottom surface TQ – Real on bottom surface TQ –
Model TJ TQ- Model S.STB –Real bit TQ- Model Bit TQ- Cutter Wear height- Cutter Wear %)

- Shale - Sand Stone - Silt Stone

SPE 140151 19


Run No. 4 Year 2008.0

Company D Concession Western Desert
Well Name D-1 Run Start Date: 15-May-08
Rig Onshore Run End Date 22-May-08
Well Type Vertical -Development Bit in hole : 7 Days

Leading Area Cutter positioning

Wear Height per cutter (dc) in mille meter Leading area cutters Wear chart
Blade No. C#1(PN) C#2(N) C#3(T) C#4(SH) C#5(G) 10
Cutter half base
B #1 0.9 1.1 0.95 1.1 1.1 9

B #2 0.95 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.1 8

Cutter Radius Height in (mm)

B #3 1.2 1.1 0.95 1.1 1.1 7

B #4 1 1.2 0.95 0.95 1.1
B #5 1 1.2 0.95 1.1 1.1
B #6 0.85 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.1
B #7 0.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 4

B #8 0.45 1.2 0.95 1.2 0.9 3

B #9 0.5 3.5 3.4 0.9 0.9
B #10 0.4 1.1 1.5 0.95 1.1
B #11 0.5 1.1 0.95 0.9 1.1 1

B #12 0.4 1.1 0.95 0.9 0.9 0


B #10

B #11

B #12
B #1

B #2

B #3

B #4

B #5

B #6

B #7

B #8

dc 0.721 1.350 1.221 1.042 1.050 B #9

C#1(PN) C#2(N) C#3(T) C#4(SH) C#5(G)

Bit Size 12.25" Cutter No. 45 Cutter Size 13

Cutter No. Height /Bit centerBlade Base Line -Half CutteCutter Size/1/2
6.5 0 0.0 -0.14 0 0.95
5.5 0 2.5 1.76 1 0.95
4.5 1 2.5 2.8 2 0.95
4.0 1 3.8 3.1 3 0.95
3.0 2 3.8 2 2.8 3 4 0.95
2.5 2 5 40.95
2.0 14.6 2
1.5 3 4.6 0.2 6 5
4.6 inch 0.5 3 4.4 Blade Base Line - 7
0.0 4 4.4 Half Cutters in, 2 8
1.0 0 4 1 4.0 2 3 4 5 6
5 4.0
8.5 inch 2.5 5 3.0
3.5 6 3
4.0 6
5.5 Height /Bit center
6.0 Blade Base Line -Half …

(Form 2)Field run report

20 SPE 140151









Bit Overveiw Cutting Structure Bit sideveiw Cutting Structure

Cutter Dulling Details Cutters status & Bit life Evaluation accordingly
Wear Description Cutter Wear Survey Leading Area -Total cutters
Blade No.
C#1(PN) C#2(N) C#3(T) C#4(SH) C#5(G) Wear Rang C#1(PN) C#2(N) C#3(T) C#4(SH) C#5(G)
B #1 BC WC WC WC WC B #1 0.138 0.169 0.146 0.169 0.169
B #2 WC WC WC WC WC B #2 0.146 0.185 0.138 0.169 0.169
B #3 WC WC WC WC WC B #3 0.185 0.169 0.146 0.169 0.169
B #4 WC WC WC WC WC B #4 0.154 0.185 0.146 0.146 0.169
B #5 WC WC WC WC WC B #5 0.154 0.185 0.146 0.169 0.169
B #6 WC WC WC WC WC B #6 0.131 0.200 0.169 0.185 0.169
B #7 WC BC WC WC BC B #7 0.077 0.169 0.169 0.169 0.169
B #8 WC WC BC BC BC B #8 0.069 0.185 0.146 0.185 0.138
B #9 WC BC WC WC BC B #9 0.077 0.538 0.523 0.138 0.138
B #10 WC BC BC WC WC B #10 0.062 0.169 0.231 0.146 0.169
B #11 WC WC WC WC WC B #11 0.077 0.169 0.146 0.138 0.169
B #12 WC WC WC WC WC B #12 0.062 0.169 0.146 0.138 0.138
0.111 0.208 0.188 0.160 0.162

Bit Wear Value % ( Leading Area ) 16.6 %

(Form 3)Field run report

SPE 140151 21

Model Cutter Wear Correction factor Table 5.7.1

Run No. Run Type Bit Size Blades No. Cutter Size Model Wear Value% Field Evaluation Value % Diff. in Wear Values% Depth Out Lithology Rock Classification

Bit Run No.1 Rotary 8.5" 8 13mm 55 63.9 -8.9 11,300-11,452 Sand Stone Hard

Bit Run No.2 Rotary 8.5" 6 16mm 85 71 14 11,450-12,519 Silt Stone Hard -Very Hard

Bit Run No.3 Rotary 12.25" 9 13mm 87 91 -4 12,983-14,192 Sand Stone Hard

Bit Run No.4 Rotary 8.5" 12 13mm 15 9.2 5.8 14,140-15,000 Shale Medium

Bit Run No.5 Motor 12.25" 6 19mm 20 24.5 -4.5 6,555-11,539 Anhydrite Medium

Bit Run No.6 Motor 12.25" 6 19mm 45 40.5 4.5 1,520-3,950 Anhydrite Medium

(Table 4) Summary of All field runs

(Fig. 11) Wear Correction Curve

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