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Name : Aprinisa Purba

Class : 2 E
NIM : C.0105.22.176
Dialogue :

Nurse : Assalamu’alaikum, Good Morning!

Patient: Waalaikumussalam, Good Morning Nurse
Nurse : How are you? how are you today?
Patient: I don't feel well, I have a headache and dizziness
Nurse : Before that, was this true for patient Mrs. S from Cimahi City?
Patient: Yes, that's right, this is with me alone
Nurse : Okay Mrs. S, can I see the patient's bracelet?
Patient: Sure Nurse
Nurse : OK, it's in accordance with the data, Mrs. S
Patient: Alright Nurse
Nurse : Here I have brought Mrs. S medicine to relieve her headaches and dizziness
Patient: Is that right? I'm very happy to hear that
Nurse : Yes Mrs. S, You can take this medicine at 08.00 WIB after breakfast
Patient: Alright, I will drink it as soon as possible after breakfast
Nurse : The dosage is 1 tablespoon or 15ml, don't do less, and don't do more Mrs. S, Okay?
Patient: Alright nurse, I will remember that
Nurse : Is there anything Mrs. S asks? before I returned to the nurse station.
Patient: No nurse, thank you for your help
Nurse : Okay Mrs. S, Assalamu'alaikum
Patient: Waalaikumsalam Nurse

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