Group 2 - Assignment #1 - Proposal For Faulty Wirings

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Philippine Public Safety College
Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba City, Laguna
Email Address:


Submitted to
FJH 205 – Leading and Managing Change for Organizational Development

Submitted by
Cdt 3C Bansil, Al-saud M
Cdt 3C Carreon, Jefferson F.
Cdt 3C Cerbo, Alfrenzyl Gail V
Cdt 3C Castro, Jerwin O.
Section - VALOR

22 April 2024
1. Based on statistics, there is an increasing number of fires due to faulty wires.
What will you propose to decrease the cases of faulty wires as a cause of fires?

Over the years statistics have shown an alarming increase in the number of fires
due to faulty wiring. These incidents greatly pose a significant risk to public safety,
property, and infrastructure within our community in which proactive measures are
critically needed to address this issue.

Moreover, based on our previous experiences in the Bureau of Fire Protection as

Fire Officer 1, particularly in our place of assignments at local fire stations, we always
encounter this kind of situation wherein the cause of a fire incident is due to faulty
electrical wirings and electrical overloading. There are several factors why this type of
incident happens such as using substandard wires, messy wirings, poor/damaged
wires, improper connections and installations, outdated and old wirings, using an
extension cord as a main outlet for heavy appliances, and using what we call octopus
connection wherein extension cords are plugged into a single power outlet.

According to Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) spokesperson Fire Supt. Annalee

Carbajal-Atienza, in 2023, there was an increase of fire incidents: 2,767 fire incidents
compared to the previous year of 2022. The spokesperson also stated that “electrical
fault” was the number one cause in the Philippines.

Hence, below are our proposals and strategies that we can implement to tackle
and address the root causes of electrical fires and further enhance fire safety protocols
within the BFP and the wider community based on Lewin’s Three Stage Change


a. Assessment
- Bureau of Fire Protection particularly inspectors in coordination with
the LGU and local electricians must conduct inspections and
assessments of residential and commercial establishments to
identify issues and current status of electrical connections as well
as the safety of the electrical systems.
- This will serve as the baseline for identifying target areas for
improvement and SOPs.
b. Organize
- Establishing connections through associations within the
community such as Community Fire Auxiliary Group (CFAG) per
Barangay and BFP-Community Registered Electricians and
Engineers Association. This will ensure easy dissemination of
relevant information, Sops, training of Fire and Electrical Safety in
the community.
c. Awareness Campaign
- Public campaigns raise awareness about fire safety and prevention
measures and further inform the public of the dangers of
destructive fires in the community. These campaigns include
information about identifying signs of faulty wiring, maintaining
electrical systems, proper use of electrical connections, and using
appliances safely.
- This awareness campaign comes in the forms of Electrical Fire
Safety Recorida during the Oplan Ligtas na Pamayanan Fire Truck
visibility within the barangay; giving of information materials to
homeowners and establishment owners during the conduct of
inspections; and through the conduct of Regional and National BFP
Live or BFP TV in social media platforms. This provides an avenue
for awareness regarding fire and electrical safety to a vast number
of audiences.


a. Education
i. Electrical Fire Safety Seminar as Requirement for
Homeowners and Establishment Owners in Securing Electrical
- This ensures that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills
to prevent and suppress electrical fires. This will also establish the
dangers of Electrical Fires and the responsibility of each individual
in preventing it through efforts such as proper repair and
ii. Electrical Safety and Fire Code Seminar for Community
Electricians & Local officials (OBO).
- This will provide an avenue for enhancing the understanding of the
local officials on safety standards, guidelines and protocols on Fire
Safety based on the BFP Fire Code. This will also facilitate
collaboration and the comparing and contrast of the agencies’
protocols and guidelines.
b. Trainings and Seminars
i. Activation & continuous training for Community Fire Auxiliary
Group (CFAG) per Barangay
- This will ensure that there will be prompt response within the
barangay level in cases of electrical fires.
ii. Seminars or forum on guidelines of electrical BFP-Community
Registered Electricians & Engineers Association
- This will ensure that the relevant or latest standards and guidelines
on Electrical safety is practiced by these professionals.
c. Establishing Standards for Electrical Safety
i. Establishing guidelines together with OBO, Electricians on
standards regarding electrical installation and safety in homes
and establishments.
- This will ensure a unified adherence to a set standard and will avoid
confusion and unnecessary burden to everyone.
ii. Regular maintenance and inspection on compliance for
electrical safety & fire code
- This will ensure and identify if the homeowners and establishment
owners are in compliance with the set standards for electrical
safety. Thus, it aims to minimize the risks for Electrical fires within
the community.


a. Continuous Regular Inspections
- Regular Inspections provides a monitoring mechanism for the
effectiveness of the changes implemented.
b. Feedback Mechanism
- Feedbacks from clients and stakeholders will provide inputs on
areas to improve.
c. Institutionalizing Changes
- Integrate changes into Standard Operating Procedures
- Develop an organizational chart with a clear set of job descriptions/
- Continuous improvement & establishment of charter
- This will all ensure that changes implemented will carry on and be
practiced even in the next line of management.
- This will create a unified standard and guidelines, clearing
confusion and therefore establish a sense of confidence within the
d. Strengthening Organizations
● Strengthen Electrician-BFP Association
-Easy dissemination and prompt compliance on changes and
training on SOPs.
- Unified and relevant standards and guidelines on Electrical Safety
● Strengthen & Strengthen LGU - BFP Team
- Ensure the unified SOPs and guidelines are followed providing
convenient transactions to clienteles.
- To conduct joint inspections quarterly to ensure integrity and
prevent corrupt practices.
● Strengthen Community Fire Auxiliary Group (CFAG)
- Awareness of SOPs on Electrical Safety at Barangay Level.
- There must be a continuous Capability Building through training &
seminar especially on Fire & Electrical Safety of these

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