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1. Consider the Part of Speech to enhance the
knowledge of grammar ( SUFFIX & PREFIX)
Because there is no gainsaying that almost every word in the English Language has
a kind of family or tribal life. A noun will have its adjective, adverb, verb and so on.
It is very important to know how the various parts of speech are formed in order to
master all the uses and forms of the words in one’s vocabulary.
2. Tone of the Words

Invaluable ( Opposite )
a) Priceless
b) Inconsequential
c) Valuable
d) Expensive
e) Precious
Tone/ Parts of Speech
Words Starting With ‘Ben’(+) & ‘Mal’(-)

1. Benediction – Blessing
2. Beneficent - Generous
3. Beneficial- Advantageous
4. Benevolent- Kind, Generous Opp- Malevolent, Malicious.
5. Benign- Kind, Not dangerous Opp- Malign = Harmful
1. Maladroit – Inept, Clumsy, Unskilled

2. Malady - Illness, Serious Problem. ( Crime is a malady)

3. Malaise - Problem difficult to explain or solve . ( Economic malaise)

4. Malice- Hatred
( Malicious terrorists) = Spiteful
3. Context of the Word
Learn Adjectives with Noun & Verb with Object

( Drastic Change) ( Bestow award)

Today’s Words
1. Chaos ( Noun)
Synonym- Disorder, Commotion, Turmoil, Confusion, Pandemonium

Usage- Economic Chaos in the country due to pandemic.

Related Terms ( Chaotic, Chaotically )

Today’s Words
2. Dubious ( Adj)
Synonym- Doubtful, Apocryphal, Suspicious

Usage- His claim is dubious.

Today’s Words
3. Aftermath

The situation that exists as a result of something ( Unpleasant)

Usage- In the aftermath of the lockdown, many people lost the job.
1. Compatible (Adjective)
Word Family)
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Compatibility Compatible Compatibly
Congruity Congruous Congruously
Consistency Consistent Consistently

1. Able to get along well Exa- O + blood group is compatible with any group.
2. Consistent, Congruous-Exa- Your action should be …. with your goal.
2. Bestow ( Verb)
Synonym - Confer, Impart ( Something to show respect.)

Usage - Bharat Ratna is bestowed on/ upon Lata Didi.

Antonym- Deprive, Bereave

In the sense of ‘’Give / give away’’ following verbs are used but context changes

1. Impart (knowledge, Training)

2. Mete (Justice, Penalty, Treatment)
3. Attribute/ Ascribe ( Success, Blame, Loss)
4.Apportion ( Blame, Land, Property)
5. Dispense ( Justice, Advice, Aid)
3. Surpass ( Verb)
Synonym- (to go beyond), Exceed, Outdo, Outstrip, Outrun, Overtake.

Usage- His performance surpassed our expectation.

Related Terms- Surpassing ( Adjective) beauty

Surpassingly ( Adverb) beautiful
4 Abound
Verb- to be present or exist in great numbers or quantity.
(India abounds with/ in natural resources.)

Related Words
Noun- Abundance Adj- Abundant Adv- Abundantly/ in abundance
5.Surreptitious (Adj)

Synonym- Clandestine, Stealthy, Furtive, Covert. ( Done secretly)

Usage- Surreptitious meeting, relationship, glance, look

Antonym – Overt
6.Mundane- ( Adj)
Synonym- Dull, Ordinary, Prosaic, Tedious, Boring, Wearisome

Usage- Mundane task/ job.

7.Abandon (Verb)
Synonym- (Desert, Jettison Discard, Renounce, Relinquish, Discontinue, Forsake,

Usage- Don’t abandon hope/ practice. Don’t abandon your principles.

Antonym- Retain, Maintain

Related Terms- Abandoned ( Adj) ……vehicle ,

Abandonment ( Noun) ---- of policy.
Thank you friends !

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